
DataTable.ChildRelations 屬性


為這個 DataTable 取得子關聯的集合。

 property System::Data::DataRelationCollection ^ ChildRelations { System::Data::DataRelationCollection ^ get(); };
public System.Data.DataRelationCollection ChildRelations { get; }
public System.Data.DataRelationCollection ChildRelations { get; }
member this.ChildRelations : System.Data.DataRelationCollection
member this.ChildRelations : System.Data.DataRelationCollection
Public ReadOnly Property ChildRelations As DataRelationCollection


DataRelationCollection,其中包含資料表的子關聯。 如果沒有任何 DataRelation 物件存在,則會傳回空的集合。



下列範例會ChildRelations使用 屬性傳回 中的每個DataTable子系DataRelation。 然後,每個關聯都會當做 方法DataRow中的GetChildRows自變數,以傳回數據列的陣列。 然後列印數據列中每個數據行的值。

private static void GetChildRowsFromDataRelation()
    /* For each row in the table, get the child rows using the
    ChildRelations. For each item in the array, print the value
    of each column. */
    DataTable table = CreateDataSet().Tables["Customers"];
    DataRow[] childRows;
    foreach(DataRelation relation in table.ChildRelations)
        foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)
            PrintRowValues(new DataRow[] {row}, "Parent Row");
            childRows = row.GetChildRows(relation);
            // Print values of rows.
            PrintRowValues(childRows, "child rows");

public static DataSet CreateDataSet()
    // create a DataSet with one table, two columns
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

    // create Customer table
    DataTable table = new DataTable("Customers");
    table.Columns.Add("customerId", typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
    table.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
    table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { table.Columns["customerId"] };

    // create Orders table
    table = new DataTable("Orders");
    table.Columns.Add("orderId", typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
    table.Columns.Add("customerId", typeof(int));
    table.Columns.Add("amount", typeof(double));
    table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { table.Columns["orderId"] };

    // create relation

    // populate the tables
    int orderId = 1;
    for(int customerId=1; customerId<=10; customerId++)
        // add customer record
            new object[] { customerId,
            string.Format("customer{0}", customerId) });
        // add 5 order records for each customer
        for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)
                new object[] { orderId++, customerId, orderId * 10 });

    return dataSet;

private static void PrintRowValues(DataRow[] rows, string label)
    Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", label);
    if(rows.Length <= 0)
        Console.WriteLine("no rows found");
    foreach(DataRow row in rows)
        foreach(DataColumn column in row.Table.Columns)
            Console.Write("\table {0}", row[column]);
Public Sub GetChildRowsFromDataRelation()
    ' For each row in the table, get the child rows using the
    ' ChildRelations. For each item in the array, print the value
    ' of each column.
    Dim table As DataTable = CreateDataSet().Tables("Customers")

    Dim childRows() As DataRow
    Dim relation as DataRelation
    Dim row as DataRow
    For Each  relation In table.ChildRelations
        For Each row In table.Rows
            PrintRowValues(new DataRow() {row}, "Parent Row")
            childRows = row.GetChildRows(relation)
            ' Print values of rows.
            PrintRowValues(childRows, "child rows")
        Next row
    Next relation
End Sub

Public Function CreateDataSet() As DataSet
    ' create a DataSet with one table, two columns
    Dim dataSet As DataSet
    dataSet = new DataSet()

    ' create Customer table
    Dim table As DataTable
    table = new DataTable("Customers")

    table.Columns.Add("customerId", _
        GetType(Integer)).AutoIncrement = true
    table.Columns.Add("name", GetType(String))
    table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn() _
        { table.Columns("customerId") }

    ' create Orders table
    table = new DataTable("Orders")
    table.Columns.Add("orderId", GetType(Integer)).AutoIncrement = true
    table.Columns.Add("customerId", GetType(Integer))
    table.Columns.Add("amount", GetType(Double))
    table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn() { table.Columns("orderId") }

    ' create relation
    dataSet.Relations.Add(dataSet.Tables("Customers").Columns("customerId"), _
    ' populate the tables
    Dim orderId As Integer = 1
    Dim customerId As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    For customerId = 1 To 10
        ' add customer record
        dataSet.Tables("Customers").Rows.Add( _
            new object() { customerId, _
            string.Format("customer{0}", customerId) })
        ' add 5 order records for each customer

        For i = 1 To 5
            dataSet.Tables("Orders").Rows.Add( _
                new object() { orderId, customerId, orderId * 10 })
        orderId = orderId+1 

    CreateDataSet = dataSet
End Function

private sub PrintRowValues(rows() As DataRow, label As String)
    Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", label)
    If rows.Length <= 0
        Console.WriteLine("no rows found")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim row As DataRow
    Dim column As DataColumn

    For Each row In rows
        For Each column In row.Table.Columns
            Console.Write("\table {0}", row(column))
        Next column
    Next row
End Sub


定義 DataRelation 兩個數據表之間的關聯性。 一般而言,兩個數據表會透過包含相同數據的單一字段連結。 例如,包含地址數據的數據表可能有單一欄位,其中包含代表國家/地區的代碼。 包含國家/地區數據的第二個數據表會有單一欄位,其中包含可識別國家/地區的程式代碼,而此程式碼會插入第一個數據表的對應欄位。 DataRelation然後,至少包含四個資訊片段: (1) 第一個數據表的名稱, (2) 第一個數據表中的數據行名稱, (3) 第二個數據表的名稱, (4) 第二個數據表中的數據行名稱。

