

重要 APIWindows.Media.SpeechRecognition

语音识别由语音运行时、用于编程运行时的识别 API、用于听写和 Web 搜索的现成语法以及帮助用户发现和使用语音识别功能的默认系统 UI 组成。


若要支持应用的语音识别,用户必须在其设备上连接并启用麦克风,并接受向应用授予相应使用权限的 Microsoft 隐私策略。

若要使用系统对话框自动提示用户,请求访问和使用麦克风的音频源(如下所示的语音识别和语音合成示例的示例),只需在应用包清单设置麦克风设备功能。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅应用功能声明


如果用户单击“是”授予对麦克风的访问权限,你的应用会添加到“设置”->“隐私”->麦克风”页上的批准的应用程序列表中。 但是,由于用户可以随时选择关闭此设置,因此在尝试使用麦克风之前,应确认应用有权访问麦克风。

如果还希望支持听写、Cortana 或其他语音识别服务(如主题约束中定义的预定义语法),还需要确认启用了“在线语音识别”(“设置”->“隐私”->“语音”)


public class AudioCapturePermissions
    // If no microphone is present, an exception is thrown with the following HResult value.
    private static int NoCaptureDevicesHResult = -1072845856;

    /// <summary>
    /// Note that this method only checks the Settings->Privacy->Microphone setting, it does not handle
    /// the Cortana/Dictation privacy check.
    /// You should perform this check every time the app gets focus, in case the user has changed
    /// the setting while the app was suspended or not in focus.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>True, if the microphone is available.</returns>
    public async static Task<bool> RequestMicrophonePermission()
            // Request access to the audio capture device.
            MediaCaptureInitializationSettings settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
            settings.StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.Audio;
            settings.MediaCategory = MediaCategory.Speech;
            MediaCapture capture = new MediaCapture();

            await capture.InitializeAsync(settings);
        catch (TypeLoadException)
            // Thrown when a media player is not available.
            var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("Media player components are unavailable.");
            await messageDialog.ShowAsync();
            return false;
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            // Thrown when permission to use the audio capture device is denied.
            // If this occurs, show an error or disable recognition functionality.
            return false;
        catch (Exception exception)
            // Thrown when an audio capture device is not present.
            if (exception.HResult == NoCaptureDevicesHResult)
                var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("No Audio Capture devices are present on this system.");
                await messageDialog.ShowAsync();
                return false;
        return true;
/// <summary>
/// Note that this method only checks the Settings->Privacy->Microphone setting, it does not handle
/// the Cortana/Dictation privacy check.
/// You should perform this check every time the app gets focus, in case the user has changed
/// the setting while the app was suspended or not in focus.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True, if the microphone is available.</returns>
IAsyncOperation<bool>^  AudioCapturePermissions::RequestMicrophonePermissionAsync()
    return create_async([]() 
            // Request access to the audio capture device.
            MediaCaptureInitializationSettings^ settings = ref new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
            settings->StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode::Audio;
            settings->MediaCategory = MediaCategory::Speech;
            MediaCapture^ capture = ref new MediaCapture();

            return create_task(capture->InitializeAsync(settings))
                .then([](task<void> previousTask) -> bool
                catch (AccessDeniedException^)
                    // Thrown when permission to use the audio capture device is denied.
                    // If this occurs, show an error or disable recognition functionality.
                    return false;
                catch (Exception^ exception)
                    // Thrown when an audio capture device is not present.
                    if (exception->HResult == AudioCapturePermissions::NoCaptureDevicesHResult)
                        auto messageDialog = ref new Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog("No Audio Capture devices are present on this system.");
                        return false;

                return true;
        catch (Platform::ClassNotRegisteredException^ ex)
            // Thrown when a media player is not available. 
            auto messageDialog = ref new Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog("Media Player Components unavailable.");
            return create_task([] {return false; });
var AudioCapturePermissions = WinJS.Class.define(
    function () { }, {},
        requestMicrophonePermission: function () {
            /// <summary>
            /// Note that this method only checks the Settings->Privacy->Microphone setting, it does not handle
            /// the Cortana/Dictation privacy check.
            /// You should perform this check every time the app gets focus, in case the user has changed
            /// the setting while the app was suspended or not in focus.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>True, if the microphone is available.</returns>
            return new WinJS.Promise(function (completed, error) {

