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教學課程:建立用戶端應用程式並將其連線至 Azure IoT Central 應用程式

本教學課程說明如何將用戶端應用程式連線到 Azure IoT Central 應用程式。 應用程式會模擬溫度控制器裝置的行為。 當應用程式連線到IoT Central時,它會傳送溫度控制器裝置模型的模型標識碼。 IoT Central 會使用模型標識符來擷取裝置型號,併為您建立裝置範本。 您可以將檢視新增至裝置範本,讓操作員能夠與裝置互動。


  • 建立並執行裝置程序代碼,並看到它連線到您的 IoT Central 應用程式。
  • 檢視從裝置傳送的模擬遙測。
  • 將自定義檢視新增至裝置範本。
  • 發佈裝置範本。
  • 使用檢視來管理裝置屬性。
  • 呼叫 命令來控制裝置。

Browse code



您可以在 Linux 或 Windows 上執行本教學課程。 本教學課程中的殼層命令會遵循路徑分隔符 『/』的 Linux 慣例,如果您遵循 Windows 上的命令,請務必將這些分隔符交換為 『\』。



本教學課程假設您使用UbuntuLinux。 本教學課程中的步驟已使用Ubuntu18.04進行測試。


使用 命令安裝 GCCGitcmake 和所有必要的相依 apt-get 性:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git cmake build-essential curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev

確認的版本cmake大於 2.8.12,且 GCC 的版本大於 4.4.7

cmake --version
gcc --version


若要在 Windows 上完成本教學課程,請在本機 Windows 環境中安裝下列軟體:


在本教學課程中,您會準備可用來複製和建置 Azure IoT 中樞 裝置 C SDK 的開發環境。

在您選擇的目錄中開啟命令提示字元。 執行下列命令, 將 Azure IoT C SDK 和連結庫 GitHub 存放庫 複製到此位置:

git clone
cd azure-iot-sdk-c
git submodule update --init



在您先前下載的 Microsoft Azure IoT SDK 複本中,在文本編輯器中開啟 azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/samples/pnp/pnp_temperature_controller/pnp_temperature_controller.cazure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/samples/pnp/pnp_temperature_controller/pnp_thermostat_component.c 檔案。

此範例會實作多重組件 溫度控制器 數字對應項定義語言模型。

當您執行範例以連線到IoT Central時,它會使用裝置布建服務 (DPS) 來註冊裝置併產生 連接字串。 此範例會從命令行環境擷取所需的 DPS 連線資訊。

pnp_temperature_controller.c 中,函 main 式會先呼叫 CreateDeviceClientAndAllocateComponents

  • dtmi:com:example:Thermostat;1設定模型標識碼。 IoT Central 會使用模型標識符來識別或產生此裝置的裝置範本。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱 將裝置指派給裝置範本
  • 使用 DPS 來布建和註冊裝置。
  • 建立裝置用戶端句柄,並連線到您的 IoT Central 應用程式。
  • 在溫度控制器元件中建立命令的處理程式。
  • 在溫度控制器元件中建立屬性更新的處理程式。
  • 建立兩個控溫器元件。

接下來的 函 main 式:

  • 報告所有元件的某些初始屬性值。
  • 啟動迴圈以從所有元件傳送遙測。

然後,函式 main 會啟動線程,定期傳送遙測。

int main(void)

    g_pnpDeviceConfiguration.modelId = g_temperatureControllerModelId;
    g_pnpDeviceConfiguration.enableTracing = g_hubClientTraceEnabled;

    // First determine the IoT Hub / credentials / device to use.
    if (GetConnectionSettingsFromEnvironment(&g_pnpDeviceConfiguration) == false)
        LogError("Cannot read required environment variable(s)");
    // Creates the thermostat subcomponents defined by this model.  Since everything
    // is simulated, this setup stage just creates simulated objects in memory.
    else if (AllocateThermostatComponents() == false)
        LogError("Failure allocating thermostat components");
    // Create a handle to device client handle.  Note that this call may block
    // for extended periods of time when using DPS.
    else if ((deviceClient = CreateAndConfigureDeviceClientHandleForPnP()) == NULL)
        LogError("Failure creating Iot Hub device client");
        LogInfo("Successfully created device client.  Hit Control-C to exit program\n");

        int numberOfIterations = 0;

        // During startup, send what DTDLv2 calls "read-only properties" to indicate initial device state.
        PnP_DeviceInfoComponent_Report_All_Properties(g_deviceInfoComponentName, deviceClient);
        PnP_TempControlComponent_Report_MaxTempSinceLastReboot_Property(g_thermostatHandle1, deviceClient);
        PnP_TempControlComponent_Report_MaxTempSinceLastReboot_Property(g_thermostatHandle2, deviceClient);

        while (true)
            // Wake up periodically to poll.  Even if we do not plan on sending telemetry, we still need to poll periodically in order to process
            // incoming requests from the server and to do connection keep alives.
            if ((numberOfIterations % g_sendTelemetryPollInterval) == 0)
                PnP_ThermostatComponent_SendCurrentTemperature(g_thermostatHandle1, deviceClient);
                PnP_ThermostatComponent_SendCurrentTemperature(g_thermostatHandle2, deviceClient);


        // The remainder of the code is used for cleaning up our allocated resources. It won't be executed in this 
        // sample (because the loop above is infinite and is only broken out of by Control-C of the program), but 
        // it is included for reference.

        // Free the memory allocated to track simulated thermostat.

        // Clean up the IoT Hub SDK handle.
        // Free all IoT Hub subsystem.

    return 0;

pnp_thermostat_component.c中,函 PnP_ThermostatComponent_SendCurrentTemperature 式會顯示裝置如何將溫度遙測從元件傳送至IoT Central:

void PnP_ThermostatComponent_SendCurrentTemperature(PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT_HANDLE pnpThermostatComponentHandle, IOTHUB_DEVICE_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE deviceClient)
    PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT* pnpThermostatComponent = (PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT*)pnpThermostatComponentHandle;
    IOTHUB_MESSAGE_RESULT messageResult;
    IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT iothubClientResult;

    char temperatureStringBuffer[CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_BUFFER_SIZE];

    // Create the telemetry message body to send.
    if (snprintf(temperatureStringBuffer, sizeof(temperatureStringBuffer), g_temperatureTelemetryBodyFormat, pnpThermostatComponent->currentTemperature) < 0)
        LogError("snprintf of current temperature telemetry failed");
    // Create the message handle and specify its metadata.
    else if ((messageHandle = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromString(temperatureStringBuffer)) == NULL)
        LogError("IoTHubMessage_PnP_CreateFromString failed");
    else if ((messageResult = IoTHubMessage_SetContentTypeSystemProperty(messageHandle, g_jsonContentType)) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
        LogError("IoTHubMessage_SetContentTypeSystemProperty failed, error=%d", messageResult);
    else if ((messageResult = IoTHubMessage_SetContentEncodingSystemProperty(messageHandle, g_utf8EncodingType)) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
        LogError("IoTHubMessage_SetContentEncodingSystemProperty failed, error=%d", messageResult);
    else if ((messageResult = IoTHubMessage_SetComponentName(messageHandle, pnpThermostatComponent->componentName)) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
        LogError("IoTHubMessage_SetContentEncodingSystemProperty failed, error=%d", messageResult);
    // Send the telemetry message.
    else if ((iothubClientResult = IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendTelemetryAsync(deviceClient, messageHandle, NULL, NULL)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
        LogError("Unable to send telemetry message, error=%d", iothubClientResult);


在 中 pnp_thermostat_component.c,函 PnP_TempControlComponent_Report_MaxTempSinceLastReboot_Property 式會將屬性更新從元件傳送 maxTempSinceLastReboot 至IoT Central:

void PnP_TempControlComponent_Report_MaxTempSinceLastReboot_Property(PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT_HANDLE pnpThermostatComponentHandle, IOTHUB_DEVICE_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE deviceClient)
    PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT* pnpThermostatComponent = (PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT*)pnpThermostatComponentHandle;
    char maximumTemperatureAsString[MAX_TEMPERATURE_SINCE_REBOOT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT iothubClientResult;

    if (snprintf(maximumTemperatureAsString, sizeof(maximumTemperatureAsString), g_maxTempSinceLastRebootPropertyFormat, pnpThermostatComponent->maxTemperature) < 0)
        LogError("Unable to create max temp since last reboot string for reporting result");
        maxTempProperty.structVersion = IOTHUB_CLIENT_PROPERTY_REPORTED_STRUCT_VERSION_1; = g_maxTempSinceLastRebootPropertyName;
        maxTempProperty.value =  maximumTemperatureAsString;

        unsigned char* propertySerialized = NULL;
        size_t propertySerializedLength;

        // The first step of reporting properties is to serialize IOTHUB_CLIENT_PROPERTY_WRITABLE_RESPONSE into JSON for sending.
        if ((iothubClientResult = IoTHubClient_Properties_Serializer_CreateReported(&maxTempProperty, 1, pnpThermostatComponent->componentName, &propertySerialized, &propertySerializedLength)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
            LogError("Unable to serialize reported state, error=%d", iothubClientResult);
        // The output of IoTHubClient_Properties_Serializer_CreateReported is sent to IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendPropertiesAsync to perform network I/O.
        else if ((iothubClientResult = IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendPropertiesAsync(deviceClient, propertySerialized, propertySerializedLength,  NULL, NULL)) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK)
            LogError("Unable to send reported state, error=%d", iothubClientResult);
            LogInfo("Sending %s property to IoTHub for component %s", g_maxTempSinceLastRebootPropertyName, pnpThermostatComponent->componentName);

pnp_thermostat_component.c中,函 PnP_ThermostatComponent_ProcessPropertyUpdate 式會處理來自IoT Central的可寫入屬性更新:

void PnP_ThermostatComponent_ProcessPropertyUpdate(PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT_HANDLE pnpThermostatComponentHandle, IOTHUB_DEVICE_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE deviceClient, const char* propertyName, const char* propertyValue, int version)
    PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT* pnpThermostatComponent = (PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT*)pnpThermostatComponentHandle;

    if (strcmp(propertyName, g_targetTemperaturePropertyName) != 0)
        LogError("Property %s was requested to be changed but is not part of the thermostat interface definition", propertyName);
        char* next;
        double targetTemperature = strtod(propertyValue, &next);
        if ((propertyValue == next) || (targetTemperature == HUGE_VAL) || (targetTemperature == (-1*HUGE_VAL)))
            LogError("Property %s is not a valid number", propertyValue);
            SendTargetTemperatureResponse(pnpThermostatComponent, deviceClient, propertyValue, PNP_STATUS_BAD_FORMAT, version, g_temperaturePropertyResponseDescriptionNotInt);
            LogInfo("Received targetTemperature %f for component %s", targetTemperature, pnpThermostatComponent->componentName);
            bool maxTempUpdated = false;
            UpdateTemperatureAndStatistics(pnpThermostatComponent, targetTemperature, &maxTempUpdated);

