MulticastDelegate 類別
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
public ref class MulticastDelegate abstract : Delegate
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate
type MulticastDelegate = class
inherit Delegate
type MulticastDelegate = class
inherit Delegate
type MulticastDelegate = class
inherit Delegate
Public MustInherit Class MulticastDelegate
Inherits Delegate
- 繼承
- 屬性
,其中包含字串集合。 其中一個成員是 CheckAndDisplayDelegate
委派,用來顯示儲存在滿足特定準則之 StringContainer
物件中的字串。 委派會採用單一字串作為參數,並傳回 void
(或在Visual Basic中,它是 Sub
程式)。 它也包含具有單一參數的方法 DisplayAllQualified
委派。 這可讓呼叫 方法,並顯示一組字串,這些字串會根據委派所包含的方法進行篩選。
此範例也會定義具有兩個方法的公用程式類別 StringExtensions
請注意,這兩種方法都包含單一字串參數,並傳回 void
。 換句話說,這兩種方法都可以指派給 CheckAndDisplayDelegate
方法是應用程式進入點。 它會具現化 StringContainer
物件、填入字串,並建立兩個叫用單一方法的 CheckAndDisplayDelegate
委派 conStart
和 vowelStart
。 然後,它會呼叫 Delegate.Combine 方法來建立 multipleDelegates
委派,該委派一開始包含 ConStart
和 VowelStart
委派。 請注意,叫用 multipleDelegates
委派時,它會以原始順序顯示集合中的所有字串。 這是因為每個字母都會個別傳遞至每個委派,而且每個字母都只符合兩個委派之一的篩選準則。 最後,在呼叫 Delegate.Remove 和 Delegate.Combine之後,multipleDelegates
包含兩個 conStart
委派。 叫用時,StringContainer
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
ref class StringContainer
// A generic list object that holds the strings.
List<String^>^ container = gcnew List<String^>;
// Define a delegate to handle string display.
delegate void CheckAndDisplayDelegate(String^ str);
// A method that adds more strings to the collection.
void AddString(String^ str)
// Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
void DisplayAllQualified(CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ displayDelegate)
for each (String^ str in container)
// System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = container->GetEnumerator();
// while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
// {
// String^ str = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
// displayDelegate(str);
// }
//end of class StringContainer
// This class contains a few sample methods
ref class StringFuncs
// This method prints a String* that it is passed if the String* starts with a vowel
static void ConStart(String^ str)
if ( !(str[ 0 ] == 'a' || str[ 0 ] == 'e' || str[ 0 ] == 'i' || str[ 0 ] == 'o' || str[ 0 ] == 'u') )
Console::WriteLine( str );
// This method prints a String* that it is passed if the String* starts with a consonant
static void VowelStart( String^ str )
if ( (str[ 0 ] == 'a' || str[ 0 ] == 'e' || str[ 0 ] == 'i' || str[ 0 ] == 'o' || str[ 0 ] == 'u') )
Console::WriteLine( str );
// This function demonstrates using Delegates, including using the Remove and
// Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
int main()
// Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
StringContainer^ container = gcnew StringContainer;
container->AddString( "This" );
container->AddString( "is" );
container->AddString( "a" );
container->AddString( "multicast" );
container->AddString( "delegate" );
container->AddString( "example" );
// Create two delegates individually using different methods
StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ conStart = gcnew StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate( StringFuncs::ConStart );
StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ vowelStart = gcnew StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate( StringFuncs::VowelStart );
// Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance.
array<Delegate^>^ delegateList = conStart->GetInvocationList();
Console::WriteLine("conStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList->Length);
delegateList = vowelStart->GetInvocationList();
Console::WriteLine("vowelStart contains {0} delegate(s).\n", delegateList->Length );
// Determine whether the delegates are System::Multicast delegates
if ( dynamic_cast<System::MulticastDelegate^>(conStart) && dynamic_cast<System::MulticastDelegate^>(vowelStart) )
Console::WriteLine("conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.\n");
// Execute the two delegates.
