
UdpClient.JoinMulticastGroup 方法


UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。



UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

JoinMulticastGroup(Int32, IPAddress)

UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

JoinMulticastGroup(IPAddress, Int32)

使用指定的存活時間 (Time to Live,TTL) 將 UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

JoinMulticastGroup(IPAddress, IPAddress)

UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。



UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

 void JoinMulticastGroup(System::Net::IPAddress ^ multicastAddr);
public void JoinMulticastGroup (System.Net.IPAddress multicastAddr);
member this.JoinMulticastGroup : System.Net.IPAddress -> unit
Public Sub JoinMulticastGroup (multicastAddr As IPAddress)



您要聯結的群組其多點傳送 IPAddress


基礎 Socket 已關閉。


IP 位址與 AddressFamily 值不相容,這個值定義著通訊端的定址配置。



#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Threading;

// The following Receive class is used by both the ClientOriginator and
// the ClientTarget class to receive data from one another..
public ref class Receive

   // The following static method performs the actual data
   // exchange. In particular, it performs the following tasks:
   // 1)Establishes a communication endpoint.
   // 2)Receive data through this end point on behalf of the
   // caller.
   // 3) Returns the received data in ASCII format.
   static String^ ReceiveUntilStop( UdpClient^ c )
      String^ strData = "";
      String^ Ret = "";
      ASCIIEncoding^ ASCII = gcnew ASCIIEncoding;
      // Establish the communication endpoint.
      IPEndPoint^ endpoint = gcnew IPEndPoint( IPAddress::IPv6Any,50 );
      while (  !strData->Equals( "Over" ) )
         array<Byte>^data = c->Receive( endpoint );
         strData = ASCII->GetString( data );
         Ret = String::Concat( Ret, strData, "\n" );

      return Ret;


// The following Send class is used by both the ClientOriginator and
// ClientTarget classes to send data to one another.
public ref class Send
   static array<Char>^greetings = {'H','e','l','l','o',' ','T','a','r','g','e','t','->'};
   static array<Char>^nice = {'H','a','v','e',' ','a',' ','n','i','c','e',' ','d','a','y','->'};
   static array<Char>^eom = {'O','v','e','r'};
   static array<Char>^tGreetings = {'H','e','l','l','o',' ','O','r','i','g','i','n','a','t','o','r','!'};
   static array<Char>^tNice = {'Y','o','u',' ','t','o','o','->'};


   // The following static method sends data to the ClientTarget on
   // behalf of the ClientOriginator.
   static void OriginatorSendData( UdpClient^ c, IPEndPoint^ ep )
      Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( greetings ) );
      c->Send( GetByteArray( greetings ), greetings->Length, ep );
      Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
      Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( nice ) );
      c->Send( GetByteArray( nice ), nice->Length, ep );
      Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
      Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( eom ) );
      c->Send( GetByteArray( eom ), eom->Length, ep );

   // The following static method sends data to the ClientOriginator on
   // behalf of the ClientTarget.
   static void TargetSendData( UdpClient^ c, IPEndPoint^ ep )
      Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( tGreetings ) );
      c->Send( GetByteArray( tGreetings ), tGreetings->Length, ep );
      Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
      Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( tNice ) );
      c->Send( GetByteArray( tNice ), tNice->Length, ep );
      Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
      Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( eom ) );
      c->Send( GetByteArray( eom ), eom->Length, ep );


   // Internal utility
   static array<Byte>^ GetByteArray( array<Char>^ChArray )
      array<Byte>^Ret = gcnew array<Byte>(ChArray->Length);
      for ( int i = 0; i < ChArray->Length; i++ )
         Ret[ i ] = (Byte)ChArray[ i ];
      return Ret;


// The ClientTarget class is the receiver of the ClientOriginator
// messages. The StartMulticastConversation method contains the
// logic for exchanging data between the ClientTarget and its
// counterpart ClientOriginator in a multicast operation.
public ref class ClientTarget
   static UdpClient^ m_ClientTarget;
   static IPAddress^ m_GrpAddr;


   // The following StartMulticastConversation method connects the UDP
   // ClientTarget with the ClientOriginator.
   // It performs the following main tasks:
   // 1)Creates a UDP client to receive data on a specific port and using
   // IPv6 addresses. The port is the same one used by the ClientOriginator
   // to define its communication endpoint.
   // 2)Joins or creates a multicast group at the specified address.
   // 3)Defines the endpoint port to send data to the ClientOriginator.
   // 4)Receives data from the ClientOriginator until the end of the
   // communication.
   // 5)Sends data to the ClientOriginator.
   // Note this method is the counterpart of the
   // ClientOriginator::ConnectOriginatorAndTarget().
   static void StartMulticastConversation()
      String^ Ret;
      // Bind and listen on port 1000. Specify the IPv6 address family type.
      m_ClientTarget = gcnew UdpClient( 1000,AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6 );
      // Join or create a multicast group
      m_GrpAddr = IPAddress::Parse( "FF01::1" );
      // Use the overloaded JoinMulticastGroup method.
      // Refer to the ClientOriginator method to see how to use the other
      // methods.
      m_ClientTarget->JoinMulticastGroup( m_GrpAddr );
      // Define the endpoint data port. Note that this port number
      // must match the ClientOriginator UDP port number which is the
      // port on which the ClientOriginator is receiving data.
      IPEndPoint^ ClientOriginatordest = gcnew IPEndPoint( m_GrpAddr,2000 );
      // Receive data from the ClientOriginator.
      Ret = Receive::ReceiveUntilStop( m_ClientTarget );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe ClientTarget received: \n\n {0}\n", Ret );
      // Done receiving, now respond to the ClientOriginator.
      // Wait to make sure the ClientOriginator is ready to receive.
      Thread::Sleep( 2000 );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe ClientTarget sent:\n" );
      Send::TargetSendData( m_ClientTarget, ClientOriginatordest );
      // Exit the multicast conversation.
      m_ClientTarget->DropMulticastGroup( m_GrpAddr );