            // The device needs to let the service know that it has received the targetTemperature desired property.
            SendTargetTemperatureResponse(pnpThermostatComponent, deviceClient, propertyValue, PNP_STATUS_SUCCESS, version, NULL);
            if (maxTempUpdated)
                // If the maximum temperature has been updated, we also report this as a property.
                PnP_TempControlComponent_Report_MaxTempSinceLastReboot_Property(pnpThermostatComponent, deviceClient);

pnp_thermostat_component.c中,函 PnP_ThermostatComponent_ProcessCommand 式會處理從IoT Central呼叫的命令:

void PnP_ThermostatComponent_ProcessCommand(PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT_HANDLE pnpThermostatComponentHandle, const char *pnpCommandName, JSON_Value* commandJsonValue, IOTHUB_CLIENT_COMMAND_RESPONSE* commandResponse)
    PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT* pnpThermostatComponent = (PNP_THERMOSTAT_COMPONENT*)pnpThermostatComponentHandle;
    const char* sinceStr;

    if (strcmp(pnpCommandName, g_getMaxMinReportCommandName) != 0)
        LogError("Command %s is not supported on thermostat component", pnpCommandName);
        commandResponse->statusCode = PNP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
    // See caveats section in ../; we don't actually respect this sinceStr to keep the sample simple,
    // but want to demonstrate how to parse out in any case.
    else if ((sinceStr = json_value_get_string(commandJsonValue)) == NULL)
        LogError("Cannot retrieve JSON string for command");
        commandResponse->statusCode = PNP_STATUS_BAD_FORMAT;
    else if (BuildMaxMinCommandResponse(pnpThermostatComponent, commandResponse) == false)
        LogError("Unable to build response for component %s", pnpThermostatComponent->componentName);
        commandResponse->statusCode = PNP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR;
        LogInfo("Returning success from command request for component %s", pnpThermostatComponent->componentName);
        commandResponse->statusCode = PNP_STATUS_SUCCESS;


您可以使用裝置 SDK 來建置包含的範例程式代碼:

  1. 在裝置 SDK 的根資料夾中建立 cmake 子目錄,並瀏覽至該資料夾:

    cd azure-iot-sdk-c
    mkdir cmake
    cd cmake
  2. 執行下列命令來建置 SDK 和範例:

    cmake -Duse_prov_client=ON -Dhsm_type_symm_key=ON -Drun_e2e_tests=OFF ..
    cmake --build .



  • 標識元範圍:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組]。 記下標識碼 範圍 值。
  • 群組主鍵:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組 > SAS-IoT-Devices]。 記下共用存取簽章 [主要金鑰 ] 值。

使用 Azure Cloud Shell 從您擷取的群組主鍵產生裝置密鑰:

az extension add --name azure-iot
az iot central device compute-device-key --device-id sample-device-01 --pk <the group primary key value>



若要執行此範例,您不需要事先在IoT Central應用程式中註冊裝置。 此範例會使用IoT Central功能, 在第一次連線時自動註冊裝置


若要執行範例應用程式,請開啟命令行環境,並流覽至 azure-iot-sdk-c\cmake 資料夾

設定環境變數以設定範例。 下列代碼段示範如何在 Windows 命令提示字元中設定環境變數。 如果您使用 bash 殼層,請將 set 命令取代為 export 命令:

set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE=<The ID scope you made a note of previously>
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID=sample-device-01
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_KEY=<The generated device key you made a note of previously>


# Bash
cd iothub_client/samples/pnp/pnp_temperature_controller/
REM Windows
cd iothub_client\samples\pnp\pnp_temperature_controller\Debug

下列輸出顯示註冊並連線到IoT Central的裝置。 此範例會開始傳送遙測:

Info: Initiating DPS client to retrieve IoT Hub connection information
-> 09:43:27 CONNECT | VER: 4 | KEEPALIVE: 0 | FLAGS: 194 | USERNAME: 0ne0026656D/registrations/sample-device-01/api-version=2019-03-31&ClientVersion=1.6.0 | PWD: XXXX | CLEAN: 1
<- 09:43:28 CONNACK | SESSION_PRESENT: false | RETURN_CODE: 0x0
-> 09:43:29 SUBSCRIBE | PACKET_ID: 1 | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/res/# | QOS: 1
<- 09:43:30 SUBACK | PACKET_ID: 1 | RETURN_CODE: 1
-> 09:43:30 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/PUT/iotdps-register/?$rid=1 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 102
<- 09:43:31 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/res/202/?$rid=1&retry-after=3 | PACKET_ID: 2 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 94
-> 09:43:31 PUBACK | PACKET_ID: 2
-> 09:43:33 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/GET/iotdps-get-operationstatus/?$rid=2&operationId=4.2f792ade0a5c3e68.baf0e879-d88a-4153-afef-71aff51fd847 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 102
<- 09:43:34 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/res/202/?$rid=2&retry-after=3 | PACKET_ID: 2 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 173
-> 09:43:34 PUBACK | PACKET_ID: 2
-> 09:43:36 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/GET/iotdps-get-operationstatus/?$rid=3&operationId=4.2f792ade0a5c3e68.baf0e879-d88a-4153-afef-71aff51fd847 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 102
<- 09:43:37 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $dps/registrations/res/200/?$rid=3 | PACKET_ID: 2 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 478
-> 09:43:37 PUBACK | PACKET_ID: 2
Info: Provisioning callback indicates success., deviceId=sample-device-01
-> 09:43:37 DISCONNECT
Info: DPS successfully registered.  Continuing on to creation of IoTHub device client handle.
Info: Successfully created device client.  Hit Control-C to exit program

Info: Sending serialNumber property to IoTHub
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=swVersion, propertyValue=""
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=manufacturer, propertyValue="Sample-Manufacturer"
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=model, propertyValue="sample-Model-123"
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=osName, propertyValue="sample-OperatingSystem-name"
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=processorArchitecture, propertyValue="Contoso-Arch-64bit"
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=processorManufacturer, propertyValue="Processor Manufacturer(TM)"
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=totalStorage, propertyValue=10000
Info: Sending device information property to IoTHub.  propertyName=totalMemory, propertyValue=200
Info: Sending maximumTemperatureSinceLastReboot property to IoTHub for component=thermostat1
Info: Sending maximumTemperatureSinceLastReboot property to IoTHub for component=thermostat2
-> 09:43:44 CONNECT | VER: 4 | KEEPALIVE: 240 | FLAGS: 192 | USERNAME: | PWD: XXXX | CLEAN: 0
<- 09:43:44 CONNACK | SESSION_PRESENT: false | RETURN_CODE: 0x0
-> 09:43:44 SUBSCRIBE | PACKET_ID: 2 | TOPIC_NAME: $iothub/twin/res/# | QOS: 0 | TOPIC_NAME: $iothub/methods/POST/# | QOS: 0
-> 09:43:44 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: devices/sample-device-01/messages/events/ | PACKET_ID: 3 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 19
-> 09:43:44 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: devices/sample-device-01/messages/events/%24.sub=thermostat1 | PACKET_ID: 4 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 21
-> 09:43:44 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: devices/sample-device-01/messages/events/%24.sub=thermostat2 | PACKET_ID: 5 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 21

身為 Azure IoT Central 應用程式中的操作員,您可以:

  • 在 [概觀] 頁面上檢視兩個控溫器元件所傳送的遙測:

    Screenshot that shows the device overview page.

  • 在 [ 關於 ] 頁面上檢視裝置屬性。 此頁面會顯示裝置資訊元件和兩個控溫器元件的屬性:

    Screenshot that shows the device properties view.


身為解決方案開發人員,您可以自定義IoT Central在溫度控制器裝置連線時自動建立的裝置範本。


  1. 在您的 IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 溫度控制器 模型中,選取 [+新增功能]。

  3. 輸入 [客戶名稱] 作為 [顯示名稱],選取 [Cloud 屬性] 作為功能類型,展開專案,然後選擇 [字串] 作為 [架構]。 然後選取儲存

若要自定義取得 Max-Min 報表命令在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 若為 getMaxMinReport (控溫器1),請將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get thermostat1 狀態報告

  3. 針對 getMaxMinReport (控溫器2),將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get 控溫器2 狀態報告

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

若要自訂目標溫度可寫入屬性在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器1),將目標溫度取代目標溫度 (1)

  3. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器2),將 [目標溫度] 取代[目標溫度] (2)。

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

溫度控制器模型中的控溫器元件包含目標溫度可寫入屬性,裝置範本包含客戶名稱雲端屬性。 建立操作員可用來編輯這些屬性的檢視:

  1. 選取 [ 檢視 ],然後選取 [ 編輯裝置和雲端數據 ] 圖格。

  2. 輸入 [屬性 ] 做為表單名稱。

  3. 選取 [ 目標溫度]、[目標溫度]、 [2][客戶名稱 ] 屬性。 然後選取 [新增區段]

  4. 儲存您的變更。

Screenshot that shows a view for updating property values.



從控溫器裝置範本中,選取 [發佈]。 在 [ 將此裝置範本發佈至應用程式 面板] 上,選取 [ 發佈]。

操作員現在 可以使用 [屬性 ] 檢視來更新屬性值,並在裝置命令頁面上呼叫稱為 [取得控溫器1 狀態報告 ] 和 [取得控溫器2 狀態報告 ] 的命令:

  • 更新 [屬性] 頁面上的可寫入屬性值

    Screenshot that shows updating the device properties.

  • [命令 ] 頁面呼叫命令。 如果您執行狀態報表命令,請在執行該命令之前,先選取 Since 參數的日期和時間:

    Screenshot that shows calling a command.

    Screenshot that shows a command response.


