Entity Documentation - minecraft:ageable
Adds a timer for the entity to grow up. It can be accelerated by giving the entity the items it likes as defined by feed_items.
Name | Default Value | Type | Description | Example Values |
drop_items | not set | Array of strings | List of items that the entity drops when it grows up. | Turtle: ["turtle_shell_piece"] |
duration | 1200 | Decimal number | Length of time before an entity grows up (-1 to always stay a baby) | Armadillo: 1200 , Sniffer: 2400 |
feed_items | not set | Array of strings | List of items that can be fed to the entity. Includes 'item' for the item name and 'growth' to define how much time it grows up by. | Armadillo: "spider_eye" , Axolotl: "tropical_fish_bucket" , Bee: ["minecraft:poppy","minecraft:blue_orchid","minecraft:allium","minecraft:azure_bluet","minecraft:red_tulip","minecraft:orange_tulip","minecraft:white_tulip","minecraft:pink_tulip","minecraft:oxeye_daisy","minecraft:cornflower","minecraft:lily_of_the_valley","minecraft:dandelion","minecraft:wither_rose","minecraft:sunflower","minecraft:lilac","minecraft:rose_bush","minecraft:peony","minecraft:flowering_azalea","minecraft:azalea_leaves_flowered","minecraft:mangrove_propagule","minecraft:pitcher_plant","minecraft:torchflower","minecraft:cherry_leaves","minecraft:pink_petals","minecraft:wildflowers","minecraft:cactus_flower"] |
feedItems | not set | Array of strings | ||
grow_up | not set | Decimal number | Event to run when this entity grows up. | Armadillo: {"event":"minecraft:ageable_grow_up","target":"self"} , Dolphin: {"event":"ageable_grow_up","target":"self"} , Rabbit: {"event":"grow_up","target":"self"} |
interact_filters | not set | Minecraft filter | List of conditions to meet so that the entity can be fed. | Armadillo: {"test":"enum_property","domain":"minecraft:armadillo_state","value":"unrolled"} |
transform_to_item | not set | Array of strings | The feed item used will transform to this item upon successful interaction. Format: itemName:auxValue | Axolotl: "water_bucket:0" |
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"interact_filters": {
"test": "enum_property",
"domain": "minecraft:armadillo_state",
"value": "unrolled"
"feed_items": "spider_eye",
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": "tropical_fish_bucket",
"transform_to_item": "water_bucket:0",
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": "cactus",
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": "wheat",
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"grow_up": {
"event": "ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"item": "wheat",
"growth": 0.016667
"item": "sugar",
"growth": 0.025
"item": "hay_block",
"growth": 0.15
"item": "apple",
"growth": 0.05
"item": "golden_carrot",
"growth": 0.05
"item": "golden_apple",
"growth": 0.2
"item": "appleEnchanted",
"growth": 0.2
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
"duration": 1200,
"feed_items": [
"item": "wheat",
"growth": 0.1
"item": "hay_block",
"growth": 0.9
"grow_up": {
"event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
"target": "self"