                try {
                    // Request access to the audio capture device.
                    var captureSettings = new Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
                    captureSettings.streamingCaptureMode = Windows.Media.Capture.StreamingCaptureMode.audio;
                    captureSettings.mediaCategory = Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCategory.speech;

                    var capture = new Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCapture();
                    capture.initializeAsync(captureSettings).then(function () {
                    function (error) {
                        // Audio Capture can fail to initialize if there's no audio devices on the system, or if
                        // the user has disabled permission to access the microphone in the Privacy settings.
                        if (error.number == -2147024891) { // Access denied (microphone disabled in settings)
                        } else if (error.number == -1072845856) { // No recording device present.
                            var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("No Audio Capture devices are present on this system.");
                        } else {
                } catch (exception) {
                    if (exception.number == -2147221164) { // REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG
                        var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("Media Player components not available on this system.");
                        return false;


约束定义应用在语音输入中识别的字词和短语(词汇)。 约束是语音识别的核心,可让你的应用更好地控制语音识别的准确性。



预定义听写和 Web 搜索语法为应用提供语音识别,而无需编写语法。 使用这些语法时,语音识别由远程 Web 服务执行,结果将返回到设备。

默认的自由文本听写语法可以识别用户可以使用特定语言说出的大部分字词和短语,并经过优化以识别短短语。 如果未为 SpeechRecognizer 对象指定任何约束,则使用预定义听写语法。 当你不想限制用户可以说出的内容类型时,自由文本听写非常有用。 典型用法包括创建笔记或听写邮件的内容。

Web 搜索语法(如听写语法)包含用户可能说的大量字词和短语。 但是,它经过优化,可以识别人们在搜索 Web 时通常使用的术语。


 由于预定义听写和 Web 搜索语法可能很大,并且因为它们处于联机状态(不在设备上),因此性能可能不如设备上安装的自定义语法快。  

这些预定义的语法可用于识别长达 10 秒的语音输入,并且无需在部件上进行创作。 但是,它们确实需要连接到网络。

若要使用 Web 服务约束,必须在“设置”中启用语音输入和听写支持,方法是在“设置”->“隐私”->“语音、墨迹书写和键入”中打开“了解我”选项

在这里,我们将演示如何测试语音输入是否已启用并打开“设置 - 隐私 ->> 语音”、“墨迹书写”和“键入”页(如果不是)。

首先,我们将全局变量(HResultPrivacyStatementDeclined)初始化为0x80045509的 HResult 值。 请参阅采用 C# 或 Visual Basic 的异常处理

private static uint HResultPrivacyStatementDeclined = 0x80045509;

然后,在识别过程中捕获任何标准异常,并测试 HResult 值是否等于 HResultPrivacyStatementDeclined 变量的值。 如果是这样,我们将显示警告并调用 await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-settings:privacy-accounts")); 以打开“设置”页。

catch (Exception exception)
  // Handle the speech privacy policy error.
  if ((uint)exception.HResult == HResultPrivacyStatementDeclined)
    resultTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    resultTextBlock.Text = "The privacy statement was declined." + 
      "Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Speech, inking and typing, and ensure you" +
      "have viewed the privacy policy, and 'Get To Know You' is enabled.";
    // Open the privacy/speech, inking, and typing settings page.
    await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-settings:privacy-accounts")); 
    var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(exception.Message, "Exception");
    await messageDialog.ShowAsync();

请参阅 SpeechRecognitionTopicConstraint


编程列表约束提供了使用字词或短语列表创建简单语法的轻量方法。 列表约束非常适用于识别短而不同的短语。 显式指定语法中的所有字词也会提高识别准确性,因为语音识别引擎必须仅处理语音才能确认匹配。 还可以以编程方式更新列表。

列表约束包含一个字符串数组,表示应用将接受的用于识别操作的语音输入。 可以通过创建语音识别列表约束对象并传递字符串数组,在应用中创建列表约束。 然后,将该对象添加到识别器的约束集合。 当语音识别器识别数组中的任何一个字符串时,识别成功。

请参阅 SpeechRecognitionListConstraint


语音识别语法规范(SRGS)语法是一个静态文档,与编程列表约束不同,它使用 SRGS 版本 1.0 定义的 XML 格式。 SRGS 语法允许在单个识别中捕获多个语义含义,从而提供对语音识别体验的最大控制。

请参阅 SpeechRecognitionGrammarFileConstraint


使用语音命令定义 (VCD) XML 文件定义用户可在激活应用时指示启动操作的命令。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅通过 Cortana 使用语音命令激活前台应用

请参阅 SpeechRecognitionVoiceCommandDefinitionConstraint/

注意:使用的约束类型的类型取决于待创建识别体验的复杂程度。 任何都可以是特定识别任务的最佳选择,并且你可能会发现用于应用中所有类型的约束。 若要开始使用约束,请参阅 “定义自定义识别约束”。

预定义的通用 Windows 应用听写语法可识别语言中的大多数字词和短短语。 在不使用自定义约束的情况下实例化语音识别器对象时,默认情况下会激活它。


private async void StartRecognizing_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Create an instance of SpeechRecognizer.
    var speechRecognizer = new Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognizer();

    // Compile the dictation grammar by default.
    await speechRecognizer.CompileConstraintsAsync();

    // Start recognition.
    Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionResult speechRecognitionResult = await speechRecognizer.RecognizeWithUIAsync();

    // Do something with the recognition result.
    var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(speechRecognitionResult.Text, "Text spoken");
    await messageDialog.ShowAsync();

自定义识别 UI

当应用通过调用 SpeechRecognizer.RecognizeWithUIAsync 尝试语音识别时,将按以下顺序显示多个屏幕。

如果使用基于预定义语法的约束(听写或 Web 搜索):

  • 听”屏幕。
  • 思考屏幕。
  • 听到你说屏幕或错误屏幕。

如果使用基于字词或短语列表的约束,或者使用基于 SRGS 语法文件的约束:

  • 听”屏幕。
  • 你说的屏幕,如果用户说的内容可以解释为多个潜在结果。
  • 听到你说屏幕或错误屏幕。

下图显示了使用基于 SRGS 语法文件的约束的语音识别器屏幕之间的流示例。 在此示例中,语音识别成功。

基于 sgrs 语法文件的约束的初始识别屏幕

基于 sgrs 语法文件的约束的中间识别屏幕

基于 sgrs 语法文件的约束的最终识别屏幕

听”屏幕可以提供应用可以识别的字词或短语的示例。 在这里,我们将演示如何使用 SpeechRecognizerUIOptions 类的属性(通过调用 SpeechRecognizer.UIOptions 属性获取)自定义侦听屏幕上的内容。

private async void WeatherSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Create an instance of SpeechRecognizer.
    var speechRecognizer = new Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognizer();

    // Listen for audio input issues.
    speechRecognizer.RecognitionQualityDegrading += speechRecognizer_RecognitionQualityDegrading;

    // Add a web search grammar to the recognizer.
    var webSearchGrammar = new Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionTopicConstraint(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionScenario.WebSearch, "webSearch");

    speechRecognizer.UIOptions.AudiblePrompt = "Say what you want to search for...";
    speechRecognizer.UIOptions.ExampleText = @"Ex. 'weather for London'";

    // Compile the constraint.
    await speechRecognizer.CompileConstraintsAsync();

    // Start recognition.
    Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionResult speechRecognitionResult = await speechRecognizer.RecognizeWithUIAsync();
    //await speechRecognizer.RecognizeWithUIAsync();

    // Do something with the recognition result.
    var messageDialog = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(speechRecognitionResult.Text, "Text spoken");
    await messageDialog.ShowAsync();
