InkOverlay.NewPackets 事件
当 InkOverlay 接收到数据包时发生。
命名空间: Microsoft.Ink
程序集: Microsoft.Ink(在 Microsoft.Ink.dll 中)
Public Event NewPackets As InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler
Dim instance As InkOverlay
Dim handler As InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler
AddHandler instance.NewPackets, handler
public event InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler NewPackets
event InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler^ NewPackets {
void add (InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler^ value);
void remove (InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler^ value);
/** @event */
public void add_NewPackets (InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler value)
/** @event */
public void remove_NewPackets (InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler value)
JScript 不支持事件。
在收集笔画时,InkOverlay 对象接收到数据包。数据包事件会快速发生,NewPackets 事件处理程序必须快速执行,否则会降低性能。
事件处理程序接收 InkCollectorNewPacketsEventArgs 类型的参数,该参数包含有关此事件的数据。
创建 InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler 委托时,需要标识将处理该事件的方法。若要将该事件与事件处理程序关联,请将该委托的一个实例添加到事件中。除非移除了该委托,否则每当发生该事件时就会调用此事件处理程序。出于性能方面的原因,默认事件关注处于关闭状态,但如果添加事件处理程序,它将自动打开。
如果在事件处理程序中执行太多代码,则此事件可能对墨迹 性能产生不利影响。
此示例演示如何订阅 CursorInRange 事件,NewPackets 事件如何获取墨迹压力数据,以及如何使用该信息操作 DrawingAttributes 对象。
当 CursorInRange 事件激发时,将检查是否 InkCollector 对象是第一次与该特定 Cursor 对象相联系。如果是,则将 DefaultDrawingAttributes 属性的复本分配给 DrawingAttributes 属性。这将确保对 DrawingAttributes 属性的后续访问不会引发 null 引用异常。
Private Sub mInkObject_CursorInRange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventArgs)
Const MOUSE_CURSOR_ID As Integer = 1
If e.NewCursor Then
' mInkObject can be InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes = mInkObject.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Clone()
' if this cursor is the mouse, we'll set color to red
If (MOUSE_CURSOR_ID = e.Cursor.Id) Then
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Color = Color.Red
End If
End If
End Sub
private void mInkObject_CursorInRange(object sender, InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventArgs e)
const int MOUSE_CURSOR_ID = 1;
if (e.NewCursor)
// mInkObject can be InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes = mInkObject.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Clone();
// if this cursor is the mouse, we'll set color to red
if (MOUSE_CURSOR_ID == e.Cursor.Id)
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Color = Color.Red;
当 NewPackets 事件激发时,将检查数据包数据中是否包含 NormalPressure。如果包含,则在状态标签上显示压力信息,并修改 DrawingAttributes 属性。
Private Sub mInkObject_NewPackets(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkCollectorNewPacketsEventArgs)
' find the NormalPressure PacketProperty
' Set NormalPressure to -1 if not there, as some digitizers won't support it
Dim PacketDesc As Guid() = e.Stroke.PacketDescription
Dim NormalPressure As Integer = -1
For k As Integer = 0 To PacketDesc.Length - 1
If PacketDesc(k) = PacketProperty.NormalPressure Then
' for simplicity, in case of multiple packets, use the first packet only
NormalPressure = e.PacketData(k)
End If
Next k
' If we have the NormalPressure information
' change DrawingAttributes according to the NormalPressure
' Note that the change does not take effect until the next stroke
If NormalPressure <> -1 Then
' display the pressure on a status label
Me.statusLabelPressure.Text = NormalPressure.ToString()
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Width = NormalPressure * 4
' if pressure is above 127, change color to Red
If NormalPressure > 127 Then
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Color = Color.Red
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Color = mInkObject.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color
End If
End If
End Sub
private void mInkObject_NewPackets(object sender, InkCollectorNewPacketsEventArgs e)
// find the NormalPressure PacketProperty
// Set NormalPressure to -1 if not there, as some digitizers won't support it
Guid[] PacketDesc = e.Stroke.PacketDescription;
int NormalPressure = -1;
for (int k = 0; k < PacketDesc.Length; k++)
if (PacketDesc[k] == PacketProperty.NormalPressure)
// for simplicity, in case of multiple packets, use the first packet only
NormalPressure = e.PacketData[k];
// If we have the NormalPressure information
// change DrawingAttributes according to the NormalPressure
// Note that the change does not take effect until the next stroke
if (NormalPressure != -1)
// display the pressure on a status label
this.statusLabelPressure.Text = NormalPressure.ToString();
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Width = NormalPressure * 4;
// if pressure is above 127, change color to Red
if (NormalPressure > 127)
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Color = Color.Red;
e.Cursor.DrawingAttributes.Color = mInkObject.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color;
Windows Vista
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