Entity Documentation - minecraft:explode

Defines how the entity explodes.

Explode Properties

Name Default Value Type Description Example Values
add not set Add item Fireball: {"component_groups":["minecraft:exploding"]}
allow_underwater false Boolean true/false If true, the explosion will affect blocks and entities under water. Breeze Wind Charge Projectile: true
breaks_blocks true Boolean true/false If true, the explosion will destroy blocks in the explosion radius.
causes_fire false Boolean true/false If true, blocks in the explosion radius will be set on fire. Fireball: true
damage_scaling 1 Decimal number A scale factor applied to the explosion's damage to entities. A value of 0 prevents the explosion from dealing any damage. Negative values cause the explosion to heal entities instead.
destroy_affected_by_griefing false Boolean true/false If true, whether the explosion breaks blocks is affected by the mob griefing game rule. Creeper: true
fire_affected_by_griefing false Boolean true/false If true, whether the explosion causes fire is affected by the mob griefing game rule. Fireball: true
fuse_length not set Range of integers The range for the random amount of time the fuse will be lit before exploding, a negative value means the explosion will be immediate. Creeper: 1.5, Tnt Minecart: 4
fuse_lit false Boolean true/false If true, the fuse is already lit when this component is added to the entity. Creeper: true
knockback_scaling 1 Decimal number A scale factor applied to the knockback force caused by the explosion. Breeze Wind Charge Projectile: 0.6, Wind Charge Projectile: 1.22
max_resistance 3.40282e+38 Decimal number A blocks explosion resistance will be capped at this value when an explosion occurs. Wither Skull Dangerous: 4
negates_fall_damage false Boolean true/false Defines whether the explosion should apply fall damage negation to Players above the point of collision. Wind Charge Projectile: true
particle_effect explosion String The name of the particle effect to use. The accepted strings are 'explosion', 'wind_burst', or 'breeze_wind_burst'. Breeze Wind Charge Projectile: "breeze_wind_burst", Wind Charge Projectile: "wind_burst"
power 3 Decimal number The radius of the explosion in blocks and the amount of damage the explosion deals. Breeze Wind Charge Projectile: 3, Creeper: 6, Fireball: 1
sound_effect explode String The name of the sound effect played when the explosion triggers. Breeze Wind Charge Projectile: "breeze_wind_charge.burst", Wind Charge Projectile: "wind_charge.burst"
toggles_blocks false Boolean true/false If true, the explosion will toggle blocks in the explosion radius. Breeze Wind Charge Projectile: true

Add item type

Add Properties

Name Default Value Type Description Example Values
component_groups not set String Fireball: ["minecraft:exploding"]


"minecraft:explode": {
  "power": 3,
  "particle_effect": "breeze_wind_burst",
  "sound_effect": "breeze_wind_charge.burst",
  "knockback_scaling": 0.6,
  "negates_fall_damage": false,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "breaks_blocks": false,
  "allow_underwater": true,
  "toggles_blocks": true,
  "damage_scaling": 0,
  "max_resistance": 0

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:exploding/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 1.5,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 3,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "destroy_affected_by_griefing": true

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:charged_exploding/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 1.5,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 6,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "destroy_affected_by_griefing": true
"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 0,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 6,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "destroy_affected_by_griefing": true

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:exploding/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 0,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 1,
  "causes_fire": true,
  "fire_affected_by_griefing": true,
  "destroy_affected_by_griefing": true

At /minecraft:entity/events/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "add": {
    "component_groups": [

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:primed_tnt/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 4,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 3,
  "causes_fire": false

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:instant_explode_tnt/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 0,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 3,
  "causes_fire": false
"minecraft:explode": {
  "power": 1.2,
  "particle_effect": "wind_burst",
  "sound_effect": "wind_charge.burst",
  "knockback_scaling": 1.22,
  "negates_fall_damage": true,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "breaks_blocks": false,
  "allow_underwater": true,
  "toggles_blocks": true,
  "damage_scaling": 0,
  "max_resistance": 0

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:exploding/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 0,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 1,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "max_resistance": 4,
  "destroy_affected_by_griefing": true

At /minecraft:entity/component_groups/minecraft:exploding/minecraft:explode/:

"minecraft:explode": {
  "fuse_length": 0,
  "fuse_lit": true,
  "power": 1,
  "causes_fire": false,
  "destroy_affected_by_griefing": true