Resource.Initials 属性 (Project)

获取或设置某一资源的缩写。 可读/写 String 类型。



表达 一个代表 Resource 对象的变量。


下面的示例将根据资源名称中的空格来设置活动项目中每一资源的缩写。 例如,一个名为"Glue Gun"的资源的缩写为"GG"。

Sub SetInitialsBasedOnName() 
 Dim I As Integer ' Index used in For loop 
 Dim R As Resource ' Resource used in For Each loop 
 Dim NewInits As String ' The new initials of the resource 
 ' Cycle through the resources of the active project. 
 For Each R In ActiveProject.Resources 
 ' Initialize with first character of name. 
 NewInits = Mid(R.Name, 1, 1) 
 ' Look for spaces in the resource's name. 
 For I = 1 To Len(R.Name) 
 ' If not first character, and space is found, then add initial. 
 If I > 1 And Mid(R.Name, I, 1) = Chr(32) Then 
 If I + 1 <= Len(R.Name) Then 
 NewInits = NewInits & Mid(R.Name, I + 1, 1) 
 End If 
 End If 
 Next I 
 ' Give the resource its new initials. 
 R.Initials = NewInits 
 Next R 
End Sub


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