Size.Truncate(SizeF) 方法


藉由將 SizeF 結構的值截斷為下一個較小的整數值,來將指定的 Size 結構轉換為 SizeF 結構。

 static System::Drawing::Size Truncate(System::Drawing::SizeF value);
public static System.Drawing.Size Truncate (System.Drawing.SizeF value);
static member Truncate : System.Drawing.SizeF -> System.Drawing.Size
Public Shared Function Truncate (value As SizeF) As Size



要轉換的 SizeF 結構。


這個方法轉換成的 Size


下列程式代碼範例示範如何使用靜態 Round 和方法,將轉換成 SizeFSizeTruncate 此範例的設計目的是要與 Windows Forms 搭配使用。 若要執行此範例,請將它貼到包含兩 Label 個名為 Label1Label2的物件表單中,然後從表單的建構函式呼叫這個方法。

void TruncateAndRoundSizes()
   // Create a SizeF.
   SizeF theSize = SizeF(75.9F,75.9F);
   // Round the Size.
   System::Drawing::Size roundedSize = ::Size::Round( theSize );
   // Truncate the Size.
   System::Drawing::Size truncatedSize = ::Size::Truncate( theSize );
   //Print out the values on two labels.
   Label1->Text = String::Format( "Rounded size = {0}", roundedSize );
   Label2->Text = String::Format( "Truncated size = {0}", truncatedSize );
private void TruncateAndRoundSizes()

    // Create a SizeF.
    SizeF theSize = new SizeF(75.9F, 75.9F);

    // Round the Size.
    Size roundedSize = Size.Round(theSize);

    // Truncate the Size.
    Size truncatedSize = Size.Truncate(theSize);

    //Print out the values on two labels.
    Label1.Text = "Rounded size = "+roundedSize.ToString();
    Label2.Text = "Truncated size = "+truncatedSize.ToString();
Private Sub TruncateAndRoundSizes()

    ' Create a SizeF.
    Dim theSize As New SizeF(75.9, 75.9)

    ' Round the Size.
    Dim roundedSize As Size = Size.Round(theSize)

    ' Truncate the Size.
    Dim truncatedSize As Size = Size.Truncate(theSize)

    'Print out the values on two labels.
    Label1.Text = "Rounded size = " & roundedSize.ToString()
    Label2.Text = "Truncated size = " & truncatedSize.ToString

End Sub
