删除 Microsoft OneDrive 体验设置
删除所有 Microsoft OneDrive 体验设置和信息的建议方法是:在向其他用户重新分配任何保留的文件后,删除用户的 OneDrive 网站。
管理员可以使用 PowerShell 脚本 和 SharePoint Client-Side对象模型 (CSOM) 命令删除这些列表。 SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline Microsoft PowerShell 模块中包含所有必需的 CSOM 程序集。
可以调整本文中包含的脚本以满足需求。 例如,可以提取 的信息 user1@contoso.com ,如下所示:
向自己分配对 OneDrive 帐户的权限。 这可在 Microsoft 365 管理中心中完成,如下所述。
安装必需的 Microsoft PowerShell 模块:
Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
Install-Module CredentialManager
运行下面的 DeleteODBLists PowerShell 脚本(或自定义版本的脚本),例如:
$ODBSite = "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/user1_contoso_com"
DeleteODBLists -siteUrl $ODBSite
请勿在 OneDrive 帐户中对仍在组织中的活动用户运行此脚本。
复制以下内容并将其粘贴到文本文件中。 将文件另存为DeleteODBLists.ps1。
如果看到未加载程序集的错误,请仔细检查最新版本的 SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline PowerShell 模块的路径,如Add-Type Path 参数中定义。 计算机上的路径可能不同,或者你可能使用的是不同版本的模块, (模块版本是路径) 的一部分。
#Deletes OneDrive experience settings, stored in several SharePoint Lists
param([string]$siteUrl, [bool]$useStoredCreds=$true)
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\2.26.1805.0\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\2.26.1805.0\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
if (!$siteUrl)
Write-Host "Please specify a OneDrive site using -siteUrl."
if ($useStoredCreds)
Write-Host "Retrieving stored Windows credentials for $siteUrl."
$cred = Get-StoredCredential -Target $siteUrl
if (!$cred)
Write-Host "Didn't find stored credential for $siteUrl. Please provide credentials to connect."
$cred = Get-Credential
$cred = Get-Credential
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($cred.UserName,$cred.Password)
$webURL = $siteUrl
$ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($webURL)
$ctx.Credentials = $credentials
#Root folders of lists to export
$SWMRoot = "Reference " #starts with this string
$notificationsRoot = "notificationSubscriptionHiddenList6D1E55DA25644A22"
$activityFeedRoot = "userActivityFeedHiddenListF4387007BE61432F8BDB85E6"
$accessRequestsRoot = "Access Requests"
$microfeedRoot = "PublishedFeed"
$SPHomeCacheRoot = "SharePointHomeCacheList"
$sharingLinksRoot = "Sharing Links"
$socialRoot = "Social"
#Get all lists in the web
$lists = $ctx.web.Lists
write-host "$($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor red
#Process all lists and identify the settings lists to be deleted
$listsToDelete = @()
foreach($list in $lists)
$listTitle = [string]$list.Title
$listRoot = $list.RootFolder.Name
$listTemplateId = $list.TemplateFeatureId
Write-host ("Processing List: " + $list.Title + " with " + $list.ItemCount + " items").ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-host (">> List Root Folder: " + $listRoot) -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($listRoot.StartsWith($SWMRoot,"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase") -and $list.ItemCount -ge 1)
Write-Host ">> Found: Shared With Me List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "Shared With Me List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $notificationsRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: Notifications List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "Notifications List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $activityFeedRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: User Activity Feed List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "User Activity Feed List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $accessRequestsRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: Access Requests List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "Access Requests List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $microfeedRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: MicroFeed List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "Microfeed List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $SPHomeCacheRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: SharePoint Home Cache List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "SharePoint Home Cache List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $sharingLinksRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: Sharing Links List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "Sharing Links List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
elseif ($listRoot -eq $socialRoot)
Write-Host ">> Found: Social List" -ForegroundColor Green
$listDetails = @{listType = "Social List"; listTitle = $listTitle; listRoot = $listRoot; listTemplateId = $listTemplateId}
$listsToDelete += $listDetails
#Retrieve web features
$webFeatures = $ctx.Web.Features
#Export list function
function deleteList
Param ([string] $listTitle, [string] $listTemplateId)
Write-Host ("Deleting List: " + $listTitle).ToUpper() -ForegroundColor Red
#Remove features the list may depend on
$webfeatures.Remove($listTemplateId, $true)
#Set the list to allow deletion
$list = $lists.GetByTitle($listTitle)
$list.AllowDeletion = $true
#Delete the list
#Delete all target lists
foreach ($list in $listsToDelete)
deleteList -listTitle $list["listTitle"] -listTemplateId $list["listTemplateId"]