// The following ClientOriginator class starts the multicast conversation
// with the ClientTarget class..
// It performs the following main tasks:
// 1)Creates a socket and binds it to the port on which to communicate.
// 2)Specifies that the connection must use an IPv6 address.
// 3)Joins or create a multicast group.
//   Note that the multicast address ranges to use are specified
//   in the RFC#2375.
// 4)Defines the endpoint to send the data to and starts the
// client target (ClientTarget) thread.
public ref class ClientOriginator
   static UdpClient^ clientOriginator;
   static IPAddress^ m_GrpAddr;
   static IPEndPoint^ m_ClientTargetdest;
   static Thread^ m_t;


   // The ConnectOriginatorAndTarget method connects the
   // ClientOriginator with the ClientTarget.
   // It performs the following main tasks:
   // 1)Creates a UDP client to receive data on a specific port
   //   using IPv6 addresses.
   // 2)Joins or create a multicast group at the specified address.
   // 3)Defines the endpoint port to send data to on the ClientTarget.
   // 4)Starts the ClientTarget thread that also creates the ClientTarget Object*.
   // Note this method is the counterpart of the
   // ClientTarget::StartMulticastConversation().
   static bool ConnectOriginatorAndTarget()
         // Bind and listen on port 2000. This constructor creates a socket
         // and binds it to the port on which to receive data. The family
         // parameter specifies that this connection uses an IPv6 address.
         clientOriginator = gcnew UdpClient( 2000,AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6 );
         // Join or create a multicast group. The multicast address ranges
         // to use are specified in RFC#2375. You are free to use
         // different addresses.
         // Transform the String* address into the internal format.
         m_GrpAddr = IPAddress::Parse( "FF01::1" );
         // Display the multicast address used.
         Console::WriteLine( "Multicast Address: [ {0}]", m_GrpAddr );
         // Exercise the use of the IPv6MulticastOption.
         Console::WriteLine( "Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption(IPAddress)" );
         // Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using one of the
         // overloaded constructors.
         IPv6MulticastOption^ ipv6MulticastOption = gcnew IPv6MulticastOption( m_GrpAddr );
         // Store the IPAdress multicast options.
         IPAddress^ group = ipv6MulticastOption->Group;
         __int64 interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption->InterfaceIndex;
         // Display IPv6MulticastOption properties.
         Console::WriteLine( "IPv6MulticastOption::Group: [ {0}]", group );
         Console::WriteLine( "IPv6MulticastOption::InterfaceIndex: [ {0}]", interfaceIndex );
         // Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using another
         // overloaded constructor.
         IPv6MulticastOption^ ipv6MulticastOption2 = gcnew IPv6MulticastOption( group,interfaceIndex );
         // Store the IPAdress multicast options.
         group = ipv6MulticastOption2->Group;
         interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption2->InterfaceIndex;
         // Display the IPv6MulticastOption2 properties.
         Console::WriteLine( "IPv6MulticastOption::Group: [ {0} ]", group );
         Console::WriteLine( "IPv6MulticastOption::InterfaceIndex: [ {0} ]", interfaceIndex );
         // Join the specified multicast group using one of the
         // JoinMulticastGroup overloaded methods.
         clientOriginator->JoinMulticastGroup( (int)interfaceIndex, group );
         // Define the endpoint data port. Note that this port number
         // must match the ClientTarget UDP port number which is the
         // port on which the ClientTarget is receiving data.
         m_ClientTargetdest = gcnew IPEndPoint( m_GrpAddr,1000 );
         // Start the ClientTarget thread so it is ready to receive.
         m_t = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( ClientTarget::StartMulticastConversation ) );
         // Make sure that the thread has started.
         Thread::Sleep( 2000 );
         return true;
      catch ( Exception^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "[ClientOriginator::ConnectClients] Exception: {0}", e );
         return false;


   // The SendAndReceive performs the data exchange
   // between the ClientOriginator and the ClientTarget classes.
   static String^ SendAndReceive()
      String^ Ret = "";
      // Send data to ClientTarget.
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe ClientOriginator sent:\n" );
      Send::OriginatorSendData( clientOriginator, m_ClientTargetdest );
      // Receive data from ClientTarget
      Ret = Receive::ReceiveUntilStop( clientOriginator );
      // Stop the ClientTarget thread
      // Abandon the multicast group.
      clientOriginator->DropMulticastGroup( m_GrpAddr );
      return Ret;


