CompareInfo.LastIndexOf 方法




LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32)

搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回在來源字串的區段 (從字串開頭延伸至指定索引) 內最後一個相符項目的以零起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32)

搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中從字串開頭延伸至指定索引的區段內) 的以零起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions, Int32)


LastIndexOf(String, Char)


LastIndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions)

使用指定的 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回整個來源字串內最後一個相符項目的以零起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32)

搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中從字串開頭延伸至指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions)

使用指定的 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的字元,並傳回整個來源字串內最後一個相符項目的以零起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Rune, CompareOptions)

在所指定唯讀字元範圍中搜尋最後一個出現的 Rune

LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions)


LastIndexOf(String, String)


LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32)

搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中從字串開頭延伸至指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * string * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字串。






值,這個值會定義應該如何比較 sourcevalueoptions 若不是 Ordinal 列舉值,就是下列一個或多個值的位元組合:IgnoreCaseIgnoreSymbolsIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreWidthIgnoreKanaType



如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (包含 source 所指定數目的項目,並結束於 count) 內,使用指定的比較選項,找到最後一次出現的 startIndex 以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value





startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。


count 小於零。


startIndexcount 未指定 source 中的有效區段。

options 包含無效的 CompareOptions 值。



using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


來源字串會從 開始 startIndex 往後搜尋,並在 + 1 結束 startIndex - count

這個 CompareOptions.StringSort 方法的值無效。

如果未 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,可能會視為與正確序列中任何字元的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 如果 options 包含 Ordinal 值,這個多載會執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,其中會比較 Unicode 值。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 執行區分文化特性的搜尋 (也就是說,如果 options 不是 OrdinalOrdinalIgnoreCase) 時,如果 value 包含可忽略的字元,則結果等於在已移除該字元的情況下搜尋。 如果 value 只包含一或多個可忽略的字元, LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) 則方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。

在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) ,方法用來尋找兩個字串中最後 「m」 之前的第一個字元位置, (U+00AD) 後面接著 「m」 的最後一個字元位置。 只有其中一個字串包含必要的子字串。 因為選擇性連字號是可忽略的字元,所以在這兩種情況下,方法執行區分文化特性的比較時都會傳回 "m" 在字串中的索引位置。 不過,當它執行序數比較時,它只會在第一個字串中找到子字串。 請注意,在第一個字串的案例中包含虛連字號後面接著 「m」 時,方法無法傳回軟連字號的索引,但會在執行區分文化特性的比較時傳回 「m」 的索引。 只有在執行序數比較時,方法才會傳回第一個字串中選擇性連字號的索引。

:::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable15.vb」 id=「Snippet16」::



LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * char * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字元。






值,這個值會定義應該如何比較 sourcevalueoptions 若不是 Ordinal 列舉值,就是下列一個或多個值的位元組合:IgnoreCaseIgnoreSymbolsIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreWidthIgnoreKanaType



如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (包含 source 所指定數目的項目,並結束於 count) 內,使用指定的比較選項,找到最後一次出現的 startIndex 以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value



startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。


count 小於零。


startIndexcount 未指定 source 中的有效區段。

options 包含無效的 CompareOptions 值。



using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


來源字串會從 開始 startIndex 往後搜尋,並在 + 1 結束 startIndex - count

這個 CompareOptions.StringSort 方法的值無效。

如果未 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 如果字元是代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,它可能會視為與正確序列中任何出現的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 如果 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行不區分文化特性的序數 () 搜尋。 只有在 Unicode 值相同時,才會將字元視為另一個字元。 該搜尋字元的多 String.LastIndexOf 載會執行序數搜尋,而搜尋字串的多載則會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 在區分文化特性的搜尋中,如果 value 是可忽略的字元,結果就相當於搜尋移除該字元。 在此情況下, LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) 方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) ,方法會用來尋找兩個字串中最後 「m」 之前的虛連字號 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在這兩種情況下,因為虛連字號是可忽略的字元,區分文化特性的搜尋會傳回 「m」 的索引位置,也就是 的值 startIndex 。 不過,序數搜尋會在一個字串中成功尋找虛連字號,並報告它不存在於第二個字串中。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable11.cs」 id=「Snippet12」::: :::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable11.vb」 id=「Snippet12」::



LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32)

搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * string * int * int -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int * int -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int * int -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字串。







如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (包含 source 所指定數目的項目,且結束於 count) 內,startIndex 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value





startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。


count 小於零。


startIndexcount 未指定 source 中的有效區段。



using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


來源字串會從 開始 startIndex 往後搜尋,並在 + 1 結束 startIndex - count

此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,可能會視為與正確序列中任何字元的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 若要執行不區分文化特性的序數 (不區分文化特性) 搜尋,其中會比較 Unicode 值,您應該呼叫其中一個具有 類型 CompareOptions 參數的多載,並使用 Ordinal 值。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 執行區分文化特性的搜尋時,如果 value 包含可忽略的字元,則結果等於在已移除該字元的情況下搜尋。 如果 value 只包含一或多個可忽略的字元, LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32) 則方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。

在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32) ,方法是用來尋找在兩個字串最後 「m」 前三個字元後面加上 「m」 的軟連字號位置 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含必要的子字串。 因為選擇性連字號是可忽略的字元,所以在這兩種情況下,方法執行區分文化特性的比較時都會傳回 "m" 在字串中的索引位置。 請注意,就第一個字串的情況,這個字串是選擇性連字號後面接著 "m",結果方法不是傳回選擇性連字號的索引,而是傳回 "m" 的索引。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable16.cs」 id=「Snippet17」::: :::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable16.vb」 id=「Snippet17」::



LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回在來源字串的區段 (從字串開頭延伸至指定索引) 內最後一個相符項目的以零起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * string * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字串。




值,這個值會定義應該如何比較 sourcevalueoptions 若不是 Ordinal 列舉值,就是下列一個或多個值的位元組合:IgnoreCaseIgnoreSymbolsIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreWidthIgnoreKanaType



如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (從 source 的開頭至 source) 內,使用指定的比較選項,找到 startIndex 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value





startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。

options 包含無效的 CompareOptions 值。


下列範例會決定字串部分內第一個和最後一個出現字元或子字串的索引。 請注意, IndexOfLastIndexOf 正在搜尋字串的不同部分,即使使用相同的參數也一樣 startIndex

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


來源字串會從 開始往後 startIndex 搜尋,並在字串的開頭結束。

這個 CompareOptions.StringSort 方法的值無效。

如果未 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,可能會視為與正確序列中任何字元的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 如果 options 包含 Ordinal 值,這個多載會執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,其中會比較 Unicode 值。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 執行區分文化特性的搜尋 (也就是說,如果 options 不是 OrdinalOrdinalIgnoreCase) 時,如果 value 包含可忽略的字元,則結果等於在已移除該字元的情況下搜尋。 如果 value 只包含一或多個可忽略的字元, LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions) 則方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。

在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions) ,方法是用來尋找兩個字串中最後一個 「m」 的虛連字號位置 (U+00AD) 後面接著 「m」。 只有其中一個字串包含必要的子字串。 因為選擇性連字號是可忽略的字元,所以在這兩種情況下,方法執行區分文化特性的比較時都會傳回 "m" 在字串中的索引位置。 請注意,就第一個字串的情況,這個字串是選擇性連字號後面接著 "m",結果方法不是傳回選擇性連字號的索引,而是傳回 "m" 的索引。 只有在執行序數比較時,方法才會傳回第一個字串中選擇性連字號的索引。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable14.cs」 id=「Snippet15」::: :::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable14.vb」 id=「Snippet15」::



LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32)

搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中含有指定項目數且結束於指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * char * int * int -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int * int -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int * int -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字元。







如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (包含 source 所指定數目的項目,且結束於 count) 內,startIndex 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value



startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。


count 小於零。


startIndexcount 未指定 source 中的有效區段。



using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


來源字串會從 開始 startIndex 往後搜尋,並在 + 1 結束 startIndex - count

此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 如果字元是代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,它可能會視為與正確序列中任何出現的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 若要執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,只有在 Unicode 值相同時,才會將字元視為與另一個字元相等,您應該呼叫其中一個具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的多載,並使用 Ordinal 值。 該搜尋字元的多 String.LastIndexOf 載會執行序數搜尋,而搜尋字串的多載則會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 在區分文化特性的搜尋中,如果 value 是可忽略的字元,結果就相當於搜尋移除該字元。 在此情況下, LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32) 方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32) ,方法會用來尋找兩個字串中最後 「m」 之前的虛連字號 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在這兩種情況下,因為虛連字號是可忽略的字元,所以此方法會傳回 「m」 的索引位置,也就是 的值 startIndex

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable8.cs」 id=「Snippet9」::: ::程式碼語言=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable8.vb」 id=「Snippet9」::



LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions)

使用指定 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中從字串開頭延伸至指定索引的區段內) 的以零起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * char * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字元。




值,這個值會定義應該如何比較 sourcevalueoptions 若不是 Ordinal 列舉值,就是下列一個或多個值的位元組合:IgnoreCaseIgnoreSymbolsIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreWidthIgnoreKanaType



如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (從 source 的開頭至 source) 內,使用指定的比較選項,找到 startIndex 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value



startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。

options 包含無效的 CompareOptions 值。


下列範例會決定字串部分內第一個和最後一個出現字元或子字串的索引。 請注意, IndexOfLastIndexOf 正在搜尋字串的不同部分,即使使用相同的參數也一樣 startIndex

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


來源字串會從 開始往後 startIndex 搜尋,並在字串的開頭結束。

這個 CompareOptions.StringSort 方法的值無效。

如果未 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 如果字元是代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,它可能會視為與正確序列中任何出現的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 如果 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行不區分文化特性的序數 () 搜尋。 只有在 Unicode 值相同時,才會將字元視為另一個字元。 該搜尋字元的多 String.LastIndexOf 載會執行序數搜尋,而搜尋字串的多載則會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 在區分文化特性的搜尋中,如果 value 是可忽略的字元,結果就相當於搜尋移除該字元。 在此情況下, LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions) 方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions) ,方法會用來尋找兩個字串中最後 「m」 之前的虛連字號 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在這兩種情況下,因為虛連字號是可忽略的字元,區分文化特性的搜尋會傳回 「m」 的索引位置。 不過,序數搜尋會在一個字串中成功尋找虛連字號,並報告它不存在於第二個字串中。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable7.cs」 id=「Snippet8」::::code 語言=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable7.vb」 id=「Snippet8」::



LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions, Int32)


 int LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int % matchLength);
public int LastIndexOf (ReadOnlySpan<char> source, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options, out int matchLength);
member this.LastIndexOf : ReadOnlySpan<char> * ReadOnlySpan<char> * System.Globalization.CompareOptions * int -> int
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), options As CompareOptions, ByRef matchLength As Integer) As Integer





字元唯讀範圍包含要在 source 中尋找的子字串。


搜尋期間所使用的 CompareOptions


當此方法傳回時,包含符合所需值的 source 字元數。 如果執行語言比較,這可能會與 value 的長度不同。 如果在 source中找不到 value 則設定為0。



source 中最後出現子字串 value 的以零起始索引;若在 source 中找不到 value,則為負數。


options 包含旗標不支援的組合。


這個方法的額外負荷大於 LastIndexOf 其他不採用 matchLength 引數的多載。 只有在您需要相符長度資訊時,才呼叫此多載。


LastIndexOf(String, Char)


