HostProtectionAttribute 類別
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.
允許使用宣告式安全性動作以決定主機保護需求。 此類別無法獲得繼承。
public ref class HostProtectionAttribute sealed : System::Security::Permissions::CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Delegate | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)]
[System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0003", UrlFormat="{0}")]
public sealed class HostProtectionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Delegate | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)]
public sealed class HostProtectionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Delegate | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)]
public sealed class HostProtectionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Delegate | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)>]
[<System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0003", UrlFormat="{0}")>]
type HostProtectionAttribute = class
inherit CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Delegate | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)>]
type HostProtectionAttribute = class
inherit CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Delegate | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)>]
type HostProtectionAttribute = class
inherit CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
Public NotInheritable Class HostProtectionAttribute
Inherits CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
- 繼承
- 屬性
下列程式代碼範例說明搭配各種HostProtectionResource值使用 HostProtectionAttribute 屬性。
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;
using namespace System::Security::Principal;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
// The following class is an example of code that exposes external process management.
// Add the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
public ref class MyControl: public System::Windows::Forms::Control
// Create a new, null license.
License^ license;
license = nullptr;
// Determine if a valid license can be granted.
bool isValid = LicenseManager::IsValid( MyControl::typeid );
Console::WriteLine( "The result of the IsValid method call is {0}", isValid );
// If this application is run on a server that implements host protection, the HostProtection attribute
// is applied. If the application is run on a server that is not host-protected, the attribute
// evaporates; it is not detected and therefore not applied. HostProtection can be configured with
// members of the HostProtectionResource enumeration to customize the protection offered.
// The primary intent of this sample is to show situations in which the HostProtection attribute
// might be meaningfully used. The environment required to demonstrate a particular HostProtection is
// too complex to invoke within the scope of this sample.
public ref class HostProtectionExample
static int Success = 100;
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared state and
// self-affecting process management.
// Either of the following attribute statements can be used to set the
// resource flags.
// Exit the sample when an exception is thrown.
static void Exit( String^ Message, int Code )
Console::WriteLine( "\nFAILED: {0} {1}", Message, Code );
Environment::ExitCode = Code;
Environment::Exit( Code );
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared state,
// self-affecting process management, and self-affecting threading.
// This method allows the user to quit the sample.
static void ExecuteBreak()
Console::WriteLine( "Executing Debugger.Break." );
Debugger::Log( 1, "info", "test message" );
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared state,
// self-affecting threading and the security infrastructure.
// ApplyIdentity sets the current identity.
static int ApplyIdentity()
array<String^>^roles = {"User"};
AppDomain^ mAD = AppDomain::CurrentDomain;
GenericPrincipal^ mGenPr = gcnew GenericPrincipal( WindowsIdentity::GetCurrent(),roles );
mAD->SetPrincipalPolicy( PrincipalPolicy::WindowsPrincipal );
mAD->SetThreadPrincipal( mGenPr );
return Success;
catch ( Exception^ e )
Exit( e->ToString(), 5 );
return 0;
// The following method is started on a separate thread.
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
static void WatchFileEvents()
Console::WriteLine( "In the child thread." );
FileSystemWatcher^ watcher = gcnew FileSystemWatcher;
watcher->Path = "C:\\Temp";
// Watch for changes in LastAccess and LastWrite times, and
// name changes to files or directories.
watcher->NotifyFilter = static_cast<NotifyFilters>(NotifyFilters::LastAccess | NotifyFilters::LastWrite | NotifyFilters::FileName | NotifyFilters::DirectoryName);
// Watch only text files.
watcher->Filter = "*.txt";
// Add event handlers.
watcher->Changed += gcnew FileSystemEventHandler( OnChanged );
watcher->Created += gcnew FileSystemEventHandler( OnChanged );
watcher->Deleted += gcnew FileSystemEventHandler( OnChanged );
// Begin watching.
watcher->EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// Wait for the user to quit the program.
Console::WriteLine( "Event handlers have been enabled." );
while ( Console::Read() != 'q' )
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes synchronization
// and external threading.
static void StartThread()
Thread^ t = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( WatchFileEvents ) );
// Start the new thread. On a uniprocessor, the thread is not given
// any processor time until the main thread yields the processor.
// Give the new thread a chance to execute.
Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
// Call methods that show the use of the HostProtectionResource enumeration.
static int Main()
// Show use of the HostProtectionResource.SharedState,
// HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingThreading, and
// HostProtectionResource.Security enumeration values.
Directory::CreateDirectory( "C:\\Temp" );
// Show use of the HostProtectionResource.Synchronization and
// HostProtectionResource.ExternalThreading enumeration values.
