如何:处理 PLINQ 查询中的异常

本主题中的第一个示例展示了如何处理 PLINQ 查询在执行时可能会抛出的 System.AggregateException。 第二个示例展示了如何将 try-catch 块置于委托中,并尽可能靠近抛出异常的代码位置。 这样一来,可以在异常发生时尽快捕获它们,并继续执行查询。 如果允许异常向上冒泡回到联接线程,则查询也许可以在引发异常后继续处理一些项。

如果 PLINQ 回退到顺序执行且发生异常,异常可能会直接传播,而不会被包装在 AggregateException 中。 此外,ThreadAbortException 始终都会直接传播。


某些情况下,当启用“仅我的代码”后,Visual Studio 会在引发异常的行中断运行并显示一条错误消息,该消息显示“用户代码未处理异常”。该错误是良性错误。 可以按 F5 继续运行,并请参阅下面示例中所示的异常处理行为。 为了阻止 Visual Studio 在第一个错误出现时中断,只需依次转到“工具”、“选项”、“调试”、“常规” 下,取消选中“仅我的代码”复选框即可。

本示例旨在演示用法,运行速度可能不如等效的顺序 LINQ to Objects 查询快。 若要详细了解加速,请参阅了解 PLINQ 中的加速

示例 1

此示例展示了如何将 try-catch 块置于执行查询以捕获抛出的任何 System.AggregateException 的代码附近。

// Paste into PLINQDataSample class.
static void PLINQExceptions_1()
    // Using the raw string array here. See PLINQ Data Sample.
    string[] customers = GetCustomersAsStrings().ToArray();

    // First, we must simulate some corrupt input.
    customers[54] = "###";

    var parallelQuery = from cust in customers.AsParallel()
                        let fields = cust.Split(',')
                        where fields[3].StartsWith("C") //throw indexoutofrange
                        select new { city = fields[3], thread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId };
        // We use ForAll although it doesn't really improve performance
        // since all output is serialized through the Console.
        parallelQuery.ForAll(e => Console.WriteLine("City: {0}, Thread:{1}", e.city, e.thread));

    // In this design, we stop query processing when the exception occurs.
    catch (AggregateException e)
        foreach (var ex in e.InnerExceptions)
            if (ex is IndexOutOfRangeException)
                Console.WriteLine("The data source is corrupt. Query stopped.");
' Paste into PLINQDataSample class
Shared Sub PLINQExceptions_1()

    ' Using the raw string array here. See PLINQ Data Sample.
    Dim customers As String() = GetCustomersAsStrings().ToArray()

    ' First, we must simulate some corrupt input.
    customers(20) = "###"

    'throws indexoutofrange
    Dim query = From cust In customers.AsParallel()
                Let fields = cust.Split(","c)
                Where fields(3).StartsWith("C")
                Select fields
        ' We use ForAll although it doesn't really improve performance
        ' since all output is serialized through the Console.
                         Console.WriteLine("City: {0}, Thread:{1}")
                     End Sub)
    Catch e As AggregateException

        ' In this design, we stop query processing when the exception occurs.
        For Each ex In e.InnerExceptions
            If TypeOf ex Is IndexOutOfRangeException Then
                Console.WriteLine("The data source is corrupt. Query stopped.")
            End If
    End Try
End Sub

在此示例中,查询无法在异常抛出后继续运行。 在应用代码捕获到异常时,PLINQ 已停止对所有线程运行查询。

示例 2

下面的示例展示了如何将 try-catch 块置于委托中,以便可以捕获异常并继续执行查询。

// Paste into PLINQDataSample class.
static void PLINQExceptions_2()
    var customers = GetCustomersAsStrings().ToArray();
    // Using the raw string array here.
    // First, we must simulate some corrupt input
    customers[54] = "###";

    // Assume that in this app, we expect malformed data
    // occasionally and by design we just report it and continue.
    static bool IsTrue(string[] f, string c)
            string s = f[3];
            return s.StartsWith(c);
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
            Console.WriteLine($"Malformed cust: {f}");
            return false;

    // Using the raw string array here
    var parallelQuery =
        from cust in customers.AsParallel()
        let fields = cust.Split(',')
        where IsTrue(fields, "C") //use a named delegate with a try-catch
        select new { City = fields[3] };

        // We use ForAll although it doesn't really improve performance
        // since all output must be serialized through the Console.
        parallelQuery.ForAll(e => Console.WriteLine(e.City));

    // IndexOutOfRangeException will not bubble up
    // because we handle it where it is thrown.
    catch (AggregateException e)
        foreach (var ex in e.InnerExceptions)
' Paste into PLINQDataSample class
Shared Sub PLINQExceptions_2()

    Dim customers() = GetCustomersAsStrings().ToArray()
    ' Using the raw string array here.
    ' First, we must simulate some corrupt input
    customers(20) = "###"

    ' Create a delegate with a lambda expression.
    ' Assume that in this app, we expect malformed data
    ' occasionally and by design we just report it and continue.
    Dim isTrue As Func(Of String(), String, Boolean) = Function(f, c)


                                                               Dim s As String = f(3)
                                                               Return s.StartsWith(c)

                                                           Catch e As IndexOutOfRangeException

                                                               Console.WriteLine("Malformed cust: {0}", f)
                                                               Return False
                                                           End Try
                                                       End Function

    ' Using the raw string array here
    Dim query = From cust In customers.AsParallel()
                Let fields = cust.Split(","c)
                Where isTrue(fields, "C")
                Select New With {.City = fields(3)}
        ' We use ForAll although it doesn't really improve performance
        ' since all output must be serialized through the Console.
        query.ForAll(Sub(e) Console.WriteLine(e.City))

        ' IndexOutOfRangeException will not bubble up      
        ' because we handle it where it is thrown.
    Catch e As AggregateException
        For Each ex In e.InnerExceptions
    End Try
End Sub


  • 若要编译和运行这些示例,请将它们复制到“PLINQ 数据样本”示例中,并通过 Main 调用此方法。


