
Array.GetEnumerator 方法


傳回 IEnumeratorArray

 virtual System::Collections::IEnumerator ^ GetEnumerator();
public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ();
public virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ();
abstract member GetEnumerator : unit -> System.Collections.IEnumerator
override this.GetEnumerator : unit -> System.Collections.IEnumerator
Public Function GetEnumerator () As IEnumerator
Public Overridable Function GetEnumerator () As IEnumerator






下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 GetEnumerator 來列出陣列的專案。

using namespace System;

int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new Array.
   array<String^>^myArr = gcnew array<String^>(10);
   myArr[ 0 ] = "The";
   myArr[ 1 ] = "quick";
   myArr[ 2 ] = "brown";
   myArr[ 3 ] = "fox";
   myArr[ 4 ] = "jumps";
   myArr[ 5 ] = "over";
   myArr[ 6 ] = "the";
   myArr[ 7 ] = "lazy";
   myArr[ 8 ] = "dog";
   // Displays the values of the Array.
   int i = 0;
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnumerator = myArr->GetEnumerator();
   Console::WriteLine( "The Array contains the following values:" );
   while ( (myEnumerator->MoveNext()) && (myEnumerator->Current != nullptr) )
      Console::WriteLine( "[{0}] {1}", i++, myEnumerator->Current );

This code produces the following output.

The Array contains the following values:
[0] The
[1] quick
[2] brown
[3] fox
[4] jumps
[5] over
[6] the
[7] lazy
[8] dog

using System;

public class SamplesArray  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new Array.
      String[] myArr = new String[10];
      myArr[0] = "The";
      myArr[1] = "quick";
      myArr[2] = "brown";
      myArr[3] = "fox";
      myArr[4] = "jumps";
      myArr[5] = "over";
      myArr[6] = "the";
      myArr[7] = "lazy";
      myArr[8] = "dog";

      // Displays the values of the Array.
      int i = 0;
      System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = myArr.GetEnumerator();
      Console.WriteLine( "The Array contains the following values:" );
      while (( myEnumerator.MoveNext() ) && ( myEnumerator.Current != null ))
         Console.WriteLine( "[{0}] {1}", i++, myEnumerator.Current );

This code produces the following output.

The Array contains the following values:
[0] The
[1] quick
[2] brown
[3] fox
[4] jumps
[5] over
[6] the
[7] lazy
[8] dog

// Creates and initializes a new Array.
let myArr = Array.zeroCreate 10
myArr[0..8] <- 
   [| "The"
      "dog" |]

// Displays the values of the Array.
let mutable i = 0
let myEnumerator = myArr.GetEnumerator()
printfn "The Array contains the following values:"

while myEnumerator.MoveNext() && myEnumerator.Current <> null do
      printfn $"[{i}] {myEnumerator.Current}" 
      i <- i + 1

// This code produces the following output.
//     The Array contains the following values:
//     [0] The
//     [1] quick
//     [2] brown
//     [3] fox
//     [4] jumps
//     [5] over
//     [6] the
//     [7] lazy
//     [8] dog
Public Class SamplesArray

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new Array.
      Dim myArr(10) As [String]
      myArr(0) = "The"
      myArr(1) = "quick"
      myArr(2) = "brown"
      myArr(3) = "fox"
      myArr(4) = "jumps"
      myArr(5) = "over"
      myArr(6) = "the"
      myArr(7) = "lazy"
      myArr(8) = "dog"

      ' Displays the values of the Array.
      Dim i As Integer = 0
      Dim myEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = myArr.GetEnumerator()
      Console.WriteLine("The Array contains the following values:")
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext() And Not (myEnumerator.Current Is Nothing)
         Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", i, myEnumerator.Current)
         i += 1
      End While 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'The Array contains the following values:
'[0] The
'[1] quick
'[2] brown
'[3] fox
'[4] jumps
'[5] over
'[6] the
'[7] lazy
'[8] dog


foreachC++ 中 C# 語言 (for each 的語句, For Each Visual Basic) 隱藏列舉值的複雜度。 因此,建議您使用 foreach,而不要直接使用列舉值。


一開始,列舉程式位在集合中的第一個項目之前。 Reset 也會將列舉值帶回至這個位置。 在這個位置上,Current 並未定義。 因此,在讀取 MoveNext 的值之前,必須呼叫 Current 以將列舉值前移至集合的第一個項目。

Current 會傳回相同的物件直到呼叫 MoveNextResetMoveNext 會將 Current 設定為下一個項目。

如果 MoveNext 傳遞集合結尾,列舉值會放在集合的最後一個專案後面,並 MoveNextfalse 回 。 當列舉值位於這個位置時,後續呼叫 MoveNext 也會傳回 false 。 如果最後一 MoveNext 次呼叫傳 false 回 , Current 則為未定義。 若要再次將 Current 設定為集合的第一個元素,您可以在呼叫 Reset 之後,接著呼叫 MoveNext

只要集合維持不變,列舉值就仍維持有效。 如果對集合進行變更,例如加入、修改或刪除項目,列舉程式會永久失效,且其行為未定義。

列舉值對集合並沒有獨佔存取,因此列舉集合在本質上並非安全執行緒的程序。 若要確保列舉期間的執行緒安全性,您可以在整個列舉期間鎖定集合。 若要讓多重執行緒能夠存取集合以便進行讀取和寫入,您必須實作自己的同步處理。

這個方法是 O (1) 作業。
