Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.delayed_attack

minecraft:behavior.delayed_attack compels an entity to attack while also delaying the damage dealt until a specific time in the attack animation.

Name Default Value Type Description
attack_duration 0.75 Decimal The entity's attack animation will play out over this duration (in seconds). Also controls attack cooldown.
attack_once false Boolean Allows the entity to use this attack behavior, only once EVER.
attack_types N/A String Defines the entity types this entity will attack.
cooldown_time 1 Decimal Cooldown time (in seconds) between attacks.
hit_delay_pct 0.5 Decimal The percentage into the attack animation to apply the damage of the attack (1.0 = 100%).
inner_boundary_time_increase 0.25 Decimal Time (in seconds) to add to attack path recalculation when the target is beyond the "path_inner_boundary".
max_dist N/A Decimal Unused. No effect on "minecraft:behavior.melee_attack".
max_path_time 0.55 Decimal Maximum base time (in seconds) to recalculate new attack path to target (before increases applied).
melee_fov 90 Decimal Field of view (in degrees) when using the sensing component to detect an attack target.
min_path_time 0.2 Decimal Minimum base time (in seconds) to recalculate new attack path to target (before increases applied).
on_attack N/A Trigger Defines the event to trigger when this entity successfully attacks.
outer_boundary_time_increase 0.5 Decimal Time (in seconds) to add to attack path recalculation when the target is beyond the "path_outer_boundary".
path_fail_time_increase 0.75 Decimal Time (in seconds) to add to attack path recalculation when this entity cannot move along the current path.
path_inner_boundary 16 Decimal Distance at which to increase attack path recalculation by "inner_boundary_tick_increase".
path_outer_boundary 32 Decimal Distance at which to increase attack path recalculation by "outer_boundary_tick_increase".
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
random_stop_interval 0 Integer This entity will have a 1 in N chance to stop its current attack, where N = "random_stop_interval".
reach_multiplier 2 Decimal Used with the base size of the entity to determine minimum target-distance before trying to deal attack damage.
require_complete_path false Boolean Toggles (on/off) the need to have a full path from the entity to the target when using this melee attack behavior.
set_persistent false Boolean Allows the entity to be set to persist upon targeting a player
speed_multiplier 1 Decimal This multiplier modifies the attacking entity's speed when moving toward the target.
target_dist N/a Decimal Unused. No effect on "minecraft:behavior.melee_attack".
track_target false Boolean Allows the entity to track the attack target, even if the entity has no sensing.
x_max_rotation 30 Decimal Maximum rotation (in degrees), on the X-axis, this entity can rotate while trying to look at the target.
y_max_head_rotation 30 Decimal Maximum rotation (in degrees), on the Y-axis, this entity can rotate its head while trying to look at the target.


"minecraft:behavior.delayed_attack": {
    "priority": 4,
    "attack_duration": 0.75,
    "attack_once": false,
    "cooldown_time": 1,
    "track_target": true,
    "require_complete_path": false,
    "random_stop_interval": 0,
    "reach_multiplier": 1.5,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.0,
    "hit_delay_pct": 0.5

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.delayed_attack": {
    "priority": 4,
    "attack_once": false,
    "track_target": true,
    "require_complete_path": false,
    "random_stop_interval": 0,
    "reach_multiplier": 1.5,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.0,
    "attack_duration": 0.75,
    "hit_delay_pct": 0.5

Vanilla entities using delayed_attack