//This is the console application entry point.
int main()
   // Join the multicast group.
   if ( ClientOriginator::ConnectOriginatorAndTarget() )
      // Perform a multicast conversation with the ClientTarget.
      String^ Ret = ClientOriginator::SendAndReceive();
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe ClientOriginator received: \n\n {0}", Ret );
      Console::WriteLine( "Unable to Join the multicast group" );
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;

namespace Mssc.TransportProtocols.Utilities

  // The following Receive class is used by both the ClientOriginator and
  // the ClientTarget class to receive data from one another..
  public class Receive
    // The following static method performs the actual data
    // exchange. In particular, it performs the following tasks:
    // 1)Establishes a communication endpoint.
    // 2)Receive data through this end point on behalf of the
    // caller.
    // 3) Returns the received data in ASCII format.
    public static string ReceiveUntilStop(UdpClient c)
        String strData = "";
        String Ret = "";
        ASCIIEncoding ASCII = new ASCIIEncoding();

        // Establish the communication endpoint.
        IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 50);

        while (!strData.Equals("Over"))
          Byte[] data = c.Receive(ref endpoint);
          strData = ASCII.GetString(data);
          Ret += strData  + "\n";
        return Ret;

  // The following Send class is used by both the ClientOriginator and
  // ClientTarget classes to send data to one another.
  public class Send
    private static char[] greetings = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ',
                                      'T', 'a', 'r', 'g', 'e', 't', '.' };
    private static char[] nice      = { 'H', 'a', 'v', 'e', ' ', 'a', ' ', 'n', 'i',
                                      'c', 'e', ' ', 'd', 'a', 'y', '.' };
    private static char [] eom      = { 'O', 'v', 'e', 'r'};

    private static char[] tGreetings = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ',
                                       'O', 'r', 'i', 'g', 'i', 'n', 'a', 't', 'o', 'r', '!' };
    private static char[] tNice  = { 'Y', 'o', 'u', ' ', 't', 'o', 'o', '.'};

    // The following static method sends data to the ClientTarget on
    // behalf of the ClientOriginator.
    public static void OriginatorSendData(UdpClient c, IPEndPoint ep)
      Console.WriteLine(new string(greetings));
      c.Send(GetByteArray(greetings), greetings.Length, ep);

      Console.WriteLine(new String(nice));
      c.Send(GetByteArray(nice), nice.Length, ep);

      Console.WriteLine(new String(eom));
      c.Send(GetByteArray(eom), eom.Length, ep);

    // The following static method sends data to the ClientOriginator on
    // behalf of the ClientTarget.
    public static void TargetSendData(UdpClient c, IPEndPoint ep)
      Console.WriteLine(new string(tGreetings));
      c.Send(GetByteArray(tGreetings), tGreetings.Length, ep);

      Console.WriteLine(new String(tNice));
      c.Send(GetByteArray(tNice), tNice.Length, ep);

      Console.WriteLine(new String(eom));
      c.Send(GetByteArray(eom), eom.Length, ep);
    // Internal utility
    private static Byte[] GetByteArray(Char[] ChArray)
      Byte[] Ret = new Byte[ChArray.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < ChArray.Length; i++)
        Ret[i] = (Byte) ChArray[i];
      return Ret;

  // The ClientTarget class is the receiver of the ClientOriginator
  // messages. The StartMulticastConversation method contains the
  // logic for exchanging data between the ClientTarget and its
  // counterpart ClientOriginator in a multicast operation.
  public class ClientTarget
    private static UdpClient m_ClientTarget;
    private static IPAddress m_GrpAddr;

    // The following StartMulticastConversation method connects the UDP
    // ClientTarget with the ClientOriginator.
    // It performs the following main tasks:
    // 1)Creates a UDP client to receive data on a specific port and using
    // IPv6 addresses. The port is the same one used by the ClientOriginator
    // to define its communication endpoint.
    // 2)Joins or creates a multicast group at the specified address.
    // 3)Defines the endpoint port to send data to the ClientOriginator.
    // 4)Receives data from the ClientOriginator until the end of the
    // communication.
    // 5)Sends data to the ClientOriginator.
    // Note this method is the counterpart of the
    // ClientOriginator.ConnectOriginatorAndTarget().
    public static void StartMulticastConversation()
      string Ret;

      // Bind and listen on port 1000. Specify the IPv6 address family type.
      m_ClientTarget = new UdpClient(1000, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6);

      // Join or create a multicast group
      m_GrpAddr = IPAddress.Parse("FF01::1");

      // Use the overloaded JoinMulticastGroup method.
      // Refer to the ClientOriginator method to see how to use the other
      // methods.

      // Define the endpoint data port. Note that this port number
      // must match the ClientOriginator UDP port number which is the
      // port on which the ClientOriginator is receiving data.
      IPEndPoint ClientOriginatordest = new IPEndPoint(m_GrpAddr, 2000);

      // Receive data from the ClientOriginator.
      Ret = Receive.ReceiveUntilStop(m_ClientTarget);
      Console.WriteLine("\nThe ClientTarget received: " + "\n\n" + Ret + "\n");

      // Done receiving, now respond to the ClientOriginator.

