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Query limits

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

Kusto is an ad-hoc query engine that hosts large datasets and attempts to satisfy queries by holding all relevant data in-memory. There's an inherent risk that queries will monopolize the service resources without bounds. Kusto provides several built-in protections in the form of default query limits. If you're considering removing these limits, first determine whether you actually gain any value by doing so.

Limit on request concurrency

Request concurrency is a limit that is imposed on several requests running at the same time.

  • The default value of the limit depends on the SKU the database is running on, and is calculated as: Cores-Per-Node x 10.
    • For example, for a database that's set up on D14v2 SKU, where each machine has 16 vCores, the default limit is 16 cores x10 = 160.
  • The default value can be changed by configuring the request rate limit policy of the default workload group.
    • The actual number of requests that can run concurrently on a database depends on various factors. The most dominant factors are database SKU, database's available resources, and usage patterns. The policy can be configured based on load tests performed on production-like usage patterns.

Limit on result set size (result truncation)

Result truncation is a limit set by default on the result set returned by the query. Kusto limits the number of records returned to the client to 500,000, and the overall data size for those records to 64 MB. When either of these limits is exceeded, the query fails with a "partial query failure". Exceeding overall data size will generate an exception with the message:

The Kusto DataEngine has failed to execute a query: 'Query result set has exceeded the internal data size limit 67108864 (E_QUERY_RESULT_SET_TOO_LARGE).'

Exceeding the number of records will fail with an exception that says:

The Kusto DataEngine has failed to execute a query: 'Query result set has exceeded the internal record count limit 500000 (E_QUERY_RESULT_SET_TOO_LARGE).'

There are several strategies for dealing with this error.

  • Reduce the result set size by modifying the query to only return interesting data. This strategy is useful when the initial failing query is too "wide". For example, the query doesn't project away data columns that aren't needed.
  • Reduce the result set size by shifting post-query processing, such as aggregations, into the query itself. The strategy is useful in scenarios where the output of the query is fed to another processing system, and that then does other aggregations.
  • Switch from queries to using data export when you want to export large sets of data from the service.
  • Instruct the service to suppress this query limit using set statements listed below or flags in client request properties.

Methods for reducing the result set size produced by the query include:

You can disable result truncation by using the notruncation request option. We recommend that some form of limitation is still put in place.

For example:

set notruncation;
MyTable | take 1000000

It's also possible to have more refined control over result truncation by setting the value of truncationmaxsize (maximum data size in bytes, defaults to 64 MB) and truncationmaxrecords (maximum number of records, defaults to 500,000). For example, the following query sets result truncation to happen at either 1,105 records or 1 MB, whichever is exceeded.

set truncationmaxsize=1048576;
set truncationmaxrecords=1105;
MyTable | where User=="UserId1"

Removing the result truncation limit means that you intend to move bulk data out of Kusto.

You can remove the result truncation limit either for export purposes by using the .export command or for later aggregation. If you choose later aggregation, consider aggregating by using Kusto.

Kusto provides a number of client libraries that can handle "infinitely large" results by streaming them to the caller. Use one of these libraries, and configure it to streaming mode. For example, use the .NET Framework client (Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Data) and either set the streaming property of the connection string to true, or use the ExecuteQueryV2Async() call that always streams results. For an example of how to use ExecuteQueryV2Async(), see the HelloKustoV2 application.

You may also find the C# streaming ingestion sample application helpful.

Result truncation is applied by default, not just to the result stream returned to the client.

It's also applied by default to any subquery that one cluster issues to another cluster in a cross-cluster query, with similar effects.

It's also applied by default to any subquery that one Eventhouse issues to another Eventhouse in a cross-Eventhouse query, with similar effects.

Setting multiple result truncation properties

The following apply when using set statements, and/or when specifying flags in client request properties.

  • If notruncation is set, and any of truncationmaxsize, truncationmaxrecords, or query_take_max_records are also set - notruncation is ignored.
  • If truncationmaxsize, truncationmaxrecords and/or query_take_max_records are set multiple times - the lower value for each property applies.

Limit on memory consumed by query operators (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY)

Kusto limits the memory that each query operator can consume to protect against "runaway" queries. This limit might be reached by some query operators, such as join and summarize, that operate by holding significant data in memory. By default the limit is 5GB (per node), and it can be increased by setting the request option maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator:

set maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator=68719476736;
MyTable | summarize count() by Use

When this limit is reached, a partial query failure is emitted with a message that includes the text E_RUNAWAY_QUERY.

The ClusterBy operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete E_RUNAWAY_QUERY.

The DemultiplexedResultSetCache operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

The ExecuteAndCache operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

The HashJoin operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

The Sort operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

The Summarize operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

The TopNestedAggregator operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

The TopNested operator has exceeded the memory budget during evaluation. Results may be incorrect or incomplete (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY).

If maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator is set multiple times, for example in both client request properties and using a set statement, the lower value applies.

An additional limit that might trigger an E_RUNAWAY_QUERY partial query failure is a limit on the max accumulated size of strings held by a single operator. This limit cannot be overridden by the request option above:

Runaway query (E_RUNAWAY_QUERY). Aggregation over string column exceeded the memory budget of 8GB during evaluation.

When this limit is exceeded, most likely the relevant query operator is a join, summarize, or make-series. To work-around the limit, one should modify the query to use the shuffle query strategy. (This is also likely to improve the performance of the query.)

In all cases of E_RUNAWAY_QUERY, an additional option (beyond increasing the limit by setting the request option and changing the query to use a shuffle strategy) is to switch to sampling. The two queries below show how to do the sampling. The first query is a statistical sampling, using a random number generator. The second query is deterministic sampling, done by hashing some column from the dataset, usually some ID.

T | where rand() < 0.1 | ...

T | where hash(UserId, 10) == 1 | ...

Limit on memory per node

Max memory per query per node is another limit used to protect against "runaway" queries. This limit, represented by the request option max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node, sets an upper bound on the amount of memory that can be used on a single node for a specific query.

set max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node=68719476736;
MyTable | ...

If max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node is set multiple times, for example in both client request properties and using a set statement, the lower value applies.

If the query uses summarize, join, or make-series operators, you can use the shuffle query strategy to reduce memory pressure on a single machine.

Limit execution timeout

Server timeout is a service-side timeout that is applied to all requests. Timeout on running requests (queries and management commands) is enforced at multiple points in the Kusto:

  • client library (if used)
  • service endpoint that accepts the request
  • service engine that processes the request

By default, timeout is set to four minutes for queries, and 10 minutes for management commands. This value can be increased if needed (capped at one hour).

  • Various client tools support changing the timeout as part of their global or per-connection settings. For example, in Kusto.Explorer, use Tools > Options* > Connections > Query Server Timeout.
  • Programmatically, SDKs support setting the timeout through the servertimeout property. For example, in .NET SDK this is done through a client request property, by setting a value of type System.TimeSpan.

Notes about timeouts

  • On the client side, the timeout is applied from the request being created until the time that the response starts arriving to the client. The time it takes to read the payload back at the client isn't treated as part of the timeout. It depends on how quickly the caller pulls the data from the stream.
  • Also on the client side, the actual timeout value used is slightly higher than the server timeout value requested by the user. This difference, is to allow for network latencies.
  • To automatically use the maximum allowed request timeout, set the client request property norequesttimeout to true.


See set timeout limits for a step-by-step guide on how to set timeouts in the Azure Data Explorer web UI, Kusto.Explorer, Kusto.Cli, Power BI, and when using an SDK.

Limit on query CPU resource usage

Kusto lets you run queries and use all the available CPU resources that the database has. It attempts to do a fair round-robin between queries if more than one is running. This method yields the best performance for query-defined functions. At other times, you may want to limit the CPU resources used for a particular query. If you run a "background job", for example, the system might tolerate higher latencies to give concurrent inline queries high priority.

Kusto supports specifying two request properties when running a query. The properties are query_fanout_threads_percent and query_fanout_nodes_percent. Both properties are integers that default to the maximum value (100), but may be reduced for a specific query to some other value.

The first, query_fanout_threads_percent, controls the fanout factor for thread use. When this property is set 100%, all CPUs will be assigned on each node. For example, 16 CPUs deployed on Azure D14 nodes. When this property is set to 50%, then half of the CPUs will be used, and so on. The numbers are rounded up to a whole CPU, so it's safe to set the property value to 0.

The second, query_fanout_nodes_percent, controls how many of the query nodes to use per subquery distribution operation. It functions in a similar manner.

If query_fanout_nodes_percent or query_fanout_threads_percent are set multiple times, for example, in both client request properties and using a set statement - the lower value for each property applies.

Limit on query complexity

During query execution, the query text is transformed into a tree of relational operators representing the query. If the tree depth exceeds an internal threshold, the query is considered too complex for processing, and will fail with an error code. The failure indicates that the relational operators tree exceeds its limits.

The following examples show common query patterns that can cause the query to exceed this limit and fail:

  • a long list of binary operators that are chained together. For example:
| where Column == "value1" or
        Column == "value2" or
        .... or
        Column == "valueN"

For this specific case, rewrite the query using the in() operator.

| where Column in ("value1", "value2".... "valueN")
  • a query which has a union operator that is running too wide schema analysis especially that the default flavor of union is to return "outer" union schema (meaning – that output will include all columns of the underlying table).

The suggestion in this case is to review the query and reduce the columns being used by the query.