<- 09:49:03 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $iothub/methods/POST/thermostat1*getMaxMinReport/?$rid=1 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 26
Info: Received PnP command for component=thermostat1, command=getMaxMinReport
Info: Returning success from command request for component=thermostat1
-> 09:49:03 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $iothub/methods/res/200/?$rid=1 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 117


<- 09:50:04 PUBLISH | IS_DUP: false | RETAIN: 0 | QOS: DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE | TOPIC_NAME: $iothub/twin/PATCH/properties/desired/?$version=2 | PAYLOAD_LEN: 63
Info: Received targetTemperature=67.000000 for component=thermostat2
Info: Sending acknowledgement of property to IoTHub for component=thermostat2

Browse code




在您先前下載的 Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for C# 存放庫中,在 Visual Studio 中開啟 azure-iot-sdk-csharp-main\azureiot.sln 方案檔。 在 方案總管 中,展開 PnpDeviceSamples > TemperatureController 資料夾,然後開啟Program.csTemperatureControllerSample.cs檔案,以檢視此範例的程序代碼。

此範例會實作多重組件 溫度控制器 數字對應項定義語言模型。

當您執行範例以連線到IoT Central時,它會使用裝置布建服務 (DPS) 來註冊裝置併產生 連接字串。 此範例會從環境擷取所需的 DPS 連線資訊。

Program.csMain ,方法會呼叫 SetupDeviceClientAsync

  • 使用 DPS 布建裝置時,請使用模型標識碼 dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;2 。 IoT Central 會使用模型標識符來識別或產生此裝置的裝置範本。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱 將裝置指派給裝置範本
  • 建立 DeviceClient 實例以連線到 IoT Central。
private static async Task<DeviceClient> SetupDeviceClientAsync(Parameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  DeviceClient deviceClient;
  switch (parameters.DeviceSecurityType.ToLowerInvariant())
    case "dps":
      DeviceRegistrationResult dpsRegistrationResult = await ProvisionDeviceAsync(parameters, cancellationToken);
      var authMethod = new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(dpsRegistrationResult.DeviceId, parameters.DeviceSymmetricKey);
      deviceClient = InitializeDeviceClient(dpsRegistrationResult.AssignedHub, authMethod);

    case "connectionstring":
      // ...

      // ...
  return deviceClient;

然後,main 方法會 建立 TemperatureControllerSample 實例,並呼叫 PerformOperationsAsync 方法來處理與 IoT Central 的互動。

TemperatureControllerSample.csPerformOperationsAsync ,方法:

  • 在預設元件上設定重新啟動命令的處理程式
  • 設定兩個控溫器元件上 getMaxMinReport 命令的處理程式
  • 設定處理程式,以接收兩個控溫器元件上的目標溫度屬性更新。
  • 傳送初始裝置資訊屬性更新。
  • 定期從兩個控溫器元件傳送溫度遙測。
  • 定期從預設元件傳送工作集遙測。
  • 每當兩個控溫器元件中達到新的最高溫度時,傳送自上次重新啟動以來的最高溫度。
public async Task PerformOperationsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("reboot", HandleRebootCommandAsync, _deviceClient, cancellationToken);

  // For a component-level command, the command name is in the format "<component-name>*<command-name>".
  await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("thermostat1*getMaxMinReport", HandleMaxMinReportCommand, Thermostat1, cancellationToken);
  await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("thermostat2*getMaxMinReport", HandleMaxMinReportCommand, Thermostat2, cancellationToken);

  await _deviceClient.SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync(SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallback, null, cancellationToken);
  _desiredPropertyUpdateCallbacks.Add(Thermostat1, TargetTemperatureUpdateCallbackAsync);
  _desiredPropertyUpdateCallbacks.Add(Thermostat2, TargetTemperatureUpdateCallbackAsync);

  await UpdateDeviceInformationAsync(cancellationToken);
  await SendDeviceSerialNumberAsync(cancellationToken);

  bool temperatureReset = true;
  _maxTemp[Thermostat1] = 0d;
  _maxTemp[Thermostat2] = 0d;

  while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
    if (temperatureReset)
      // Generate a random value between 5.0°C and 45.0°C for the current temperature reading for each "Thermostat" component.
      _temperature[Thermostat1] = Math.Round(s_random.NextDouble() * 40.0 + 5.0, 1);
      _temperature[Thermostat2] = Math.Round(s_random.NextDouble() * 40.0 + 5.0, 1);

    await SendTemperatureAsync(Thermostat1, cancellationToken);
    await SendTemperatureAsync(Thermostat2, cancellationToken);
    await SendDeviceMemoryAsync(cancellationToken);

    temperatureReset = _temperature[Thermostat1] == 0 && _temperature[Thermostat2] == 0;
    await Task.Delay(5 * 1000);

SendTemperatureAsync方法顯示裝置如何將溫度遙測從元件傳送至IoT Central。 方法 SendTemperatureTelemetryAsyncPnpConvention 使用 類別來建置訊息:

private async Task SendTemperatureAsync(string componentName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  await SendTemperatureTelemetryAsync(componentName, cancellationToken);

  double maxTemp = _temperatureReadingsDateTimeOffset[componentName].Values.Max<double>();
  if (maxTemp > _maxTemp[componentName])
    _maxTemp[componentName] = maxTemp;
    await UpdateMaxTemperatureSinceLastRebootAsync(componentName, cancellationToken);

private async Task SendTemperatureTelemetryAsync(string componentName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  const string telemetryName = "temperature";
  double currentTemperature = _temperature[componentName];
  using Message msg = PnpConvention.CreateMessage(telemetryName, currentTemperature, componentName);

  await _deviceClient.SendEventAsync(msg, cancellationToken);

  if (_temperatureReadingsDateTimeOffset.ContainsKey(componentName))
    _temperatureReadingsDateTimeOffset[componentName].TryAdd(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, currentTemperature);
      new Dictionary<DateTimeOffset, double>
        { DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, currentTemperature },

方法 UpdateMaxTemperatureSinceLastRebootAsync 會將 maxTempSinceLastReboot 屬性更新傳送至IoT Central。 這個方法會 PnpConvention 使用 類別來建立修補程式:

private async Task UpdateMaxTemperatureSinceLastRebootAsync(string componentName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  const string propertyName = "maxTempSinceLastReboot";
  double maxTemp = _maxTemp[componentName];
  TwinCollection reportedProperties = PnpConvention.CreateComponentPropertyPatch(componentName, propertyName, maxTemp);

  await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties, cancellationToken);

方法會 TargetTemperatureUpdateCallbackAsync 處理來自IoT Central的可寫入目標溫度屬性更新。 這個方法會 PnpConvention 使用 類別來讀取屬性更新訊息,並建構回應:

private async Task TargetTemperatureUpdateCallbackAsync(TwinCollection desiredProperties, object userContext)
  const string propertyName = "targetTemperature";
  string componentName = (string)userContext;

  bool targetTempUpdateReceived = PnpConvention.TryGetPropertyFromTwin(
    out double targetTemperature,
  if (!targetTempUpdateReceived)

  TwinCollection pendingReportedProperty = PnpConvention.CreateComponentWritablePropertyResponse(

  await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(pendingReportedProperty);

  // Update Temperature in 2 steps
  double step = (targetTemperature - _temperature[componentName]) / 2d;
  for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
      _temperature[componentName] = Math.Round(_temperature[componentName] + step, 1);
      await Task.Delay(6 * 1000);

  TwinCollection completedReportedProperty = PnpConvention.CreateComponentWritablePropertyResponse(
      "Successfully updated target temperature");

  await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(completedReportedProperty);

方法 HandleMaxMinReportCommand 會處理從 IoT Central 呼叫之元件的命令:

private Task<MethodResponse> HandleMaxMinReportCommand(MethodRequest request, object userContext)
        string componentName = (string)userContext;
        DateTime sinceInUtc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DateTime>(request.DataAsJson);
        var sinceInDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(sinceInUtc);

        if (_temperatureReadingsDateTimeOffset.ContainsKey(componentName))

            Dictionary<DateTimeOffset, double> allReadings = _temperatureReadingsDateTimeOffset[componentName];
            Dictionary<DateTimeOffset, double> filteredReadings = allReadings.Where(i => i.Key > sinceInDateTimeOffset)
                .ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);

            if (filteredReadings != null && filteredReadings.Any())
                var report = new
                    maxTemp = filteredReadings.Values.Max<double>(),
                    minTemp = filteredReadings.Values.Min<double>(),
                    avgTemp = filteredReadings.Values.Average(),
                    startTime = filteredReadings.Keys.Min(),
                    endTime = filteredReadings.Keys.Max(),

                byte[] responsePayload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(report));
                return Task.FromResult(new MethodResponse(responsePayload, (int)StatusCode.Completed));

            return Task.FromResult(new MethodResponse((int)StatusCode.NotFound));

        return Task.FromResult(new MethodResponse((int)StatusCode.NotFound));
    catch (JsonReaderException ex)
        // ...



  • 標識元範圍:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組]。 記下標識碼 範圍 值。
  • 群組主鍵:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組 > SAS-IoT-Devices]。 記下共用存取簽章 [主要金鑰 ] 值。

使用 Azure Cloud Shell 從您擷取的群組主鍵產生裝置密鑰:

az extension add --name azure-iot
az iot central device compute-device-key --device-id sample-device-01 --pk <the group primary key value>



若要執行此範例,您不需要事先在IoT Central應用程式中註冊裝置。 此範例會使用IoT Central功能, 在第一次連線時自動註冊裝置



在執行程序代碼之前,請先將 TemperatureController 設定為啟始專案。

若要在 Visual Studio 中執行範例應用程式:

  1. 方案總管 中,選取 PnpDeviceSamples > TemperatureController 項目檔。

  2. 流覽至專案 TemperatureController 屬性>偵錯>。 然後將下列環境變數新增至專案:

    IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE 您先前記下的識別碼範圍值。
    IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID sample-device-01

您現在可以在 Visual Studio 中執行和偵錯範例。

下列輸出顯示註冊並連線到IoT Central的裝置。 此範例會開始傳送遙測:

[03/31/2021 14:43:17]info: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Press Control+C to quit the sample.
[03/31/2021 14:43:17]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Set up the device client.
[03/31/2021 14:43:18]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Initializing via DPS
[03/31/2021 14:43:27]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Set handler for 'reboot' command.
[03/31/2021 14:43:27]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Connection status change registered - status=Connected, reason=Connection_Ok.
[03/31/2021 14:43:28]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Set handler for "getMaxMinReport" command.
[03/31/2021 14:43:28]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Set handler to receive 'targetTemperature' updates.
[03/31/2021 14:43:28]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Update - component = 'deviceInformation', properties update is complete.
[03/31/2021 14:43:28]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Update - { "serialNumber": "SR-123456" } is complete.
[03/31/2021 14:43:29]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Telemetry: Sent - component="thermostat1", { "temperature": 34.2 } in °C.
[03/31/2021 14:43:29]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Update - component="thermostat1", { "maxTempSinceLastReboot": 34.2 } in °C is complete.
[03/31/2021 14:43:29]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Telemetry: Sent - component="thermostat2", { "temperature": 25.1 } in °C.
[03/31/2021 14:43:29]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Update - component="thermostat2", { "maxTempSinceLastReboot": 25.1 } in °C is complete.
[03/31/2021 14:43:29]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Telemetry: Sent - {"workingSet":31412} in KB.

