在 Cortana 中与后台应用交互


自 Windows 10 2020 年 5 月更新(版本 2004,codename“20H1”)起,不再支持此功能。

在执行语音命令时,通过 Cortana 画布中的语音和文本输入使用户与后台应用交互

Cortana 支持应用的完整分步工作流。 此工作流由应用定义,可支持如下功能:

  • 成功完成
  • 转交
  • 进度
  • 确认
  • 消除歧义
  • 错误




如果你还不熟悉通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 应用开发,请查看这些主题来熟悉此处讨论的技术。


有关如何将你的应用与 Cortana 和语音交互集成的信息,请参阅 Cortana 设计指南,了解有关设计有用且具有吸引力的支持语音的应用的有用提示。

撰写由 Cortana 显示和说出的反馈字符串

Cortana 设计指南提供了有关为 Cortana 撰写字符串的建议


Cortana 支持以下内容卡模板(完成屏幕上只能使用一个模板)

  • 仅标题
  • 最多包含三行文本的标题
  • 带图像的标题
  • 最多包含三行文本的带图像标题


  • 68w x 68h
  • 68w x 92h
  • 280w x 140h




如果应用响应任务的时间少于 500 毫秒,并且无需用户提供额外的信息,则无需与 Cortana 进一步交互即可完成任务。 Cortana 会简单地显示完成屏幕。

此处,我们使用 Adventure Works 应用显示语音命令请求的完成屏幕,以显示即将前往伦敦的行程

即将开始的行程的 Cortana 后台应用完成的屏幕截图

语音命令是在 AdventureWorksCommands.xml 中定义的:

<Command Name="whenIsTripToDestination">
  <Example> When is my trip to Las Vegas?</Example>
  <ListenFor RequireAppName="BeforeOrAfterPhrase"> when is [my] trip to {destination}</ListenFor>
  <ListenFor RequireAppName="ExplicitlySpecified"> when is [my] {builtin:AppName} trip to {destination} </ListenFor>
  <Feedback> Looking for trip to {destination}</Feedback>
  <VoiceCommandService Target="AdventureWorksVoiceCommandService"/>

AdventureWorksVoiceCommandService.cs 包含完成消息方法:

/// <summary>
/// Show details for a single trip, if the trip can be found. 
/// This demonstrates a simple response flow in Cortana.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destination">The destination, expected to be in the phrase list.</param>
private async Task SendCompletionMessageForDestination(string destination)
    // If this operation is expected to take longer than 0.5 seconds, the task must
    // supply a progress response to Cortana before starting the operation, and
    // updates must be provided at least every 5 seconds.
    string loadingTripToDestination = string.Format(
               cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("LoadingTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
    await ShowProgressScreen(loadingTripToDestination);
    Model.TripStore store = new Model.TripStore();
    await store.LoadTrips();

    // Query for the specified trip. 
    // The destination should be in the phrase list. However, there might be  
    // multiple trips to the destination. We pick the first.
    IEnumerable<Model.Trip> trips = store.Trips.Where(p => p.Destination == destination);

    var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
    var destinationsContentTiles = new List<VoiceCommandContentTile>();
    if (trips.Count() == 0)
        string foundNoTripToDestination = string.Format(
               cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("FoundNoTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
        userMessage.DisplayMessage = foundNoTripToDestination;
        userMessage.SpokenMessage = foundNoTripToDestination;
        // Set plural or singular title.
        string message = "";
        if (trips.Count() > 1)
            message = cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("PluralUpcomingTrips", cortanaContext).ValueAsString;
            message = cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("SingularUpcomingTrip", cortanaContext).ValueAsString;
        userMessage.DisplayMessage = message;
        userMessage.SpokenMessage = message;

        // Define a tile for each destination.
        foreach (Model.Trip trip in trips)
            int i = 1;
            var destinationTile = new VoiceCommandContentTile();

            destinationTile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWith68x68IconAndText;
            destinationTile.Image = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///AdventureWorks.VoiceCommands/Images/GreyTile.png"));

            destinationTile.AppLaunchArgument = trip.Destination;
            destinationTile.Title = trip.Destination;
            if (trip.StartDate != null)
                destinationTile.TextLine1 = trip.StartDate.Value.ToString(dateFormatInfo.LongDatePattern);
                destinationTile.TextLine1 = trip.Destination + " " + i;


    var response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, destinationsContentTiles);

    if (trips.Count() > 0)
        response.AppLaunchArgument = destination;

    await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response);


识别语音命令后,Cortana 必须调用 ReportSuccessAsync,并大约在 500 毫秒内提供反馈。如果应用服务无法在 500 毫秒内完成语音命令指定的操作,Cortana 将显示一个转交屏幕,直到应用调用 ReportSuccessAsync 或等待最多 5 秒