Console::WriteLine("Executing the conStart delegate:" );
Console::WriteLine("Executing the vowelStart delegate:" );
// Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^ multipleDelegates =
dynamic_cast<StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^>(Delegate::Combine(conStart, vowelStart));
// How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
delegateList = multipleDelegates->GetInvocationList();
Console::WriteLine("\nmultipleDelegates contains {0} delegates.\n",
delegateList->Length );
// // Pass this multicast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
Console::WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.");
// Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
multipleDelegates = dynamic_cast<StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^>
(Delegate::Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart));
multipleDelegates = dynamic_cast<StringContainer::CheckAndDisplayDelegate^>
(Delegate::Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart));
// Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
Console::WriteLine("\nExecuting the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:");
// The example displays the following output:
// conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
// vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
// conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
// Executing the conStart delegate:
// This
// multicast
// delegate
// Executing the vowelStart delegate:
// is
// a
// example
// multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
// Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
// This
// is
// a
// multicast
// delegate
// example
// Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
// This
// This
// multicast
// multicast
// delegate
// delegate
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class StringContainer
// Define a delegate to handle string display.
public delegate void CheckAndDisplayDelegate(string str);
// A generic list object that holds the strings.
private List<String> container = new List<String>();
// A method that adds strings to the collection.
public void AddString(string str)
// Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
public void DisplayAllQualified(CheckAndDisplayDelegate displayDelegate)
foreach (var str in container) {
// This class defines some methods to display strings.
class StringExtensions
// Display a string if it starts with a consonant.
public static void ConStart(string str)
if (!(str[0]=='a'||str[0]=='e'||str[0]=='i'||str[0]=='o'||str[0]=='u'))
// Display a string if it starts with a vowel.
public static void VowelStart(string str)
if ((str[0]=='a'||str[0]=='e'||str[0]=='i'||str[0]=='o'||str[0]=='u'))
// Demonstrate the use of delegates, including the Remove and
// Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
class Test
static public void Main()
// Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
StringContainer container = new StringContainer();
// Create two delegates individually using different methods.
StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate conStart = StringExtensions.ConStart;
StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate vowelStart = StringExtensions.VowelStart;
// Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance.
Delegate[] delegateList = conStart.GetInvocationList();
Console.WriteLine("conStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList.Length);
delegateList = vowelStart.GetInvocationList();
Console.WriteLine("vowelStart contains {0} delegate(s).\n", delegateList.Length);
// Determine whether the delegates are System.Multicast delegates.
if (conStart is System.MulticastDelegate && vowelStart is System.MulticastDelegate)
Console.WriteLine("conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.\n");
// Execute the two delegates.
Console.WriteLine("Executing the conStart delegate:");
Console.WriteLine("Executing the vowelStart delegate:");
// Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate multipleDelegates =
(StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate) Delegate.Combine(conStart, vowelStart);
// How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
delegateList = multipleDelegates.GetInvocationList();
Console.WriteLine("\nmultipleDelegates contains {0} delegates.\n",
// Pass this multicast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
Console.WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.");
// Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
multipleDelegates = (StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate) Delegate.Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart);
multipleDelegates = (StringContainer.CheckAndDisplayDelegate) Delegate.Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart);
// Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
Console.WriteLine("\nExecuting the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:");
// The example displays the following output:
// conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
// vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
// conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
// Executing the conStart delegate:
// This
// multicast
// delegate
// Executing the vowelStart delegate:
// is
// a
// example
// multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
// Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
// This
// is
// a
// multicast
// delegate
// example
// Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
// This
// This
// multicast
// multicast
// delegate
// delegate
module Test
open System
// Define a delegate to handle string display.
type CheckAndDisplayDelegate = delegate of string -> unit
type StringContainer() =
// A generic ResizeArray object that holds the strings.
let container = ResizeArray()
// A method that adds strings to the collection.
member _.AddString(str) =
container.Add str
// Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
member _.DisplayAllQualified(displayDelegate: CheckAndDisplayDelegate) =
for str in container do
displayDelegate.Invoke str
// This module defines some functions to display strings.
module StringExtensions =
// Display a string if it starts with a consonant.
let conStart (str: string) =
match str[0] with
| 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' -> ()
| _ -> printfn $"{str}"
// Display a string if it starts with a vowel.