      // Wait to make sure the ClientOriginator is ready to receive.

      Console.WriteLine("\nThe ClientTarget sent:\n");

      Send.TargetSendData(m_ClientTarget, ClientOriginatordest);

      // Exit the multicast conversation.

  // The following ClientOriginator class starts the multicast conversation
  // with the ClientTarget class..
  // It performs the following main tasks:
  // 1)Creates a socket and binds it to the port on which to communicate.
  // 2)Specifies that the connection must use an IPv6 address.
  // 3)Joins or create a multicast group.
  //   Note that the multicast address ranges to use are specified
  //   in the RFC#2375.
  // 4)Defines the endpoint to send the data to and starts the
  // client target (ClientTarget) thread.
  public class ClientOriginator
    private static UdpClient clientOriginator;
    private static IPAddress m_GrpAddr;
    private static IPEndPoint m_ClientTargetdest;
    private static Thread m_t;

    // The ConnectOriginatorAndTarget method connects the
    // ClientOriginator with the ClientTarget.
    // It performs the following main tasks:
    // 1)Creates a UDP client to receive data on a specific port
    //   using IPv6 addresses.
    // 2)Joins or create a multicast group at the specified address.
    // 3)Defines the endpoint port to send data to on the ClientTarget.
    // 4)Starts the ClientTarget thread that also creates the ClientTarget object.
    // Note this method is the counterpart of the
    // ClientTarget.StartMulticastConversation().
    public static bool ConnectOriginatorAndTarget()

        // Bind and listen on port 2000. This constructor creates a socket
        // and binds it to the port on which to receive data. The family
        // parameter specifies that this connection uses an IPv6 address.
        clientOriginator = new UdpClient(2000, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6);

        // Join or create a multicast group. The multicast address ranges
        // to use are specified in RFC#2375. You are free to use
        // different addresses.

        // Transform the string address into the internal format.
        m_GrpAddr = IPAddress.Parse("FF01::1");

        // Display the multicast address used.
        Console.WriteLine("Multicast Address: [" + m_GrpAddr.ToString() + "]");

        // Exercise the use of the IPv6MulticastOption.
        Console.WriteLine("Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption(IPAddress)");

        // Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using one of the
        // overloaded constructors.
        IPv6MulticastOption ipv6MulticastOption = new IPv6MulticastOption(m_GrpAddr);

        // Store the IPAdress multicast options.
        IPAddress group =  ipv6MulticastOption.Group;
        long interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex;

        // Display IPv6MulticastOption properties.
        Console.WriteLine("IPv6MulticastOption.Group: [" + group  + "]");
        Console.WriteLine("IPv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex: [" + interfaceIndex + "]");

        // Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using another
        // overloaded constructor.
        IPv6MulticastOption ipv6MulticastOption2 = new IPv6MulticastOption(group, interfaceIndex);

        // Store the IPAdress multicast options.
        group =  ipv6MulticastOption2.Group;
        interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption2.InterfaceIndex;

        // Display the IPv6MulticastOption2 properties.
        Console.WriteLine("IPv6MulticastOption.Group: [" + group  + "]");
        Console.WriteLine("IPv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex: [" + interfaceIndex + "]");

        // Join the specified multicast group using one of the
        // JoinMulticastGroup overloaded methods.
        clientOriginator.JoinMulticastGroup((int)interfaceIndex, group);

        // Define the endpoint data port. Note that this port number
        // must match the ClientTarget UDP port number which is the
        // port on which the ClientTarget is receiving data.
        m_ClientTargetdest = new IPEndPoint(m_GrpAddr, 1000);

        // Start the ClientTarget thread so it is ready to receive.
        m_t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ClientTarget.StartMulticastConversation));

        // Make sure that the thread has started.

        return true;
      catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("[ClientOriginator.ConnectClients] Exception: " + e.ToString());
        return false;

    // The SendAndReceive performs the data exchange
    // between the ClientOriginator and the ClientTarget classes.
    public static string SendAndReceive()
      string Ret = "";

      // Send data to ClientTarget.
      Console.WriteLine("\nThe ClientOriginator sent:\n");
      Send.OriginatorSendData(clientOriginator, m_ClientTargetdest);

      // Receive data from ClientTarget
      Ret = Receive.ReceiveUntilStop(clientOriginator);

      // Stop the ClientTarget thread

      // Abandon the multicast group.

      return Ret;

    //This is the console application entry point.
    public static void Main()
      // Join the multicast group.
      if (ConnectOriginatorAndTarget())
        // Perform a multicast conversation with the ClientTarget.
        string Ret = SendAndReceive();
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe ClientOriginator received: " + "\n\n" + Ret);
        Console.WriteLine("Unable to Join the multicast group");
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading

' The following Receive class is used by both the ClientOriginator and 
' the ClientTarget class to receive data from one another..

