PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler 代理人


代表將處理 InvokeHandlerPropertyValueUIItem 事件的方法。

public delegate void PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(ITypeDescriptorContext ^ context, PropertyDescriptor ^ descriptor, PropertyValueUIItem ^ invokedItem);
public delegate void PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(ITypeDescriptorContext context, PropertyDescriptor descriptor, PropertyValueUIItem invokedItem);
type PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler = delegate of ITypeDescriptorContext * PropertyDescriptor * PropertyValueUIItem -> unit
Public Delegate Sub PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(context As ITypeDescriptorContext, descriptor As PropertyDescriptor, invokedItem As PropertyValueUIItem)



屬性的 ITypeDescriptorContext,與按兩下的圖示相關。






下列程式碼範例會針對名為 HorizontalMarginVerticalMargin 之元件的任何屬性提供 PropertyValueUIItem 物件。 這些屬性的 提供 PropertyValueUIItem 影像、工具提示和事件處理常式,可在按一下屬性的影像時顯示訊息方塊。 此程式碼範例是介面所提供較大範例的 IPropertyValueUIService 一部分。

// PropertyValueUIHandler delegate that provides PropertyValueUIItem
// objects to any properties named horizontalMargin or verticalMargin.
void marginPropertyValueUIHandler( System::ComponentModel::ITypeDescriptorContext^ /*context*/, System::ComponentModel::PropertyDescriptor^ propDesc, ArrayList^ itemList )
   // A PropertyValueUIHandler added to the IPropertyValueUIService
   // is queried once for each property of a component and passed
   // a PropertyDescriptor that represents the characteristics of
   // the property when the Properties window is set to a new
   // component. A PropertyValueUIHandler can determine whether
   // to add a PropertyValueUIItem for the object to its ValueUIItem
   // list depending on the values of the PropertyDescriptor.
   if ( propDesc->DisplayName->Equals( "horizontalMargin" ) )
      Image^ img = DeserializeFromBase64Text( imageBlob1 );
      itemList->Add( gcnew PropertyValueUIItem( img,gcnew PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler( this, &PropertyUIComponent::marginInvoke ),"Test ToolTip" ) );

   if ( propDesc->DisplayName->Equals( "verticalMargin" ) )
      Image^ img = DeserializeFromBase64Text( imageBlob1 );
      img->RotateFlip( RotateFlipType::Rotate90FlipNone );
      itemList->Add( gcnew PropertyValueUIItem( img,gcnew PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler( this, &PropertyUIComponent::marginInvoke ),"Test ToolTip" ) );
// PropertyValueUIHandler delegate that provides PropertyValueUIItem
// objects to any properties named HorizontalMargin or VerticalMargin.
private void marginPropertyValueUIHandler(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor propDesc, ArrayList itemList)
    // A PropertyValueUIHandler added to the IPropertyValueUIService
    // is queried once for each property of a component and passed
    // a PropertyDescriptor that represents the characteristics of 
    // the property when the Properties window is set to a new 
    // component. A PropertyValueUIHandler can determine whether 
    // to add a PropertyValueUIItem for the object to its ValueUIItem 
    // list depending on the values of the PropertyDescriptor.
    if( propDesc.DisplayName.Equals( "HorizontalMargin" ) )
        Image img = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1);
        itemList.Add( new PropertyValueUIItem( img, new PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(this.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip") );
    if( propDesc.DisplayName.Equals( "VerticalMargin" ) )
        Image img = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1);
        itemList.Add( new PropertyValueUIItem( img, new PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(this.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip") );
' PropertyValueUIHandler delegate that provides PropertyValueUIItem
' objects to any properties named HorizontalMargin or VerticalMargin.
Private Sub marginPropertyValueUIHandler(ByVal context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal propDesc As System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor, ByVal itemList As ArrayList)
    ' A PropertyValueUIHandler added to the IPropertyValueUIService
    ' is queried once for each property of a component and passed
    ' a PropertyDescriptor that represents the characteristics of 
    ' the property when the Properties window is set to a new 
    ' component. A PropertyValueUIHandler can determine whether 
    ' to add a PropertyValueUIItem for the object to its ValueUIItem 
    ' list depending on the values of the PropertyDescriptor.
    If propDesc.DisplayName.Equals("HorizontalMargin") Then
        Dim img As Image = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1)
        itemList.Add(New PropertyValueUIItem(img, New PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(AddressOf Me.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip"))
    End If
    If propDesc.DisplayName.Equals("VerticalMargin") Then
        Dim img As Image = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1)
        itemList.Add(New PropertyValueUIItem(img, New PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(AddressOf Me.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip"))
    End If
End Sub


按兩下屬性視窗中的圖示將會引發 InvokeHandler 與圖示相關聯的 事件 PropertyValueUIItem 。 此 InvokeHandler 事件通常會啟動使用者介面, (UI) 編輯屬性值。 PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler將 加入 至 InvokeHandlerPropertyValueUIItem 屬性,以指派事件處理常式,以在按兩下屬性名稱旁的圖示時執行適當的行為。

建立 PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler 委派時,必須識別處理事件的方法。 若要使事件與您的事件處理常式產生關聯,請將委派的執行個體 (Instance) 加入至事件。 除非您移除委派,否則每當事件發生時就會呼叫事件處理常式。 如需事件處理常式委派的詳細資訊,請參閱 處理和引發事件




