Entity Documentation - minecraft:ageable

Adds a timer for the entity to grow up. It can be accelerated by giving the entity the items it likes as defined by feed_items.

Ageable Properties

Name Default Value Type Description Example Values
drop_items not set Array of strings List of items that the entity drops when it grows up. Turtle: ["turtle_shell_piece"]
duration 1200 Decimal number Length of time before an entity grows up (-1 to always stay a baby) Armadillo: 1200, Sniffer: 2400
feed_items not set Array of strings List of items that can be fed to the entity. Includes 'item' for the item name and 'growth' to define how much time it grows up by. Armadillo: "spider_eye", Axolotl: "tropical_fish_bucket", Bee: ["minecraft:poppy","minecraft:blue_orchid","minecraft:allium","minecraft:azure_bluet","minecraft:red_tulip","minecraft:orange_tulip","minecraft:white_tulip","minecraft:pink_tulip","minecraft:oxeye_daisy","minecraft:cornflower","minecraft:lily_of_the_valley","minecraft:dandelion","minecraft:wither_rose","minecraft:sunflower","minecraft:lilac","minecraft:rose_bush","minecraft:peony","minecraft:flowering_azalea","minecraft:azalea_leaves_flowered","minecraft:mangrove_propagule","minecraft:pitcher_plant","minecraft:torchflower","minecraft:cherry_leaves","minecraft:pink_petals","minecraft:wildflowers","minecraft:cactus_flower"]
feedItems not set Array of strings
grow_up not set Decimal number Event to run when this entity grows up. Armadillo: {"event":"minecraft:ageable_grow_up","target":"self"}, Dolphin: {"event":"ageable_grow_up","target":"self"}, Rabbit: {"event":"grow_up","target":"self"}
interact_filters not set Minecraft filter List of conditions to meet so that the entity can be fed. Armadillo: {"test":"enum_property","domain":"minecraft:armadillo_state","value":"unrolled"}
transform_to_item not set Array of strings The feed item used will transform to this item upon successful interaction. Format: itemName:auxValue Axolotl: "water_bucket:0"


"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "interact_filters": {
    "test": "enum_property",
    "domain": "minecraft:armadillo_state",
    "value": "unrolled"
  "feed_items": "spider_eye",
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": "tropical_fish_bucket",
  "transform_to_item": "water_bucket:0",
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": "cactus",
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": "wheat",
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
      "item": "wheat",
      "growth": 0.016667
      "item": "sugar",
      "growth": 0.025
      "item": "hay_block",
      "growth": 0.15
      "item": "apple",
      "growth": 0.05
      "item": "golden_carrot",
      "growth": 0.05
      "item": "golden_apple",
      "growth": 0.2
      "item": "appleEnchanted",
      "growth": 0.2
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"
"minecraft:ageable": {
  "duration": 1200,
  "feed_items": [
      "item": "wheat",
      "growth": 0.1
      "item": "hay_block",
      "growth": 0.9
  "grow_up": {
    "event": "minecraft:ageable_grow_up",
    "target": "self"