Public Class Receive
   ' The following static method performs the actual data
   ' exchange. In particular, it performs the following tasks:
   ' 1)Establishes a communication endpoint.
   ' 2)Receive data through this end point on behalf of the
   ' caller.
   ' 3) Returns the received data in ASCII format.
   Public Shared Function ReceiveUntilStop(c As UdpClient) As String
      Dim strData As [String] = ""
      Dim Ret As [String] = ""
      Dim ASCII As New ASCIIEncoding()
      ' Establish the communication endpoint.
      Dim endpoint As New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 50)
      While Not strData.Equals("Over")
         Dim data As [Byte]() = c.Receive(endpoint)
         strData = ASCII.GetString(data)
         Ret += strData + ControlChars.Lf
      End While
      Return Ret
   End Function 'ReceiveUntilStop
End Class

' The following Send class is used by both the ClientOriginator and 
' ClientTarget classes to send data to one another.

Public Class Send
   Private Shared greetings As Char() =  {"H"c, "e"c, "l"c, "l"c, "o"c, " "c, "T"c, "a"c, "r"c, "g"c, "e"c, "t"c, "."c}
   Private Shared nice As Char() =  {"H"c, "a"c, "v"c, "e"c, " "c, "a"c, " "c, "n"c, "i"c, "c"c, "e"c, " "c, "d"c, "a"c, "y"c, "."c}
   Private Shared eom As Char() =  {"O"c, "v"c, "e"c, "r"c}
   Private Shared tGreetings As Char() =  {"H"c, "e"c, "l"c, "l"c, "o"c, " "c, "O"c, "r"c, "i"c, "g"c, "i"c, "n"c, "a"c, "t"c, "o"c, "r"c, "!"c}
   Private Shared tNice As Char() =  {"Y"c, "o"c, "u"c, " "c, "t"c, "o"c, "o"c, "."c}
   ' The following static method sends data to the ClientTarget on 
   ' behalf of the ClientOriginator.
   Public Shared Sub OriginatorSendData(c As UdpClient, ep As IPEndPoint)
      Console.WriteLine(New String(greetings))
      c.Send(GetByteArray(greetings), greetings.Length, ep)
      Console.WriteLine(New [String](nice))
      c.Send(GetByteArray(nice), nice.Length, ep)
      Console.WriteLine(New [String](eom))
      c.Send(GetByteArray(eom), eom.Length, ep)
   End Sub
   ' The following static method sends data to the ClientOriginator on 
   ' behalf of the ClientTarget.
   Public Shared Sub TargetSendData(c As UdpClient, ep As IPEndPoint)
      Console.WriteLine(New String(tGreetings))
      c.Send(GetByteArray(tGreetings), tGreetings.Length, ep)
      Console.WriteLine(New [String](tNice))
      c.Send(GetByteArray(tNice), tNice.Length, ep)
      Console.WriteLine(New [String](eom))
      c.Send(GetByteArray(eom), eom.Length, ep)
   End Sub
   ' Internal utility 
   Public Shared Function GetByteArray(ChArray() As [Char]) As [Byte]()
      Dim Ret(ChArray.Length) As [Byte]
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To ChArray.Length - 1
         Ret(i) = AscW(ChArray(i))
      Next i 
      Return Ret
   End Function 'GetByteArray

End Class

' The ClientTarget class is the receiver of the ClientOriginator 
' messages. The StartMulticastConversation method contains the 
' logic for exchanging data between the ClientTarget and its 
' counterpart ClientOriginator in a multicast operation.

Public Class ClientTarget
   Private Shared m_ClientTarget As UdpClient
   Private Shared m_GrpAddr As IPAddress
   ' The following StartMulticastConversation method connects the UDP 
   ' ClientTarget with the ClientOriginator. 
   ' It performs the following main tasks:
   ' 1)Creates a UDP client to receive data on a specific port and using 
   ' IPv6 addresses. The port is the same one used by the ClientOriginator 
   ' to define its communication endpoint.
   ' 2)Joins or creates a multicast group at the specified address.  
   ' 3)Defines the endpoint port to send data to the ClientOriginator.
   ' 4)Receives data from the ClientOriginator until the end of the 
   ' communication.
   ' 5)Sends data to the ClientOriginator.
   ' Note this method is the counterpart of the 
   ' ClientOriginator.ConnectOriginatorAndTarget().
   Public Shared Sub StartMulticastConversation()
      Dim Ret As String
      ' Bind and listen on port 1000. Specify the IPv6 address family type.
      m_ClientTarget = New UdpClient(1000, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
      ' Join or create a multicast group
      m_GrpAddr = IPAddress.Parse("FF01::1")
      ' Use the overloaded JoinMulticastGroup method.  
      ' Refer to the ClientOriginator method to see how to use the other 
      ' methods.
      ' Define the endpoint data port. Note that this port number
      ' must match the ClientOriginator UDP port number which is the
      ' port on which the ClientOriginator is receiving data.
      Dim ClientOriginatordest As New IPEndPoint(m_GrpAddr, 2000)
      ' Receive data from the ClientOriginator.
      Ret = Receive.ReceiveUntilStop(m_ClientTarget)
      Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + "The ClientTarget received: " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Lf + Ret + ControlChars.Lf))
      ' Done receiving, now respond to the ClientOriginator.
      ' Wait to make sure the ClientOriginator is ready to receive.
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "The ClientTarget sent:" + ControlChars.Lf)
      Send.TargetSendData(m_ClientTarget, ClientOriginatordest)
      ' Exit the multicast conversation. 
   End Sub
End Class

