

在此快速入門中,您將了解如何使用適用於 Unity 的 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 來實作原始媒體存取。 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 提供 API,可讓應用程式產生本身的視訊畫面,以在通話中從遠端參與者傳送或轉譯原始視訊畫面。 本快速入門是以適用於 Unity 的快速入門:將 1:1 視訊通話新增至應用程式建置的。

RawVideo 存取

由於應用程式會產生視訊畫面,因此應用程式必須向 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 通知應用程式可以產生的視訊格式。 這項資訊可讓 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 為當時的網路狀況挑選最佳視訊格式設定。



外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
16x9 1080p 30
16x9 720p 30
16x9 540p 30
16x9 480p 30
16x9 360p 30
16x9 270p 15
16x9 240p 15
16x9 180p 15
4x3 VGA (640x480) 30
4x3 424x320 15
4x3 QVGA (320x240) 15
4x3 212x160 15
  1. 請遵循快速入門:將 1:1 視訊通話新增至應用程式的步驟,以建立 Unity 遊戲。 目標是取得準備好開始呼叫的 CallAgent 物件。 在 GitHub 上找到此快速入門的完成程式碼。

  2. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。 當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。

    var videoStreamFormat = new VideoStreamFormat
        Resolution = VideoStreamResolution.P360, // For VirtualOutgoingVideoStream the width/height should be set using VideoStreamResolution enum
        PixelFormat = VideoStreamPixelFormat.Rgba,
        FramesPerSecond = 15,
        Stride1 = 640 * 4 // It is times 4 because RGBA is a 32-bit format
    VideoStreamFormat[] videoStreamFormats = { videoStreamFormat };
  3. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定 Formats

    var rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
        Formats = videoStreamFormats
  4. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。

    var rawOutgoingVideoStream = new VirtualOutgoingVideoStream(rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions);
  5. 訂閱 RawOutgoingVideoStream.FormatChanged 委派。 每當 VideoStreamFormat 與清單上提供的其中一個視訊格式發生變更時,此事件都會發出通知。

    rawOutgoingVideoStream.FormatChanged += (object sender, VideoStreamFormatChangedEventArgs args)
        VideoStreamFormat videoStreamFormat = args.Format;
  6. 訂閱 RawOutgoingVideoStream.StateChanged 委派。 State 發生變更時,此事件就會發出通知。

    rawOutgoingVideoStream.StateChanged += (object sender, VideoStreamFormatChangedEventArgs args)
        CallVideoStream callVideoStream = e.Stream;
        switch (callVideoStream.Direction)
            case StreamDirection.Outgoing:
                OnRawOutgoingVideoStreamStateChanged(callVideoStream as OutgoingVideoStream);
            case StreamDirection.Incoming:
                OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(callVideoStream as IncomingVideoStream);
  7. 處理原始傳出視訊串流狀態異動 (例如開始和停止),並開始產生自訂視訊畫面或暫停畫面產生演算法。

    private async void OnRawOutgoingVideoStreamStateChanged(OutgoingVideoStream outgoingVideoStream)
        switch (outgoingVideoStream.State)
            case VideoStreamState.Started:
                switch (outgoingVideoStream.Kind)
                    case VideoStreamKind.VirtualOutgoing:
                        outgoingVideoPlayer.StartGenerateFrames(outgoingVideoStream); // This is where a background worker thread can be started to feed the outgoing video frames.
            case VideoStreamState.Stopped:
                switch (outgoingVideoStream.Kind)
                    case VideoStreamKind.VirtualOutgoing:


    private unsafe RawVideoFrame GenerateRawVideoFrame(RawOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream)
        var format = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format;
        int w = format.Width;
        int h = format.Height;
        int rgbaCapacity = w * h * 4;
        var rgbaBuffer = new NativeBuffer(rgbaCapacity);
        rgbaBuffer.GetData(out IntPtr rgbaArrayBuffer, out rgbaCapacity);
        byte r = (byte)random.Next(1, 255);
        byte g = (byte)random.Next(1, 255);
        byte b = (byte)random.Next(1, 255);
        for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < w*4; x += 4)
                ((byte*)rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 0] = (byte)(y % r);
                ((byte*)rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 1] = (byte)(y % g);
                ((byte*)rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 2] = (byte)(y % b);
                ((byte*)rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 3] = 255;
        // Call ACS Unity SDK API to deliver the frame
        rawOutgoingVideoStream.SendRawVideoFrameAsync(new RawVideoFrameBuffer() {
            Buffers = new NativeBuffer[] { rgbaBuffer },
            StreamFormat = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format,
            TimestampInTicks = rawOutgoingVideoStream.TimestampInTicks
        return new RawVideoFrameBuffer()
            Buffers = new NativeBuffer[] { rgbaBuffer },
            StreamFormat = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format


    unsafe 修飾元用於此方法,因為 NativeBuffer 需要存取原生記憶體資源。 因此,也需要在 Unity 編輯器中啟用 Allow unsafe 選項。

  8. 同樣地,我們可以處理傳入的視訊畫面,以回應視訊串流 StateChanged 事件。

    private void OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(IncomingVideoStream incomingVideoStream)
        switch (incomingVideoStream.State)
            case VideoStreamState.Available:
                    var rawIncomingVideoStream = incomingVideoStream as RawIncomingVideoStream;
                    rawIncomingVideoStream.RawVideoFrameReceived += OnRawVideoFrameReceived;
            case VideoStreamState.Stopped:
            case VideoStreamState.NotAvailable:
    private void OnRawVideoFrameReceived(object sender, RawVideoFrameReceivedEventArgs e)
    public void RenderRawVideoFrame(RawVideoFrame rawVideoFrame)
        var videoFrameBuffer = rawVideoFrame as RawVideoFrameBuffer;
        pendingIncomingFrames.Enqueue(new PendingFrame() {
                frame = rawVideoFrame,
                kind = RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer });
  9. 強烈建議透過緩衝機制管理傳入和傳出視訊畫面,以避免 MonoBehaviour.Update() 回呼方法過載,回呼方法應保持輕量,避免 CPU 或網路繁重的負載,並確保更順暢的視訊體驗。 此選擇性最佳化由開發人員決定最適合其案例的方法。

    以下是如何透過從內部佇列呼叫 Graphics.Blit,將傳入畫面轉譯至 Unity VideoTexture 的範例:

    private void Update()
        if (pendingIncomingFrames.TryDequeue(out PendingFrame pendingFrame))
            switch (pendingFrame.kind)
                case RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer:
                    var videoFrameBuffer = pendingFrame.frame as RawVideoFrameBuffer;
                    VideoStreamFormat videoFormat = videoFrameBuffer.StreamFormat;
                    int width = videoFormat.Width;
                    int height = videoFormat.Height;
                    var texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, mipChain: false);
                    var buffers = videoFrameBuffer.Buffers;
                    NativeBuffer buffer = buffers.Count > 0 ? buffers[0] : null;
                    buffer.GetData(out IntPtr bytes, out int signedSize);
                    texture.LoadRawTextureData(bytes, signedSize);
                    Graphics.Blit(source: texture, dest: rawIncomingVideoRenderTexture);
                case RawVideoFrameKind.Texture:

在此快速入門中,您將了解如何使用適用於 Windows 的 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 來實作原始媒體存取。 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 提供 API,可讓應用程式產生本身的視訊畫面,以傳送給通話中的遠端參與者。 本快速入門是以適用於 Windows 的快速入門:將 1:1 視訊通話新增至應用程式建置的。

RawAudio 存取




    RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties outgoingAudioProperties = new RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties()
        Format = ACSAudioStreamFormat.Pcm16Bit,
        SampleRate = AudioStreamSampleRate.Hz48000,
        ChannelMode = AudioStreamChannelMode.Stereo,
        BufferDuration = AudioStreamBufferDuration.InMs20
    RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions outgoingAudioStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions()
        Properties = outgoingAudioProperties

建立 RawOutgoingAudioStream 並將其附加至加入通話選項,且在通話連線時自動開始串流。

    JoinCallOptions options =  JoinCallOptions(); // or StartCallOptions()
    OutgoingAudioOptions outgoingAudioOptions = new OutgoingAudioOptions();
    RawOutgoingAudioStream rawOutgoingAudioStream = new RawOutgoingAudioStream(outgoingAudioStreamOptions);
    outgoingAudioOptions.Stream = rawOutgoingAudioStream;
    options.OutgoingAudioOptions = outgoingAudioOptions;
    // Start or Join call with those call options.


