Issue for Deploying as web app (a simple chat app)
Cannot deploy an OpenAI web chat app on Azure, thru chat playground. Clicking on "Deploy as Web App" doesn't take to a new screen. Nothing happens. How to solve this issue?
Failed to refresh model deployments
I am getting an error in Azur OpenAI with "Failed to refresh model deployments". If I click on Manage deployments. I see my deploymen of gpt-4o in the state of succeeded with model version 2024-08-06. I am unsure if I messed up a step or if…
Getting error max_prompt_tokens only when generating files @ Assistants
Hi, At Azure OpenAi Assistants, all runs keep failing when asking to generate file. Error details Max prompt tokens while other types of prompts are normally operating "id": "run_4BCHhcmo09UaoFdPPt3XQnyO", "object":…
Generated files names from Azure OpenAi assistants are unformatted
Hi, The generated files from Azure OpenAi Assistatns of type image are wrong formated. Sometimes it works as expected. Other times, it generates random guid file names without valid extension. Check attached The prompt was - Generate sin wave image
Out of quota after adding data source to model
After deploying of Azure OpenAI model and making test request as "Hello" I successfully receive answer. But when i use "add You data" and downloading a .docx document with single word "test" I'm receiving message "An…
Out of quota after adding data source to model
After deploying Azure OpenAI model and making test request "hello" I successfully received answer from model. But after using "add you data" and downloading .docx document with single word "test" to blob storage I get…
Microsoft research forum for GAI economic key ratios by bing map regions zip codes or zip code ranges or based on miles or unit of conversion
Is there an option to easily compose, design key ratios based on current and/or plan map zip codes or zip code ranges. (e.g. population, scorings, budgets, budget forecasts, average annual fees, taxes, cultural or educational topics, and/or based on…
Microsoft research forum for flooding solutions and financial impact soft GAI Economic AI evaluations
For some reason, I can't currently easily identify whether there is an option solution in Azure AI platform to identify and notify regarding city street zip codes, streets proximities flooding, including option to include AI financial impact soft…
How to list all threads in Azure OpenAI Assistant
From the documentation, I have seen that we can retrieve the thread information given the thread_id. GET{thread_id}?api-version=2024-02-15-preview But if we don't know the thread_id, how to…
Azure postgres flexible server timescale pgai "ai" extension availability
Hello Does anybody know if there will be a update to timescaledb on azure to make pgai available from timescale? Kind regards Adrian
Updating code_interpreter file_ids using Python at Azure OpenAi Assistant
Hi, I was trying to update code_interpreter file_ids using Python at Azure OpenAi Assistant, but got the following error, any work arounds? To best of my knowledge only 20 file_ids supported An error occurred: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message':…
When will OpenAI o1 preview be generally available in Azure?
I realize that OpenAI's o1-preview and o1-mini models are available in Azure OpenAI Service through limited access and I've already applied via the website form, see below. Anyone know when it will be generally available? I'm guessing that's my…
I deployed an app through Open AI Studio, but the app's URL (Default domain) always leads to the "Hey, Python developers!" webpage
I created a chat based on AI Search Index from Open AI Studio. The chat worked well so I went ahead to deploy that chat as an app service, which seemed working as normal. But then I went to the deployed web app's overview page, and clicked the…
Deploy as Web App fails in Chat playground from Azure Open AI. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app'
Description: I am experiencing an issue with the one-click deployment from the Azure OpenAI Studio (Chat Playground). The web app is being deployed with the following settings: Web App Plan: S1 Region: Sweden Central The deployment process completes…
Reading User Documents as Input to Copilot Prompts
Hello everyone, We are exploring the possibility of creating a custom chat and RAG solution using Azure OpenAI for our team, and we have a specific requirement that I hope someone can help clarify. We would like to implement a system where each user can…
How to fix : Error code: 401 - {'statusCode': 401, 'message': 'Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invalid, audience is incorrect (, or have expired.'}
Can someone give an example? I matched the api version the same as the model deployment endpoint's target uri- for example, (Note that the real address is masked with [azureopenai-resourcename] since everyone's case will be different)…
Not able to see URI after deploying GPT-35-Turbo-Instruct Model
Hello Team, I deployed a GPT-35-turbo-instruct model. However I could not see the URI. I checked after 3 hours, still not URI. I deployed another GPT-35-Turbo and it went well. The URI was visible just after deployment. However there seems to be some…
What causes Error code: 401 - {'statusCode': 401, 'message': 'Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invalid, audience is incorrect (, or have expired.'}?
Can someone give an example? I matched the api version the same as the model deployment endpoint's target uri- for example, (Note that the real address is masked with [azureopenai-resourcename] since everyone's case will be different)…
Failed to call Azure OpenAI API: { "statusCode": 401, "message": "Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invalid, audience is incorrect (, or have expired." }
Failed to call Azure OpenAI API: { "statusCode": 401, "message": "Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invalid, audience is incorrect (, or have expired." }
Unable to Deploy Web App from AI Studio Chat Playground
Following the Azure docs about creating a Web app chatbot I fill in the correct deployment information from an AI Studio project based in East US. In the Chat Playground in Azure AI Studio I select Deploy > ...As a Web App with the following…