' The following ClientOriginator class starts the multicast conversation
' with the ClientTarget class.. 
' It performs the following main tasks:
' 1)Creates a socket and binds it to the port on which to communicate.
' 2)Specifies that the connection must use an IPv6 address.
' 3)Joins or create a multicast group. 
'   Note that the multicast address ranges to use are specified 
'   in the RFC#2375. 
' 4)Defines the endpoint to send the data to and starts the 
' client target (ClientTarget) thread.

Public Class ClientOriginator
   Private Shared clientOriginator As UdpClient
   Private Shared m_GrpAddr As IPAddress
   Private Shared m_ClientTargetdest As IPEndPoint
   Private Shared m_t As Thread
   ' The ConnectOriginatorAndTarget method connects the 
   ' ClientOriginator with the ClientTarget.
   ' It performs the following main tasks:
   ' 1)Creates a UDP client to receive data on a specific port 
   '   using IPv6 addresses. 
   ' 2)Joins or create a multicast group at the specified address.  
   ' 3)Defines the endpoint port to send data to on the ClientTarget.
   ' 4)Starts the ClientTarget thread that also creates the ClientTarget object.
   ' Note this method is the counterpart of the 
   ' ClientTarget.StartMulticastConversation().
   Public Shared Function ConnectOriginatorAndTarget() As Boolean
         ' Bind and listen on port 2000. This constructor creates a socket 
         ' and binds it to the port on which to receive data. The family 
         ' parameter specifies that this connection uses an IPv6 address.
         clientOriginator = New UdpClient(2000, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
         ' Join or create a multicast group. The multicast address ranges 
         ' to use are specified in RFC#2375. You are free to use 
         ' different addresses.
         ' Transform the string address into the internal format.
         m_GrpAddr = IPAddress.Parse("FF01::1")
         ' Display the multicast address used.
         Console.WriteLine(("Multicast Address: [" + m_GrpAddr.ToString() + "]"))
         ' Exercise the use of the IPv6MulticastOption.
         Console.WriteLine("Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption(IPAddress)")
         ' Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using one of the 
         ' overloaded constructors.
         Dim ipv6MulticastOption As New IPv6MulticastOption(m_GrpAddr)
         ' Store the IPAdress multicast options.
         Dim group As IPAddress = ipv6MulticastOption.Group
         Dim interfaceIndex As Long = ipv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex
         ' Display IPv6MulticastOption properties.
         Console.WriteLine(("IPv6MulticastOption.Group: [" + group.ToString() + "]"))
         Console.WriteLine(("IPv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex: [" + interfaceIndex.ToString() + "]"))
         ' Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using another 
         ' overloaded constructor.
         Dim ipv6MulticastOption2 As New IPv6MulticastOption(group, interfaceIndex)
         ' Store the IPAdress multicast options.
         group = ipv6MulticastOption2.Group
         interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption2.InterfaceIndex
         ' Display the IPv6MulticastOption2 properties.
         Console.WriteLine(("IPv6MulticastOption.Group: [" + group.ToString() + "]"))
         Console.WriteLine(("IPv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex: [" + interfaceIndex.ToString() + "]"))
         ' Join the specified multicast group using one of the 
         ' JoinMulticastGroup overloaded methods.
         clientOriginator.JoinMulticastGroup(Fix(interfaceIndex), group)
         ' Define the endpoint data port. Note that this port number
         ' must match the ClientTarget UDP port number which is the
         ' port on which the ClientTarget is receiving data.
         m_ClientTargetdest = New IPEndPoint(m_GrpAddr, 1000)
         ' Start the ClientTarget thread so it is ready to receive.
         m_t = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf ClientTarget.StartMulticastConversation))
         ' Make sure that the thread has started.
         Return True
      Catch e As Exception
         Console.WriteLine(("[ClientOriginator.ConnectClients] Exception: " + e.ToString()))
         Return False
      End Try
   End Function 'ConnectOriginatorAndTarget
   ' The SendAndReceive performs the data exchange  
   ' between the ClientOriginator and the ClientTarget classes.
   Public Shared Function SendAndReceive() As String
      Dim Ret As String = ""
      ' Send data to ClientTarget.
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "The ClientOriginator sent:" + ControlChars.Lf)
      Send.OriginatorSendData(clientOriginator, m_ClientTargetdest)
      ' Receive data from ClientTarget
      Ret = Receive.ReceiveUntilStop(clientOriginator)
      ' Stop the ClientTarget thread
      ' Abandon the multicast group.
      Return Ret
   End Function 'SendAndReceive
   'This is the console application entry point.
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Join the multicast group.
      If ConnectOriginatorAndTarget() Then
         ' Perform a multicast conversation with the ClientTarget.
         Dim Ret As String = SendAndReceive()
         Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + "The ClientOriginator received: " + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Lf + Ret))
         Console.WriteLine("Unable to Join the multicast group")
      End If
   End Sub
End Class


