
PermissionType Enum


Specifies the effective permission that is assigned to a principal for accessing an MDS object.

public enum class PermissionType
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract(Name="PermissionType", Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09")]
public enum PermissionType
[<System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract(Name="PermissionType", Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09")>]
type PermissionType = 
Public Enum PermissionType


Access 4

The user is granted permission to access this object.

Admin 5

The user is granted admin permission to this object. Only applies to Models.

Control 106

Not used

Delete 104

Not used

Deny 1

The user is denied access to this object.

DenyAccess 101

Use Deny

Execute 105

Not used

Inferred 99

The permission type is inferred for this object. Similar to having read access permission, but is not inherited.

None 107

Use NotSpecified

NotSpecified 0

The permission type is unknown or has not been determined yet.

Read 103

Use Access

ReadOnly 3

Use Access combined with Read.

Unknown 100

Use NotSpecified

Update 2

Use Access combined with Update.


The PermissionType simple type specifies the effective permission that is assigned to a principal for accessing an MDS object.

Applies to