適用於 Android 的 .NET 錯誤 XA1031
The 'AndroidHttpClientHandlerType' property value 'Foo.Bar.HttpHander, MyApp' must derive from 'System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler'.
Please change the value to an assembly-qualifed type name which inherits from '{1}' or remove the property completely.
The 'AndroidHttpClientHandlerType' property value '.NET for Android.Net.AndroidClientHandler' must not derive from 'System.Net.Htt.HttpClientHandler'.
Please change the value to an assembly-qualifed type name which inherits from 'System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler' or remove the property completely.
直接編輯您的 csproj,並將 'AndroidHttpClientHandlerType' 變更為有效的值。
您可以在 找到 ~/android/deploy-test/building-apps/build-properties.md#AndroidHttpClientHandlerType