方法 JoinMulticastGroupUdpClient 使用指定的 IPAddress訂閱多播群組。 呼叫 JoinMulticastGroup 方法之後,基礎 Socket 會將因特網群組管理通訊協定 (IGMP) 封包傳送至要求多播群組成員資格的路由器。 多播位址範圍是 到。 如果您指定超出此範圍的位址,或要求未啟用多播的路由器, UdpClient 將會擲回 SocketException。 如果您收到 SocketException,請使用 SocketException.ErrorCode 來取得特定的錯誤碼。 取得此程式代碼之後,您可以參閱 Windows Sockets 第 2 版 API 錯誤碼 檔,以取得錯誤的詳細描述。 UdpClient當路由器列為多播群組的成員之後,它就能夠接收傳送至指定 IPAddress之的多播數據報。


您必須使用多播埠號碼建立 UdpClient ,否則您將無法接收多播數據報。 請勿在呼叫 方法之前呼叫 ConnectJoinMulticastGroup 方法,否則 Receive 方法將無法運作。 您不需要屬於多播群組,即可將數據報傳送至多播IP位址。

加入多播群組之前,請確定套接字已系結至埠或端點。 您可以呼叫其中一個接受埠或連接點做為參數的建構函式來執行此動作。

若要停止接收多播數據報,請呼叫 DropMulticastGroup 方法,並提供 IPAddress 您想要從中撤銷的群組。


在 IPv6 案例中,您可以選擇數個多播地址範圍。 請參閱 IETF RFC 2375。


您無法在沒有UdpClient()使用 或 UdpClient(AddressFamily) 建構函式) 的特定本機埠 (上UdpClient呼叫 JoinMulticastGroup



JoinMulticastGroup(Int32, IPAddress)


UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

 void JoinMulticastGroup(int ifindex, System::Net::IPAddress ^ multicastAddr);
public void JoinMulticastGroup (int ifindex, System.Net.IPAddress multicastAddr);
member this.JoinMulticastGroup : int * System.Net.IPAddress -> unit
Public Sub JoinMulticastGroup (ifindex As Integer, multicastAddr As IPAddress)



要加入多點傳送群組的本機 IP 位址相關聯的介面索引。


您要聯結的群組其多點傳送 IPAddress


基礎 Socket 已關閉。



// Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using another
// overloaded constructor.
IPv6MulticastOption^ ipv6MulticastOption2 = gcnew IPv6MulticastOption( group,interfaceIndex );

// Store the IPAdress multicast options.
group = ipv6MulticastOption2->Group;
interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption2->InterfaceIndex;

// Display the IPv6MulticastOption2 properties.
Console::WriteLine( "IPv6MulticastOption::Group: [ {0} ]", group );
Console::WriteLine( "IPv6MulticastOption::InterfaceIndex: [ {0} ]", interfaceIndex );

// Join the specified multicast group using one of the
// JoinMulticastGroup overloaded methods.
clientOriginator->JoinMulticastGroup( (int)interfaceIndex, group );

// Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using another
// overloaded constructor.
IPv6MulticastOption ipv6MulticastOption2 = new IPv6MulticastOption(group, interfaceIndex);

// Store the IPAdress multicast options.
group =  ipv6MulticastOption2.Group;
interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption2.InterfaceIndex;

// Display the IPv6MulticastOption2 properties.
Console.WriteLine("IPv6MulticastOption.Group: [" + group  + "]");
Console.WriteLine("IPv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex: [" + interfaceIndex + "]");

// Join the specified multicast group using one of the
// JoinMulticastGroup overloaded methods.
clientOriginator.JoinMulticastGroup((int)interfaceIndex, group);
' Instantiate IPv6MulticastOption using another 
' overloaded constructor.
Dim ipv6MulticastOption2 As New IPv6MulticastOption(group, interfaceIndex)

' Store the IPAdress multicast options.
group = ipv6MulticastOption2.Group
interfaceIndex = ipv6MulticastOption2.InterfaceIndex

' Display the IPv6MulticastOption2 properties.
Console.WriteLine(("IPv6MulticastOption.Group: [" + group.ToString() + "]"))
Console.WriteLine(("IPv6MulticastOption.InterfaceIndex: [" + interfaceIndex.ToString() + "]"))

' Join the specified multicast group using one of the 
' JoinMulticastGroup overloaded methods.
clientOriginator.JoinMulticastGroup(Fix(interfaceIndex), group)


加入多播群組之前,請確定套接字已系結至埠或端點。 您可以呼叫其中一個接受埠或連接點做為參數的建構函式來執行此動作。

參數 infindex 是用來識別相同連結上的硬體介面。


有數個多播位址範圍可供選擇。 請參閱 IETF RFC 2375。


您無法在沒有UdpClient.UdpClient()使用 或 UdpClient.UdpClient(AddressFamily) 建構函式) 的特定本機埠 (上UdpClient呼叫 JoinMulticastGroup