如果应用服务未调用 ReportSuccessAsync 或任何其他 VoiceCommandServiceConnection 方法,则用户会收到错误消息,并取消应用服务调用。

下面是 Adventure Works 应用的转交屏幕示例。 此示例中,用户查询了 Cortana,想要了解即将开始的行程。 转交屏幕包含使用应用服务名称自定义的消息、图标和反馈字符串自定义的消息

[!注意] 可以在 VCD 文件中声明一个反馈字符串。 此字符串不会影响 Cortana 画布上显示的 UI 文本,它只会影响 Cortana 说出的文本

Cortana 背景应用切换屏幕的屏幕截图


如果应用服务调用 ReportSuccessAsync 的时间超过 500 毫秒,Cortana 会为用户提供进度屏幕。 将显示应用图标,必须同时提供 GUI 和 TTS 进度字符串来表明正在积极处理任务。

Cortana 显示进度屏幕的时间最长为 5 秒。 5 秒后,Cortana 会向用户显示一条错误消息,并且应用服务将关闭。 如果应用服务需要 5 秒以上才能完成操作,它可以继续使用进度屏幕更新 Cortana 应用

下面是 Adventure Works 应用的进度屏幕示例。 此示例中,用户取消了前往拉斯维加斯的行程。 进度屏幕包括为操作自定义的消息、图标和包含已取消行程信息的内容磁贴。

带后台应用进度屏幕的 Cortana 屏幕截图

AdventureWorksVoiceCommandService.cs 包含以下进度消息方法,该方法调用 ReportProgressAsync 以显示 Cortana 中的进度屏幕

/// <summary>
/// Show a progress screen. These should be posted at least every 5 seconds for a 
/// long-running operation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The message to display, relating to the task being performed.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private async Task ShowProgressScreen(string message)
    var userProgressMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
    userProgressMessage.DisplayMessage = userProgressMessage.SpokenMessage = message;

    VoiceCommandResponse response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userProgressMessage);
    await voiceServiceConnection.ReportProgressAsync(response);



下面是 Adventure Works 应用的确认屏幕示例。 此示例中,用户已指示应用服务通过 Cortana 取消前往拉斯维加斯的行程。 应用服务为 Cortana 提供了一个确认屏幕,提示用户在取消行程之前提供“是”或“否”答案

如果用户提供“是”或“否”以外的回答,Cortana 将无法确定问题的答案。 在这种情况下,Cortana 会向用户提示应用服务提供的类似问题

第二次提示时,如果用户仍然不说“是”或“否”, Cortana 会第三次提示用户,其前缀为道歉。 如果用户仍然不说“是”或“否”, Cortana 将停止侦听语音输入,并要求用户改为点击其中一个按钮。


带后台应用确认屏幕的 Cortana 屏幕截图

AdventureWorksVoiceCommandService.cs 包含以下行程取消方法,该方法调用 RequestConfirmationAsync在 Cortana 中显示确认屏幕

/// <summary>
/// Handle the Trip Cancellation task. This task demonstrates how to prompt a user
/// for confirmation of an operation, show users a progress screen while performing
/// a long-running task, and show a completion screen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destination">The name of a destination.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private async Task SendCompletionMessageForCancellation(string destination)
    // Begin loading data to search for the target store. 
    // Consider inserting a progress screen here, in order to prevent Cortana from timing out. 
    string progressScreenString = string.Format(
        cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ProgressLookingForTripToDest", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
    await ShowProgressScreen(progressScreenString);

    Model.TripStore store = new Model.TripStore();
    await store.LoadTrips();

    IEnumerable<Model.Trip> trips = store.Trips.Where(p => p.Destination == destination);
    Model.Trip trip = null;
    if (trips.Count() > 1)
        // If there is more than one trip, provide a disambiguation screen.
        // However, if a significant number of items are returned, you might want to 
        // just display a link to your app and provide a deeper search experience.
        string disambiguationDestinationString = string.Format(
            cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("DisambiguationWhichTripToDest", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
        string disambiguationRepeatString = cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("DisambiguationRepeat", cortanaContext).ValueAsString;
        trip = await DisambiguateTrips(trips, disambiguationDestinationString, disambiguationRepeatString);
        trip = trips.FirstOrDefault();

    var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
    VoiceCommandResponse response;
    if (trip == null)
        var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
        string noSuchTripToDestination = string.Format(
            cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("NoSuchTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
        userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = noSuchTripToDestination;

        response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage);
        await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response);
        // Prompt the user for confirmation that this is the correct trip to cancel.
        string cancelTripToDestination = string.Format(
            cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("CancelTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
        userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = cancelTripToDestination;
        var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
        string confirmCancelTripToDestination = string.Format(
            cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ConfirmCancelTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
        userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = confirmCancelTripToDestination;
        response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt);

        var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response);

