IPAddress 類別
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
提供網際網路通訊協定 (IP) 位址。
public ref class IPAddress
public ref class IPAddress : IParsable<System::Net::IPAddress ^>, ISpanFormattable, ISpanParsable<System::Net::IPAddress ^>, IUtf8SpanFormattable
public class IPAddress
public class IPAddress : IParsable<System.Net.IPAddress>, ISpanFormattable, ISpanParsable<System.Net.IPAddress>, IUtf8SpanFormattable
public class IPAddress
type IPAddress = class
type IPAddress = class
interface ISpanFormattable
interface IFormattable
interface ISpanParsable<IPAddress>
interface IParsable<IPAddress>
interface IUtf8SpanFormattable
type IPAddress = class
Public Class IPAddress
Public Class IPAddress
Implements IParsable(Of IPAddress), ISpanFormattable, ISpanParsable(Of IPAddress), IUtf8SpanFormattable
- 繼承
- 屬性
- 實作
// This program shows how to use the IPAddress class to obtain a server
// IP addressess and related information.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;
using namespace System::Text::RegularExpressions;
* The IPAddresses method obtains the selected server IP address information.
* It then displays the type of address family supported by the server and its
* IP address in standard and byte format.
void IPAddresses( String^ server )
System::Text::ASCIIEncoding^ ASCII = gcnew System::Text::ASCIIEncoding;
// Get server related information.
IPHostEntry^ heserver = Dns::GetHostEntry( server );
// Loop on the AddressList
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = heserver->AddressList->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
IPAddress^ curAdd = safe_cast<IPAddress^>(myEnum->Current);
// Display the type of address family supported by the server. If the
// server is IPv6-enabled this value is: InterNetworkV6. If the server
// is also IPv4-enabled there will be an additional value of InterNetwork.
Console::WriteLine( "AddressFamily: {0}", curAdd->AddressFamily );
// Display the ScopeId property in case of IPV6 addresses.
if ( curAdd->AddressFamily.ToString() == ProtocolFamily::InterNetworkV6.ToString() )
Console::WriteLine( "Scope Id: {0}", curAdd->ScopeId );
// Display the server IP address in the standard format. In
// IPv4 the format will be dotted-quad notation, in IPv6 it will be
// in in colon-hexadecimal notation.
Console::WriteLine( "Address: {0}", curAdd );
// Display the server IP address in byte format.
Console::Write( "AddressBytes: " );
array<Byte>^bytes = curAdd->GetAddressBytes();
for ( int i = 0; i < bytes->Length; i++ )
Console::Write( bytes[ i ] );
Console::WriteLine( "\r\n" );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "[DoResolve] Exception: {0}", e );
// This IPAddressAdditionalInfo displays additional server address information.
void IPAddressAdditionalInfo()
// Display the flags that show if the server supports IPv4 or IPv6
// address schemas.
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nSupportsIPv4: {0}", Socket::SupportsIPv4 );
Console::WriteLine( "SupportsIPv6: {0}", Socket::SupportsIPv6 );
if ( Socket::SupportsIPv6 )
// Display the server Any address. This IP address indicates that the server
// should listen for client activity on all network interfaces.
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nIPv6Any: {0}", IPAddress::IPv6Any );
// Display the server loopback address.
Console::WriteLine( "IPv6Loopback: {0}", IPAddress::IPv6Loopback );
// Used during autoconfiguration first phase.
Console::WriteLine( "IPv6None: {0}", IPAddress::IPv6None );
Console::WriteLine( "IsLoopback(IPv6Loopback): {0}", IPAddress::IsLoopback( IPAddress::IPv6Loopback ) );
Console::WriteLine( "IsLoopback(Loopback): {0}", IPAddress::IsLoopback( IPAddress::Loopback ) );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "[IPAddresses] Exception: {0}", e );
int main()
array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
String^ server = nullptr;
// Define a regular expression to parse user's input.
// This is a security check. It allows only
// alphanumeric input string between 2 to 40 character long.
Regex^ rex = gcnew Regex( "^[a-zA-Z]\\w{1,39}$" );
if ( args->Length < 2 )
// If no server name is passed as an argument to this program, use the current
// server name as default.
server = Dns::GetHostName();
Console::WriteLine( "Using current host: {0}", server );
server = args[ 1 ];
if ( !(rex->Match(server))->Success )
Console::WriteLine( "Input string format not allowed." );
return -1;
// Get the list of the addresses associated with the requested server.
IPAddresses( server );
// Get additional address information.
// This program shows how to use the IPAddress class to obtain a server
// IP addressess and related information.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Mssc.Services.ConnectionManagement
class TestIPAddress
* The IPAddresses method obtains the selected server IP address information.
* It then displays the type of address family supported by the server and its
* IP address in standard and byte format.
private static void IPAddresses(string server)
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ASCII = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
// Get server related information.
IPHostEntry heserver = Dns.GetHostEntry(server);
// Loop on the AddressList
foreach (IPAddress curAdd in heserver.AddressList)
// Display the type of address family supported by the server. If the
// server is IPv6-enabled this value is: InterNetworkV6. If the server
// is also IPv4-enabled there will be an additional value of InterNetwork.
Console.WriteLine("AddressFamily: " + curAdd.AddressFamily.ToString());
// Display the ScopeId property in case of IPV6 addresses.
if(curAdd.AddressFamily.ToString() == ProtocolFamily.InterNetworkV6.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Scope Id: " + curAdd.ScopeId.ToString());
// Display the server IP address in the standard format. In
// IPv4 the format will be dotted-quad notation, in IPv6 it will be
// in in colon-hexadecimal notation.
Console.WriteLine("Address: " + curAdd.ToString());
// Display the server IP address in byte format.
Console.Write("AddressBytes: ");
Byte[] bytes = curAdd.GetAddressBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("[DoResolve] Exception: " + e.ToString());
// This IPAddressAdditionalInfo displays additional server address information.
private static void IPAddressAdditionalInfo()
// Display the flags that show if the server supports IPv4 or IPv6
// address schemas.
Console.WriteLine("\r\nSupportsIPv4: " + Socket.SupportsIPv4);
Console.WriteLine("SupportsIPv6: " + Socket.SupportsIPv6);
if (Socket.SupportsIPv6)
// Display the server Any address. This IP address indicates that the server
// should listen for client activity on all network interfaces.
Console.WriteLine("\r\nIPv6Any: " + IPAddress.IPv6Any.ToString());
// Display the server loopback address.
Console.WriteLine("IPv6Loopback: " + IPAddress.IPv6Loopback.ToString());
// Used during autoconfiguration first phase.
Console.WriteLine("IPv6None: " + IPAddress.IPv6None.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("IsLoopback(IPv6Loopback): " + IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress.IPv6Loopback));
Console.WriteLine("IsLoopback(Loopback): " + IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress.Loopback));
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("[IPAddresses] Exception: " + e.ToString());
public static void Main(string[] args)
string server = null;
// Define a regular expression to parse user's input.
// This is a security check. It allows only
// alphanumeric input string between 2 to 40 character long.
Regex rex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z]\w{1,39}$");
if (args.Length < 1)
// If no server name is passed as an argument to this program, use the current
// server name as default.
server = Dns.GetHostName();
Console.WriteLine("Using current host: " + server);
server = args[0];
if (!(rex.Match(server)).Success)
Console.WriteLine("Input string format not allowed.");
// Get the list of the addresses associated with the requested server.
// Get additional address information.
' This program shows how to use the IPAddress class to obtain a server
' IP addressess and related information.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Namespace Mssc.Services.ConnectionManagement
Module M_TestIPAddress
Class TestIPAddress
'The IPAddresses method obtains the selected server IP address information.
'It then displays the type of address family supported by the server and
'its IP address in standard and byte format.
Private Shared Sub IPAddresses(ByVal server As String)
Dim ASCII As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
' Get server related information.
Dim heserver As IPHostEntry = Dns.Resolve(server)
' Loop on the AddressList
Dim curAdd As IPAddress
For Each curAdd In heserver.AddressList
' Display the type of address family supported by the server. If the
' server is IPv6-enabled this value is: InterNetworkV6. If the server
' is also IPv4-enabled there will be an additional value of InterNetwork.
Console.WriteLine(("AddressFamily: " + curAdd.AddressFamily.ToString()))
' Display the ScopeId property in case of IPV6 addresses.
If curAdd.AddressFamily.ToString() = ProtocolFamily.InterNetworkV6.ToString() Then
Console.WriteLine(("Scope Id: " + curAdd.ScopeId.ToString()))
End If
' Display the server IP address in the standard format. In
' IPv4 the format will be dotted-quad notation, in IPv6 it will be
' in in colon-hexadecimal notation.
Console.WriteLine(("Address: " + curAdd.ToString()))
' Display the server IP address in byte format.