let vowelStart (str: string) =
match str[0] with
| 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' -> printfn $"{str}"
| _ -> ()
// Demonstrate the use of delegates, including the Remove and
// Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
let main _ =
// Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
let container = StringContainer()
container.AddString "This"
container.AddString "is"
container.AddString "a"
container.AddString "multicast"
container.AddString "delegate"
container.AddString "example"
// Create two delegates individually using different methods.
let conStart = CheckAndDisplayDelegate StringExtensions.conStart
let vowelStart = CheckAndDisplayDelegate StringExtensions.vowelStart
// Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance.
let delegateList = conStart.GetInvocationList()
printfn $"conStart contains {delegateList.Length} delegate(s)."
let delegateList = vowelStart.GetInvocationList()
printfn $"vowelStart contains {delegateList.Length} delegate(s).\n"
// Determine whether the delegates are System.Multicast delegates.
if box conStart :? System.MulticastDelegate && box vowelStart :? System.MulticastDelegate then
printfn "conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.\n"
// Execute the two delegates.
printfn "Executing the conStart delegate:"
container.DisplayAllQualified conStart
printfn "\nExecuting the vowelStart delegate:"
container.DisplayAllQualified vowelStart
printfn ""
// Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
let multipleDelegates =
Delegate.Combine(conStart, vowelStart) :?> CheckAndDisplayDelegate
// How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
let delegateList = multipleDelegates.GetInvocationList()
printfn $"\nmultipleDelegates contains {delegateList.Length} delegates.\n"
// Pass this multicast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
printfn "Executing the multipleDelegate delegate."
container.DisplayAllQualified multipleDelegates
// Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
let multipleDelegates = Delegate.Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart) :?> CheckAndDisplayDelegate
let multipleDelegates = Delegate.Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart) :?> CheckAndDisplayDelegate
// Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
printfn "\nExecuting the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:"
printfn $"{multipleDelegates}"
// The example displays the following output:
// conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
// vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
// conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
// Executing the conStart delegate:
// This
// multicast
// delegate
// Executing the vowelStart delegate:
// is
// a
// example
// multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
// Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
// This
// is
// a
// multicast
// delegate
// example
// Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
// This
// This
// multicast
// multicast
// delegate
// delegate
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Class StringContainer
' Define a delegate to handle string display.
Delegate Sub CheckAndPrintDelegate(ByVal str As String)
' A generic list object that holds the strings.
Private container As New List(Of String)()
' A method that adds strings to the collection.
Public Sub AddString(ByVal s As String)
End Sub
' Iterate through the strings and invoke the method(s) that the delegate points to.
Public Sub DisplayAllQualified(ByVal displayDelegate As CheckAndPrintDelegate)
For Each s In container
End Sub
End Class
' This class defines some methods to display strings.
Class StringExtensions
' Display a string if it starts with a consonant.
Public Shared Sub ConStart(ByVal str As String)
If Not (str.Chars(0) = "a"c Or str.Chars(0) = "e"c Or str.Chars(0) = "i"c _
Or str.Chars(0) = "o"c Or str.Chars(0) = "u"c) Then
End If
End Sub
' Display a string if it starts with a vowel.
Public Shared Sub VowelStart(ByVal str As String)
If (str.Chars(0) = "a"c Or str.Chars(0) = "e"c Or str.Chars(0) = "i"c _
Or str.Chars(0) = "o"c Or str.Chars(0) = "u"c) Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
' Demonstrate the use of delegates, including the Remove and
' Combine methods to create and modify delegate combinations.
Class Test
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Declare the StringContainer class and add some strings
Dim container As New StringContainer()
' Create two delegates individually using different methods.
Dim constart As StringContainer.CheckAndPrintDelegate = AddressOf StringExtensions.ConStart
Dim vowelStart As StringContainer.CheckAndPrintDelegate = AddressOf StringExtensions.VowelStart
' Get the list of all delegates assigned to this MulticastDelegate instance.
Dim delegateList() As [Delegate] = conStart.GetInvocationList()
Console.WriteLine("conStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList.Length)
delegateList = vowelStart.GetInvocationList()
Console.WriteLine("vowelStart contains {0} delegate(s).", delegateList.Length)
' Determine whether the delegates are System.Multicast delegates
If TypeOf conStart Is System.MulticastDelegate And TypeOf vowelStart Is System.MulticastDelegate Then
Console.WriteLine("conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.")