        // If RequestConfirmationAsync returns null, Cortana has likely been dismissed.
        if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null)
            if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed == true)
                string cancellingTripToDestination = string.Format(
               cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("CancellingTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
                await ShowProgressScreen(cancellingTripToDestination);

                // Perform the operation to remove the trip from app data. 
                // As the background task runs within the app package of the installed app,
                // we can access local files belonging to the app without issue.
                await store.DeleteTrip(trip);

                // Provide a completion message to the user.
                var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
                string cancelledTripToDestination = string.Format(
                    cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("CancelledTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
                userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = cancelledTripToDestination;
                response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage);
                await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response);
                // Confirm no action for the user.
                var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
                string keepingTripToDestination = string.Format(
                    cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("KeepingTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString,
                userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = keepingTripToDestination;

                response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage);
                await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response);



下面是 Adventure Works 应用的消除歧义屏幕示例。 此示例中,用户已指示应用服务通过 Cortana 取消前往拉斯维加斯的行程。 但是,用户在不同日期有两次前往拉斯维加斯的行程,如果用户未选择所需的行程,应用服务无法完成操作。

应用服务为 Cortana 提供了消除歧义屏幕,提示用户在取消任何行程之前从匹配行程列表中进行选择

在这种情况下,Cortana 会向用户提示应用服务提供的类似问题

第二次提示时,如果用户仍然没有说出可用于识别所选内容的内容, Cortana 会第三次提示用户,其前缀为道歉。 如果用户仍然没有说出可用于识别所选内容的内容, Cortana 将停止侦听语音输入,并要求用户改为点击其中一个按钮。


带背景应用消除歧义屏幕的 Cortana 屏幕截图

AdventureWorksVoiceCommandService.cs 包含以下行程取消方法,该方法调用 RequestDisambiguationAsync在 Cortana 中显示消除歧义屏幕

/// <summary>
/// Provide the user with a way to identify which trip to cancel. 
/// </summary>
/// <param name="trips">The set of trips</param>
/// <param name="disambiguationMessage">The initial disambiguation message</param>
/// <param name="secondDisambiguationMessage">Repeat prompt retry message</param>
private async Task<Model.Trip> DisambiguateTrips(IEnumerable<Model.Trip> trips, string disambiguationMessage, string secondDisambiguationMessage)
    // Create the first prompt message.
    var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
    userPrompt.DisplayMessage =
        userPrompt.SpokenMessage = disambiguationMessage;

    // Create a re-prompt message if the user responds with an out-of-grammar response.
    var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
    userReprompt.DisplayMessage =
        userReprompt.SpokenMessage = secondDisambiguationMessage;

    // Create card for each item. 
    var destinationContentTiles = new List<VoiceCommandContentTile>();
    int i = 1;
    foreach (Model.Trip trip in trips)
        var destinationTile = new VoiceCommandContentTile();

        destinationTile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWith68x68IconAndText;
        destinationTile.Image = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///AdventureWorks.VoiceCommands/Images/GreyTile.png"));
        // The AppContext can be any arbitrary object.
        destinationTile.AppContext = trip;
        string dateFormat = "";
        if (trip.StartDate != null)
            dateFormat = trip.StartDate.Value.ToString(dateFormatInfo.LongDatePattern);
            // The app allows a trip to have no date.
            // However, the choices must be unique so they can be distinguished.
            // Here, we add a number to identify them.
            dateFormat = string.Format("{0}", i);

        destinationTile.Title = trip.Destination + " " + dateFormat;
        destinationTile.TextLine1 = trip.Description;


    // Cortana handles re-prompting if no valid response.
    var response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt, destinationContentTiles);

    // If cortana is dismissed in this operation, null is returned.
    var voiceCommandDisambiguationResult = await
    if (voiceCommandDisambiguationResult != null)
        return (Model.Trip)voiceCommandDisambiguationResult.SelectedItem.AppContext;

    return null;



下面是 Adventure Works 应用的错误屏幕示例。 此示例中,用户已指示应用服务通过 Cortana 取消前往拉斯维加斯的行程。 但是,用户没有计划前往拉斯维加斯的任何行程。

应用服务会向 Cortana 提供一个错误屏幕,其中包括为操作自定义的消息、图标和特定错误消息

调用 ReportFailureAsync 以在 Cortana 中显示错误消息

var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage();
    userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = 
      "Sorry, you don't have any trips to Las Vegas";
    var response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage);

    response.AppLaunchArgument = "showUpcomingTrips";
    await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(response);