 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, char value);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, char value);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * char -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * char -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * char -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字元。



valuesource 最後一次出現之以零起始的索引 (如果找得到的話),否則為 -1。





using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l



此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 如果字元是代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,它可能會視為與正確序列中任何出現的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 若要執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,其中字元只有在 Unicode 值相同時才會被視為相當於另一個字元,您應該呼叫其中一個具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的多載並使用 Ordinal 值。 搜尋字元的多 String.LastIndexOf 載會執行序數搜尋,而搜尋字串的多載則會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前的文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 在區分文化特性的搜尋中,如果 value 是可忽略的字元,結果就相當於搜尋移除該字元。 在此情況下, LastIndexOf(String, Char) 方法一律會傳回 中的 source 最後一個索引位置,表示在 結尾 source 找到相符專案。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, Char) ,方法用來在兩個字串中尋找軟連字號 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在這兩種情況下,因為軟連字號是可忽略的字元,所以方法會傳回字串中的最後一個索引位置,表示它在字串結尾找到相符專案。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable2.cs」 id=「Snippet3」::: :::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable2.vb」 id=「Snippet3」::



LastIndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions)

使用指定的 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回整個來源字串內最後一個相符項目的以零起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * string * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * string * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * string * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, options As CompareOptions) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字串。


值,這個值會定義應該如何比較 sourcevalueoptions 若不是 Ordinal 列舉值,就是下列一個或多個值的位元組合:IgnoreCaseIgnoreSymbolsIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreWidthIgnoreKanaType



如果有找到,則是在 value 內,使用指定的比較選項,找到 source 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。





options 包含無效的 CompareOptions 值。



using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l



這個 CompareOptions.StringSort 方法的值無效。

如果未 options 包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,可能會視為與正確序列中任何字元的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 如果 options 包含 Ordinal 值,這個多載會執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,其中會比較 Unicode 值。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 執行區分文化特性的搜尋 (也就是說,如果 options 不是 OrdinalOrdinalIgnoreCase) 時,如果 value 包含可忽略的字元,則結果等於在已移除該字元的情況下搜尋。 如果 value 只包含一或多個可忽略的字元,則 LastIndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions) 方法一律會傳 source 回 。Length - 1,表示 中的 source 最後一個索引位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions) ,方法是用來尋找三個子字串, (一個軟連字號 (U+00AD) 、一個虛連字號,後面接著 「n」 的虛連字號,以及兩個字串中的 「m」) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 因為虛連字號是可忽略的字元,所以區分文化特性的搜尋會傳回相同的值,如果搜尋字串中未包含虛連字號,則會傳回該值。 不過,序數搜尋會在一個字串中成功尋找虛連字號,並報告它不存在於第二個字串中。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable5.cs」 id=「Snippet6」::: ::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable5.vb」 id=「Snippet6」::



LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32)

搜尋指定的字元,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中從字串開頭延伸至指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex);
 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex);
member this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int -> int
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * char * int -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * char * int -> int
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer) As Integer
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字元。





如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (從 source 的開頭延伸至 source) 內,startIndex 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value



startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。


下列範例會決定字串部分內第一個和最後一個字元或子字串的索引。 請注意, IndexOfLastIndexOf 正在搜尋字串的不同部分,即使使用相同的參數也一樣 startIndex

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


來源字串會從 startIndex 開始向後搜尋,並在字串開頭結束。

此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 如果字元是代表先行編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,它可能會視為與正確序列中的任何元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 若要執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,其中字元只有在 Unicode 值相同時才會被視為相當於另一個字元,您應該呼叫其中一個具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的多載並使用 Ordinal 值。 搜尋字元的多 String.LastIndexOf 載會執行序數搜尋,而搜尋字串的多載則會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前的文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 在區分文化特性的搜尋中,如果 value 是可忽略的字元,結果就相當於搜尋移除該字元。 在此情況下, LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32) 方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, Char, Int32) ,方法用來尋找兩個字串中最後 「m」 之前的軟連字號 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在這兩種情況下,因為軟連字號是可忽略的字元,所以方法會傳回 「m」 的索引位置,也就是 的值 startIndex