JoinMulticastGroup(IPAddress, Int32)


使用指定的存活時間 (Time to Live,TTL) 將 UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

 void JoinMulticastGroup(System::Net::IPAddress ^ multicastAddr, int timeToLive);
public void JoinMulticastGroup (System.Net.IPAddress multicastAddr, int timeToLive);
member this.JoinMulticastGroup : System.Net.IPAddress * int -> unit
Public Sub JoinMulticastGroup (multicastAddr As IPAddress, timeToLive As Integer)



要聯結的多點傳送群組其 IPAddress


存活時間 (TTL),以路由器躍點為測量單位。


提供的 TTL 沒有位於 0 和 255 之間

基礎 Socket 已關閉。



IP 位址與 AddressFamily 值不相容,這個值定義著通訊端的定址配置。



UdpClient^ udpClient = gcnew UdpClient;
// Creates an IPAddress to use to join and drop the multicast group.
IPAddress^ multicastIpAddress = IPAddress::Parse( "" );

   // The packet dies after 50 router hops.
   udpClient->JoinMulticastGroup( multicastIpAddress, 50 );
catch ( Exception^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( e->ToString() );
UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient();
// Creates an IPAddress to use to join and drop the multicast group.
IPAddress multicastIpAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");

     // The packet dies after 50 router hops.
     udpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastIpAddress, 50);
catch ( Exception e ){
    Console.WriteLine( e.ToString());
Dim udpClient As New UdpClient()
' Creates an IP address to use to join and drop the multicast group.
Dim multicastIpAddress As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse("")

   ' The packet dies after 50 router hops.
   udpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastIpAddress, 50)
Catch e As Exception
End Try


方法 JoinMulticastGroupUdpClient 使用指定的 IPAddress訂閱多播群組。 呼叫 JoinMulticastGroup 方法之後,基礎 Socket 會將因特網群組管理通訊協定 (IGMP) 封包傳送至要求多播群組成員資格的路由器。 多播位址範圍是 到。 如果您指定超出此範圍的位址,或要求未啟用多播的路由器, UdpClient 將會擲回 SocketException。 如果您收到 SocketException,請使用 SocketException.ErrorCode 來取得特定的錯誤碼。 取得此程式代碼之後,您可以參閱 Windows Sockets 第 2 版 API 錯誤碼 檔,以取得錯誤的詳細描述。 參數 timeToLive 會指定在捨棄多播數據報之前,將允許多少路由器躍點。 UdpClient當路由器列為多播群組的成員之後,它就能夠接收傳送至指定 IPAddress之的多播數據報。


您必須使用多播埠號碼建立 , UdpClient 否則您將無法接收多播數據報。 請勿在呼叫 方法之前呼叫 ConnectJoinMulticastGroup 方法,否則接收方法將無法運作。 您不需要屬於多播群組,即可將數據報傳送至多播IP位址。

加入多播群組之前,請確定套接字已系結至埠或端點。 您可以呼叫其中一個接受做為埠或端點參數的建構函式來執行此動作。

若要停止接收多播數據報,請呼叫 DropMulticastGroup 方法,並提供 IPAddress 您想要從中撤銷的群組。


您無法在沒有UdpClient()使用 或 UdpClient(AddressFamily) 建構函式) 的特定本機埠 (上UdpClient呼叫 JoinMulticastGroup



JoinMulticastGroup(IPAddress, IPAddress)


UdpClient 加入至多點傳送群組。

 void JoinMulticastGroup(System::Net::IPAddress ^ multicastAddr, System::Net::IPAddress ^ localAddress);
public void JoinMulticastGroup (System.Net.IPAddress multicastAddr, System.Net.IPAddress localAddress);
member this.JoinMulticastGroup : System.Net.IPAddress * System.Net.IPAddress -> unit
Public Sub JoinMulticastGroup (multicastAddr As IPAddress, localAddress As IPAddress)



您要聯結的群組其多點傳送 IPAddress


本機 IPAddress


基礎 Socket 已關閉。



下列程式代碼範例顯示 方法的使用 JoinMulticastGroup 方式。

// Subscribe to a multicast group.
static void DoJoinMulticastGroup( UdpClient^ u, String^ mcast, String^ local )
   array<IPAddress^>^ multicastAddress = Dns::GetHostAddresses( mcast );

   u->JoinMulticastGroup( multicastAddress[0] );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Joined multicast Address {0}", multicastAddress );
// Subscribe to a multicast group.
public static void DoJoinMulticastGroup(UdpClient u, string mcast)
    IPAddress[] multicastAddress = Dns.GetHostAddresses(mcast);

    Console.WriteLine("Joined multicast Address {0}",


在加入多播群組之前,請確定套接字已系結至埠或端點。 您可以呼叫其中一個接受埠或連接點做為參數的建構函式來執行此動作。


有數個多播位址範圍可供選擇。 您可以在 IETF RFC 2375 中找到它們。


您無法在沒有UdpClient()使用 或 UdpClient(AddressFamily) 建構函式) 的特定本機埠 (上UdpClient呼叫 JoinMulticastGroup
