DataGridView.CancelRowEdit 事件


DataGridView 控件的 VirtualMode 属性 true 并且用户取消行中的编辑时发生。

 event System::Windows::Forms::QuestionEventHandler ^ CancelRowEdit;
public event System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventHandler CancelRowEdit;
public event System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventHandler? CancelRowEdit;
member this.CancelRowEdit : System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventHandler 
Public Custom Event CancelRowEdit As QuestionEventHandler 



下面的代码示例演示如何在虚拟模式下处理 DataGridView 控件的此事件。 当控件处于编辑模式时,rowInEdit 变量保存所编辑行的索引,customerInEdit 变量保留对对应于该行的 Customer 对象的引用。 当用户取消编辑模式时,可以放弃此对象。 但是,如果用户编辑的行是新记录的行,则旧 Customer 对象将被丢弃并替换为新记录,以便用户可以再次开始编辑。 本示例是 演练:在 Windows 窗体 DataGridView 控件中实现虚拟模式的更大示例的一部分。

void dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit( Object^ /*sender*/,
    System::Windows::Forms::QuestionEventArgs^ /*e*/ )
   if ( this->rowInEdit == this->dataGridView1->Rows->Count - 2 &&
        this->rowInEdit == this->customers->Count )
      // If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row, 
      // replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one.
      this->customerInEdit = gcnew Customer;
      // If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row, 
      // release the corresponding Customer object.
      this->customerInEdit = nullptr;
      this->rowInEdit = -1;
private void dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit(object sender,
    System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs e)
    if (this.rowInEdit == this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 &&
        this.rowInEdit == this.customers.Count)
        // If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row, 
        // replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one.
        this.customerInEdit = new Customer();
        // If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row, 
        // release the corresponding Customer object.
        this.customerInEdit = null;
        this.rowInEdit = -1;
Private Sub dataGridView1_CancelRowEdit(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.QuestionEventArgs) _
    Handles dataGridView1.CancelRowEdit

    If Me.rowInEdit = Me.dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2 AndAlso _
        Me.rowInEdit = Me.customers.Count Then

        ' If the user has canceled the edit of a newly created row, 
        ' replace the corresponding Customer object with a new, empty one.
        Me.customerInEdit = New Customer()


        ' If the user has canceled the edit of an existing row, 
        ' release the corresponding Customer object.
        Me.customerInEdit = Nothing
        Me.rowInEdit = -1

    End If

End Sub


DataGridView 处于虚拟模式时,默认情况下,更改将提交到单元格级别的数据缓存。 实现行级别事务时,可以使用 CancelRowEdit 事件。

有关如何处理事件的详细信息,请参阅 处理和引发事件

