Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.eat_block

minecraft:behavior.eat_block compels the entity to consume a block, replace the eaten block with another block, and trigger an event as a result.


Name Default Value Type Description
eat_and_replace_block_pairs N/A List A collection of pairs of blocks; the first ("eat_block") is the block the entity should eat, the second ("replace_block") is the block that should replace the eaten block.
on_eat N/A Trigger The event to trigger when the block eating animation has completed.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
success_chance 0.02 Molang A molang expression defining the success chance the entity has to consume a block.
time_until_eat 1.8 Decimal The amount of time (in seconds) it takes for the block to be eaten upon a successful eat attempt.


"minecraft:behavior.eat_block": {
    "priority": 1,
    "success_chance": "query.is_baby ? 0.02 : 0.003",
    "time_until_eat": 3,
    "eat_and_replace_block_pairs": [
        { "eat_block": "grass", "replace_block": "dirt" },
        { "eat_block": "tallgrass", "replace_block": "air" }
    "on_eat": {
        "event": "minecraft:on_eat_block",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.eat_block": {
    "priority": 6,
    "success_chance": "query.is_baby ? 0.02 : 0.001",
    "time_until_eat": 1.8,
    "eat_and_replace_block_pairs": [
        { "eat_block": "grass", "replace_block": "dirt" },
        { "eat_block": "tallgrass", "replace_block": "air" }
    "on_eat": {
        "event": "minecraft:on_eat_block",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities using eat_block