
BitVector32.Section 結構



public: value class BitVector32::Section
public: value class BitVector32::Section : IEquatable<System::Collections::Specialized::BitVector32::Section>
public struct BitVector32.Section
public readonly struct BitVector32.Section
public readonly struct BitVector32.Section : IEquatable<System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section>
type BitVector32.Section = struct
Public Structure BitVector32.Section
Public Structure BitVector32.Section
Implements IEquatable(Of BitVector32.Section)


下列程式代碼範例會使用 BitVector32 作為區段的集合。

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

int main()
   // Creates and initializes a BitVector32.
   BitVector32 myBV(0);

   // Creates four sections in the BitVector32 with maximum values 6, 3, 1, and 15.
   // mySect3, which uses exactly one bit, can also be used as a bit flag.
   BitVector32::Section mySect1 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 6 );
   BitVector32::Section mySect2 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 3, mySect1 );
   BitVector32::Section mySect3 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 1, mySect2 );
   BitVector32::Section mySect4 = BitVector32::CreateSection( 15, mySect3 );

   // Displays the values of the sections.
   Console::WriteLine( "Initial values:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[ mySect1 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[ mySect2 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[ mySect3 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[ mySect4 ] );

   // Sets each section to a new value and displays the value of the BitVector32 at each step.
   Console::WriteLine( "Changing the values of each section:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tInitial:    \t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect1 ] = 5;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect1 = 5:\t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect2 ] = 3;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect2 = 3:\t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect3 ] = 1;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect3 = 1:\t {0}", myBV );
   myBV[ mySect4 ] = 9;
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect4 = 9:\t {0}", myBV );

   // Displays the values of the sections.
   Console::WriteLine( "New values:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[ mySect1 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[ mySect2 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[ mySect3 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[ mySect4 ] );

This code produces the following output.

Initial values:
        mySect1: 0
        mySect2: 0
        mySect3: 0
        mySect4: 0
Changing the values of each section:
        Initial:        BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000000}
        mySect1 = 5:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000000101}
        mySect2 = 3:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000011101}
        mySect3 = 1:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000000000111101}
        mySect4 = 9:    BitVector32 {00000000000000000000001001111101}
New values:
        mySect1: 5
        mySect2: 3
        mySect3: 1
        mySect4: 9

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesBitVector32  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a BitVector32.
      BitVector32 myBV = new BitVector32( 0 );

      // Creates four sections in the BitVector32 with maximum values 6, 3, 1, and 15.
      // mySect3, which uses exactly one bit, can also be used as a bit flag.
      BitVector32.Section mySect1 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 6 );
      BitVector32.Section mySect2 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 3, mySect1 );
      BitVector32.Section mySect3 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, mySect2 );
      BitVector32.Section mySect4 = BitVector32.CreateSection( 15, mySect3 );

      // Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine( "Initial values:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[mySect1] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[mySect2] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[mySect3] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[mySect4] );

      // Sets each section to a new value and displays the value of the BitVector32 at each step.
      Console.WriteLine( "Changing the values of each section:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tInitial:    \t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect1] = 5;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect1 = 5:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect2] = 3;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect2 = 3:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect3] = 1;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect3 = 1:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );
      myBV[mySect4] = 9;
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect4 = 9:\t{0}", myBV.ToString() );

      // Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine( "New values:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect1: {0}", myBV[mySect1] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect2: {0}", myBV[mySect2] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect3: {0}", myBV[mySect3] );
      Console.WriteLine( "\tmySect4: {0}", myBV[mySect4] );

This code produces the following output.

Initial values:
        mySect1: 0
        mySect2: 0
        mySect3: 0
        mySect4: 0
Changing the values of each section:
        Initial:        BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000000}
        mySect1 = 5:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000101}
        mySect2 = 3:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000011101}
        mySect3 = 1:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000111101}
        mySect4 = 9:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000001001111101}
New values:
        mySect1: 5
        mySect2: 3
        mySect3: 1
        mySect4: 9

Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesBitVector32
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Creates and initializes a BitVector32.
      Dim myBV As New BitVector32(0)
      ' Creates four sections in the BitVector32 with maximum values 6, 3, 1, and 15.
      ' mySect3, which uses exactly one bit, can also be used as a bit flag.
      Dim mySect1 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(6)
      Dim mySect2 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, mySect1)
      Dim mySect3 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, mySect2)
      Dim mySect4 As BitVector32.Section = BitVector32.CreateSection(15, mySect3)
      ' Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine("Initial values:")
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect1: {0}", myBV(mySect1))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect2: {0}", myBV(mySect2))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect3: {0}", myBV(mySect3))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect4: {0}", myBV(mySect4))
      ' Sets each section to a new value and displays the value of the BitVector32 at each step.
      Console.WriteLine("Changing the values of each section:")
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "Initial:    " + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect1) = 5
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect1 = 5:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect2) = 3
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect2 = 3:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect3) = 1
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect3 = 1:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      myBV(mySect4) = 9
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect4 = 9:" + ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myBV.ToString())
      ' Displays the values of the sections.
      Console.WriteLine("New values:")
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect1: {0}", myBV(mySect1))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect2: {0}", myBV(mySect2))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect3: {0}", myBV(mySect3))
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "mySect4: {0}", myBV(mySect4))

   End Sub

End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' Initial values:
'        mySect1: 0
'        mySect2: 0
'        mySect3: 0
'        mySect4: 0
' Changing the values of each section:
'        Initial:        BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000000}
'        mySect1 = 5:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000000101}
'        mySect2 = 3:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000011101}
'        mySect3 = 1:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000000000111101}
'        mySect4 = 9:    BitVector32{00000000000000000000001001111101}
' New values:
'        mySect1: 5
'        mySect2: 3
'        mySect3: 1
'        mySect4: 9


使用 CreateSection 來定義新的區段。 BitVector32.Section是的視窗,BitVector32由可包含 中所CreateSection指定最大值的最小連續位數目所組成。 例如,最大值為1的區段只由一個位組成,而最大值為5的區段則由三位組成。 您可以建立 BitVector32.Section 最大值為 1 的 ,做為布爾值,因此可讓您將整數和布爾值儲存在相同的 BitVector32中。



取得在 BitVector32 中隔離這個區段的遮罩。


取得這個區段從 BitVector32 開頭的位移 (Offset)。



判斷指定 BitVector32.Section 物件與目前 BitVector32.Section 物件是否相同。


判斷指定物件與目前 BitVector32.Section 物件是否相同。


做為目前 BitVector32.Section 的雜湊函式,適用於雜湊演算法與資料結構,例如雜湊表。


傳回表示目前 BitVector32.Section 的字串。


傳回字串,表示指定的 BitVector32.Section


Equality(BitVector32+Section, BitVector32+Section)

判斷指定的兩個 BitVector32.Section 物件是否相等。

Inequality(BitVector32+Section, BitVector32+Section)

判斷兩個 BitVector32.Section 物件是否具有不同的值。

