Learn how to generate embeddings with Azure OpenAI

An embedding is a special format of data representation that can be easily utilized by machine learning models and algorithms. The embedding is an information dense representation of the semantic meaning of a piece of text. Each embedding is a vector of floating point numbers, such that the distance between two embeddings in the vector space is correlated with semantic similarity between two inputs in the original format. For example, if two texts are similar, then their vector representations should also be similar. Embeddings power vector similarity search in Azure Databases such as Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore , Azure SQL Database or Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server.

How to get embeddings

To obtain an embedding vector for a piece of text, we make a request to the embeddings endpoint as shown in the following code snippets:

curl https://YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME/embeddings?api-version=2024-02-01\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -d '{"input": "Sample Document goes here"}'

Best practices

Verify inputs don't exceed the maximum length

  • The maximum length of input text for our latest embedding models is 8,192 tokens. You should verify that your inputs don't exceed this limit before making a request.
  • If sending an array of inputs in a single embedding request the max array size is 2048.
  • The sum of the token count of the entire array of inputs sent in a single API call is subject to the max token limit of 8192. For example, you cannot send an array of 2,048 inputs with each input having five tokens or more. The total token count of this API request would be 10,240 total tokens, 2,048 tokens over the 8192 per API call token limit.

Limitations & risks

Our embedding models may be unreliable or pose social risks in certain cases, and may cause harm in the absence of mitigations. Review our Responsible AI content for more information on how to approach their use responsibly.

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