身為 Azure IoT Central 應用程式中的操作員,您可以:

  • 在 [概觀] 頁面上檢視兩個控溫器元件所傳送的遙測:

    Screenshot that shows the device overview page.

  • 在 [ 關於 ] 頁面上檢視裝置屬性。 此頁面會顯示裝置資訊元件和兩個控溫器元件的屬性:

    Screenshot that shows the device properties view.


身為解決方案開發人員,您可以自定義IoT Central在溫度控制器裝置連線時自動建立的裝置範本。


  1. 在您的 IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 溫度控制器 模型中,選取 [+新增功能]。

  3. 輸入 [客戶名稱] 作為 [顯示名稱],選取 [Cloud 屬性] 作為功能類型,展開專案,然後選擇 [字串] 作為 [架構]。 然後選取儲存

若要自定義取得 Max-Min 報表命令在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 若為 getMaxMinReport (控溫器1),請將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get thermostat1 狀態報告

  3. 針對 getMaxMinReport (控溫器2),將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get 控溫器2 狀態報告

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

若要自訂目標溫度可寫入屬性在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器1),將目標溫度取代目標溫度 (1)

  3. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器2),將 [目標溫度] 取代[目標溫度] (2)。

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

溫度控制器模型中的控溫器元件包含目標溫度可寫入屬性,裝置範本包含客戶名稱雲端屬性。 建立操作員可用來編輯這些屬性的檢視:

  1. 選取 [ 檢視 ],然後選取 [ 編輯裝置和雲端數據 ] 圖格。

  2. 輸入 [屬性 ] 做為表單名稱。

  3. 選取 [ 目標溫度]、[目標溫度]、 [2][客戶名稱 ] 屬性。 然後選取 [新增區段]

  4. 儲存您的變更。

Screenshot that shows a view for updating property values.



從控溫器裝置範本中,選取 [發佈]。 在 [ 將此裝置範本發佈至應用程式 面板] 上,選取 [ 發佈]。

操作員現在 可以使用 [屬性 ] 檢視來更新屬性值,並在裝置命令頁面上呼叫稱為 [取得控溫器1 狀態報告 ] 和 [取得控溫器2 狀態報告 ] 的命令:

  • 更新 [屬性] 頁面上的可寫入屬性值

    Screenshot that shows updating the device properties.

  • [命令 ] 頁面呼叫命令。 如果您執行狀態報表命令,請在執行該命令之前,先選取 Since 參數的日期和時間:

    Screenshot that shows calling a command.

    Screenshot that shows a command response.


[03/31/2021 14:47:00]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Command: Received - component="thermostat2", generating max, min and avg temperature report since 31/03/2021 06:00:00.
[03/31/2021 14:47:00]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Command: component="thermostat2", MaxMinReport since 31/03/2021 06:00:00: maxTemp=36.4, minTemp=36.4, avgTemp=36.4, startTime=31/03/2021 14:46:33, endTime=31/03/2021 14:46:55


[03/31/2021 14:46:36]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Received - component="thermostat1", { "targetTemperature": 67°C }.
[03/31/2021 14:46:36]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Update - component="thermostat1", {"targetTemperature": 67 } in °C is InProgress.
[03/31/2021 14:46:49]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Property: Update - component="thermostat1", {"targetTemperature": 67 } in °C is Completed
[03/31/2021 14:46:49]dbug: Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Samples.TemperatureControllerSample[0]
      Telemetry: Sent - component="thermostat1", { "temperature": 67 } in °C.

Browse code



  • 具有 Java SE 開發工具套件 8 或更新版本的開發電腦。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 安裝 JDK

  • Apache Maven 3.

  • Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for Java GitHub 存放庫的本機副本,其中包含範例程序代碼。 使用此連結來下載存放庫的復本: 下載 ZIP。 然後將檔案解壓縮到本機計算機上的適當位置。


在您先前下載的 Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for Java 複本中,開啟 文本編輯器中的 azure-iot-sdk-java/iothub/device-samples/pnp-device-sample/temperature-controller-device-sample/src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/sdk/iot/device/ 檔案。

此範例會實作多重組件 溫度控制器 數字對應項定義語言模型。

當您執行範例以連線到IoT Central時,它會使用裝置布建服務 (DPS) 來註冊裝置併產生 連接字串。 此範例會從命令行環境擷取所需的 DPS 連線資訊。

main 方法:

  • 呼叫 initializeAndProvisionDevice 以設定 dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;2 模型標識碼、使用 DPS 來布建和註冊裝置、建立 DeviceClient 實例,以及連線到您的 IoT Central 應用程式。 IoT Central 會使用模型標識符來識別或產生此裝置的裝置範本。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱 將裝置指派給裝置範本
  • 建立和 reboot 命令的命令處理程式getMaxMinReport
  • 建立可 targetTemperature 寫入屬性的屬性更新處理程式。
  • 在 [裝置資訊] 介面和 [裝置記憶體] 和 [序號] 屬性中傳送屬性的初始值。
  • 啟動線程以從兩個控溫器傳送溫度遙測,並每隔五秒更新 maxTempSinceLastReboot 屬性一次。
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  // ...
  switch (deviceSecurityType.toLowerCase())
    case "dps":
      if (validateArgsForDpsFlow())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required environment variables are not set for DPS flow, please recheck your environment.");
    case "connectionstring":
      // ...
      // ...
  deviceClient.subscribeToMethods(new MethodCallback(), null);
  (twin, context) ->
      TwinCollection desiredProperties = twin.getDesiredProperties();
      for (String desiredPropertyKey : desiredProperties.keySet())
          TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback.onPropertyChanged(new Property(desiredPropertyKey, desiredProperties.get(desiredPropertyKey)), null);
  (exception, context) ->
      if (exception == null)
"Successfully subscribed to desired properties. Getting initial state");
              (twin, getTwinException, getTwinContext) ->
        "Initial twin state received");
"Failed to subscribe to desired properties. Error code {}", exception.getStatusCode());

  final AtomicBoolean temperatureReset = new AtomicBoolean(true);
  maxTemperature.put(THERMOSTAT_1, 0.0d);
  maxTemperature.put(THERMOSTAT_2, 0.0d);
  new Thread(new Runnable() {
    @SneakyThrows({InterruptedException.class, IOException.class})
    public void run() {
      while (true) {
        if (temperatureReset.get()) {
          // Generate a random value between 5.0°C and 45.0°C for the current temperature reading for each "Thermostat" component.
          temperature.put(THERMOSTAT_1, BigDecimal.valueOf(random.nextDouble() * 40 + 5).setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue());
          temperature.put(THERMOSTAT_2, BigDecimal.valueOf(random.nextDouble() * 40 + 5).setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue());


        temperatureReset.set(temperature.get(THERMOSTAT_1) == 0 && temperature.get(THERMOSTAT_2) == 0);
        Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);

initializeAndProvisionDevice方法會示範裝置如何使用 DPS 來註冊並連線到 IoT Central。 承載包含IoT Central用來 將裝置指派給裝置範本的模型標識碼:

private static void initializeAndProvisionDevice() throws Exception {
  SecurityProviderSymmetricKey securityClientSymmetricKey = new SecurityProviderSymmetricKey(deviceSymmetricKey.getBytes(), registrationId);
  ProvisioningDeviceClient provisioningDeviceClient;
  ProvisioningStatus provisioningStatus = new ProvisioningStatus();

  provisioningDeviceClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.create(globalEndpoint, scopeId, provisioningProtocol, securityClientSymmetricKey);

  AdditionalData additionalData = new AdditionalData();

  ProvisioningDeviceClientRegistrationResult registrationResult = provisioningDeviceClient.registerDeviceSync(additionalData);

    ClientOptions options = ClientOptions.builder().modelId(MODEL_ID).build();
    if (registrationResult.getProvisioningDeviceClientStatus() == ProvisioningDeviceClientStatus.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_STATUS_ASSIGNED) {
        System.out.println("IotHUb Uri : " + registrationResult.getIothubUri());
        System.out.println("Device ID : " + registrationResult.getDeviceId());
        String iotHubUri = registrationResult.getIothubUri();
        String deviceId = registrationResult.getDeviceId();
        log.debug("Opening the device client.");
        deviceClient = new DeviceClient(iotHubUri, deviceId, securityClientSymmetricKey, IotHubClientProtocol.MQTT, options);;

sendTemperatureTelemetry方法顯示裝置如何將溫度遙測從元件傳送至IoT Central。 這個方法會 PnpConvention 使用 類別來建立訊息:

  private static void sendTemperatureTelemetry(String componentName) {
    String telemetryName = "temperature";
    double currentTemperature = temperature.get(componentName);

    Message message = PnpConvention.createIotHubMessageUtf8(telemetryName, currentTemperature, componentName);
    deviceClient.sendEventAsync(message, new MessageIotHubEventCallback(), message);

    // Add the current temperature entry to the list of temperature readings.
    Map<Date, Double> currentReadings;
    if (temperatureReadings.containsKey(componentName)) {
      currentReadings = temperatureReadings.get(componentName);
    } else {
      currentReadings = new HashMap<>();
    currentReadings.put(new Date(), currentTemperature);
    temperatureReadings.put(componentName, currentReadings);

方法會將updateMaxTemperatureSinceLastRebootmaxTempSinceLastReboot屬性更新從元件傳送至 IoT Central。 這個方法會 PnpConvention 使用 類別來建立修補程式:

private static void updateMaxTemperatureSinceLastReboot(String componentName) throws IOException {
  String propertyName = "maxTempSinceLastReboot";
  double maxTemp = maxTemperature.get(componentName);

  TwinCollection reportedProperty = PnpConvention.createComponentPropertyPatch(propertyName, maxTemp, componentName);
  deviceClient.updateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperty, sendReportedPropertiesResponseCallback, null);
  log.debug("Property: Update - {\"{}\": {}°C} is {}.", propertyName, maxTemp, StatusCode.COMPLETED);

類別 TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback 包含方法, onPropertyChanged 可從IoT Central處理元件可寫入的屬性更新。 這個方法會 PnpConvention 使用 類別來建立回應:

private static class TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback
    final static String propertyName = "targetTemperature";
    public static void onPropertyChanged(Property property, Object context) {
        String componentName = (String) context;
        if (property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(componentName)) {
            double targetTemperature = (double) ((TwinCollection) property.getValue()).get(propertyName);
            log.debug("Property: Received - component=\"{}\", {\"{}\": {}°C}.", componentName, propertyName, targetTemperature);
            TwinCollection pendingPropertyPatch = PnpConvention.createComponentWritablePropertyResponse(
            deviceClient.updateReportedPropertiesAsync(pendingPropertyPatch, sendReportedPropertiesResponseCallback, null);
            log.debug("Property: Update - component=\"{}\", {\"{}\": {}°C} is {}", componentName, propertyName, targetTemperature, StatusCode.IN_PROGRESS);
            // Update temperature in 2 steps
            double step = (targetTemperature - temperature.get(componentName)) / 2;
            for (int i = 1; i <=2; i++) {
                temperature.put(componentName, BigDecimal.valueOf(temperature.get(componentName) + step).setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue());
                Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
            TwinCollection completedPropertyPatch = PnpConvention.createComponentWritablePropertyResponse(
                    "Successfully updated target temperature.");
            deviceClient.updateReportedPropertiesAsync(completedPropertyPatch, sendReportedPropertiesResponseCallback, null);
            log.debug("Property: Update - {\"{}\": {}°C} is {}", propertyName, temperature.get(componentName), StatusCode.COMPLETED);
        } else {
            log.debug("Property: Received an unrecognized property update from service.");

類別 MethodCallback 包含 onMethodInvoked 處理從 IoT Central 呼叫之元件命令的方法:

private static class MethodCallback implements
    final String reboot = "reboot";
    final String getMaxMinReport1 = "thermostat1*getMaxMinReport";
    final String getMaxMinReport2 = "thermostat2*getMaxMinReport";
    public DirectMethodResponse onMethodInvoked(String methodName, DirectMethodPayload methodData, Object context) {
        String jsonRequest = methodData.getPayload(String.class);
        switch (methodName) {
            case reboot:
                int delay = getCommandRequestValue(jsonRequest, Integer.class);
                log.debug("Command: Received - Rebooting thermostat (resetting temperature reading to 0°C after {} seconds).", delay);
                Thread.sleep(delay * 1000L);
                temperature.put(THERMOSTAT_1, 0.0d);
                temperature.put(THERMOSTAT_2, 0.0d);
                maxTemperature.put(THERMOSTAT_1, 0.0d);
                maxTemperature.put(THERMOSTAT_2, 0.0d);
                return new DirectMethodResponse(StatusCode.COMPLETED.value, null);
            case getMaxMinReport1:
            case getMaxMinReport2:
                String[] words = methodName.split("\\*");
                String componentName = words[0];
                if (temperatureReadings.containsKey(componentName)) {
                    Date since = getCommandRequestValue(jsonRequest, Date.class);
                    log.debug("Command: Received - component=\"{}\", generating min, max, avg temperature report since {}", componentName, since);
                    Map<Date, Double> allReadings = temperatureReadings.get(componentName);
                    Map<Date, Double> filteredReadings = allReadings.entrySet().stream()
                            .filter(map -> map.getKey().after(since))
                            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
                    if (!filteredReadings.isEmpty()) {
                        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
                        double maxTemp = Collections.max(filteredReadings.values());
                        double minTemp = Collections.min(filteredReadings.values());
                        double avgTemp = filteredReadings.values().stream().mapToDouble(Double::doubleValue).average().orElse(Double.NaN);
                        String startTime =  sdf.format(Collections.min(filteredReadings.keySet()));
                        String endTime =  sdf.format(Collections.max(filteredReadings.keySet()));
                        String responsePayload = String.format(
                                "{\"maxTemp\": %.1f, \"minTemp\": %.1f, \"avgTemp\": %.1f, \"startTime\": \"%s\", \"endTime\": \"%s\"}",
                        log.debug("Command: MaxMinReport since {}: \"maxTemp\": {}°C, \"minTemp\": {}°C, \"avgTemp\": {}°C, \"startTime\": {}, \"endTime\": {}",
                        return new DirectMethodResponse(StatusCode.COMPLETED.value, responsePayload);
                    log.debug("Command: component=\"{}\", no relevant readings found since {}, cannot generate any report.", componentName, since);
                    return new DirectMethodResponse(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND.value, null);
                log.debug("Command: component=\"{}\", no temperature readings sent yet, cannot generate any report.", componentName);
                return new DirectMethodResponse(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND.value, null);
                log.debug("Command: command=\"{}\" is not implemented, no action taken.", methodName);
                return new DirectMethodResponse(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND.value, null);



  • 標識元範圍:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組]。 記下標識碼 範圍 值。
  • 群組主鍵:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組 > SAS-IoT-Devices]。 記下共用存取簽章 [主要金鑰 ] 值。

使用 Azure Cloud Shell 從您擷取的群組主鍵產生裝置密鑰:

az extension add --name azure-iot
az iot central device compute-device-key --device-id sample-device-01 --pk <the group primary key value>



若要執行此範例,您不需要事先在IoT Central應用程式中註冊裝置。 此範例會使用IoT Central功能, 在第一次連線時自動註冊裝置

在 Windows 上,流覽至您下載的 Azure IoT SDK for Java 存放庫根資料夾。


mvn install -T 2C -DskipTests


若要執行範例應用程式,請開啟命令行環境,並流覽至資料夾 azure-iot-sdk-java/iothub/device/device/samples/pnp-device-sample/temperature-controller-device-sample 資料夾,其中包含 src 資料夾與 範例檔案。

設定環境變數以設定範例。 下列代碼段示範如何在 Windows 命令提示字元中設定環境變數。 如果您使用 bash 殼層,請將 set 命令取代為 export 命令:

set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE=<The ID scope you made a note of previously>
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID=sample-device-01
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_KEY=<The generated device key you made a note of previously>


mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=""

下列輸出顯示註冊並連線到IoT Central的裝置。 此範例會開始傳送遙測:

2021-03-30 15:33:25.138 DEBUG TemperatureController:123 - Initialize the device client.
Waiting for Provisioning Service to register
Waiting for Provisioning Service to register
IotHUb Uri :
Device ID : sample-device-01
2021-03-30 15:33:38.294 DEBUG TemperatureController:247 - Opening the device client.
2021-03-30 15:33:38.307 INFO  ExponentialBackoffWithJitter:98 - NOTE: A new instance of ExponentialBackoffWithJitter has been created with the following properties. Retry Count: 2147483647, Min Backoff Interval: 100, Max Backoff Interval: 10000, Max Time Between Retries: 100, Fast Retry Enabled: true
2021-03-30 15:33:38.321 INFO  ExponentialBackoffWithJitter:98 - NOTE: A new instance of ExponentialBackoffWithJitter has been created with the following properties. Retry Count: 2147483647, Min Backoff Interval: 100, Max Backoff Interval: 10000, Max Time Between Retries: 100, Fast Retry Enabled: true
2021-03-30 15:33:38.427 DEBUG MqttIotHubConnection:274 - Opening MQTT connection...
2021-03-30 15:33:38.427 DEBUG Mqtt:123 - Sending MQTT CONNECT packet...
2021-03-30 15:33:44.628 DEBUG Mqtt:126 - Sent MQTT CONNECT packet was acknowledged
2021-03-30 15:33:44.630 DEBUG Mqtt:256 - Sending MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet for topic devices/sample-device-01/messages/devicebound/#
2021-03-30 15:33:44.731 DEBUG Mqtt:261 - Sent MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet for topic devices/sample-device-01/messages/devicebound/# was acknowledged
2021-03-30 15:33:44.733 DEBUG MqttIotHubConnection:279 - MQTT connection opened successfully
2021-03-30 15:33:44.733 DEBUG IotHubTransport:302 - The connection to the IoT Hub has been established
2021-03-30 15:33:44.734 INFO  IotHubTransport:1429 - Updating transport status to new status CONNECTED with reason CONNECTION_OK
2021-03-30 15:33:44.735 DEBUG IotHubTransport:1439 - Invoking connection status callbacks with new status details
2021-03-30 15:33:44.739 DEBUG IotHubTransport:394 - Client connection opened successfully
2021-03-30 15:33:44.740 INFO  DeviceClient:438 - Device client opened successfully
2021-03-30 15:33:44.740 DEBUG TemperatureController:152 - Set handler for "reboot" command.
2021-03-30 15:33:44.742 DEBUG TemperatureController:153 - Set handler for "getMaxMinReport" command.
2021-03-30 15:33:44.774 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [029d30d4-acbd-462d-b155-82d53ce7786c] Message Id [1b2adf93-ba81-41e4-b8c7-7c90c8b0d6a1] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_METHOD_SUBSCRIBE_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.774 DEBUG TemperatureController:156 - Set handler to receive "targetTemperature" updates.
2021-03-30 15:33:44.775 INFO  IotHubTransport:1344 - Sending message ( Message details: Correlation Id [029d30d4-acbd-462d-b155-82d53ce7786c] Message Id [1b2adf93-ba81-41e4-b8c7-7c90c8b0d6a1] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_METHOD_SUBSCRIBE_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.779 DEBUG Mqtt:256 - Sending MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet for topic $iothub/methods/POST/#
2021-03-30 15:33:44.793 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [f2f9ed95-9778-44f2-b9ec-f60c84061251] Message Id [0d5abdb2-6460-414c-a10e-786ee24cacff] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_SUBSCRIBE_DESIRED_PROPERTIES_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.794 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [417d659a-7324-43fa-84eb-8a3f3d07963c] Message Id [55532cad-8a5a-489f-9aa8-8f0e5bc21541] Request Id [0] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_GET_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.819 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [d46a0d8a-8a18-4014-abeb-768bd9b17ad2] Message Id [780abc81-ce42-4e5f-aa80-e4785883604e] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_SUBSCRIBE_DESIRED_PROPERTIES_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.881 DEBUG Mqtt:261 - Sent MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet for topic $iothub/methods/POST/# was acknowledged
2021-03-30 15:33:44.882 INFO  IotHubTransport:1344 - Sending message ( Message details: Correlation Id [f2f9ed95-9778-44f2-b9ec-f60c84061251] Message Id [0d5abdb2-6460-414c-a10e-786ee24cacff] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_SUBSCRIBE_DESIRED_PROPERTIES_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.882 DEBUG Mqtt:256 - Sending MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet for topic $iothub/twin/res/#
2021-03-30 15:33:44.893 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [a77b1c02-f043-4477-b610-e31a774772c0] Message Id [2e2f6bee-c480-42cf-ac31-194118930846] Request Id [1] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_UPDATE_REPORTED_PROPERTIES_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.904 DEBUG TemperatureController:423 - Property: Update - component = "deviceInformation" is COMPLETED.
2021-03-30 15:33:44.915 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [bbb7e3cf-3550-4fdf-90f9-0787740f028a] Message Id [e06ac385-ae0d-46dd-857a-d9725707527a] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.915 DEBUG TemperatureController:434 - Telemetry: Sent - {"workingSet": 1024.0KiB }
2021-03-30 15:33:44.915 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [6dbef765-cc9a-4e72-980a-2fe5b0cd77e1] Message Id [49bbad33-09bf-417a-9d6e-299ba7b7c562] Request Id [2] Device Operation Type [DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_UPDATE_REPORTED_PROPERTIES_REQUEST] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.916 DEBUG TemperatureController:442 - Property: Update - {"serialNumber": SR-123456} is COMPLETED
2021-03-30 15:33:44.927 INFO  IotHubTransport:489 - Message was queued to be sent later ( Message details: Correlation Id [86787c32-87a5-4c49-9083-c7f2b17446a7] Message Id [0a45fa0c-a467-499d-b214-9bb5995772ba] )
2021-03-30 15:33:44.927 DEBUG TemperatureController:461 - Telemetry: Sent - {"temperature": 5.8°C} with message Id 0a45fa0c-a467-499d-b214-9bb5995772ba.

身為 Azure IoT Central 應用程式中的操作員,您可以:

  • 在 [概觀] 頁面上檢視兩個控溫器元件所傳送的遙測:

    Screenshot that shows the device overview page.

  • 在 [ 關於 ] 頁面上檢視裝置屬性。 此頁面會顯示裝置資訊元件和兩個控溫器元件的屬性:

    Screenshot that shows the device properties view.


身為解決方案開發人員,您可以自定義IoT Central在溫度控制器裝置連線時自動建立的裝置範本。


  1. 在您的 IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 溫度控制器 模型中,選取 [+新增功能]。

  3. 輸入 [客戶名稱] 作為 [顯示名稱],選取 [Cloud 屬性] 作為功能類型,展開專案,然後選擇 [字串] 作為 [架構]。 然後選取儲存

若要自定義取得 Max-Min 報表命令在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 若為 getMaxMinReport (控溫器1),請將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get thermostat1 狀態報告

  3. 針對 getMaxMinReport (控溫器2),將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get 控溫器2 狀態報告

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

若要自訂目標溫度可寫入屬性在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器1),將目標溫度取代目標溫度 (1)

  3. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器2),將 [目標溫度] 取代[目標溫度] (2)。

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

溫度控制器模型中的控溫器元件包含目標溫度可寫入屬性,裝置範本包含客戶名稱雲端屬性。 建立操作員可用來編輯這些屬性的檢視:

  1. 選取 [ 檢視 ],然後選取 [ 編輯裝置和雲端數據 ] 圖格。

  2. 輸入 [屬性 ] 做為表單名稱。

  3. 選取 [ 目標溫度]、[目標溫度]、 [2][客戶名稱 ] 屬性。 然後選取 [新增區段]

  4. 儲存您的變更。

Screenshot that shows a view for updating property values.



從控溫器裝置範本中,選取 [發佈]。 在 [ 將此裝置範本發佈至應用程式 面板] 上,選取 [ 發佈]。

操作員現在 可以使用 [屬性 ] 檢視來更新屬性值,並在裝置命令頁面上呼叫稱為 [取得控溫器1 狀態報告 ] 和 [取得控溫器2 狀態報告 ] 的命令:

  • 更新 [屬性] 頁面上的可寫入屬性值

    Screenshot that shows updating the device properties.

  • [命令 ] 頁面呼叫命令。 如果您執行狀態報表命令,請在執行該命令之前,先選取 Since 參數的日期和時間:

    Screenshot that shows calling a command.

    Screenshot that shows a command response.


2021-03-30 15:43:57.133 DEBUG TemperatureController:309 - Command: Received - component="thermostat1", generating min, max, avg temperature report since Tue Mar 30 06:00:00 BST 2021
2021-03-30 15:43:57.153 DEBUG TemperatureController:332 - Command: MaxMinReport since Tue Mar 30 06:00:00 BST 2021: "maxTemp": 35.6°C, "minTemp": 35.6°C, "avgTemp": 35.6°C, "startTime": 2021-03-30T15:43:41Z, "endTime": 2021-03-30T15:43:56Z
2021-03-30 15:43:57.394 DEBUG TemperatureController:502 - Command - Response from IoT Hub: command name=null, status=OK_EMPTY


2021-03-30 15:48:47.808 DEBUG TemperatureController:372 - Property: Received - component="thermostat2", {"targetTemperature": 67.0°C}.
2021-03-30 15:48:47.837 DEBUG TemperatureController:382 - Property: Update - component="thermostat2", {"targetTemperature": 67.0°C} is IN_PROGRESS

Browse code



  • 已安裝 Node.js 6 版或更新版本的開發電腦。 您可以在命令列中執行 node --version 來檢查您的版本。 本教學課程中的指示假設您是在 Windows 命令提示字元中執行 node 命令。 不過,您可以在許多其他作業系統上使用Node.js。

  • Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for Node.js GitHub 存放庫的本機複本,其中包含範例程序代碼。 使用此連結來下載存放庫的復本: 下載 ZIP。 然後將檔案解壓縮到本機計算機上的適當位置。


在您先前下載的 Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for Node.js複本中,在文本編輯器中開啟 azure-iot-sdk-node/device/samples/javascript/pnp_temperature_controller.js 檔案。

此範例會實作多重組件 溫度控制器 數字對應項定義語言模型。

當您執行範例以連線到IoT Central時,它會使用裝置布建服務 (DPS) 來註冊裝置併產生 連接字串。 此範例會從命令行環境擷取所需的 DPS 連線資訊。

main 方法:

  • client建立物件,並在開啟連接之前設定dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;2模型標識符。 IoT Central 會使用模型標識符來識別或產生此裝置的裝置範本。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱 將裝置指派給裝置範本
  • 建立三個命令的命令處理程式。
  • 啟動每個控溫器元件的迴圈,每 5 秒傳送溫度遙測。
  • 啟動預設元件的迴圈,每隔 6 秒傳送工作集大小遙測。
  • maxTempSinceLastReboot傳送每個控溫器元件的屬性。
  • 傳送裝置資訊屬性。
  • 建立三個元件的可寫入屬性處理程式。
async function main() {
  // ...

  // fromConnectionString must specify a transport, coming from any transport package.
  const client = Client.fromConnectionString(deviceConnectionString, Protocol);
  console.log('Connecting using connection string: ' + deviceConnectionString);
  let resultTwin;

  try {
    // Add the modelId here
    await client.setOptions(modelIdObject);
    console.log('Enabling the commands on the client');
    client.onDeviceMethod(commandNameGetMaxMinReport1, commandHandler);
    client.onDeviceMethod(commandNameGetMaxMinReport2, commandHandler);
    client.onDeviceMethod(commandNameReboot, commandHandler);

    // Send Telemetry after some interval
    let index1 = 0;
    let index2 = 0;
    let index3 = 0;
    intervalToken1 = setInterval(() => {
      const data = JSON.stringify(thermostat1.updateSensor().getCurrentTemperatureObject());
      sendTelemetry(client, data, index1, thermostat1ComponentName).catch((err) => console.log('error ', err.toString()));
      index1 += 1;
    }, 5000);

    intervalToken2 = setInterval(() => {
      const data = JSON.stringify(thermostat2.updateSensor().getCurrentTemperatureObject());
      sendTelemetry(client, data, index2, thermostat2ComponentName).catch((err) => console.log('error ', err.toString()));
      index2 += 1;
    }, 5500);

    intervalToken3 = setInterval(() => {
      const data = JSON.stringify({ workingset: 1 + (Math.random() * 90) });
      sendTelemetry(client, data, index3, null).catch((err) => console.log('error ', err.toString()));
      index3 += 1;
    }, 6000);

    // attach a standard input exit listener

    try {
      resultTwin = await client.getTwin();
      // Only report readable properties
      const patchRoot = helperCreateReportedPropertiesPatch({ serialNumber: serialNumber }, null);
      const patchThermostat1Info = helperCreateReportedPropertiesPatch({
        maxTempSinceLastReboot: thermostat1.getMaxTemperatureValue(),
      }, thermostat1ComponentName);

      const patchThermostat2Info = helperCreateReportedPropertiesPatch({
        maxTempSinceLastReboot: thermostat2.getMaxTemperatureValue(),
      }, thermostat2ComponentName);

      const patchDeviceInfo = helperCreateReportedPropertiesPatch({
        manufacturer: 'Contoso Device Corporation',
        model: 'Contoso 47-turbo',
        swVersion: '10.89',
        osName: 'Contoso_OS',
        processorArchitecture: 'Contoso_x86',
        processorManufacturer: 'Contoso Industries',
        totalStorage: 65000,
        totalMemory: 640,
      }, deviceInfoComponentName);

      // the below things can only happen once the twin is there
      updateComponentReportedProperties(resultTwin, patchRoot, null);
      updateComponentReportedProperties(resultTwin, patchThermostat1Info, thermostat1ComponentName);
      updateComponentReportedProperties(resultTwin, patchThermostat2Info, thermostat2ComponentName);
      updateComponentReportedProperties(resultTwin, patchDeviceInfo, deviceInfoComponentName);
      desiredPropertyPatchListener(resultTwin, [thermostat1ComponentName, thermostat2ComponentName, deviceInfoComponentName]);
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('could not retrieve twin or report twin properties\n' + err.toString());
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('could not connect Plug and Play client or could not attach interval function for telemetry\n' + err.toString());

provisionDevice 式顯示裝置如何使用 DPS 來註冊並連線到 IoT Central。 承載包含IoT Central用來 將裝置指派給裝置範本的模型標識碼:

async function provisionDevice(payload) {
  var provSecurityClient = new SymmetricKeySecurityClient(registrationId, symmetricKey);
  var provisioningClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.create(provisioningHost, idScope, new ProvProtocol(), provSecurityClient);

  if (payload) {

  try {
    let result = await provisioningClient.register();
    deviceConnectionString = 'HostName=' + result.assignedHub + ';DeviceId=' + result.deviceId + ';SharedAccessKey=' + symmetricKey;
    console.log('registration succeeded');
    console.log('assigned hub=' + result.assignedHub);
    console.log('deviceId=' + result.deviceId);
    console.log('payload=' + JSON.stringify(result.payload));
  } catch (err) {
    console.error("error registering device: " + err.toString());

sendTelemetry 函式顯示裝置如何將溫度遙測傳送至 IoT Central。 針對來自元件的遙測,它會新增名為 且具有元件名稱的屬性 $.sub

async function sendTelemetry(deviceClient, data, index, componentName) {
  if componentName) {
    console.log('Sending telemetry message %d from component: %s ', index, componentName);
  } else {
    console.log('Sending telemetry message %d from root interface', index);
  const msg = new Message(data);
  if (componentName) {, componentName);
  msg.contentType = 'application/json';
  msg.contentEncoding = 'utf-8';
  await deviceClient.sendEvent(msg);

方法 main 會使用稱為 helperCreateReportedPropertiesPatch 的協助程式方法來建立屬性更新訊息。 此方法會採用選擇性參數來指定傳送 屬性的元件:

const helperCreateReportedPropertiesPatch = (propertiesToReport, componentName) => {
  let patch;
  if (!!(componentName)) {
    patch = { };
    propertiesToReport.__t = 'c';
    patch[componentName] = propertiesToReport;
  } else {
    patch = { };
    patch = propertiesToReport;
  if (!!(componentName)) {
    console.log('The following properties will be updated for component: ' + componentName);
  } else {
    console.log('The following properties will be updated for root interface.');
  return patch;

main方法會使用下列方法來處理IoT Central可寫入屬性的更新。 請注意方法如何使用版本和狀態代碼來建置回應:

const desiredPropertyPatchListener = (deviceTwin, componentNames) => {
  deviceTwin.on('properties.desired', (delta) => {
    console.log('Received an update for device with value: ' + JSON.stringify(delta));
    Object.entries(delta).forEach(([key, values]) => {
      const version = delta.$version;
      if (!!(componentNames) && componentNames.includes(key)) { // then it is a component we are expecting
        const componentName = key;
        const patchForComponents = { [componentName]: {} };
        Object.entries(values).forEach(([propertyName, propertyValue]) => {
          if (propertyName !== '__t' && propertyName !== '$version') {
            console.log('Will update property: ' + propertyName + ' to value: ' + propertyValue + ' of component: ' + componentName);
            const propertyContent = { value: propertyValue };
   = 200;
   = 'Successfully executed patch';
            propertyContent.av = version;
            patchForComponents[componentName][propertyName] = propertyContent;
        updateComponentReportedProperties(deviceTwin, patchForComponents, componentName);
      else if  (key !== '$version') { // individual property for root
        const patchForRoot = { };
        console.log('Will update property: ' + key + ' to value: ' + values + ' for root');
        const propertyContent = { value: values }; = 200; = 'Successfully executed patch';
        propertyContent.av = version;
        patchForRoot[key] = propertyContent;
        updateComponentReportedProperties(deviceTwin, patchForRoot, null);

方法 main 會使用下列方法來處理來自 IoT Central 的命令:

const commandHandler = async (request, response) => {
  switch (request.methodName) {
  case commandNameGetMaxMinReport1: {
    await sendCommandResponse(request, response, 200, thermostat1.getMaxMinReportObject());
  case commandNameGetMaxMinReport2: {
    await sendCommandResponse(request, response, 200, thermostat2.getMaxMinReportObject());
  case commandNameReboot: {
    await sendCommandResponse(request, response, 200, 'reboot response');
    await sendCommandResponse(request, response, 404, 'unknown method');

const sendCommandResponse = async (request, response, status, payload) => {
  try {
    await response.send(status, payload);
    console.log('Response to method: ' + request.methodName + ' sent successfully.' );
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('An error occurred when sending a method response:\n' + err.toString());



  • 標識元範圍:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組]。 記下標識碼 範圍 值。
  • 群組主鍵:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組 > SAS-IoT-Devices]。 記下共用存取簽章 [主要金鑰 ] 值。

使用 Azure Cloud Shell 從您擷取的群組主鍵產生裝置密鑰:

az extension add --name azure-iot
az iot central device compute-device-key --device-id sample-device-01 --pk <the group primary key value>



若要執行此範例,您不需要事先在IoT Central應用程式中註冊裝置。 此範例會使用IoT Central功能, 在第一次連線時自動註冊裝置


若要執行範例應用程式,請開啟命令行環境,並流覽至包含pnp_temperature_controller.js範例檔案的資料夾 azure-iot-sdk-node/device/samples/javascript 資料夾

設定環境變數以設定範例。 下列代碼段示範如何在 Windows 命令提示字元中設定環境變數。 如果您使用 bash 殼層,請將 set 命令取代為 export 命令:

set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE=<The ID scope you made a note of previously>
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID=sample-device-01
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_KEY=<The generated device key you made a note of previously>


npm install


node pnp_temperature_controller.js

下列輸出顯示註冊並連線到IoT Central的裝置。 然後範例會先從兩個控溫器元件傳送 maxTempSinceLastReboot 屬性,再開始傳送遙測:

registration succeeded
Connecting using connection string:;DeviceId=sample-device-01;SharedAccessKey=qdv...IpAo=
Enabling the commands on the client
Please enter q or Q to exit sample.
The following properties will be updated for root interface.
{ serialNumber: 'alwinexlepaho8329' }
The following properties will be updated for component: thermostat1
{ thermostat1: { maxTempSinceLastReboot: 1.5902294191855972, __t: 'c' } }
The following properties will be updated for component: thermostat2
{ thermostat2: { maxTempSinceLastReboot: 16.181771928614545, __t: 'c' } }
The following properties will be updated for component: deviceInformation
{ deviceInformation:
   { manufacturer: 'Contoso Device Corporation',
     model: 'Contoso 47-turbo',
     swVersion: '10.89',
     osName: 'Contoso_OS',
     processorArchitecture: 'Contoso_x86',
     processorManufacturer: 'Contoso Industries',
     totalStorage: 65000,
     totalMemory: 640,
     __t: 'c' } }
executed sample
Received an update for device with value: {"$version":1}
Properties have been reported for component: thermostat1
Properties have been reported for component: thermostat2
Properties have been reported for component: deviceInformation
Properties have been reported for root interface.
Sending telemetry message 0 from component: thermostat1 
Sending telemetry message 0 from component: thermostat2 
Sending telemetry message 0 from root interface

身為 Azure IoT Central 應用程式中的操作員,您可以:

  • 在 [概觀] 頁面上檢視兩個控溫器元件所傳送的遙測:

    Screenshot that shows the device overview page.

  • 在 [ 關於 ] 頁面上檢視裝置屬性。 此頁面會顯示裝置資訊元件和兩個控溫器元件的屬性:

    Screenshot that shows the device properties view.


身為解決方案開發人員,您可以自定義IoT Central在溫度控制器裝置連線時自動建立的裝置範本。


  1. 在您的 IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 溫度控制器 模型中,選取 [+新增功能]。

  3. 輸入 [客戶名稱] 作為 [顯示名稱],選取 [Cloud 屬性] 作為功能類型,展開專案,然後選擇 [字串] 作為 [架構]。 然後選取儲存

若要自定義取得 Max-Min 報表命令在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 若為 getMaxMinReport (控溫器1),請將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get thermostat1 狀態報告

  3. 針對 getMaxMinReport (控溫器2),將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get 控溫器2 狀態報告

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

若要自訂目標溫度可寫入屬性在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器1),將目標溫度取代目標溫度 (1)

  3. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器2),將 [目標溫度] 取代[目標溫度] (2)。

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

溫度控制器模型中的控溫器元件包含目標溫度可寫入屬性,裝置範本包含客戶名稱雲端屬性。 建立操作員可用來編輯這些屬性的檢視:

  1. 選取 [ 檢視 ],然後選取 [ 編輯裝置和雲端數據 ] 圖格。

  2. 輸入 [屬性 ] 做為表單名稱。

  3. 選取 [ 目標溫度]、[目標溫度]、 [2][客戶名稱 ] 屬性。 然後選取 [新增區段]

  4. 儲存您的變更。

Screenshot that shows a view for updating property values.



從控溫器裝置範本中,選取 [發佈]。 在 [ 將此裝置範本發佈至應用程式 面板] 上,選取 [ 發佈]。

操作員現在 可以使用 [屬性 ] 檢視來更新屬性值,並在裝置命令頁面上呼叫稱為 [取得控溫器1 狀態報告 ] 和 [取得控溫器2 狀態報告 ] 的命令:

  • 更新 [屬性] 頁面上的可寫入屬性值

    Screenshot that shows updating the device properties.

  • [命令 ] 頁面呼叫命令。 如果您執行狀態報表命令,請在執行該命令之前,先選取 Since 參數的日期和時間:

    Screenshot that shows calling a command.

    Screenshot that shows a command response.

您可以看到裝置如何回應命令和屬性更新。 getMaxMinReport命令位於元件中thermostat2reboot命令位於預設元件中。 已 targetTemperaturethermostat2 元件設定可寫入屬性:

Received command request for command name: thermostat2*getMaxMinReport
The command request payload is:
Response to method: thermostat2*getMaxMinReport sent successfully.


Received command request for command name: reboot
The command request payload is:
Response to method: reboot sent successfully.


Received an update for device with value: {"thermostat2":{"targetTemperature":76,"__t":"c"},"$version":2}
Will update property: targetTemperature to value: 76 of component: thermostat2
Properties have been reported for component: thermostat2

Browse code



  • 已安裝 Python 的開發電腦。 請查看 Azure IoT Python SDK 以取得目前的 Python 版本需求。 您可以在命令列執行 python --version 來檢查您的版本。 Python 適用於各種不同的作業系統。 本教學課程中的指示假設您在 Windows 命令提示字元中執行 python 命令。

  • Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for Python GitHub 存放庫的本機複本,其中包含範例程序代碼。 使用此連結來下載存放庫的復本: 下載 ZIP。 然後將檔案解壓縮到本機計算機上的適當位置。


在您先前下載的 Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for Python 複本中,在文本編輯器中開啟 azure-iot-sdk-python/samples/pnp/ 檔案。

此範例會實作多重組件 溫度控制器 數字對應項定義語言模型。

當您執行範例以連線到IoT Central時,它會使用裝置布建服務 (DPS) 來註冊裝置併產生 連接字串。 此範例會從命令行環境擷取所需的 DPS 連線資訊。

main 函式:

  • 使用 DPS 來布建裝置。 布建資訊包含模型標識碼。 IoT Central 會使用模型標識符來識別或產生此裝置的裝置範本。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱 將裝置指派給裝置範本
  • Device_client建立物件,並在開啟連接之前設定dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;2模型標識符。
  • 將初始屬性值傳送至IoT Central。 它會使用 pnp_helper 來建立修補程式。
  • 建立和 reboot 命令的getMaxMinReport接聽程式。 每個控溫器元件都有自己的 getMaxMinReport 命令。
  • 建立屬性接聽程式,以接聽可寫入的屬性更新。
  • 啟動迴圈,從兩個控溫器元件傳送溫度遙測,以及每隔 8 秒從預設元件的工作集遙測。
async def main():
    switch = os.getenv("IOTHUB_DEVICE_SECURITY_TYPE")
    if switch == "DPS":
        provisioning_host = (
            if os.getenv("IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ENDPOINT")
            else ""
        id_scope = os.getenv("IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE")
        registration_id = os.getenv("IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID")
        symmetric_key = os.getenv("IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_KEY")

        registration_result = await provision_device(
            provisioning_host, id_scope, registration_id, symmetric_key, model_id

        if registration_result.status == "assigned":
            print("Device was assigned")
            device_client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_symmetric_key(
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not provision device. Aborting Plug and Play device connection."

    elif switch == "connectionString":
        # ...

    # Connect the client.
    await device_client.connect()

    # Update readable properties from various components

    properties_root = pnp_helper.create_reported_properties(serialNumber=serial_number)
    properties_thermostat1 = pnp_helper.create_reported_properties(
        thermostat_1_component_name, maxTempSinceLastReboot=98.34
    properties_thermostat2 = pnp_helper.create_reported_properties(
        thermostat_2_component_name, maxTempSinceLastReboot=48.92
    properties_device_info = pnp_helper.create_reported_properties(
        manufacturer="Contoso Device Corporation",
        model="Contoso 4762B-turbo",
        osName="Mac Os",

    property_updates = asyncio.gather(

    # Get all the listeners running
    print("Listening for command requests and property updates")

    global THERMOSTAT_1
    global THERMOSTAT_2
    THERMOSTAT_1 = Thermostat(thermostat_1_component_name, 10)
    THERMOSTAT_2 = Thermostat(thermostat_2_component_name, 10)

    listeners = asyncio.gather(
            device_client, method_name="reboot", user_command_handler=reboot_handler

    # Function to send telemetry every 8 seconds

    async def send_telemetry():
        print("Sending telemetry from various components")

        while True:
            curr_temp_ext = random.randrange(10, 50)

            temperature_msg1 = {"temperature": curr_temp_ext}
            await send_telemetry_from_temp_controller(
                device_client, temperature_msg1, thermostat_1_component_name

            curr_temp_int = random.randrange(10, 50)  # Current temperature in Celsius

            temperature_msg2 = {"temperature": curr_temp_int}

            await send_telemetry_from_temp_controller(
                device_client, temperature_msg2, thermostat_2_component_name

            workingset_msg3 = {"workingSet": random.randrange(1, 100)}
            await send_telemetry_from_temp_controller(device_client, workingset_msg3)

    send_telemetry_task = asyncio.ensure_future(send_telemetry())

    # ...

provision_device 式會使用 DPS 來布建裝置,並將其註冊到 IoT Central。 函式包含裝置型號標識碼,IoT Central 會在布建承載中用來 將裝置指派給裝置範本

async def provision_device(provisioning_host, id_scope, registration_id, symmetric_key, model_id):
    provisioning_device_client = ProvisioningDeviceClient.create_from_symmetric_key(

    provisioning_device_client.provisioning_payload = {"modelId": model_id}
    return await provisioning_device_client.register()

execute_command_listener式會處理命令要求,max_min_handler當裝置收到控溫器元件的命令,並在reboot_handler裝置收到getMaxMinReportreboot命令時執行函式。 它會使用 pnp_helper 模組來建置回應:

async def execute_command_listener(
    while True:
        if component_name and method_name:
            command_name = component_name + "*" + method_name
        elif method_name:
            command_name = method_name
            command_name = None

        command_request = await device_client.receive_method_request(command_name)
        print("Command request received with payload")
        values = command_request.payload

        if user_command_handler:
            await user_command_handler(values)
            print("No handler provided to execute")

        (response_status, response_payload) = pnp_helper.create_response_payload_with_status(
            command_request, method_name, create_user_response=create_user_response_handler

        command_response = MethodResponse.create_from_method_request(
            command_request, response_status, response_payload

            await device_client.send_method_response(command_response)
        except Exception:
            print("responding to the {command} command failed".format(command=method_name))

async def execute_property_listener 處理可寫入的屬性更新,例如 targetTemperature 控溫器元件,併產生 JSON 回應。 它會使用 pnp_helper 模組來建置回應:

async def execute_property_listener(device_client):
    while True:
        patch = await device_client.receive_twin_desired_properties_patch()  # blocking call
        properties_dict = pnp_helper.create_reported_properties_from_desired(patch)

        await device_client.patch_twin_reported_properties(properties_dict)

send_telemetry_from_temp_controller 式會將遙測訊息從控溫器元件傳送至IoT Central。 它會使用 pnp_helper 模組來建置訊息:

async def send_telemetry_from_temp_controller(device_client, telemetry_msg, component_name=None):
    msg = pnp_helper.create_telemetry(telemetry_msg, component_name)
    await device_client.send_message(msg)
    print("Sent message")
    await asyncio.sleep(5)



  • 標識元範圍:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組]。 記下標識碼 範圍 值。
  • 群組主鍵:在您的IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [許可權 > 裝置連線群組 > SAS-IoT-Devices]。 記下共用存取簽章 [主要金鑰 ] 值。

使用 Azure Cloud Shell 從您擷取的群組主鍵產生裝置密鑰:

az extension add --name azure-iot
az iot central device compute-device-key --device-id sample-device-01 --pk <the group primary key value>



若要執行此範例,您不需要事先在IoT Central應用程式中註冊裝置。 此範例會使用IoT Central功能, 在第一次連線時自動註冊裝置


若要執行範例應用程式,請開啟命令行環境,並流覽至包含temp_controller_with_thermostats.py範例檔案的資料夾 azure-iot-sdk-python-2/samples/pnp 資料夾

設定環境變數以設定範例。 下列代碼段示範如何在 Windows 命令提示字元中設定環境變數。 如果您使用 bash 殼層,請將 set 命令取代為 export 命令:

set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_ID_SCOPE=<The ID scope you made a note of previously>
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_ID=sample-device-01
set IOTHUB_DEVICE_DPS_DEVICE_KEY=<The generated device key you made a note of previously>


pip install azure-iot-device



下列輸出顯示註冊並連線到IoT Central的裝置。 此範例會在開始傳送遙測之前,先從兩個控溫器元件傳送 maxTempSinceLastReboot 屬性:

Device was assigned
Updating pnp properties for root interface
{'serialNumber': 'alohomora'}
Updating pnp properties for thermostat1
{'thermostat1': {'maxTempSinceLastReboot': 98.34, '__t': 'c'}}
Updating pnp properties for thermostat2
{'thermostat2': {'maxTempSinceLastReboot': 48.92, '__t': 'c'}}
Updating pnp properties for deviceInformation
{'deviceInformation': {'swVersion': '5.5', 'manufacturer': 'Contoso Device Corporation', 'model': 'Contoso 4762B-turbo', 'osName': 'Mac Os', 'processorArchitecture': 'x86-64', 'processorManufacturer': 'Intel', 'totalStorage': 1024, 'totalMemory': 32, '__t': 'c'}}
Listening for command requests and property updates
Press Q to quit
Sending telemetry from various components
Sent message
{"temperature": 27}
Sent message
{"temperature": 17}
Sent message
{"workingSet": 13}

身為 Azure IoT Central 應用程式中的操作員,您可以:

  • 在 [概觀] 頁面上檢視兩個控溫器元件所傳送的遙測:

    Screenshot that shows the device overview page.

  • 在 [ 關於 ] 頁面上檢視裝置屬性。 此頁面會顯示裝置資訊元件和兩個控溫器元件的屬性:

    Screenshot that shows the device properties view.


身為解決方案開發人員,您可以自定義IoT Central在溫度控制器裝置連線時自動建立的裝置範本。


  1. 在您的 IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 溫度控制器 模型中,選取 [+新增功能]。

  3. 輸入 [客戶名稱] 作為 [顯示名稱],選取 [Cloud 屬性] 作為功能類型,展開專案,然後選擇 [字串] 作為 [架構]。 然後選取儲存

若要自定義取得 Max-Min 報表命令在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 若為 getMaxMinReport (控溫器1),請將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get thermostat1 狀態報告

  3. 針對 getMaxMinReport (控溫器2),將 Get Max-Min 報告取代Get 控溫器2 狀態報告

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

若要自訂目標溫度可寫入屬性在 IoT Central 應用程式中顯示的方式

  1. 流覽至 [裝置範本] 頁面上的 [溫度控制器] 裝置範本

  2. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器1),將目標溫度取代目標溫度 (1)

  3. 針對 targetTemperature (控溫器2),將 [目標溫度] 取代[目標溫度] (2)。

  4. 選取 [儲存]。

溫度控制器模型中的控溫器元件包含目標溫度可寫入屬性,裝置範本包含客戶名稱雲端屬性。 建立操作員可用來編輯這些屬性的檢視:

  1. 選取 [ 檢視 ],然後選取 [ 編輯裝置和雲端數據 ] 圖格。

  2. 輸入 [屬性 ] 做為表單名稱。

  3. 選取 [ 目標溫度]、[目標溫度]、 [2][客戶名稱 ] 屬性。 然後選取 [新增區段]

  4. 儲存您的變更。

Screenshot that shows a view for updating property values.



從控溫器裝置範本中,選取 [發佈]。 在 [ 將此裝置範本發佈至應用程式 面板] 上,選取 [ 發佈]。

操作員現在 可以使用 [屬性 ] 檢視來更新屬性值,並在裝置命令頁面上呼叫稱為 [取得控溫器1 狀態報告 ] 和 [取得控溫器2 狀態報告 ] 的命令:

  • 更新 [屬性] 頁面上的可寫入屬性值

    Screenshot that shows updating the device properties.

  • [命令 ] 頁面呼叫命令。 如果您執行狀態報表命令,請在執行該命令之前,先選取 Since 參數的日期和時間:

    Screenshot that shows calling a command.

    Screenshot that shows a command response.


{'thermostat1': {'targetTemperature': 67, '__t': 'c'}, '$version': 2}
the data in the desired properties patch was: {'thermostat1': {'targetTemperature': 67, '__t': 'c'}, '$version': 2}
Values received are :-
{'targetTemperature': 67, '__t': 'c'}
Sent message


Command request received with payload
Will return the max, min and average temperature from the specified time 2021-03-31T05:00:00.000Z to the current time
Done generating
{"avgTemp": 4.0, "endTime": "2021-03-31T12:29:48.322427", "maxTemp": 18, "minTemp": null, "startTime": "2021-03-31T12:28:28.322381"}


您可以使用 原始資料 檢視來檢查裝置傳送至 IoT Central 的原始資料:

Screenshot that shows the raw data view.

在此檢視上,您可以選取要顯示的數據行,並設定要檢視的時間範圍。 Unmodeled 資料 行會顯示不符合裝置範本中任何屬性或遙測定義的裝置數據。


如果您不打算完成任何進一步的 IoT Central 快速入門或教學課程,您可以刪除 IoT Central 應用程式:

  1. 在您的 IoT Central 應用程式中,流覽至 [應用程式 > 管理]。
  2. 選取 [ 刪除] ,然後確認您的動作。


如果您想要繼續執行一組IoT Central 教學課程,並深入瞭解如何建置IoT Central解決方案,請參閱: