Enumerating Cluster Objects
Enumeration is the process of listing all objects of a given type that are contained by, or that relate to, another object. For example, typical enumeration routines list all of the resources in a group, all of the dependencies of a resource, or all of the nodes in a cluster. Enumeration allows you to search for objects with specific attributes or create and display object inventories.
The following table lists the kinds of information available through enumeration and the API element(s) used to perform the enumeration.
Objects to enumerate | Function |
dependencies of a resource |
ClusterResourceEnum |
dependents of a resource |
ClusterResourceEnum |
groups in the cluster |
ClusterEnum |
network interfaces available to a network |
ClusterNetworkEnum |
network interfaces in a node |
ClusterNodeEnum |
networks in the cluster |
ClusterEnum |
nodes in a cluster |
ClusterEnum |
possible owner nodes of a resource |
ClusterResourceEnum |
possible owner nodes of a resource type |
ClusterResourceTypeEnum |
preferred owner nodes of a group |
ClusterGroupEnum |
resource types in a cluster |
ClusterEnum |
resources in a group |
ClusterGroupEnum |
resources in a cluster |
ClusterEnum |
network interfaces in a cluster |
ClusterEnum |
The following generalized procedure applies to the enumeration functions of any object. Substitute the name of the object (that is, node, network, group, or resource) for Object.
To enumerate objects associated with Object
Allocate an output buffer to receive the names of the objects to be enumerated. Note that the size of the buffer, passed as an input parameter, must be expressed as a count of characters and not a count of bytes.
Open an enumeration handle by calling ClusterObjectOpenEnum, specifying the objects to be enumerated in the dwType parameter.
Execute a loop, performing the following steps with each iteration:
- Call ClusterObjectEnum to retrieve the name of the next object into the lpszName output buffer.
- If ClusterObjectEnum returns ERROR_MORE_DATA, reallocate the output buffer based on the count of characters returned in the lpcchName parameter. Note that the terminating NULL is not included in the count.
- If ClusterObjectEnum returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, terminate the loop.
- Use the lpszName parameter according to the needs of the application. For example, lpszName could be used to open a handle to the object, which could then be used to retrieve the object's properties.
- Increment the dwIndex parameter.
Close the enumeration handle by calling ClusterObjectCloseEnum.
Deallocate the output buffer.
Example Code
The following example enumerates the resources in a group and returns the results in a value list. This example calls other example functions presented elsewhere in this documentation. To locate these example functions, see the Index of Examples. Among these example functions is ClusDocEx_ListEntrySize, which is defined in ClusDocEx.h.
#include <windows.h>
#include "ClusDocEx.h"
// ClusDocEx_GrpEnumResources
// Enumerates the resources in a group and returns the names
// in a value list.
// IN HGROUP hGroup Group handle.
// IN OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer Allocated buffer for value list.
// IN DWORD cbOutBufferSize Byte size of out buffer.
// OUT LPDWORD lpcbResultSize Byte size of resulting data.
// Return Value.....lpOutBuffer...lpcbResultSize
// ERROR_SUCCESS value list byte size of list
// ERROR_MORE_DATA undefined byte size of list
// Other undefined undefined
DWORD ClusDocEx_GrpEnumResources(
IN OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer,
IN DWORD cbOutBufferSize,
OUT LPDWORD lpcbResultSize
// hGroup Group handle
// hGroupEnum Enumeration handle
// dwResult Captures return values
// dwIndex Enumeration index
// dwType Type of object to enumerate
// cbNameAlloc Allocated size of the name buffer
// cchNameSize Size of the resulting name as a count of wchars
// cbNameSize Size of the resulting name buffer in bytes
// cbEntrySize Size of the value list entry containing lpszName
// lpszName Buffer to hold enumerated names
// cbh Value list builder
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
DWORD cbNameAlloc = ClusDocEx_DEFAULT_CB;
DWORD cchNameSize = 0;
DWORD cbNameSize = 0;
DWORD cbEntrySize = 0;
*lpcbResultSize = 0;
LPWSTR lpszName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR,
cbNameAlloc );
if ( lpszName == NULL )
dwResult = GetLastError();
goto endf;
// Open enumeration handle.
hGroupEnum = ClusterGroupOpenEnum( hGroup, dwType );
if ( hGroupEnum == NULL )
dwResult = GetLastError();
goto endf;
// Prepare to build value list. See "Using CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER"
cbh.pb = (LPBYTE) lpOutBuffer;
// Enumeration loop.
while( dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
// Make sure cchNameSize correctly reports the allocated size.
cchNameSize = cbNameAlloc / sizeof( WCHAR );
dwResult = ClusterGroupEnum( hGroupEnum,
&cchNameSize );
// Reallocation routine
if ( dwResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA )
cchNameSize++; // terminating NULL
cbNameAlloc = cchNameSize / sizeof( WCHAR );
LocalFree( lpszName );
lpszName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR,
cbNameAlloc );
if ( lpszName == NULL )
dwResult = GetLastError();
goto endf;
dwResult = ClusterGroupEnum( hGroupEnum,
&cchNameSize );
if( dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
// Calculate sizes
cchNameSize++; // terminating NULL
cbNameSize = cchNameSize * sizeof( WCHAR );
// ClusDocEx_ListEntrySize is defined in ClusDocEx.h
cbEntrySize = ClusDocEx_ListEntrySize( cbNameSize );
// Update required size
*lpcbResultSize += cbEntrySize;
if( *lpcbResultSize < cbOutBufferSize )
// Add value list entry
cbh.pStringValue->Syntax.dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_SZ;
cbh.pStringValue->cbLength = cbNameSize;
StringCbCopy( cbh.pStringValue->sz, cbNameSize, lpszName );
cbh.pb += cbEntrySize;
else if( dwResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS )
// Add the endmark
*lpcbResultSize += sizeof( DWORD );
if( *lpcbResultSize <= cbOutBufferSize )
else // enum failed for another reason
// We don't have a reliable size
*lpcbResultSize = 0;
// end while
cbh.pb = NULL;
LocalFree( lpszName );
if ( hGroupEnum != NULL )
ClusterGroupCloseEnum( hGroupEnum );
if( *lpcbResultSize > cbOutBufferSize )
return dwResult;
// end ClusDocEx_GrpEnumResources