Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.move_towards_target

minecraft:behavior.move_towards_target compels an entity to move towards a target.


minecraft:behavior.move_towards_target requires a target in order to work properly. Target can be determined by using one of the following behaviors:


Name Default Value Type Description
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
within_radius 0.0 Decimal Defines the radius in blocks that the mob tries to be from the target. A value of 0 means it tries to occupy the same block as the target.


    "priority": 1,
    "within_radius": 0.75,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.25

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.move_towards_target": {
        "priority": 2,
        "speed_multiplier": 0.9,
        "within_radius": 32

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.move_towards_target