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable4.cs」 id=「Snippet5」::: ::程式碼語言=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable4.vb」 id=「Snippet5」::



LastIndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions)

使用指定的 CompareOptions 值,搜尋指定的字元,並傳回整個來源字串內最後一個相符項目的以零起始的索引。

 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, char value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * char * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * char * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * char * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As Char, options As CompareOptions) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字元。


值,這個值會定義應該如何比較 sourcevalueoptions 若不是 Ordinal 列舉值,就是下列一個或多個值的位元組合:IgnoreCaseIgnoreSymbolsIgnoreNonSpaceIgnoreWidthIgnoreKanaType



如果有找到,則是在 value 內,使用指定的比較選項,找到 source 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。



options 包含無效的 CompareOptions 值。



using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l



這個 CompareOptions.StringSort 方法的值無效。

如果 options 不包含 Ordinal 值,此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 如果字元是代表先行編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,它可能會視為與正確序列中的任何元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 如果 options 包含 Ordinal 值,這個多載會執行不區分文化特性的序數 (搜尋) 。 只有在 Unicode 值相同時,才會將字元視為另一個字元。 搜尋字元的多 String.LastIndexOf 載會執行序數搜尋,而搜尋字串的多載則會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前的文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 在區分文化特性的搜尋中,如果 value 是可忽略的字元,結果就相當於搜尋移除該字元。 在此情況下, LastIndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions) 方法一律會傳回 中的 source 最後一個字元位置,表示在 結尾 source 找到相符專案。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions) ,方法用於在兩個字串中搜尋軟連字號 (U+00AD) 。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在這兩種情況下,因為軟連字號是可忽略的字元,所以區分文化特性的搜尋會傳回來源字串中的最後一個索引位置。 相反地,序數搜尋會在一個字串中成功尋找軟連字號,並報告它不存在於第二個字串中。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable3.cs」 id=「Snippet4」::: :::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable3.vb」 id=「Snippet4」::



LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Rune, CompareOptions)

在所指定唯讀字元範圍中搜尋最後一個出現的 Rune

public int LastIndexOf (ReadOnlySpan<char> source, System.Text.Rune value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None);
member this.LastIndexOf : ReadOnlySpan<char> * System.Text.Rune * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), value As Rune, Optional options As CompareOptions = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None) As Integer





要在 source 中尋找的 Rune


要在搜尋期間使用的選擇性 CompareOptions 列舉值組合。 預設值是 None



source 中最後出現 value 的以零起始索引;若在 source 中找不到 value,則為負值。


options 包含不支援的旗標組合。


LastIndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions)


public int LastIndexOf (ReadOnlySpan<char> source, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None);
member this.LastIndexOf : ReadOnlySpan<char> * ReadOnlySpan<char> * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), Optional options As CompareOptions = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None) As Integer





要在 source 中尋找的子字串。


要在搜尋期間使用的選擇性 CompareOptions 列舉值組合。 預設值是 None



source 中最後出現子字串 value 的以零起始索引;若在 source 中找不到 value,則為負值。


options 包含不支援的旗標組合。


LastIndexOf(String, String)


 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value);
 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, string value);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, string value);
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * string -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * string -> int
member this.LastIndexOf : string * string -> int
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String) As Integer
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字串。