Console.Write("AddressBytes: ")
Dim bytes As [Byte]() = curAdd.GetAddressBytes()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
Next i
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf)
Next curAdd
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine(("[DoResolve] Exception: " + e.ToString()))
End Try
End Sub
' This IPAddressAdditionalInfo displays additional server address information.
Private Shared Sub IPAddressAdditionalInfo()
' Display the flags that show if the server supports IPv4 or IPv6
' address schemas.
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "SupportsIPv4: " + Socket.SupportsIPv4.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine(("SupportsIPv6: " + Socket.SupportsIPv6.ToString()))
If Socket.SupportsIPv6 Then
' Display the server Any address. This IP address indicates that the server
' should listen for client activity on all network interfaces.
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "IPv6Any: " + IPAddress.IPv6Any.ToString()))
' Display the server loopback address.
Console.WriteLine(("IPv6Loopback: " + IPAddress.IPv6Loopback.ToString()))
' Used during autoconfiguration first phase.
Console.WriteLine(("IPv6None: " + IPAddress.IPv6None.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine(("IsLoopback(IPv6Loopback): " + IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress.IPv6Loopback).ToString()))
End If
Console.WriteLine(("IsLoopback(Loopback): " + IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress.Loopback).ToString()))
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine(("[IPAddresses] Exception: " + e.ToString()))
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim server As String = Nothing
' Define a regular expression to parse user's input.
' This is a security check. It allows only
' alphanumeric input string between 2 to 40 character long.
Dim rex As New Regex("^[a-zA-Z]\w{1,39}$")
If args.Length < 1 Then
' If no server name is passed as an argument to this program, use the current
' server name as default.
server = Dns.GetHostName()
Console.WriteLine(("Using current host: " + server))
server = args(0)
If Not rex.Match(server).Success Then
Console.WriteLine("Input string format not allowed.")
End If
End If
' Get the list of the addresses associated with the requested server.
' Get additional address information.
End Sub
End Class
End Module
End Namespace
類別 IPAddress 包含IP網路上電腦的位址。
IPAddress(Byte[]) | |
IPAddress(Byte[], Int64) | |
IPAddress(Int64) | |
IPAddress(Read |
使用指定為位元組範圍的位址,初始化 IPAddress 類別的新執行個體。 |
IPAddress(Read |
使用指定為位元組範圍且具有指定範圍識別碼的位址,初始化 IPAddress 類別的新執行個體。 |
Any |
提供指示伺服器必須在所有網路介面上接聽用戶端活動的 IP 位址。 此欄位為唯讀。 |
Broadcast |
提供 IP 廣播位址。 此欄位為唯讀。 |
IPv6Any |
Bind(EndPoint) 方法使用 IPv6Any 欄位來表示 Socket 必須在所有網路介面上接聽用戶端活動。 |
IPv6Loopback |
提供 IP 回送位址。 這個屬性是唯讀的。 |
IPv6None |
提供 IP 位址,表示不可使用網路介面。 這個屬性是唯讀的。 |
Loopback |
提供 IP 回送位址。 此欄位為唯讀。 |
None |
提供 IP 位址,表示不可使用網路介面。 此欄位為唯讀。 |
Address |
網際網路通訊協定 (IP) 位址。 |
Address |
取得 IP 位址的位址家族。 |
Is |
取得 IP 位址是否為對應 IPv4 的 IPv6 位址。 |
Is |
取得位址是否為 IPv6 連結本機位址的資訊。 |
Is |
取得位址是否為 IPv6 多點傳送全域位址的資訊。 |
Is |
取得位址是否為 IPv6 站台本機位址的資訊。 |
Is |
取得值,這個值指出位址是否為 IPv6 Teredo 位址。 |
Is |
取得位址是否為 IPv6 唯一本機位址。 |
Scope |
取得或設定 IPv6 位址範圍識別項。 |
IFormattable. |
使用指定的格式,格式化目前執行個體的值。 |
IParsable<IPAddress>.Parse(String, IFormat |
將字串剖析成值。 |
IParsable<IPAddress>.Try |
試著將字串剖析為 IPAddress。 |
ISpan |
嘗試將目前實例的值格式化為提供的字元範圍。 |
ISpan |
將字元範圍剖析為值。 |
ISpan |
嘗試將字元範圍剖析成值。 |
IUtf8Span |
嘗試將目前實例的值格式化為UTF-8到提供的位元組範圍。 |
產品 | 版本 |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |