Encoding.GetPreamble 方法


**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


Public Overridable Function GetPreamble As Byte()
Dim instance As Encoding
Dim returnValue As Byte()

returnValue = instance.GetPreamble
public virtual byte[] GetPreamble ()
virtual array<unsigned char>^ GetPreamble ()
public byte[] GetPreamble ()
public function GetPreamble () : byte[]


一个字节数组,包含指定所用编码的字节序列。 - 或 - 长度为零的字节数组(如果不需要前导码)。


UTF-16 和 UTF-32 编码器可以使用 Big-Endian 字节顺序(从最高有效字节开始),也可以使用 Little-Endian 字节顺序(从最低有效字节开始)。例如,大写拉丁字母 A (U+0041) 的序列化结果(十六进制)如下所示:

  • UTF-16 Big-Endian 字节顺序:00 41

  • UTF-16 Little-Endian 字节顺序:41 00

  • UTF-32 Big-Endian 字节顺序:00 00 00 41

  • UTF-32 Little-Endian 字节顺序:41 00 00 00

或者,Encoding 提供一个前导码(即一个字节数组),可以将它作为编码过程中所产生的字节序列的前缀。如果前导码中包含字节顺序标记(在 Unicode 中,码位为 U+FEFF),则它会帮助解码器确定字节顺序和转换格式或 UTF。Unicode 字节顺序标记的序列化结果(十六进制)如下所示:

  • UTF-8:EF BB BF

  • UTF-16 Big-Endian 字节顺序:FE FF

  • UTF-16 Little-Endian 字节顺序:FF FE

  • UTF-32 Big-Endian 字节顺序:00 00 FE FF

  • UTF-32 Little-Endian 字节顺序:FF FE 00 00

通常,使用本机字节顺序存储 Unicode 字符的效率更高。例如,在 Little-Endian 平台(如 Intel 计算机)上最好使用 Little-Endian 字节顺序。

有关字节顺序和字节顺序标记的更多信息,请参见 www.unicode.org 上的“The Unicode Standard”(Unicode 标准)部分。


若要确保编码后的字节能够正确解码,请在编码后的字节前添加前导码作为前缀。但是,大多数编码不提供前导码。若要确保编码后的字节能够正确解码,请使用带前导码的 Unicode 编码(即 UTF8EncodingUnicodeEncodingUTF32Encoding



Imports System
Imports System.Text

Namespace GetPreambleExample
   Class GetPreambleExampleClass
      Shared Sub Main()
         Dim [unicode] As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode

         ' Get the preamble for the Unicode encoder. 
         ' In this case the preamble contains the byte order mark (BOM).
         Dim preamble As Byte() = [unicode].GetPreamble()

         ' Make sure a preamble was returned 
         ' and is large enough to contain a BOM.
         If preamble.Length >= 2 Then
            If preamble(0) = &HFE And preamble(1) = &HFF Then
               Console.WriteLine("The Unicode encoder is encoding in big-endian order.")
               If preamble(0) = &HFF And preamble(1) = &HFE Then
                  Console.WriteLine("The Unicode encoder is encoding in little-endian order.")
               End If
            End If
         End If
      End Sub
   End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.Text;

namespace GetPreambleExample
   class GetPreambleExampleClass
      static void Main()
         Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;

         // Get the preamble for the Unicode encoder. 
         // In this case the preamble contains the byte order mark (BOM).
         byte[] preamble = unicode.GetPreamble();

         // Make sure a preamble was returned 
         // and is large enough to containa BOM.
         if(preamble.Length >= 2)
            if(preamble[0] == 0xFE && preamble[1] == 0xFF)
               Console.WriteLine("The Unicode encoder is encoding in big-endian order.");
            else if(preamble[0] == 0xFF && preamble[1] == 0xFE)
               Console.WriteLine("The Unicode encoder is encoding in little-endian order.");
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
int main()
   Encoding^ unicode = Encoding::Unicode;
   // Get the preamble for the Unicode encoder. 
   // In this case the preamblecontains the Byte order mark (BOM).
   array<Byte>^preamble = unicode->GetPreamble();
   // Make sure a preamble was returned 
   // and is large enough to containa BOM.
   if ( preamble->Length >= 2 )
      // if (preamble->Item[0] == 0xFE && preamble->Item[1] == 0xFF) 
      if ( preamble[ 0 ] == 0xFE && preamble[ 1 ] == 0xFF )
         Console::WriteLine( "The Unicode encoder is encoding in big-endian order." );
      // else if (preamble->Item[0] == 0xFF && preamble->Item[1] == 0xFE) 
      // else if (preamble->Item[0] == 0xFF && preamble->Item[1] == 0xFE) 
      if ( preamble[ 0 ] == 0xFF && preamble[ 1 ] == 0xFE )
         Console::WriteLine( "The Unicode encoder is encoding in little-endian order." );
package GetPreambleExample; 

import System.*;
import System.Text.*;

class GetPreambleExampleClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Encoding unicode = Encoding.get_Unicode();

        // Get the preamble for the Unicode encoder. 
        // In this case the preamble contains the byte order mark (BOM).
        ubyte preamble[] = unicode.GetPreamble();

        // Make sure a preamble was returned 
        // and is large enough to containa BOM.
        if(preamble.length >= 2) {
            if(preamble[0] == 0xFE && preamble[1] == 0xFF) {
                Console.WriteLine("The Unicode encoder is "
                + "encoding in big-endian order.");
            else {
                if(preamble[0] == 0xFF && preamble[1] == 0xFE) {
                    Console.WriteLine("The Unicode encoder is" 
                    + " encoding in little-endian order.");
    } //main
} //GetPreambleExampleClass 


Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework


.NET Compact Framework




Encoding 类
Encoding 成员
System.Text 命名空间