或者,您也可以改為將串流附加至現有的 Call 執行個體:

    await call.StartAudio(rawOutgoingAudioStream);


當串流狀態為 AudioStreamState.Started 時,才能開始傳送資料。 若要觀察音訊串流狀態的變更,請將接聽程式新增至 OnStateChangedListener 事件。

    unsafe private void AudioStateChanged(object sender, AudioStreamStateChanged args)
        if (args.AudioStreamState == AudioStreamState.Started)
            // We can now start sending samples.
    outgoingAudioStream.StateChanged += AudioStateChanged;

當串流啟動時,我們可以開始將 MemoryBuffer 音訊範例傳送至通話。 音訊緩衝區格式應符合指定的串流屬性。

    void Start()
        RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties properties = outgoingAudioStream.Properties;
        RawAudioBuffer buffer;
        new Thread(() =>
            DateTime nextDeliverTime = DateTime.Now;
            while (true)
                MemoryBuffer memoryBuffer = new MemoryBuffer((uint)outgoingAudioStream.ExpectedBufferSizeInBytes);
                using (IMemoryBufferReference reference = memoryBuffer.CreateReference())
                    byte* dataInBytes;
                    uint capacityInBytes;
                    ((IMemoryBufferByteAccess)reference).GetBuffer(out dataInBytes, out capacityInBytes);
                    // Use AudioGraph here to grab data from microphone if you want microphone data
                nextDeliverTime = nextDeliverTime.AddMilliseconds(20);
                buffer = new RawAudioBuffer(memoryBuffer);
                TimeSpan wait = nextDeliverTime - DateTime.Now;
                if (wait > TimeSpan.Zero)


如果要在播放之前處理通話音訊串流,我們也可以接收通話音訊串流範例作為 MemoryBuffer。 建立 RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions 物件,指定要接收的原始串流屬性。

    RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties properties = new RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties()
        Format = AudioStreamFormat.Pcm16Bit,
        SampleRate = AudioStreamSampleRate.Hz44100,
        ChannelMode = AudioStreamChannelMode.Stereo
    RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions options = new RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions()
        Properties = properties

建立 RawIncomingAudioStream 並將其附加至加入通話選項

    JoinCallOptions options =  JoinCallOptions(); // or StartCallOptions()
    RawIncomingAudioStream rawIncomingAudioStream = new RawIncomingAudioStream(audioStreamOptions);
    IncomingAudioOptions incomingAudioOptions = new IncomingAudioOptions()
        Stream = rawIncomingAudioStream
    options.IncomingAudioOptions = incomingAudioOptions;

或者,我們也可以改為將串流附加至現有的 Call 執行個體:

    await call.startAudio(context, rawIncomingAudioStream);


    unsafe private void OnAudioStateChanged(object sender, AudioStreamStateChanged args)
        if (args.AudioStreamState == AudioStreamState.Started)
            // When value is `AudioStreamState.STARTED` we'll be able to receive samples.
    private void OnRawIncomingMixedAudioBufferAvailable(object sender, IncomingMixedAudioEventArgs args)
        // Received a raw audio buffers(MemoryBuffer).
        using (IMemoryBufferReference reference = args.IncomingAudioBuffer.Buffer.CreateReference())
            byte* dataInBytes;
            uint capacityInBytes;
            ((IMemoryBufferByteAccess)reference).GetBuffer(out dataInBytes, out capacityInBytes);
            // Process the data using AudioGraph class
    rawIncomingAudioStream.StateChanged += OnAudioStateChanged;
    rawIncomingAudioStream.MixedAudioBufferReceived += OnRawIncomingMixedAudioBufferAvailable;

RawVideo 存取

由於應用程式會產生視訊畫面,因此應用程式必須向 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 通知應用程式可以產生的視訊格式。 這項資訊可讓 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 為當時的網路狀況挑選最佳視訊格式設定。



外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
16x9 1080p 30
16x9 720p 30
16x9 540p 30
16x9 480p 30
16x9 360p 30
16x9 270p 15
16x9 240p 15
16x9 180p 15
4x3 VGA (640x480) 30
4x3 424x320 15
4x3 QVGA (320x240) 15
4x3 212x160 15
  1. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。 當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。

    var videoStreamFormat = new VideoStreamFormat
        Resolution = VideoStreamResolution.P720, // For VirtualOutgoingVideoStream the width/height should be set using VideoStreamResolution enum
        PixelFormat = VideoStreamPixelFormat.Rgba,
        FramesPerSecond = 30,
        Stride1 = 1280 * 4 // It is times 4 because RGBA is a 32-bit format
    VideoStreamFormat[] videoStreamFormats = { videoStreamFormat };
  2. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定 Formats

    var rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
        Formats = videoStreamFormats
  3. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。

    var rawOutgoingVideoStream = new VirtualOutgoingVideoStream(rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions);
  4. 訂閱 RawOutgoingVideoStream.FormatChanged 委派。 每當 VideoStreamFormat 與清單上提供的其中一個視訊格式發生變更時,此事件都會發出通知。

    rawOutgoingVideoStream.FormatChanged += (object sender, VideoStreamFormatChangedEventArgs args)
        VideoStreamFormat videoStreamFormat = args.Format;
  5. 建立下列協助程式類別的執行個體,以存取緩衝區資料

    unsafe interface IMemoryBufferByteAccess
        void GetBuffer(out byte* buffer, out uint capacity);
    unsafe interface IBufferByteAccess
        void Buffer(out byte* buffer);
    internal static class BufferExtensions
        // For accessing MemoryBuffer
        public static unsafe byte* GetArrayBuffer(IMemoryBuffer memoryBuffer)
            IMemoryBufferReference memoryBufferReference = memoryBuffer.CreateReference();
            var memoryBufferByteAccess = memoryBufferReference as IMemoryBufferByteAccess;
            memoryBufferByteAccess.GetBuffer(out byte* arrayBuffer, out uint arrayBufferCapacity);
            return arrayBuffer;
        // For accessing MediaStreamSample
        public static unsafe byte* GetArrayBuffer(IBuffer buffer)
            var bufferByteAccess = buffer as IBufferByteAccess;
            bufferByteAccess.Buffer(out byte* arrayBuffer);
            uint arrayBufferCapacity = buffer.Capacity;
            return arrayBuffer;
  6. 建立下列協助程式類別的執行個體,以使用 VideoStreamPixelFormat.Rgba 產生隨機的 RawVideoFrame

    public class VideoFrameSender
        private RawOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream;
        private RawVideoFrameKind rawVideoFrameKind;
        private Thread frameIteratorThread;
        private Random random = new Random();
        private volatile bool stopFrameIterator = false;
        public VideoFrameSender(RawVideoFrameKind rawVideoFrameKind, RawOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream)
            this.rawVideoFrameKind = rawVideoFrameKind;
            this.rawOutgoingVideoStream = rawOutgoingVideoStream;
        public async void VideoFrameIterator()
            while (!stopFrameIterator)
                if (rawOutgoingVideoStream != null &&
                    rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format != null &&
                    rawOutgoingVideoStream.State == VideoStreamState.Started)
                    await SendRandomVideoFrameRGBA();
        private async Task SendRandomVideoFrameRGBA()
            uint rgbaCapacity = (uint)(rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format.Width * rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format.Height * 4);
            RawVideoFrame videoFrame = null;
            switch (rawVideoFrameKind)
                case RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer:
                    videoFrame = 
                        GenerateRandomVideoFrameBuffer(rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format, rgbaCapacity);
                case RawVideoFrameKind.Texture:
                    videoFrame = 
                        GenerateRandomVideoFrameTexture(rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format, rgbaCapacity);
                using (videoFrame)
                    await rawOutgoingVideoStream.SendRawVideoFrameAsync(videoFrame);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;
                int delayBetweenFrames = (int)(1000.0 / rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format.FramesPerSecond);
                await Task.Delay(delayBetweenFrames);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;
        private unsafe RawVideoFrame GenerateRandomVideoFrameBuffer(VideoStreamFormat videoFormat, uint rgbaCapacity)
            var rgbaBuffer = new MemoryBuffer(rgbaCapacity);
            byte* rgbaArrayBuffer = BufferExtensions.GetArrayBuffer(rgbaBuffer);
            return new RawVideoFrameBuffer()
                Buffers = new MemoryBuffer[] { rgbaBuffer },
                StreamFormat = videoFormat
        private unsafe RawVideoFrame GenerateRandomVideoFrameTexture(VideoStreamFormat videoFormat, uint rgbaCapacity)
            var timeSpan = new TimeSpan(rawOutgoingVideoStream.TimestampInTicks);
            var rgbaBuffer = new Buffer(rgbaCapacity)
                Length = rgbaCapacity
            byte* rgbaArrayBuffer = BufferExtensions.GetArrayBuffer(rgbaBuffer);
            var mediaStreamSample = MediaStreamSample.CreateFromBuffer(rgbaBuffer, timeSpan);
            return new RawVideoFrameTexture()
                Texture = mediaStreamSample,
                StreamFormat = videoFormat
        private unsafe void GenerateRandomVideoFrame(byte** rgbaArrayBuffer)
            int w = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format.Width;
            int h = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format.Height;
            byte r = (byte)random.Next(1, 255);
            byte g = (byte)random.Next(1, 255);
            byte b = (byte)random.Next(1, 255);
            int rgbaStride = w * 4;
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < rgbaStride; x += 4)
                    (*rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 0] = (byte)(y % r);
                    (*rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 1] = (byte)(y % g);
                    (*rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 2] = (byte)(y % b);
                    (*rgbaArrayBuffer)[(w * 4 * y) + x + 3] = 255;
        public void Start()
            frameIteratorThread = new Thread(VideoFrameIterator);
        public void Stop()
                if (frameIteratorThread != null)
                    stopFrameIterator = true;
                    frameIteratorThread = null;
                    stopFrameIterator = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;
  7. 訂閱 VideoStream.StateChanged 委派。 此事件會通知目前串流的狀態。 如果狀態不等於 VideoStreamState.Started,則不傳送畫面。

