Features Documentation - minecraft:search_feature

minecraft:search_feature sweeps a volume searching for a valid placement location for its referenced feature. The search_volume field specifies the axis-aligned bounding box that defines the boundaries of the search. The search sweeps along the axis defined by the search_axis field, layer by layer. For example, if search_axis is set to -x, blocks with greater x values will be checked before blocks with lower x values. Each layer is searched from the bottom-left to the top-right before moving to the next layer along the axis. By default, only one valid position must be found, but this can be altered by specifying the required_successes field. If fewer than the required successes are found, no placement will occur.

Succeeds if The number of valid positions is equal to the value specified by required_successes.

Fails if The number of valid positions is less than the value specified by required_successes.


object "minecraft:search_feature" : opt
  object "description"
    string "identifier" // The name of this feature in the form 'namespace_name:feature_name'. 'feature_name' must match the filename.
    feature_reference "places_feature" // Named reference of feature to be placed
    object "search_volume" // Axis-aligned bounding box that will be searched for valid placement positions. Expressed as offsets from the input position.
    array "min"[3] // Minimum extent of the bounding volume expressed as [ x, y, z ]
      int "[0..0]" // x_min
      int "[1..1]" // y_min
      int "[2..2]" // z_min
    array "max"[3] // Maximum extent of the bounding volume expressed as [ x, y, z ]
      int "[0..0]" // x_max
      int "[1..1]" // y_max
      int "[2..2]" // z_max
  enumerated_value "search_axis"<"-x", "+x", "-y", "+y", "-z", "+z"> // Axis that the search will sweep along through the 'search_volume'
  int "required_successes"<1-*> : opt // Number of valid positions the search must find in order to place the referenced feature


Attaching apples to a tree canopy

  "format_version": 1.13.0,
  "minecraft:search_feature": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "example:find_valid_apples_feature"
    "places_feature": "example:apple_feature",
    "search_volume": {
      "min": [ -3, -3, -3 ],
      "max": [ 3, 3, 3 ]
    "search_axis": "-y",
    "required_successes": 3