valuesource 最後一次出現之以零起始的索引 (如果找得到的話),否則為 -1。







using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l



此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 Unicode 值,代表先行編譯的字元,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,可能會視為與正確序列中字元的元件相同,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 若要執行不區分文化特性) 搜尋的序數 (,其中會比較 Unicode 值,您應該呼叫其中一個具有 類型 CompareOptions 參數的多載,並使用 CompareOptions.Ordinal 值。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前的文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 執行區分文化特性的搜尋時,如果 value 包含可忽略的字元,則結果等於在已移除該字元的情況下搜尋。 如果 value 只包含一或多個可忽略的字元,方法一 LastIndexOf(String, String) 律會傳 source 回 。Length - 1,表示 中的 source 最後一個索引位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, String) ,方法用來尋找三個子字串 (軟連字號 (U+00AD) 、軟連字號後面接著 「n」,以及兩個字串中後面接著 「m」) 的軟連字號。 只有其中一個字串包含選擇性連字號。 在每個案例中,因為軟連字號是可忽略的字元,所以結果會與未包含 value 軟連字號一樣。 僅搜尋軟連字號時,方法會傳回 6 和 5。 這些值會對應至兩個字串中最後一個字元的索引。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable1.cs」 id=「Snippet2」::: :::code language=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable1.vb」 id=「Snippet2」::



LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32)

搜尋指定的子字串,並傳回最後一個相符項目 (在來源字串中從字串開頭延伸至指定索引的區段內) 的以零為起始的索引。

 int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex);
 virtual int LastIndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex);
public int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex);
public virtual int LastIndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex);
member this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int -> int
abstract member LastIndexOf : string * string * int -> int
override this.LastIndexOf : string * string * int -> int
Public Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer) As Integer
Public Overridable Function LastIndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer) As Integer





要在 source 內尋找的字串。





如果有找到,則是在 value 的區段 (從 source 的開頭延伸至 source) 內,startIndex 最後一次出現的以零起始的索引,否則為 -1。 如果 startIndex 一個可忽略的字元,則傳回 value





startIndex 超出 source 的有效索引範圍。


下列範例會決定字串部分內第一個和最後一個出現字元或子字串的索引。 請注意, IndexOfLastIndexOf 正在搜尋字串的不同部分,即使使用相同的參數也一樣 startIndex

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


來源字串會從 開始往後 startIndex 搜尋,並在字串的開頭結束。

此多載會執行區分文化特性的搜尋。 代表預先編譯字元的 Unicode 值,例如 ligature 「Æ」 (U+00C6) ,可能會視為與正確序列中任何字元的元件相等,例如 「AE」 (U+0041、U+0045) ,視文化特性而定。 若要執行不區分文化特性的序數 (不區分文化特性) 搜尋,其中會比較 Unicode 值,您應該呼叫其中一個具有 類型 CompareOptions 參數的多載,並使用 CompareOptions.Ordinal 值。


可能的話,您應該呼叫具有 型 CompareOptions 別參數的字串比較方法,以指定預期的比較類型。 一般規則是,使用語言選項 (使用目前文化特性) 來比較使用者介面中顯示的字串,並指定 CompareOptions.OrdinalCompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase 進行安全性比較。


字元集包含可忽略的字元,這些字元是執行語言或區分文化特性排序時不會考慮的字元。 執行區分文化特性的搜尋時,如果 value 包含可忽略的字元,則結果等於在已移除該字元的情況下搜尋。 如果 value 只包含一或多個可忽略的字元, LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32) 則方法一律會傳 startIndex 回 ,這是搜尋開始的字元位置。 在下列範例中 LastIndexOf(String, String, Int32) ,方法可用來尋找子字串,其中包含軟連字號 (U+00AD) ,且在字串中前面或包含最終 「m」。 由於會忽略搜尋字串中的虛連字號,因此呼叫 方法來尋找由軟連字號組成的子字串,而 「m」 會傳回字串中 「m」 的位置,而呼叫它來尋找由軟連字號組成的子字串,而 「n」 會傳回 「n」 的位置。 當搜尋字串只包含虛連字號時,此方法會傳回 「m」 的 startIndex 索引,代表 的值。

:::code language=「csharp」 source=「~/snippets/csharp/System.Globalization/CompareInfo/LastIndexOf/lastignorable6.cs」 id=「Snippet7」::: ::程式碼語言=「vb」 source=「~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.globalization.compareinfo.lastindexof/vb/lastignorable6.vb」 id=「Snippet7」::