    private VideoFrameSender videoFrameSender;
    rawOutgoingVideoStream.StateChanged += (object sender, VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs args) =>
        CallVideoStream callVideoStream = args.Stream;
        switch (callVideoStream.State)
                case VideoStreamState.Available:
                    // VideoStream has been attached to the call
                    var frameKind = RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer; // Use the frameKind you prefer
                    //var frameKind = RawVideoFrameKind.Texture;
                    videoFrameSender = new VideoFrameSender(frameKind, rawOutgoingVideoStream);
                case VideoStreamState.Started:
                    // Start sending frames
                case VideoStreamState.Stopped:
                    // Stop sending frames


由於 Windows 系統會產生畫面,因此您必須實作自己的前景服務,以擷取畫面並使用 Azure 通訊服務通話 API 來傳送這些畫面。


外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
任何項目 解析度高達 1080p 30


  1. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。 當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。
    var videoStreamFormat = new VideoStreamFormat
        Width = 1280, // Width and height can be used for ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream for custom resolutions or use one of the predefined values inside VideoStreamResolution
        Height = 720,
        //Resolution = VideoStreamResolution.P720,
        PixelFormat = VideoStreamPixelFormat.Rgba,
        FramesPerSecond = 30,
        Stride1 = 1280 * 4 // It is times 4 because RGBA is a 32-bit format.
    VideoStreamFormat[] videoStreamFormats = { videoStreamFormat };
  2. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定 VideoFormats
    var rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
        Formats = videoStreamFormats
  3. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。
    var rawOutgoingVideoStream = new ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream(rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions);
  4. 以下列方式擷取和傳送視訊畫面。
    private async Task SendRawVideoFrame()
        RawVideoFrame videoFrame = null;
        switch (rawVideoFrameKind) //it depends on the frame kind you want to send
            case RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer:
                MemoryBuffer memoryBuffer = // Fill it with the content you got from the Windows APIs
                videoFrame = new RawVideoFrameBuffer()
                    Buffers = memoryBuffer // The number of buffers depends on the VideoStreamPixelFormat
                    StreamFormat = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format
            case RawVideoFrameKind.Texture:
                MediaStreamSample mediaStreamSample = // Fill it with the content you got from the Windows APIs
                videoFrame = new RawVideoFrameTexture()
                    Texture = mediaStreamSample, // Texture only receive planar buffers
                    StreamFormat = rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format
            using (videoFrame)
                await rawOutgoingVideoStream.SendRawVideoFrameAsync(videoFrame);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string msg = ex.Message;
            int delayBetweenFrames = (int)(1000.0 / rawOutgoingVideoStream.Format.FramesPerSecond);
            await Task.Delay(delayBetweenFrames);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string msg = ex.Message;


這項功能讓您可以存取 IncomingVideoStream 中的視訊畫面,以便在本機操作這些串流

  1. 建立透過 JoinCallOptions 設定 IncomingVideoOptions 而設定的 VideoStreamKind.RawIncoming 執行個體
    var frameKind = RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer;  // Use the frameKind you prefer to receive
    var incomingVideoOptions = new IncomingVideoOptions
        StreamKind = VideoStreamKind.RawIncoming,
        FrameKind = frameKind
    var joinCallOptions = new JoinCallOptions
        IncomingVideoOptions = incomingVideoOptions
  2. 收到 ParticipantsUpdatedEventArgs 事件附加 RemoteParticipant.VideoStreamStateChanged 委派之後。 這個事件會通知 IncomingVideoStream 物件的狀態。
    private List<RemoteParticipant> remoteParticipantList;
    private void OnRemoteParticipantsUpdated(object sender, ParticipantsUpdatedEventArgs args)
        foreach (RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant in args.AddedParticipants)
            IReadOnlyList<IncomingVideoStream> incomingVideoStreamList = remoteParticipant.IncomingVideoStreams; // Check if there are IncomingVideoStreams already before attaching the delegate
            foreach (IncomingVideoStream incomingVideoStream in incomingVideoStreamList)
            remoteParticipant.VideoStreamStateChanged += OnVideoStreamStateChanged;
            remoteParticipantList.Add(remoteParticipant); // If the RemoteParticipant ref is not kept alive the VideoStreamStateChanged events are going to be missed
        foreach (RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant in args.RemovedParticipants)
            remoteParticipant.VideoStreamStateChanged -= OnVideoStreamStateChanged;
    private void OnVideoStreamStateChanged(object sender, VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs args)
        CallVideoStream callVideoStream = args.Stream;
        OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(callVideoStream as RawIncomingVideoStream);
    private void OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(RawIncomingVideoStream rawIncomingVideoStream)
        switch (incomingVideoStream.State)
            case VideoStreamState.Available:
                // There is a new IncomingVideoStream
                rawIncomingVideoStream.RawVideoFrameReceived += OnVideoFrameReceived;
            case VideoStreamState.Started:
                // Will start receiving video frames
            case VideoStreamState.Stopped:
                // Will stop receiving video frames
            case VideoStreamState.NotAvailable:
                // The IncomingVideoStream should not be used anymore
                rawIncomingVideoStream.RawVideoFrameReceived -= OnVideoFrameReceived;
  3. 此時,IncomingVideoStream 具有 VideoStreamState.Available 狀態附加 RawIncomingVideoStream.RawVideoFrameReceived 委派,如上一步所示。 該委託提供新的 RawVideoFrame 物件。
    private async void OnVideoFrameReceived(object sender, RawVideoFrameReceivedEventArgs args)
        RawVideoFrame videoFrame = args.Frame;
        switch (videoFrame.Kind) // The type will be whatever was configured on the IncomingVideoOptions
            case RawVideoFrameKind.Buffer:
                // Render/Modify/Save the video frame
            case RawVideoFrameKind.Texture:
                // Render/Modify/Save the video frame

在此快速入門中,您將了解如何使用適用於 Android 的 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 來實作原始媒體存取。

Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 提供 API,可讓應用程式產生本身的視訊畫面,以傳送給通話中的遠端參與者。

本快速入門以適用於 Android 的快速入門:將 1:1 視訊通話新增至應用程式建置的。

RawAudio 存取




    RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties outgoingAudioProperties = new RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties()

    RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions outgoingAudioStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions()

建立 RawOutgoingAudioStream 並將其附加至加入通話選項,且在通話連線時自動開始串流。

    JoinCallOptions options = JoinCallOptions() // or StartCallOptions()

    OutgoingAudioOptions outgoingAudioOptions = new OutgoingAudioOptions();
    RawOutgoingAudioStream rawOutgoingAudioStream = new RawOutgoingAudioStream(outgoingAudioStreamOptions);


    // Start or Join call with those call options.


或者,您也可以改為將串流附加至現有的 Call 執行個體:

    CompletableFuture<Void> result = call.startAudio(context, rawOutgoingAudioStream);


當串流狀態為 AudioStreamState.STARTED 時,才能開始傳送資料。 若要觀察音訊串流狀態的變更,請將接聽程式新增至 OnStateChangedListener 事件。

    private void onStateChanged(PropertyChangedEvent propertyChangedEvent) {
        // When value is `AudioStreamState.STARTED` we'll be able to send audio samples.


當串流啟動時,我們可以開始將 java.nio.ByteBuffer 音訊範例傳送至通話。


    Thread thread = new Thread(){
        public void run() {
            RawAudioBuffer buffer;
            Calendar nextDeliverTime = Calendar.getInstance();
            while (true)
                nextDeliverTime.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 20);
                byte data[] = new byte[outgoingAudioStream.getExpectedBufferSizeInBytes()];
                //can grab microphone data from AudioRecord
                ByteBuffer dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(outgoingAudioStream.getExpectedBufferSizeInBytes());
                buffer = new RawAudioBuffer(dataBuffer);
                long wait = nextDeliverTime.getTimeInMillis() - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                if (wait > 0)
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {


如果要在播放之前處理音訊,我們也可以接收通話音訊串流範例作為 java.nio.ByteBuffer

建立 RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions 物件,指定要接收的原始串流屬性。

    RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions options = new RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions();
    RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties properties = new RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties()

建立 RawIncomingAudioStream 並將其附加至加入通話選項

    JoinCallOptions options =  JoinCallOptions() // or StartCallOptions()
    IncomingAudioOptions incomingAudioOptions = new IncomingAudioOptions();

    RawIncomingAudioStream rawIncomingAudioStream = new RawIncomingAudioStream(audioStreamOptions);

或者,我們也可以改為將串流附加至現有的 Call 執行個體:

    CompletableFuture<Void> result = call.startAudio(context, rawIncomingAudioStream);


    private void onStateChanged(PropertyChangedEvent propertyChangedEvent) {
        // When value is `AudioStreamState.STARTED` we'll be able to receive samples.

    private void onMixedAudioBufferReceived(IncomingMixedAudioEvent incomingMixedAudioEvent) {
        // Received a raw audio buffers(java.nio.ByteBuffer).


請務必記得在目前通話 Call 執行個體中停止音訊串流:

    CompletableFuture<Void> result = call.stopAudio(context, rawIncomingAudioStream);

RawVideo 存取

由於應用程式會產生視訊畫面,因此應用程式必須向 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 通知應用程式可以產生的視訊格式。 這項資訊可讓 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 為當時的網路狀況挑選最佳視訊格式設定。



外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
16x9 1080p 30
16x9 720p 30
16x9 540p 30
16x9 480p 30
16x9 360p 30
16x9 270p 15
16x9 240p 15
16x9 180p 15
4x3 VGA (640x480) 30
4x3 424x320 15
4x3 QVGA (320x240) 15
4x3 212x160 15
  1. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。

    當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。

    VideoStreamFormat videoStreamFormat = new VideoStreamFormat();
    videoStreamFormat.setStride1(w * 4); // It is times 4 because RGBA is a 32-bit format
    List<VideoStreamFormat> videoStreamFormats = new ArrayList<>();
  2. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定 Formats

    RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions();
  3. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。

    VirtualOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream = new VirtualOutgoingVideoStream(rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions);
  4. 訂閱 RawOutgoingVideoStream.addOnFormatChangedListener 委派。 每當 VideoStreamFormat 與清單上提供的其中一個視訊格式發生變更時,此事件都會發出通知。

    virtualOutgoingVideoStream.addOnFormatChangedListener((VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent args) -> 
        VideoStreamFormat videoStreamFormat = args.Format;
  5. 建立下列協助程式類別的執行個體,以使用 VideoStreamPixelFormat.RGBA 產生隨機的 RawVideoFrame

    public class VideoFrameSender
        private RawOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream;
        private Thread frameIteratorThread;
        private Random random = new Random();
        private volatile boolean stopFrameIterator = false;
        public VideoFrameSender(RawOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream)
            this.rawOutgoingVideoStream = rawOutgoingVideoStream;
        public void VideoFrameIterator()
            while (!stopFrameIterator)
                if (rawOutgoingVideoStream != null && 
                    rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat() != null && 
                    rawOutgoingVideoStream.getState() == VideoStreamState.STARTED)
        private void SendRandomVideoFrameRGBA()
            int rgbaCapacity = rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat().getWidth() * rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat().getHeight() * 4;
            RawVideoFrame videoFrame = GenerateRandomVideoFrameBuffer(rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat(), rgbaCapacity);
                int delayBetweenFrames = (int)(1000.0 / rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat().getFramesPerSecond());
            catch (Exception ex)
                String msg = ex.getMessage();
        private RawVideoFrame GenerateRandomVideoFrameBuffer(VideoStreamFormat videoStreamFormat, int rgbaCapacity)
            ByteBuffer rgbaBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(rgbaCapacity); // Only allocateDirect ByteBuffers are allowed
            GenerateRandomVideoFrame(rgbaBuffer, rgbaCapacity);
            RawVideoFrameBuffer videoFrameBuffer = new RawVideoFrameBuffer();
            return videoFrameBuffer;
        private void GenerateRandomVideoFrame(ByteBuffer rgbaBuffer, int rgbaCapacity)
            int w = rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat().getWidth();
            int h = rawOutgoingVideoStream.getFormat().getHeight();
            byte rVal = (byte)random.nextInt(255);
            byte gVal = (byte)random.nextInt(255);
            byte bVal = (byte)random.nextInt(255);
            byte aVal = (byte)255;
            byte[] rgbaArrayBuffer = new byte[rgbaCapacity];
            int rgbaStride = w * 4;
            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < rgbaStride; x += 4)
                    rgbaArrayBuffer[(w * 4 * y) + x + 0] = rVal;
                    rgbaArrayBuffer[(w * 4 * y) + x + 1] = gVal;
                    rgbaArrayBuffer[(w * 4 * y) + x + 2] = bVal;
                    rgbaArrayBuffer[(w * 4 * y) + x + 3] = aVal;
        public void Start()
            frameIteratorThread = new Thread(this::VideoFrameIterator);
        public void Stop()
                if (frameIteratorThread != null)
                    stopFrameIterator = true;
                    frameIteratorThread = null;
                    stopFrameIterator = false;
            catch (InterruptedException ex)
                String msg = ex.getMessage();
  6. 訂閱 VideoStream.addOnStateChangedListener 委派。 此委派會通知目前串流的狀態。 如果狀態不等於 VideoStreamState.STARTED,則不傳送畫面。

    private VideoFrameSender videoFrameSender;
    rawOutgoingVideoStream.addOnStateChangedListener((VideoStreamStateChangedEvent args) ->
        CallVideoStream callVideoStream = args.getStream();
        switch (callVideoStream.getState())
            case AVAILABLE:
                videoFrameSender = new VideoFrameSender(rawOutgoingVideoStream);
            case STARTED:
                // Start sending frames
            case STOPPED:
                // Stop sending frames

ScreenShare 視訊

由於 Windows 系統會產生畫面,因此您必須實作自己的前景服務,以擷取畫面並使用 Azure 通訊服務通話 API 來傳送這些畫面。


外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
任何項目 解析度高達 1080p 30


  1. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。

    當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。

    VideoStreamFormat videoStreamFormat = new VideoStreamFormat();
    videoStreamFormat.setWidth(1280); // Width and height can be used for ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream for custom resolutions or use one of the predefined values inside VideoStreamResolution
    videoStreamFormat.setStride1(w * 4); // It is times 4 because RGBA is a 32-bit format
    List<VideoStreamFormat> videoStreamFormats = new ArrayList<>();
  2. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定 VideoFormats

    RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = new RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions();
  3. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。

    ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream rawOutgoingVideoStream = new ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream(rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions);
  4. 以下列方式擷取和傳送視訊畫面。

    private void SendRawVideoFrame()
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = // Fill it with the content you got from the Windows APIs
        RawVideoFrameBuffer videoFrame = new RawVideoFrameBuffer();
        videoFrame.setBuffers(Arrays.asList(byteBuffer)); // The number of buffers depends on the VideoStreamPixelFormat
        catch (Exception ex)
            String msg = ex.getMessage();


這項功能可讓您存取 IncomingVideoStream 物件中的視訊畫面,以便在本機操作這些畫面

  1. 建立透過 JoinCallOptions 設定 IncomingVideoOptions 而設定的 VideoStreamKind.RawIncoming 執行個體

    IncomingVideoOptions incomingVideoOptions = new IncomingVideoOptions()
    JoinCallOptions joinCallOptions = new JoinCallOptions()
  2. 收到 ParticipantsUpdatedEventArgs 事件附加 RemoteParticipant.VideoStreamStateChanged 委派之後。 這個事件會通知 IncomingVideoStream 物件的狀態。

    private List<RemoteParticipant> remoteParticipantList;
    private void OnRemoteParticipantsUpdated(ParticipantsUpdatedEventArgs args)
        for (RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant : args.getAddedParticipants())
            List<IncomingVideoStream> incomingVideoStreamList = remoteParticipant.getIncomingVideoStreams(); // Check if there are IncomingVideoStreams already before attaching the delegate
            for (IncomingVideoStream incomingVideoStream : incomingVideoStreamList)
            remoteParticipantList.add(remoteParticipant); // If the RemoteParticipant ref is not kept alive the VideoStreamStateChanged events are going to be missed
        for (RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant : args.getRemovedParticipants())
    private void OnVideoStreamStateChanged(object sender, VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs args)
        CallVideoStream callVideoStream = args.getStream();
        OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged((RawIncomingVideoStream) callVideoStream);
    private void OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(RawIncomingVideoStream rawIncomingVideoStream)
        switch (incomingVideoStream.State)
            case AVAILABLE:
                // There is a new IncomingvideoStream
            case STARTED:
                // Will start receiving video frames
            case STOPPED:
                // Will stop receiving video frames
            case NOT_AVAILABLE:
                // The IncomingvideoStream should not be used anymore
  3. 此時,IncomingVideoStream 具有 VideoStreamState.Available 狀態附加 RawIncomingVideoStream.RawVideoFrameReceived 委派,如上一步所示。 該委派會提供新的 RawVideoFrame 物件。

    private void OnVideoFrameReceived(RawVideoFrameReceivedEventArgs args)
        // Render/Modify/Save the video frame
        RawVideoFrameBuffer videoFrame = (RawVideoFrameBuffer) args.getFrame();

在此快速入門中,您將了解如何使用適用於 iOS 的 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 來實作原始媒體存取。

Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 提供 API,可讓應用程式產生本身的視訊畫面,以傳送給通話中的遠端參與者。

本快速入門以適用於 iOS 的快速入門:將 1:1 視訊通話新增至應用程式建置的。

RawAudio 存取




    let outgoingAudioStreamOptions = RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions()
    let properties = RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties()
    properties.sampleRate = .hz44100
    properties.bufferDuration = .inMs20
    properties.channelMode = .mono
    properties.format = .pcm16Bit
    outgoingAudioStreamOptions.properties = properties

建立 RawOutgoingAudioStream 並將其附加至加入通話選項,且在通話連線時自動開始串流。

    let options = JoinCallOptions() // or StartCallOptions()

    let outgoingAudioOptions = OutgoingAudioOptions()
    self.rawOutgoingAudioStream = RawOutgoingAudioStream(rawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions: outgoingAudioStreamOptions)
    outgoingAudioOptions.stream = self.rawOutgoingAudioStream
    options.outgoingAudioOptions = outgoingAudioOptions

    // Start or Join call passing the options instance.


或者,您也可以改為將串流附加至現有的 Call 執行個體:

    call.startAudio(stream: self.rawOutgoingAudioStream) { error in 
        // Stream attached to `Call`.


當串流狀態為 AudioStreamState.started 時,才能開始傳送資料。 若要觀察音訊串流狀態的變更,我們會實作 RawOutgoingAudioStreamDelegate。 並將其設定為串流委派。

    func rawOutgoingAudioStream(_ rawOutgoingAudioStream: RawOutgoingAudioStream,
                                didChangeState args: AudioStreamStateChangedEventArgs) {
        // When value is `AudioStreamState.started` we will be able to send audio samples.

    self.rawOutgoingAudioStream.delegate = DelegateImplementer()


    self.rawOutgoingAudioStream.events.onStateChanged = { args in
        // When value is `AudioStreamState.started` we will be able to send audio samples.

當串流啟動時,我們可以開始將 AVAudioPCMBuffer 音訊範例傳送至通話。


    protocol SamplesProducer {
        func produceSample(_ currentSample: Int, 
                           options: RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer

    // Let's use a simple Tone data producer as example.
    // Producing PCM buffers.
    func produceSamples(_ currentSample: Int,
                        stream: RawOutgoingAudioStream,
                        options: RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
        let sampleRate = options.properties.sampleRate
        let channelMode = options.properties.channelMode
        let bufferDuration = options.properties.bufferDuration
        let numberOfChunks = UInt32(1000 / bufferDuration.value)
        let bufferFrameSize = UInt32(sampleRate.valueInHz) / numberOfChunks
        let frequency = 400

        guard let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16,
                                         sampleRate: sampleRate.valueInHz,
                                         channels: channelMode.channelCount,
                                         interleaved: channelMode == .stereo) else {
            fatalError("Failed to create PCM Format")

        guard let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: format, frameCapacity: bufferFrameSize) else {
            fatalError("Failed to create PCM buffer")

        buffer.frameLength = bufferFrameSize

        let factor: Double = ((2 as Double) * Double.pi) / (sampleRate.valueInHz/Double(frequency))
        var interval = 0
        for sampleIdx in 0..<Int(buffer.frameCapacity * channelMode.channelCount) {
            let sample = sin(factor * Double(currentSample + interval))
            // Scale to maximum amplitude. Int16.max is 37,767.
            let value = Int16(sample * Double(Int16.max))
            guard let underlyingByteBuffer = buffer.mutableAudioBufferList.pointee.mBuffers.mData else {
            underlyingByteBuffer.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int16.self).advanced(by: sampleIdx).pointee = value
            interval += channelMode == .mono ? 2 : 1

        return buffer

    final class RawOutgoingAudioSender {
        let stream: RawOutgoingAudioStream
        let options: RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions
        let producer: SamplesProducer

        private var timer: Timer?
        private var currentSample: Int = 0
        private var currentTimestamp: Int64 = 0

        init(stream: RawOutgoingAudioStream,
             options: RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions,
             producer: SamplesProducer) {
            self.stream = stream
            self.options = options
            self.producer = producer

        func start() {
            let properties = self.options.properties
            let interval = properties.bufferDuration.timeInterval

            let channelCount = AVAudioChannelCount(properties.channelMode.channelCount)
            let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16,
                                       sampleRate: properties.sampleRate.valueInHz,
                                       channels: channelCount,
                                       interleaved: channelCount > 1)!
            self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: interval, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                let sample = self.producer.produceSamples(self.currentSample, options: self.options)
                let rawBuffer = RawAudioBuffer()
                rawBuffer.buffer = sample
                rawBuffer.timestampInTicks = self.currentTimestamp
                self.stream.send(buffer: rawBuffer, completionHandler: { error in
                    if let error = error {
                        // Handle possible error.

                self.currentTimestamp += Int64(properties.bufferDuration.value)
                self.currentSample += 1

        func stop() {
            self.timer = nil

        deinit {

請務必記得在目前通話 Call 執行個體中停止音訊串流:

    call.stopAudio(stream: self.rawOutgoingAudioStream) { error in 
        // Stream detached from `Call` and stopped.


使用 Apple 的 AVAudioEngine,我們可以藉由點選音訊引擎輸入節點來擷取麥克風畫面。 透過擷取麥克風資料並能夠使用原始音訊功能,我們能夠在音訊傳送至通話之前處理音訊。

    import AVFoundation
    import AzureCommunicationCalling

    enum MicrophoneSenderError: Error {
        case notMatchingFormat

    final class MicrophoneDataSender {
        private let stream: RawOutgoingAudioStream
        private let properties: RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
        private let format: AVAudioFormat
        private let audioEngine: AVAudioEngine = AVAudioEngine()

        init(properties: RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties) throws {
            // This can be different depending on which device we are running or value set for
            // `try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setPreferredSampleRate(...)`.
            let nodeFormat = self.audioEngine.inputNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0)
            let matchingSampleRate = AudioSampleRate.allCases.first(where: { $0.valueInHz == nodeFormat.sampleRate })
            guard let inputNodeSampleRate = matchingSampleRate else {
                throw MicrophoneSenderError.notMatchingFormat

            // Override the sample rate to one that matches audio session (Audio engine input node frequency).
            properties.sampleRate = inputNodeSampleRate

            let options = RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions()
            options.properties = properties

            self.stream = RawOutgoingAudioStream(rawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions: options)
            let channelCount = AVAudioChannelCount(properties.channelMode.channelCount)
            self.format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16,
                                        sampleRate: properties.sampleRate.valueInHz,
                                        channels: channelCount,
                                        interleaved: channelCount > 1)!
            self.properties = properties

        func start() throws {
            guard !self.audioEngine.isRunning else {

            // Install tap documentations states that we can get between 100 and 400 ms of data.
            let framesFor100ms = AVAudioFrameCount(self.format.sampleRate * 0.1)

            // Note that some formats may not be allowed by `installTap`, so we have to specify the 
            // correct properties.
            self.audioEngine.inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: framesFor100ms, 
                                                  format: self.format) { [weak self] buffer, _ in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                let rawBuffer = RawAudioBuffer()
                rawBuffer.buffer = buffer
                // Although we specified either 10ms or 20ms, we allow sending up to 100ms of data
                // as long as it can be evenly divided by the specified size.
                self.stream.send(buffer: rawBuffer) { error in
                    if let error = error {
                        // Handle error

            try audioEngine.start()

        func stop() {


音訊引擎輸入節點的採樣速率預設為共用音訊會話採樣速率的 > 值。 因此,我們無法使用不同的值在該節點中安裝點選。 所以我們必須確保 RawOutgoingStream 屬性採樣速率與從點選到麥克風範例中取得的採樣速率相符,或將點選緩衝區轉換成符合傳出串流預期的格式。

透過這個小型範例,我們已了解如何擷取麥克風 AVAudioEngine 資料,並使用原始傳出音訊功能將這些範例傳送至通話。


如果要在播放之前處理音訊,我們也可以接收通話音訊串流範例作為 AVAudioPCMBuffer

建立 RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions 物件,指定要接收的原始串流屬性。

    let options = RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions()
    let properties = RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties()
    properties.format = .pcm16Bit
    properties.sampleRate = .hz44100
    properties.channelMode = .stereo
    options.properties = properties

建立 RawOutgoingAudioStream 並將其附加至加入通話選項

    let options =  JoinCallOptions() // or StartCallOptions()
    let incomingAudioOptions = IncomingAudioOptions()

    self.rawIncomingStream = RawIncomingAudioStream(rawIncomingAudioStreamOptions: audioStreamOptions)
    incomingAudioOptions.stream = self.rawIncomingStream
    options.incomingAudioOptions = incomingAudioOptions

或者,我們也可以改為將串流附加至現有的 Call 執行個體:

    call.startAudio(stream: self.rawIncomingStream) { error in 
        // Stream attached to `Call`.

若要開始從傳入串流接收原始音訊緩衝區以實作 RawIncomingAudioStreamDelegate

    class RawIncomingReceiver: NSObject, RawIncomingAudioStreamDelegate {
        func rawIncomingAudioStream(_ rawIncomingAudioStream: RawIncomingAudioStream,
                                    didChangeState args: AudioStreamStateChangedEventArgs) {
            // To be notified when stream started and stopped.
        func rawIncomingAudioStream(_ rawIncomingAudioStream: RawIncomingAudioStream,
                                    mixedAudioBufferReceived args: IncomingMixedAudioEventArgs) {
            // Receive raw audio buffers(AVAudioPCMBuffer) and process using AVAudioEngine API's.

    self.rawIncomingStream.delegate = RawIncomingReceiver()

    rawIncomingAudioStream.events.mixedAudioBufferReceived = { args in
        // Receive raw audio buffers(AVAudioPCMBuffer) and process them using AVAudioEngine API's.

    rawIncomingAudioStream.events.onStateChanged = { args in
        // To be notified when stream started and stopped.

RawVideo 存取

由於應用程式會產生視訊畫面,因此應用程式必須向 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 通知應用程式可以產生的視訊格式。 這項資訊可讓 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 為當時的網路狀況挑選最佳視訊格式設定。



外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
16x9 1080p 30
16x9 720p 30
16x9 540p 30
16x9 480p 30
16x9 360p 30
16x9 270p 15
16x9 240p 15
16x9 180p 15
4x3 VGA (640x480) 30
4x3 424x320 15
4x3 QVGA (320x240) 15
4x3 212x160 15
  1. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。 當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。

    var videoStreamFormat = VideoStreamFormat()
    videoStreamFormat.resolution = VideoStreamResolution.p360
    videoStreamFormat.pixelFormat = VideoStreamPixelFormat.nv12
    videoStreamFormat.framesPerSecond = framerate
    videoStreamFormat.stride1 = w // w is the resolution width
    videoStreamFormat.stride2 = w / 2 // w is the resolution width
    var videoStreamFormats: [VideoStreamFormat] = [VideoStreamFormat]()
  2. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定格式。

    var rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions()
    rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions.formats = videoStreamFormats
  3. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。

    var rawOutgoingVideoStream = VirtualOutgoingVideoStream(videoStreamOptions: rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions)
  4. 實作 VirtualOutgoingVideoStreamDelegate 委派。 每當 VideoStreamFormat 從清單上提供的其中一個視訊格式發生變更時,didChangeFormat 事件都會發出通知。

    virtualOutgoingVideoStream.delegate = /* Attach delegate and implement didChangeFormat */
  5. 建立下列協助程式類別的執行個體,以存取 CVPixelBuffer 資料

    final class BufferExtensions: NSObject {
        public static func getArrayBuffersUnsafe(cvPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) -> Array<UnsafeMutableRawPointer?>
            var bufferArrayList: Array<UnsafeMutableRawPointer?> = [UnsafeMutableRawPointer?]()
            let cvStatus: CVReturn = CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(cvPixelBuffer, .readOnly)
            if cvStatus == kCVReturnSuccess {
                let bufferListSize = CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(cvPixelBuffer);
                for i in 0...bufferListSize {
                    let bufferRef = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(cvPixelBuffer, i)
            return bufferArrayList
  6. 建立下列協助程式類別的執行個體,以使用 VideoStreamPixelFormat.rgba 產生隨機的 RawVideoFrameBuffer

    final class VideoFrameSender : NSObject
        private var rawOutgoingVideoStream: RawOutgoingVideoStream
        private var frameIteratorThread: Thread
        private var stopFrameIterator: Bool = false
        public VideoFrameSender(rawOutgoingVideoStream: RawOutgoingVideoStream)
            self.rawOutgoingVideoStream = rawOutgoingVideoStream
        @objc private func VideoFrameIterator()
            while !stopFrameIterator {
                if rawOutgoingVideoStream != nil &&
                   rawOutgoingVideoStream.format != nil &&
                   rawOutgoingVideoStream.state == .started {
        public func SendRandomVideoFrameNV12() -> Void
            let videoFrameBuffer = GenerateRandomVideoFrameBuffer()
            rawOutgoingVideoStream.send(frame: videoFrameBuffer) { error in
                /*Handle error if non-nil*/
            let rate = 0.1 / rawOutgoingVideoStream.format.framesPerSecond
            let second: Float = 1000000
            usleep(useconds_t(rate * second))
        private func GenerateRandomVideoFrameBuffer() -> RawVideoFrame
            var cvPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
            guard CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                    &cvPixelBuffer) == kCVReturnSuccess else {
            GenerateRandomVideoFrameNV12(cvPixelBuffer: cvPixelBuffer!)
            CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(cvPixelBuffer!, .readOnly)
            let videoFrameBuffer = RawVideoFrameBuffer()
            videoFrameBuffer.buffer = cvPixelBuffer!
            videoFrameBuffer.streamFormat = rawOutgoingVideoStream.format
            return videoFrameBuffer
       private func GenerateRandomVideoFrameNV12(cvPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
            let w = rawOutgoingVideoStream.format.width
            let h = rawOutgoingVideoStream.format.height
            let bufferArrayList = BufferExtensions.getArrayBuffersUnsafe(cvPixelBuffer: cvPixelBuffer)
            guard bufferArrayList.count >= 2, let yArrayBuffer = bufferArrayList[0], let uvArrayBuffer = bufferArrayList[1] else {
            let yVal = Int32.random(in: 1..<255)
            let uvVal = Int32.random(in: 1..<255)
            for y in 0...h
                for x in 0...w
                    yArrayBuffer.storeBytes(of: yVal, toByteOffset: Int((y * w) + x), as: Int32.self)
            for y in 0...(h/2)
                for x in 0...(w/2)
                    uvArrayBuffer.storeBytes(of: uvVal, toByteOffset: Int((y * w) + x), as: Int32.self)
        public func Start() {
            stopFrameIterator = false
            frameIteratorThread = Thread(target: self, selector: #selector(VideoFrameIterator), object: "VideoFrameSender")
        public func Stop() {
            if frameIteratorThread != nil {
                stopFrameIterator = true
                frameIteratorThread = nil
  7. 實作 VirtualOutgoingVideoStreamDelegatedidChangeState 事件會通知目前串流的狀態。 如果狀態不等於 VideoStreamState.started,則不傳送畫面。

    /*Delegate Implementer*/ 
    private var videoFrameSender: VideoFrameSender
    func virtualOutgoingVideoStream(
        _ virtualOutgoingVideoStream: VirtualOutgoingVideoStream,
        didChangeState args: VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs) {
        switch args.stream.state {
            case .available:
                videoFrameSender = VideoFrameSender(rawOutgoingVideoStream)
            case .started:
                /* Start sending frames */
            case .stopped:
                /* Stop sending frames */

ScreenShare 視訊

由於 Windows 系統會產生畫面,因此您必須實作自己的前景服務,以擷取畫面並使用 Azure 通訊服務通話 API 來傳送這些畫面。


外觀比例 解決方法 FPS 上限
任何項目 解析度高達 1080p 30


  1. 使用 SDK 支援的 VideoStreamPixelFormat 建立 VideoFormat 的陣列。 當有多種格式可用時,清單中的格式順序不會影響或優先考慮使用哪種格式。 格式選取的準則是基於網路頻寬等外部因素。

    let videoStreamFormat = VideoStreamFormat()
    videoStreamFormat.width = 1280 /* Width and height can be used for ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream for custom resolutions or use one of the predefined values inside VideoStreamResolution */
    videoStreamFormat.height = 720
    /*videoStreamFormat.resolution = VideoStreamResolution.p360*/
    videoStreamFormat.pixelFormat = VideoStreamPixelFormat.rgba
    videoStreamFormat.framesPerSecond = framerate
    videoStreamFormat.stride1 = w * 4 /* It is times 4 because RGBA is a 32-bit format */
    var videoStreamFormats: [VideoStreamFormat] = []
  2. 建立 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions,並使用先前建立的物件來設定 VideoFormats

    var rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions = RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions()
    rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions.formats = videoStreamFormats
  3. 使用先前建立的 RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions 執行個體,建立 VirtualOutgoingVideoStream 的執行個體。

    var rawOutgoingVideoStream = ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream(rawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions)
  4. 以下列方式擷取和傳送視訊畫面。

    private func SendRawVideoFrame() -> Void
        CVPixelBuffer cvPixelBuffer = /* Fill it with the content you got from the Windows APIs, The number of buffers depends on the VideoStreamPixelFormat */
        let videoFrameBuffer = RawVideoFrameBuffer()
        videoFrameBuffer.buffer = cvPixelBuffer!
        videoFrameBuffer.streamFormat = rawOutgoingVideoStream.format
        rawOutgoingVideoStream.send(frame: videoFrame) { error in
            /*Handle error if not nil*/


這項功能可讓您存取 IncomingVideoStream 中的視訊畫面,以便在本機操作這些串流物件

  1. 建立透過 JoinCallOptions 設定 IncomingVideoOptions 而設定的 VideoStreamKind.RawIncoming 執行個體

    var incomingVideoOptions = IncomingVideoOptions()
    incomingVideoOptions.streamType = VideoStreamKind.rawIncoming
    var joinCallOptions = JoinCallOptions()
    joinCallOptions.incomingVideoOptions = incomingVideoOptions
  2. 收到 ParticipantsUpdatedEventArgs 事件附加 RemoteParticipant.delegate.didChangedVideoStreamState 委派之後。 這個事件會通知 IncomingVideoStream 物件的狀態。

    private var remoteParticipantList: [RemoteParticipant] = []
    func call(_ call: Call, didUpdateRemoteParticipant args: ParticipantsUpdatedEventArgs) {
        args.addedParticipants.forEach { remoteParticipant in
            remoteParticipant.incomingVideoStreams.forEach { incomingVideoStream in
                OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(incomingVideoStream: incomingVideoStream)
            remoteParticipant.delegate = /* Attach delegate OnVideoStreamStateChanged*/
        args.removedParticipants.forEach { remoteParticipant in
            remoteParticipant.delegate = nil
    func remoteParticipant(_ remoteParticipant: RemoteParticipant, 
                           didVideoStreamStateChanged args: VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs) {
        OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(rawIncomingVideoStream: args.stream)
    func OnRawIncomingVideoStreamStateChanged(rawIncomingVideoStream: RawIncomingVideoStream) {
        switch incomingVideoStream.state {
            case .available:
                /* There is a new IncomingVideoStream */
                rawIncomingVideoStream.delegate /* Attach delegate OnVideoFrameReceived*/
            case .started:
                /* Will start receiving video frames */
            case .stopped:
                /* Will stop receiving video frames */
            case .notAvailable:
                /* The IncomingVideoStream should not be used anymore */
                rawIncomingVideoStream.delegate = nil
  3. 此時,IncomingVideoStream 具有 VideoStreamState.available 狀態附加 RawIncomingVideoStream.delegate.didReceivedRawVideoFrame 委派,如上一步所示。 該事件會提供新的 RawVideoFrame 物件。

    func rawIncomingVideoStream(_ rawIncomingVideoStream: RawIncomingVideoStream, 
                                didRawVideoFrameReceived args: RawVideoFrameReceivedEventArgs) {
        /* Render/Modify/Save the video frame */
        let videoFrame = args.frame as! RawVideoFrameBuffer

身為開發人員,您可以在通話期間存取傳入和傳出音訊、視訊和螢幕共用內容的原始媒體,以便擷取、分析和處理音訊/視訊內容。 透過存取 Azure 通訊服務用戶端原始音訊、原始視訊和原始螢幕共用,開發人員幾乎可以不受限制地檢視和編輯 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 內發生的音訊、視訊和螢幕共用內容。 在此快速入門中,您將了解如何使用適用於 JavaScript 的 Azure 通訊服務通話 SDK 來實作原始媒體存取。


  • 您可以直接在通話物件上存取通話的音訊/視訊串流,並在通話期間傳送自訂傳出音訊/視訊串流。
  • 您可以檢查音訊和視訊串流,以執行自訂 AI 模型進行分析。 這類模型可能包含自然語言處理來分析對話,或提供即時深入解析和建議來提升代理程式的生產力。
  • 組織可以在為患者提供虛擬照護時,使用音訊和視訊媒體串流來分析情緒,或在使用混合實境的視訊通話期間提供遠端協助。 這項功能為開發人員開闢了一條應用創新來增強互動體驗的全新路徑。



以下是適用於 JavaScript 的通話 SDK 1.13.1 範例。 試用此快速入門時,請務必使用該版本或更新版本。





const userId = 'acs_user_id';
const call = callAgent.startCall(userId);
const callStateChangedHandler = async () => {
    if (call.state === "Connected") {
        const remoteAudioStream = call.remoteAudioStreams[0];
        const mediaStream = await remoteAudioStream.getMediaStream();
	// process the incoming call's audio media stream track

call.on("stateChanged", callStateChangedHandler);



const createBeepAudioStreamToSend = () => {
    const context = new AudioContext();
    const dest = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
    const os = context.createOscillator();
    os.type = 'sine';
    os.frequency.value = 500;
    const { stream } = dest;
    return stream;

const userId = 'acs_user_id';
const mediaStream = createBeepAudioStreamToSend();
const localAudioStream = new LocalAudioStream(mediaStream);
const callOptions = {
    audioOptions: {
        localAudioStreams: [localAudioStream]
callAgent.startCall(userId, callOptions);



const createBeepAudioStreamToSend = () => {
    const context = new AudioContext();
    const dest = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
    const os = context.createOscillator();
    os.type = 'sine';
    os.frequency.value = 500;
    const { stream } = dest;
    return stream;


const userId = 'acs_user_id';
const mediaStream = createBeepAudioStreamToSend();
const localAudioStream = new LocalAudioStream(mediaStream);
const call = callAgent.startCall(userId);
const callStateChangedHandler = async () => {
    if (call.state === 'Connected') {
        await call.startAudio(localAudioStream);

call.on('stateChanged', callStateChangedHandler);





