


Microsoft Graph /beta 版本下的 API 可能会发生更改。 不支持在生产应用程序中使用这些 API。 若要确定 API 是否在 v1.0 中可用,请使用 版本 选择器。

查找与目录 ID 关联的产品修订版,以及直接或间接与目录 ID 相关的已知问题。

此 API 可用于以下国家级云部署

全局服务 美国政府 L4 美国政府 L5 (DOD) 由世纪互联运营的中国


为此 API 选择标记为最低特权的权限。 只有在应用需要它时,才使用更高的特权权限。 有关委派权限和应用程序权限的详细信息,请参阅权限类型。 要了解有关这些权限的详细信息,请参阅 权限参考

权限类型 最低特权权限 更高特权权限
委派(工作或学校帐户) WindowsUpdates.ReadWrite.All 不可用。
委派(个人 Microsoft 帐户) 不支持。 不支持。
应用程序 WindowsUpdates.ReadWrite.All 不可用。

在具有工作或学校帐户的委派方案中,登录用户必须是组的所有者或成员,或者分配有受支持的 Microsoft Entra 角色 或具有支持的角色权限的自定义角色。 Intune 管理员Windows 更新部署管理员 是此操作支持的最低特权角色。


GET /admin/windows/updates/products/FindByCatalogId(catalogID='catalogID')



参数 类型 说明
catalogID string 目录条目中的目录标识符。


名称 说明
Authorization 持有者 {token}。 必填。 详细了解 身份验证和授权




如果成功,此方法在 200 OK 响应正文中返回响应代码和 microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.product 对象的集合。








HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.product)",
  "value": [
      "id": "1",
      "name": "Windows 11, version 22H2",
      "groupName": "Windows 11",
      "friendlyNames": [
        "Version 22H2 (OS build 22621)"
      "revisions": [
          "id": "10.0.22621.2215",
          "displayName": "Windows 11, version 22H2, build 22621.2215",
          "releaseDateTime": "2023-08-22T00:00:00Z",
          "version": "22H2",
          "osBuild": {
            "BuildNumber": 22621,
            "MajorVersion": 10,
            "MinorVersion": 0,
            "UpdateBuildRevision": 2215
          "catalogEntry": {
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.qualityUpdateCatalogEntry",
            "deployableUntilDateTime": null,
            "displayName": "08/22/2023 - 2023.08 D Update for Windows 10 and later",
            "id": "10cb1ba292c5586e22c9991be3f12fbd39f2ebf231cb5d201c67f42fbaccc567",
            "releaseDateTime": "2023-08-22T00:00:00Z",
            "catalogName": "2023-08 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10 and later",
            "isExpeditable": true,
            "qualityUpdateCadence": "Monthly",
            "qualityUpdateClassification": "NonSecurity",
            "shortName": "2023.08 D",
            "cveSeverityInformation": null
          "knowledgeBaseArticle": {
            "Url": "",
            "Id": "KB5029351"
      "knownIssues": [
          "id": "WI670072",
          "status": "mitigatedExternal",
          "webViewUrl": "",
          "description": "Investigation concluded that the error reported by users was not caused by the August 2023 preview updates.",
          "startDateTime": "2023-08-22T10:00:00-07:00",
          "title": "Microsoft received reports about an “UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR” error",
          "resolvedDateTime": "2023-09-07T16:14:07.1881817-07:00",
          "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2023-09-07T16:41:58.577-07:00",
          "originatingKnowledgeBaseArticle": {
            "Url": "",
            "Id": "KB5029351"
          "resolvingKnowledgeBaseArticle": null,
          "safeguardHoldIds": [],
          "knownIssueHistories": [
              "createdDateTime": "2023-08-24T02:51:27.29Z",
              "body": {
                "content": "Microsoft has received reports of an issue in which users are receiving an “UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR” error message on a blue screen after installing updates released on August 22, 2023 (KB5029351 ( and then restarting their device. KB5029351 ( might automatically uninstall to allow Windows to start up as expected. KB5029351 ( might not offer to some Windows devices which might be affected by this issue.\n\nIf you are experiencing issues, please use Feedback Hub to file a report following the below steps:\n    1. Launch Feedback Hub by opening the Start menu and typing \"Feedback hub\", or pressing the Windows key + F\n    2. Fill in the \"Summarize your feedback\" and \"Explain in more detail\" boxes, then click Next.\n    3. Under the \"Choose a category\" section, click the \"Problem\" button, and select \"Install and Update\" category. Then select \"Downloading, installing, and configuring Windows Update” subcategory. Click Next.\n    4. Under the \"Find similar feedback\" section, select the \"Make new bug\" radio button and click Next.\n    5. Under the \"Add more details\" section, supply any relevant detail (Note this is not critical to addressing your issue).\n    6. Expand the \"Recreate my problem\" box and press \"Start recording\". Reproduce the issue on your device.\n    7. Press \"Stop recording\" once finished. Click the \"Submit\" button.\nFor additional information, see Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback Hub app (\n\nNext steps: We are presently investigating to determine if this is an issue caused by Microsoft. We will provide an update when more information is available.\n\nAffected platforms:\n    -  Client: Windows 11, version 22H2; Windows 10, version 22H2; Windows 11, version 21H2\n    -  Server: None\n",
                "contentType": "html"