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Predicate<T> 代理人



generic <typename T>
public delegate bool Predicate(T obj);
public delegate bool Predicate<in T>(T obj);
public delegate bool Predicate<T>(T obj);
type Predicate<'T> = delegate of 'T -> bool
Public Delegate Function Predicate(Of In T)(obj As T) As Boolean 
Public Delegate Function Predicate(Of T)(obj As T) As Boolean 




這是反變數的型別參數。 也就是說,您可以使用您指定的類型,或衍生程度較低的任何類型。 如需共變數與反變數的詳細資訊,請參閱泛型中的共變數與反變數






如果 obj 符合這個委派表示方法中所定義的準則,則為 true,否則為 false


下列程式碼範例會搭配 方法使用 Predicate<T> 委派 Array.Find 來搜尋結構的陣列 Point 。 此範例會明確定義 Predicate<T> 名為 predicate 的委派,並為其指派名為 FindPoints 的方法,如果 和 Point.Y 欄位的 Point.X 乘積大於 100,000,則傳回 true 此方法。 請注意,使用 Lambda 運算式而不是明確定義 類型的 Predicate<T> 委派是自訂的,如第二個範例所示。

using System;
using System.Drawing;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      // Create an array of Point structures.
      Point[] points = { new Point(100, 200),
                         new Point(150, 250), new Point(250, 375),
                         new Point(275, 395), new Point(295, 450) };

      // Define the Predicate<T> delegate.
      Predicate<Point> predicate = FindPoints;

      // Find the first Point structure for which X times Y
      // is greater than 100000.
      Point first = Array.Find(points, predicate);

      // Display the first structure found.
      Console.WriteLine("Found: X = {0}, Y = {1}", first.X, first.Y);

   private static bool FindPoints(Point obj)
      return obj.X * obj.Y > 100000;
// The example displays the following output:
//        Found: X = 275, Y = 395
open System
open System.Drawing

let findPoints (obj: Point) =
    obj.X * obj.Y > 100000

// Create an array of Point structures.
let points = 
    [| Point(100, 200)
       Point(150, 250) 
       Point(250, 375)
       Point(275, 395) 
       Point(295, 450) |]

// Define the Predicate<T> delegate.
let predicate = Predicate<Point> findPoints

// Find the first Point structure for which X times Y
// is greater than 100000.
let first = Array.Find(points, predicate)

// Display the first structure found.
printfn $"Found: X = {first.X}, Y = {first.Y}"
// The example displays the following output:
//        Found: X = 275, Y = 395
Imports System.Drawing

Public Class Example
   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create an array of Point structures. 
      Dim points() As Point = { new Point(100, 200), new Point(150, 250), 
                                new Point(250, 375), new Point(275, 395), 
                                new Point(295, 450) }
      ' Define the Predicate(Of T) delegate.
      Dim predicate As Predicate(Of Point) = AddressOf Example.FindPoints
      ' Find the first Point structure for which X times Y  
      ' is greater than 100000. 
      Dim first As Point = Array.Find(points, predicate)

      ' Display the first structure found.
      Console.WriteLine("Found: X = {0}, Y = {1}", first.X, first.Y)
   End Sub 
   Private Shared Function FindPoints(obj As Point) As Boolean
      Return obj.X * obj.Y > 100000
   End Function

End Class 
' The example displays the following output:
'       Found: X = 275, Y = 395

下列範例與上一個範例相同,不同之處在于它會使用 Lambda 運算式來表示 Predicate<T> 委派。 陣列的每個元素 points 都會傳遞至 Lambda 運算式,直到運算式找到符合搜尋準則的專案為止。 在此情況下,如果 X 和 Y 欄位的乘積大於 100,000,則 Lambda 運算式會傳回 true

using System;
using System.Drawing;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      // Create an array of Point structures.
      Point[] points = { new Point(100, 200),
                         new Point(150, 250), new Point(250, 375),
                         new Point(275, 395), new Point(295, 450) };

      // Find the first Point structure for which X times Y
      // is greater than 100000.
      Point first = Array.Find(points, x => x.X * x.Y > 100000 );

      // Display the first structure found.
      Console.WriteLine("Found: X = {0}, Y = {1}", first.X, first.Y);
// The example displays the following output:
//        Found: X = 275, Y = 395
open System
open System.Drawing

// Create an array of Point structures.
let points = 
    [| Point(100, 200)
       Point(150, 250)
       Point(250, 375)
       Point(275, 395)
       Point(295, 450) |]

// Find the first Point structure for which X times Y
// is greater than 100000.
let first = Array.Find(points, fun x -> x.X * x.Y > 100000)

// Display the first structure found.
printfn $"Found: X = {first.X}, Y = {first.Y}"
// The example displays the following output:
//        Found: X = 275, Y = 395
Imports System.Drawing