原始視訊媒體為您提供 MediaStream 物件的執行個體。 (如需詳細資訊,請參閱 JavaScript 文件。)原始視訊媒體特別提供對傳入和傳出通話的 MediaStream 物件的存取權。 對於原始視訊,您可以透過使用機器學習來處理視訊畫面,使用該物件來套用篩選。

處理過的原始傳出視訊畫面可傳送為傳送者的傳出視訊。 處理過的原始傳入視訊畫面可在接收端進行轉譯。


您可以存取撥出電話的原始視訊串流。 透過使用機器學習並套用篩選,您可以將 MediaStream 用於傳出原始視訊串流來處理畫面。 然後,處理過的傳出視訊可傳送為傳送者視訊串流。


const createVideoMediaStreamToSend = () => {
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    canvas.width = 1500;
    canvas.height = 845;
    ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    const colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green'];
    window.setInterval(() => {
        if (ctx) {
            ctx.fillStyle = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
            const x = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width);
            const y = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height);
            const size = 100;
            ctx.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
    }, 1000 / 30);

    return canvas.captureStream(30);

const userId = 'acs_user_id';
const mediaStream = createVideoMediaStreamToSend();
const localVideoStream = new LocalVideoStream(mediaStream);
const callOptions = {
    videoOptions: {
        localVideoStreams: [localVideoStream]
callAgent.startCall(userId, callOptions);



const createVideoMediaStreamToSend = () => {
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    canvas.width = 1500;
    canvas.height = 845;
    ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    const colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green'];
    window.setInterval(() => {
        if (ctx) {
            ctx.fillStyle = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
            const x = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width);
            const y = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height);
            const size = 100;
            ctx.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
    }, 1000 / 30);

    return canvas.captureStream(30);


const userId = 'acs_user_id';
const call = callAgent.startCall(userId);
const callStateChangedHandler = async () => {
    if (call.state === 'Connected') {    	
        const mediaStream = createVideoMediaStreamToSend();
        const localVideoStream = this.call.localVideoStreams.find((stream) => { return stream.mediaStreamType === 'Video' });
        await localVideoStream.setMediaStream(mediaStream);

call.on('stateChanged', callStateChangedHandler);



// Stop video by passing the same `localVideoStream` instance that was used to start video
await call.stopVideo(localVideoStream);

從套用自訂效果的相機切換至另一個相機裝置時,請先停止視訊,切換 LocalVideoStream 上的來源,然後再次啟動視訊。

const cameras = await this.deviceManager.getCameras();
const newCameraDeviceInfo = cameras.find(cameraDeviceInfo => { return cameraDeviceInfo.id === '<another camera that you want to switch to>' });
// If current camera is using custom raw media stream and video is on
if (this.localVideoStream.mediaStreamType === 'RawMedia' && this.state.videoOn) {
	// Stop raw custom video first
	await this.call.stopVideo(this.localVideoStream);
	// Switch the local video stream's source to the new camera to use
	// Start video with the new camera device
	await this.call.startVideo(this.localVideoStream);

// Else if current camera is using normal stream from camera device and video is on
} else if (this.localVideoStream.mediaStreamType === 'Video' && this.state.videoOn) {
	// You can just switch the source, no need to stop and start again. Sent video will automatically switch to the new camera to use


您可以存取撥入電話的原始視訊串流。 透過使用機器學習並套用篩選,您可以將 MediaStream 用於傳入原始視訊串流來處理畫面。 然後,處理過的傳入視訊可在接收端進行轉譯。

const remoteVideoStream = remoteParticipants[0].videoStreams.find((stream) => { return stream.mediaStreamType === 'Video'});
const processMediaStream = async () => {
    if (remoteVideoStream.isAvailable) {
	// remote video stream is turned on, process the video's raw media stream.
	const mediaStream = await remoteVideoStream.getMediaStream();
    } else {
	// remote video stream is turned off, handle it

remoteVideoStream.on('isAvailableChanged', async () => {
    await processMediaStream();

await processMediaStream();


此 Azure 通訊服務功能目前處於預覽狀態。

提供的預覽 API 和 SDK 並無服務等級協定。 建議您不要將其用於生產工作負載。 部分功能可能不受支援,或是在功能上有所限制。

如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft Azure 預覽版增補使用規定

原始螢幕畫面共享存取處於公開預覽狀態,並可在 1.15.1-beta.1+ 版中取得。


原始螢幕共用特別提供對傳入和傳出螢幕共用串流的 MediaStream 物件的存取權。 對於原始螢幕共用,您可以透過使用機器學習來處理螢幕共用畫面,使用該物件來套用篩選。

處理過的原始螢幕共用畫面可以傳送為傳送者的傳出螢幕共用。 處理過的原始螢幕共用畫面可在接收端進行轉譯。



const createVideoMediaStreamToSend = () => {
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    canvas.width = 1500;
    canvas.height = 845;
    ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    const colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green'];
    window.setInterval(() => {
        if (ctx) {
            ctx.fillStyle = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
            const x = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width);
            const y = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height);
            const size = 100;
            ctx.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
    }, 1000 / 30);

    return canvas.captureStream(30);

const mediaStream = createVideoMediaStreamToSend();
const localScreenSharingStream = new LocalVideoStream(mediaStream);
// Will start screen sharing with custom raw media stream
await call.startScreenSharing(localScreenSharingStream);
console.log(localScreenSharingStream.mediaStreamType) // 'RawMedia'


以下範例說明如何從螢幕、瀏覽器索引標籤或應用程式在原始螢幕共用串流上套用黑白效果。 注意:Safari 不支援畫布內容 filter = "grayscale(1)" API。

let bwTimeout;
let bwVideoElem;

const applyBlackAndWhiteEffect = function (stream) {
	let width = 1280, height = 720;
	bwVideoElem = document.createElement("video");
	bwVideoElem.srcObject = stream;
	bwVideoElem.height = height;
	bwVideoElem.width = width;
	const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
	const bwCtx = canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
	canvas.width = width;
	canvas.height = height;
	const FPS = 30;
	const processVideo = function () {
	    try {
		let begin = Date.now();
		// start processing.
		// NOTE: The Canvas context filter API is not supported in Safari
		bwCtx.filter = "grayscale(1)";
		bwCtx.drawImage(bwVideoElem, 0, 0, width, height);
		const imageData = bwCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
		bwCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
		// schedule the next one.
		let delay = Math.abs(1000/FPS - (Date.now() - begin));
		bwTimeout = setTimeout(processVideo, delay);
	    } catch (err) {
	// schedule the first one.
	bwTimeout = setTimeout(processVideo, 0);
	return canvas.captureStream(FPS);

// Call startScreenSharing API without passing any stream parameter. Browser will prompt the user to select the screen, browser tab, or app to share in the call.
await call.startScreenSharing();
const localScreenSharingStream = call.localVideoStreams.find( (stream) => { return stream.mediaStreamType === 'ScreenSharing' });
console.log(localScreenSharingStream.mediaStreamType); // 'ScreenSharing'
// Get the raw media stream from the screen, browser tab, or application
const rawMediaStream = await localScreenSharingStream.getMediaStream();
// Apply effects to the media stream as you wish
const blackAndWhiteMediaStream = applyBlackAndWhiteEffect(rawMediaStream);
// Set the media stream with effects no the local screen sharing stream
await localScreenSharingStream.setMediaStream(blackAndWhiteMediaStream);

// Stop screen sharing and clean up the black and white video filter
await call.stopScreenSharing();
bwVideoElem.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track) => { track.stop(); });
bwVideoElem.srcObject = null;



// Stop sending raw screen sharing stream
await call.stopScreenSharing(localScreenSharingStream);


您可以從遠端參與者存取原始螢幕共用串流。 透過使用機器學習並套用篩選,您可以將 MediaStream 用於傳入原始螢幕共用串流來處理畫面。 然後,處理過的傳入螢幕共用享串流可在接收端進行轉譯。

const remoteScreenSharingStream = remoteParticipants[0].videoStreams.find((stream) => { return stream.mediaStreamType === 'ScreenSharing'});
const processMediaStream = async () => {
    if (remoteScreenSharingStream.isAvailable) {
	// remote screen sharing stream is turned on, process the stream's raw media stream.
	const mediaStream = await remoteScreenSharingStream.getMediaStream();
    } else {
	// remote video stream is turned off, handle it

remoteScreenSharingStream.on('isAvailableChanged', async () => {
    await processMediaStream();

await processMediaStream();

