Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SingleSignon 命名空间

The Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SingleSignon namespace contains classes that allow you to centralize account credentials from multiple back-end applications through a single portal that uses secured applications.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides a default single sign-on (SSO) service for the storage and mapping of credentials for use in connecting with third-party or back-end systems. Many companies already have developed an in-house credential storage system or use a solution other than Microsoft Single Sign-On Service. Instead of maintaining credential mapping in two places, Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides a mechanism, pluggable SSO, to specify an alternate SSO Provider to the standard SSO Provider in Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Replacing the default SSO Provider, SpsSsoProvider, in Office SharePoint Server 2007 involves implementing ISsoProvider, installing it into the global assembly cache, and registering the new SSO provider with Office SharePoint Server 2007.

At any time, you can register only a single SSO Provider for Office SharePoint Server 2007. Registering a new SSO Provider replaces SpsSsoProvider in Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Most providers will need to implement the GetCredentials and GetSsoProviderInfo methods of the ISsoProvider interface.

公共类 Application Manages enterprise application definitions, and exposes methods to add, get, and delete enterprise application definitions.
公共类 Application.ApplicationCollection Enumerates the enterprise application definitions.
公共类 Application.ApplicationField Identifies a field in the enterprise application definition.
公共类 Application.ApplicationFieldCollection Enumerates the fields of the enterprise application definition.
公共类 Application.ApplicationInfo Identifies an enterprise application definition.
公共类 Configuration 此类及其成员仅供内部使用,不应在代码中使用。
公共类 Credentials 此类及其成员仅供内部使用,不应在代码中使用。
公共类 SingleSignonCredsNotFoundException Represents an exception that is thrown when SharePoint cannot find the requested credentials in the Single Signon database.
公共类 SingleSignonException Instantiates an exception from the Microsoft Single Sign-On service (SSOSrv) with a specific error code.
公共类 SpsSsoProvider Represents the default single sign-on (SSO) provider that is included with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. It is the Office SharePoint Server 2007 implementation of the ISsoProvider interface.
公共类 SSOCanaryChecker Represents a Microsoft Single Sign-On service (SSOSrv) canary.
公共类 SSOConstants 此类及其成员仅供内部使用,不应在代码中使用。
公共类 SsoCredentials Represents an object that contains the single sign-on credentials.
公共类 SsoProviderFactory Returns the current single sign-on (SSO) provider registered with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 or the default SSO provider (see Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SingleSignon.SpsSsoProvider).
公共类 SsoProviderInfo Provides information about the single sign-on (SSO) provider.
公共类 SSOReturnCodes Contains all of the return codes that are thrown by the SingleSignonException class.


  接口 说明
公共接口 ISsoProvider Represents a single sign-on (SSO) provider. Can be implemented to replace the default SSO provider.


  枚举 说明
公共枚举 Application.ApplicationCreationDisposition Indicates whether to create an application or overwrite an existing application.
公共枚举 Application.ApplicationType Indicates the single sign-on (SSO) application type.
公共枚举 Credentials.SingleSignonTicketType 仅供内部使用。
公共枚举 SSOConstants.ServiceAction Identifies the service action that was recorded in the single sign-on (SSO) database.
公共枚举 SsoCredentialContents Sets the type of content stored in an SsoCredentials object.