ObjectManager 類別
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
Formatter-based serialization is obsolete and should not be used.
public ref class ObjectManager
public class ObjectManager
[System.Obsolete("Formatter-based serialization is obsolete and should not be used.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0050", UrlFormat="https://aka.ms/dotnet-warnings/{0}")]
public class ObjectManager
public class ObjectManager
type ObjectManager = class
[<System.Obsolete("Formatter-based serialization is obsolete and should not be used.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0050", UrlFormat="https://aka.ms/dotnet-warnings/{0}")>]
type ObjectManager = class
type ObjectManager = class
Public Class ObjectManager
- 繼承
- 屬性
下列程式碼範例示範如何使用 ObjectManager 類別逐步解說物件圖形,只周遊至每個物件一次。
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Reflection;
// This class walks through all the objects once in an object graph.
public sealed class ObjectWalker : IEnumerable, IEnumerator {
private Object m_current;
// This stack contains the set of objects that will be enumerated.
private Stack m_toWalk = new Stack();
// The ObjectIDGenerator ensures that each object is enumerated just once.
private ObjectIDGenerator m_idGen = new ObjectIDGenerator();
// Construct an ObjectWalker passing the root of the object graph.
public ObjectWalker(Object root) {
// Return an enumerator so this class can be used with foreach.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
return this;
// Resetting the enumerator is not supported.
public void Reset() {
throw new NotSupportedException("Resetting the enumerator is not supported.");
// Return the enumeration's current object.
public Object Current { get { return m_current; } }
// Walk the reference of the passed-in object.
private void Schedule(Object toSchedule) {
if (toSchedule == null) return;
// Ask the ObjectIDManager if this object has been examined before.
Boolean firstOccurrence;
m_idGen.GetId(toSchedule, out firstOccurrence);
// If this object has been examined before, do not look at it again just return.
if (!firstOccurrence) return;
if (toSchedule.GetType().IsArray) {
// The object is an array, schedule each element of the array to be looked at.
foreach (Object item in ((Array)toSchedule)) Schedule(item);
} else {
// The object is not an array, schedule this object to be looked at.
// Advance to the next item in the enumeration.
public Boolean MoveNext() {
// If there are no more items to enumerate, return false.
if (m_toWalk.Count == 0) return false;
// Check if the object is a terminal object (has no fields that refer to other objects).
if (!IsTerminalObject(m_current = m_toWalk.Pop())) {
// The object does have field, schedule the object's instance fields to be enumerated.
foreach (FieldInfo fi in m_current.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) {
return true;
// Returns true if the object has no data fields with information of interest.
private Boolean IsTerminalObject(Object data) {
Type t = data.GetType();
return t.IsPrimitive || t.IsEnum || t.IsPointer || data is String;
public sealed class App {
// Define some fields in the class to test the ObjectWalker.
public String name = "Fred";
public Int32 Age = 40;
static void Main() {
// Build an object graph using an array that refers to various objects.
Object[] data = new Object[] { "Jeff", 123, 555L, (Byte) 35, new App() };
// Construct an ObjectWalker and pass it the root of the object graph.
ObjectWalker ow = new ObjectWalker(data);
// Enumerate all of the objects in the graph and count the number of objects.
Int64 num = 0;
foreach (Object o in ow) {
// Display each object's type and value as a string.
Console.WriteLine("Object #{0}: Type={1}, Value's string={2}",
num++, o.GetType(), o.ToString());
// This code produces the following output.
// Object #0: Type=App, Value's string=App
// Object #1: Type=System.Int32, Value's string=40
// Object #2: Type=System.String, Value's string=Fred
// Object #3: Type=System.Byte, Value's string=35
// Object #4: Type=System.Int64, Value's string=555
// Object #5: Type=System.Int32, Value's string=123
// Object #6: Type=System.String, Value's string=Jeff
在還原序列化期間,查詢 FormatterObjectManager 判斷序列化資料流程中物件的參考是否參考已還原序列化 (回溯參考) 的物件,或尚未還原序列化 (正向參考) 的物件。 如果序列化資料流程中的參考是正向參考,則 Formatter 可以向 ObjectManager 註冊修正。 如果序列化資料流程中的參考是回溯參考,則 Formatter 會立即完成參考。 修正是指在物件還原序列化程式期間尚未完成完成物件參考的程式。 還原序列化必要物件之後,將會 ObjectManager 完成參考。
ObjectManager遵循一組規則來指定修正順序。 實 ISerializable 作 或 具有 ISerializationSurrogate 的所有物件都可以在還原序列化物件樹狀結構時,讓它們透過 SerializationInfo 傳輸的所有物件都可供使用。 不過,父物件無法假設當其完全還原序列化時,其所有子物件都會完全完成。 所有子物件都會存在,但並非所有的子物件都一定會存在。 如果物件需要採取相依于在其子物件上執行程式碼的特定動作,它可以延遲這些動作、實 IDeserializationCallback 作 介面,並只在呼叫回此介面時執行程式碼。
ObjectManager(ISurrogateSelector, StreamingContext) |
初始化 ObjectManager 類別的新執行個體。 |