原始产品版本: Microsoft Office Access 2003、Microsoft Office Access 2007、Access 2010
原始 KB 编号: 168798
本文提供了一个过程,用于将包含美国城市、州和邮政编码信息的单个变量分析为三个单独的变量。 例程支持:
- 5 位或 9 位邮政编码。
- 如果前面有逗号) ,则多字状态名称 (。
- 任意数量的中间空格。
纽约,纽约州 99999-9999
纽约 NY 99999
警告:你对本文中提供的代码/宏的任何使用都由你自行承担风险。 Microsoft 按“原样”提供此代码/宏,不提供任何形式的明示或暗示担保,包括但不限于适销性和/或特定用途适用性的默示保证。
注意:在以下示例代码中,行尾的下划线 (_) 用作行延续字符。 对于不支持行延续字符的 BASIC 版本,请在重新创建此代码时删除行尾的下划线,并合并以下行。
如果在地址中找不到逗号,则按以下顺序分析字段:邮政编码、州、城市 如果至少有一个逗号存在,则假定字段在 City 和 State 之间,并且按其他顺序分析字段:City、State、Zip Code
VBFunction CutLastWord (ByVal S As String, Remainder As String) _ As String ' CutLastWord: returns the last word in S. ' Remainder: returns the rest. ' ' Words are separated by spaces ' Dim I As Integer, P As Integer S = Trim$(S) P = 1 For I = Len(S) To 1 Step -1 If Mid$(S, I, 1) = " " Then P = I + 1 Exit For End If Next I If P = 1 Then CutLastWord = S Remainder = "" Else CutLastWord = Mid$(S, P) Remainder = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1)) End If End Function Sub ParseCSZ (ByVal S As String, City As String, State As String, _ Zip As String) Dim P As Integer ' ' Check for comma after city name ' P = InStr(S, ",") If P > 0 Then City = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1)) S = Trim$(Mid$(S, P + ' ' Check for comma after state ' P = InStr(S, ",") If P > 0 Then State = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1)) Zip = Trim$(Mid$(S, P + 1)) Else ' No comma between state and zip Zip = CutLastWord(S, S) State = S End If Else ' No commas between city, state, or zip Zip = CutLastWord(S, S) State = CutLastWord(S, S) City = S End If ' ' Clean up any dangling commas ' If Right$(State, 1) = "," Then State = RTrim$(Left$(State, Len(State) - 1)) End If If Right$(City, 1) = "," Then City = RTrim$(Left$(City, Len(City) - 1)) End If End Sub
若要进行测试,请创建包含四个文本框的窗体, (txtAddress、txtCity、txtState、txtZip) 和命令按钮。 添加以下代码:
VBSub Command1_Click() Dim City As String, State As String, Zip As String ParseCSZ txtAddress, City, State, Zip txtCity = City txtState = State txtZip = Zip End Sub
显示窗体,在 txtAddress 中键入地址,然后单击命令按钮。 其他三个字段应包含已分析的值。