End If
' Run the two single delegates one after the other.
Console.WriteLine("Executing the conStart delegate:")
Console.WriteLine("Executing the vowelStart delegate:")
' Create a new MulticastDelegate and call Combine to add two delegates.
Dim multipleDelegates As StringContainer.CheckAndPrintDelegate =
CType([Delegate].Combine(conStart, vowelStart),
' How many delegates does multipleDelegates contain?
delegateList = multipleDelegates.GetInvocationList()
Console.WriteLine("{1}multipleDelegates contains {0} delegates.{1}",
delegateList.Length, vbCrLf)
' Pass this mulitcast delegate to DisplayAllQualified.
Console.WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.")
' Call remove and combine to change the contained delegates.
multipleDelegates = CType([Delegate].Remove(multipleDelegates, vowelStart),
multipleDelegates = CType([Delegate].Combine(multipleDelegates, conStart),
' Pass multipleDelegates to DisplayAllQualified again.
Console.WriteLine("Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:")
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' conStart contains 1 delegate(s).
' vowelStart contains 1 delegate(s).
' conStart and vowelStart are derived from MulticastDelegate.
' Executing the conStart delegate:
' This
' multicast
' delegate
' Executing the vowelStart delegate:
' is
' a
' example
' multipleDelegates contains 2 delegates.
' Executing the multipleDelegate delegate.
' This
' is
' a
' multicast
' delegate
' example
' Executing the multipleDelegate delegate with two conStart delegates:
' This
' This
' multicast
' multicast
' delegate
' delegate
MulticastDelegate 是一個特殊的類別。 編譯程式和其他工具可以衍生自這個類別,但您無法明確衍生自它。 Delegate 類別也是如此。
除了委派型別繼承自 MulticastDelegate的方法之外,Common Language Runtime 還提供兩個特殊方法:BeginInvoke
和 EndInvoke
。 如需這些方法的詳細資訊,請參閱 異步呼叫同步方法。
MulticastDelegate 具有連結的委派清單,稱為叫用清單,由一或多個元素組成。 叫用多播委派時,調用清單中的委派會以出現的順序以同步方式呼叫。 如果在清單執行期間發生錯誤,則會擲回例外狀況。
Multicast |
初始化 MulticastDelegate 類別的新實例。 |
Multicast |
初始化 MulticastDelegate 類別的新實例。 |
Has |
取得值,這個值表示 Delegate 是否有單一調用目標。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Method |
取得委派所表示的方法。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Target |
取得目前委派叫用實例方法的類別實例。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Clone() |
建立委派的淺層複本。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Combine |
Combine |
串連指定多播(可結合)委派的調用清單,以及目前的多播(可組合)委派。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Dynamic |
以動態方式叫用目前委派所表示的方法(晚期綁定)。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Dynamic |
處理完整的調用清單。 |
Dynamic |
以動態方式叫用目前委派所表示的方法(晚期綁定)。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Equals(Object) |
判斷這個多播委派和指定的物件是否相等。 |
Get |
傳回這個實例的哈希碼。 |
Get |
傳回這個多播委派的調用清單,以叫用順序。 |
Get |
傳回目前 MulticastDelegate所表示的方法。 |
Get |
取得目前委派所表示的方法。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Get |
將串行化這個實例所需的所有數據填入 SerializationInfo 物件。 |
Get |
不支援。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
Get |
取得目前實例的 Type。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Memberwise |
建立目前 Object的淺層複本。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Remove |
從與指定委派相等之這個 MulticastDelegate 的調用清單中移除專案。 |
Remove |
從另一個委派的調用清單中移除委派的調用清單。 (繼承來源 Delegate) |
To |
傳回表示目前 物件的字串。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Equality(Multicast |
判斷兩個 MulticastDelegate 物件是否相等。 |
Inequality(Multicast |
判斷兩個 MulticastDelegate 物件是否不相等。 |
Get |
取得 物件,表示指定委派所表示的方法。 |
產品 | 版本 |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |