Entity Documentation - minecraft:game_event_movement_tracking

Allows an entity to emit entityMove, swim and flap game events, depending on the block the entity is moving through. It is added by default to every mob. Add it again to override its behavior.

Game Event Movement Tracking Properties

Name Default Value Type Description Example Values
emit_flap false Boolean true/false If true, the flap game event will be emitted when the entity moves through air. Allay: true
emit_move true Boolean true/false If true, the entityMove game event will be emitted when the entity moves on ground or through a solid.
emit_swim true Boolean true/false If true, the swim game event will be emitted when the entity moves through a liquid.


"minecraft:game_event_movement_tracking": {
  "emit_flap": true
"minecraft:game_event_movement_tracking": {
  "emit_move": false,
  "emit_swim": false