IEnumerable 介面
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
public interface class IEnumerable
public interface IEnumerable
public interface IEnumerable
public interface IEnumerable
type IEnumerable = interface
type IEnumerable = interface
type IEnumerable = interface
Public Interface IEnumerable
- 衍生
- 屬性
下列程式代碼範例示範藉由實作 IEnumerable 和 IEnumerator 介面來逐一查看自定義集合的最佳做法。 在此範例中,不會明確呼叫這些介面的成員,但會實作這些介面,以支援在Visual Basic中使用 foreach
(For Each
)逐一查看集合。 此範例是完整的控制台應用程式。 若要編譯 Visual Basic 應用程式,請將
using System;
using System.Collections;
// Simple business object.
public class Person
public Person(string fName, string lName)
this.firstName = fName;
this.lastName = lName;
public string firstName;
public string lastName;
// Collection of Person objects. This class
// implements IEnumerable so that it can be used
// with ForEach syntax.
public class People : IEnumerable
private Person[] _people;
public People(Person[] pArray)
_people = new Person[pArray.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < pArray.Length; i++)
_people[i] = pArray[i];
// Implementation for the GetEnumerator method.
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator) GetEnumerator();
public PeopleEnum GetEnumerator()
return new PeopleEnum(_people);
// When you implement IEnumerable, you must also implement IEnumerator.
public class PeopleEnum : IEnumerator
public Person[] _people;
// Enumerators are positioned before the first element
// until the first MoveNext() call.
int position = -1;
public PeopleEnum(Person[] list)
_people = list;
public bool MoveNext()
return (position < _people.Length);
public void Reset()
position = -1;
object IEnumerator.Current
return Current;
public Person Current
return _people[position];
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
class App
static void Main()
Person[] peopleArray = new Person[3]
new Person("John", "Smith"),
new Person("Jim", "Johnson"),
new Person("Sue", "Rabon"),
People peopleList = new People(peopleArray);
foreach (Person p in peopleList)
Console.WriteLine(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName);
/* This code produces output similar to the following:
* John Smith
* Jim Johnson
* Sue Rabon
Imports System.Collections
' Simple business object.
Public Class Person
Public Sub New(ByVal fName As String, ByVal lName As String)
Me.firstName = fName
Me.lastName = lName
End Sub
Public firstName As String
Public lastName As String
End Class
' Collection of Person objects, which implements IEnumerable so that
' it can be used with ForEach syntax.
Public Class People
Implements IEnumerable
Private _people() As Person
Public Sub New(ByVal pArray() As Person)
_people = New Person(pArray.Length - 1) {}
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To pArray.Length - 1
_people(i) = pArray(i)
Next i
End Sub
' Implementation of GetEnumerator.
Public Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator _
Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Return New PeopleEnum(_people)
End Function
End Class
' When you implement IEnumerable, you must also implement IEnumerator.
Public Class PeopleEnum
Implements IEnumerator
Public _people() As Person
' Enumerators are positioned before the first element
' until the first MoveNext() call.
Dim position As Integer = -1
Public Sub New(ByVal list() As Person)
_people = list
End Sub
Public Function MoveNext() As Boolean Implements IEnumerator.MoveNext
position = position + 1
Return (position < _people.Length)
End Function
Public Sub Reset() Implements IEnumerator.Reset
position = -1
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Current() As Object Implements IEnumerator.Current
Return _people(position)
Catch ex As IndexOutOfRangeException
Throw New InvalidOperationException()
End Try
End Get
End Property
End Class
Class App
Shared Sub Main()
Dim peopleArray() As Person = { _
New Person("John", "Smith"), _
New Person("Jim", "Johnson"), _
New Person("Sue", "Rabon")}
Dim peopleList As New People(peopleArray)
Dim p As Person
For Each p In peopleList
Console.WriteLine(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName)
End Sub
End Class
' This code produces output similar to the following:
' John Smith
' Jim Johnson
' Sue Rabon
IEnumerable 是可列舉之所有非泛型集合的基底介面。 如需此介面的泛型版本,請參閱 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>。 IEnumerable 包含單一方法,GetEnumerator,它會傳回 IEnumerator。 IEnumerator 藉由公開 Current 屬性和 MoveNext 和 Reset 方法來逐一查看集合。
最佳做法是在集合類別上實作 IEnumerable 和 IEnumerator,以啟用Visual Basic語法中的 foreach
(For Each
),但不需要實作 IEnumerable。 如果您的集合未實作 IEnumerable,您仍必須遵循反覆運算器模式來支援此語法,方法是提供傳回介面、類別或結構 GetEnumerator
方法。 使用 Visual Basic 時,您必須提供 GetEnumerator
所傳回 IEnumerator 實作。 使用 C# 進行開發時,您必須提供包含 Current
屬性的類別,以及 MoveNext
和 Reset
方法,如 IEnumerator所述,但 類別不需要實作 IEnumerator。
Get |
傳回逐一查看集合的列舉值。 |
Cast<TResult>(IEnumerable) |
將 IEnumerable 的項目轉換成指定的型別。 |
Of |
根據指定的型別篩選 IEnumerable 的專案。 |
As |
啟用查詢的平行處理。 |
As |
將 IEnumerable 轉換成 IQueryable。 |
產品 | 版本 |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |