basic_string::find_first_of (STL Samples)

在 Visual C++ 演示如何使用 basic_string:: find_first_of 标准 (STL)模板库函数。

size_type find_first_of(
   const basic_string& _X,
   size_type iPos = 0
size_type find_first_of(
   const element_type *_S,
   size_type iPos,
   size_type cElementsIn_S
size_type find_first_of(
   const element_type *_S,
   size_type iPos = 0
size_type find_first_of(
   element_type _C,
   size_type iPos = 0




该成员函数每个查找与任何的余下的操作数指定的操作数序列的元素控件序列的第一个 (最低的位置) 元素在或位置 iPos 之后 。 如果搜索成功,则返回该位置。 否则,该函数返回 npos。 返回的该位置是 (0) 基于为 0。 npos 返回值是指示的特定值未找到任何元素。


// main.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Functions:
//    string::find_first_of() - find the first instance in the
//         controlled string of any of the elements specified by the
//         parameters. The search begins at an optionally-supplied
//         position in the controlled string.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int main()
    string str1("Heartbeat");
    string str2("abcde");
    size_t iPos = 0;

    cout << "The string to search is '" << str1.c_str() << "'"
         << endl;

    // find the first instance in str1 of any characters in str2
    iPos = str1.find_first_of (str2, 0);  // 0 is default position

    cout << "Element in '" << str2.c_str() << "' found at position "
         << iPos << endl;

    // start looking in the third position...
    iPos = str1.find_first_of (str2, 2);

    cout << "Element in '" << str2.c_str() << "' found at position "
         << iPos << endl;

    // use an array of the element type as the set of elements to
    // search for; look for anything after the fourth position
    char achVowels[] = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
    iPos = str1.find_first_of (achVowels, 4, sizeof(achVowels));

    cout << "Element in '";
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof (achVowels); i++)
        cout << achVowels[i];
    cout << "' found at position " << iPos << endl;

    // use a string literal to specify the set of elements
    char szVowels[] = "aeiou";
    iPos = str1.find_first_of (szVowels, 0);  // 0 is default position

    cout << "Element in '" << szVowels << "' found at position "
         << iPos << endl;

    // look for a specific character beginning in the third position
    iPos = str1.find_first_of ('e', 2);

    cout << "'e' found at position " << iPos << endl;


The string to search is 'Heartbeat'
Element in 'abcde' found at position 1
Element in 'abcde' found at position 2
Element in 'aeiou' found at position 6
Element in 'aeiou' found at position 1
'e' found at position 6