Public Class Example
   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create an array of Point structures. 
      Dim points() As Point = { new Point(100, 200), new Point(150, 250), 
                                new Point(250, 375), new Point(275, 395), 
                                new Point(295, 450) }

      ' Find the first Point structure for which X times Y  
      ' is greater than 100000. 
      Dim first As Point = Array.Find(points, 
                                 Function(x) x.X * x.Y > 100000 )

      ' Display the first structure found.
      Console.WriteLine("Found: X = {0}, Y = {1}", first.X, first.Y)
   End Sub 
End Class 
' The example displays the following output:
'       Found: X = 275, Y = 395


和 類別的 Array List<T> 數種方法會使用此委派來搜尋集合中的專案。

一般而言, Predicate<T> 委派是由 Lambda 運算式表示。 因為 Lambda 運算式可以使用本機範圍變數,所以很容易在編譯時期測試不精確已知的條件。 這在下列範例中模擬,其定義 HockeyTeam 類別,其中包含國家 Hockey 聯盟小組及其建立年份的相關資訊。 此範例會定義代表年份的整數值陣列,並隨機將陣列的一個專案指派給 foundedBeforeYear ,這是本機範圍設定為範例方法的 Main 變數。 因為 Lambda 運算式可以使用本機範圍變數,所以傳遞至 List<T>.FindAll 方法的 Lambda 運算式可以傳回 HockeyTeam 在該年或之前找到的每個小組物件。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class HockeyTeam
   private string _name;
   private int _founded;

   public HockeyTeam(string name, int year)
      _name = name;
      _founded = year;

   public string Name {
      get { return _name; }

   public int Founded {
      get { return _founded; }

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Random rnd = new Random();
      List<HockeyTeam> teams = new List<HockeyTeam>();
      teams.AddRange( new HockeyTeam[] { new HockeyTeam("Detroit Red Wings", 1926),
                                         new HockeyTeam("Chicago Blackhawks", 1926),
                                         new HockeyTeam("San Jose Sharks", 1991),
                                         new HockeyTeam("Montreal Canadiens", 1909),
                                         new HockeyTeam("St. Louis Blues", 1967) } );
      int[] years = { 1920, 1930, 1980, 2000 };
      int foundedBeforeYear = years[rnd.Next(0, years.Length)];
      Console.WriteLine("Teams founded before {0}:", foundedBeforeYear);
      foreach (var team in teams.FindAll( x => x.Founded <= foundedBeforeYear))
         Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", team.Name, team.Founded);
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//       Teams founded before 1930:
//       Detroit Red Wings: 1926
//       Chicago Blackhawks: 1926
//       Montreal Canadiens: 1909
open System

type HockeyTeam =
    { Name: string
      Founded: int }

let rnd = Random()
let teams = ResizeArray()
    [| { Name = "Detroit Red Wings"; Founded = 1926 }
       { Name = "Chicago Blackhawks"; Founded = 1926 }
       { Name = "San Jose Sharks"; Founded = 1991 }
       { Name = "Montreal Canadiens"; Founded = 1909 }
       { Name = "St. Louis Blues"; Founded = 1967 }|]

let years = [| 1920; 1930; 1980; 2000 |]
let foundedBeforeYear = years[rnd.Next(0, years.Length)]
printfn $"Teams founded before {foundedBeforeYear}:"
for team in teams.FindAll(fun x -> x.Founded <= foundedBeforeYear) do
    printfn $"{team.Name}: {team.Founded}"
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//       Teams founded before 1930:
//       Detroit Red Wings: 1926
//       Chicago Blackhawks: 1926
//       Montreal Canadiens: 1909
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class HockeyTeam
   Private _name As String
   Private _founded As Integer
   Public Sub New(name As String, year As Integer)
      _name = name
      _founded = year
   End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
         Return _name
      End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property Founded As Integer
         Return _founded
      End Get   
   End Property
End Class

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim rnd As New Random()
      Dim teams As New List(Of HockeyTeam)()
      teams.AddRange( { new HockeyTeam("Detroit Red Wings", 1926), 
                        new HockeyTeam("Chicago Blackhawks", 1926),
                        new HockeyTeam("San Jose Sharks", 1991),
                        new HockeyTeam("Montreal Canadiens", 1909),
                        new HockeyTeam("St. Louis Blues", 1967) } )
      Dim years() As Integer = { 1920, 1930, 1980, 2000 }
      Dim foundedBeforeYear As Integer = years(rnd.Next(0, years.Length))
      Console.WriteLine("Teams founded before {0}:", foundedBeforeYear)
      For Each team in teams.FindAll( Function(x) x.Founded <= foundedBeforeYear )
         Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", team.Name, team.Founded)
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output similar to the following:
'       Teams founded before 1930:
'       Detroit Red Wings: 1926
'       Chicago Blackhawks: 1926
'       Montreal Canadiens: 1909