Console::WriteLine( "In the main thread." );
Console::WriteLine( "Deleting and creating 'MyTestFile.txt'." );
if ( File::Exists( "C:\\Temp\\MyTestFile.txt" ) )
File::Delete( "C:\\Temp\\MyTestFile.txt" );
StreamWriter^ sr = File::CreateText( "C:\\Temp\\MyTestFile.txt" );
sr->WriteLine( "This is my file." );
Thread::Sleep( 1000 );
// Show use of the HostProtectionResource.SharedState,
// HostProtectionResource.SelfProcessMgmt,
// HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingThreading, and
// HostProtectionResource.UI enumeration values.
// Show the use of the HostProtectionResource.ExternalProcessManagement enumeration value.
MyControl^ myControl = gcnew MyControl;
Console::WriteLine( "Enter 'q' to quit the sample." );
return 100;
catch ( Exception^ e )
Exit( e->ToString(), 0 );
return 0;
// Define the event handlers.
static void OnChanged( Object^ /*source*/, FileSystemEventArgs^ e )
// Specify whether a file is changed, created, or deleted.
Console::WriteLine( "In the OnChanged event handler." );
Console::WriteLine( "File: {0} {1}", e->FullPath, e->ChangeType );
int main()
return HostProtectionExample::Main();
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// If this application is run on a server that implements host protection, the
// HostProtectionAttribute attribute is applied. If the application is run on
// a server that is not host-protected, the attribute evaporates; it is not
// detected and therefore not applied. Host protection can be configured with
// members of the HostProtectionResource enumeration to customize the
// protection offered.
// The primary intent of this sample is to show situations in which the
// HostProtectionAttribute attribute might be meaningfully used. The
// environment required to demonstrate a particular behavior is
// too complex to invoke within the scope of this sample.
class HostProtectionExample
public static int Success = 100;
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes
// shared state and self-affecting process management.
// Either of the following attribute statements can be used to set the
// resource flags.
[HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState = true,
SelfAffectingProcessMgmt = true)]
[HostProtectionAttribute(Resources = HostProtectionResource.SharedState |
private static void Exit(string Message, int Code)
// Exit the sample when an exception is thrown.
Console.WriteLine("\nFAILED: " + Message + " " + Code.ToString());
Environment.ExitCode = Code;
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared
// state, self-affecting process management, and self-affecting threading.
[HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState=true, SelfAffectingProcessMgmt=true,
SelfAffectingThreading=true, UI=true)]
// This method allows the user to quit the sample.
private static void ExecuteBreak()
Console.WriteLine("Executing Debugger.Break.");
Debugger.Log(1,"info","test message");
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared
// state, self-affecting threading, and the security infrastructure.
[HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState=true, SelfAffectingThreading=true,
// ApplyIdentity sets the current identity.
private static int ApplyIdentity()
string[] roles = {"User"};
AppDomain mAD = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
GenericPrincipal mGenPr =
new GenericPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(), roles);
return Success;
catch (Exception e)
Exit(e.ToString(), 5);
return 0;
// The following method is started on a separate thread.
public static void WatchFileEvents()
Console.WriteLine("In the child thread.");
FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
watcher.Path = "C:\\Temp";
// Watch for changes in LastAccess and LastWrite times, and
// name changes to files or directories.
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess
| NotifyFilters.LastWrite
| NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;
// Watch only text files.
watcher.Filter = "*.txt";
// Add event handlers.
watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
// Begin watching.
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// Wait for the user to quit the program.
Console.WriteLine("Event handlers have been enabled.");
catch (Exception e)
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes
// synchronization and external threading.
[HostProtectionAttribute(Synchronization=true, ExternalThreading=true)]
private static void StartThread()
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WatchFileEvents));
// Start the new thread. On a uniprocessor, the thread is not given
// any processor time until the main thread yields the processor.
// Give the new thread a chance to execute.
// Call methods that show the use of the HostProtectionResource enumeration.
static int Main(string [] args)
// Show use of the HostProtectionResource.SharedState,
// HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingThreading, and
// HostProtectionResource.Security enumeration values.
// Show use of the HostProtectionResource.Synchronization and
// HostProtectionResource.ExternalThreading enumeration values.
Console.WriteLine("In the main thread.");
Console.WriteLine("Deleting and creating 'MyTestFile.txt'.");
if (File.Exists("C:\\Temp\\MyTestFile.txt"))
StreamWriter sr = File.CreateText("C:\\Temp\\MyTestFile.txt");
sr.WriteLine ("This is my file.");
// Show use of the HostProtectionResource.SharedState,
// HostProtectionResource.SelfProcessMgmt,
// HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingThreading, and
// HostProtectionResource.UI enumeration values.
// Show the use of the
// HostProtectionResource.ExternalProcessManagement
// enumeration value.
MyControl myControl = new MyControl ();
Console.WriteLine ("Enter 'q' to quit the sample.");
return 100;
catch (Exception e)
Exit(e.ToString(), 0);
return 0;
// Define the event handlers.
private static void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
// Specify whether a file is changed, created, or deleted.
Console.WriteLine("In the OnChanged event handler.");
Console.WriteLine("File: " + e.FullPath + " " + e.ChangeType);
// The following class is an example of code that exposes
// external process management.
// Add the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
[LicenseProvider (typeof(LicFileLicenseProvider))]
public class MyControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control
// Create a new, null license.
private License license = null;
[HostProtection (ExternalProcessMgmt = true)]
public MyControl ()
// Determine if a valid license can be granted.
bool isValid = LicenseManager.IsValid (typeof(MyControl));
Console.WriteLine ("The result of the IsValid method call is " +
isValid.ToString ());
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (license != null)
license.Dispose ();
license = null;
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Policy
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms
' If this application is run on a server that implements host protection, the
' HostProtectionAttribute attribute is applied. If the application is run on
' a server that is not host-protected, the attribute evaporates; it is not
' detected and therefore not applied. Host protection can be configured with
' members of the HostProtectionResource enumeration to customize the
' protection offered.
' The primary intent of this sample is to show situations in which the
' HostProtectionAttribute attribute might be meaningfully used. The
' environment required to demonstrate a particular behavior is too
' complex to invoke within the scope of this sample.
Class HostProtectionExample
Public Shared Success As Integer = 100
' Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes
' shared state and self-affecting process management.
' Either of the following attribute statements can be used to set the
' resource flags.
<HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState := True, _
SelfAffectingProcessMgmt := True), _
HostProtectionAttribute( _
Resources := HostProtectionResource.SharedState Or _
HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingProcessMgmt)> _
Private Shared Sub [Exit](ByVal Message As String, ByVal Code As Integer)
' Exit the sample when an exception is thrown.
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf & "FAILED: " & Message & " " & _
Environment.ExitCode = Code
End Sub
' Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared
' state, self-affecting process management, and self-affecting threading.
<HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState := True, _
SelfAffectingProcessMgmt := True, _
SelfAffectingThreading := True, UI := True)> _
Private Shared Sub ExecuteBreak()
' This method allows the user to quit the sample.
Console.WriteLine("Executing Debugger.Break.")
Debugger.Log(1, "info", "test message")
End Sub
' Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared
' state, self-affecting threading, and the security infrastructure.
<HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState := True, _
SelfAffectingThreading := True, _
SecurityInfrastructure := True)> _
Private Shared Function ApplyIdentity() As Integer
' ApplyIdentity sets the current identity.
Dim roles(1) As String
Dim mAD As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
Dim mGenPr As _
New GenericPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(), roles)
Return Success
Catch e As Exception
[Exit](e.ToString(), 5)
End Try
Return 0
End Function 'ApplyIdentity
' The following method is started on a separate thread.
Public Shared Sub WatchFileEvents()
Console.WriteLine("In the child thread.")
Dim watcher As New FileSystemWatcher()
watcher.Path = "C:\Temp"
' Watch for changes in LastAccess and LastWrite times, and
' name changes to files or directories.
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess Or _
NotifyFilters.LastWrite Or NotifyFilters.FileName Or _
' Watch only text files.
watcher.Filter = "*.txt"
' Add event handlers.
AddHandler watcher.Changed, AddressOf OnChanged
AddHandler watcher.Created, AddressOf OnChanged
AddHandler watcher.Deleted, AddressOf OnChanged
' Begin watching.
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = True
' Wait for the user to quit the program.
Console.WriteLine("Event handlers have been enabled.")
While Console.ReadLine() <> "q"c
End While
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
' Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes
' synchronization and external threading.
<HostProtectionAttribute(Synchronization := True, _
ExternalThreading := True)> _
Private Shared Sub StartThread()
Dim t As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf WatchFileEvents))
' Start the new thread. On a uniprocessor, the thread is not given
' any processor time until the main thread yields the processor.
' Give the new thread a chance to execute.
End Sub
' Call methods that show the use of the HostProtectionResource enumeration.
<HostProtectionAttribute(Resources := HostProtectionResource.All)> _
Overloads Shared Function Main(ByVal args() As String) As Integer
' Show use of the HostProtectionResource.SharedState,
' HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingThreading, and
' HostProtectionResource.Security enumeration values.
' Show use of the HostProtectionResource.Synchronization and
' HostProtectionResource.ExternalThreading enumeration values.
Console.WriteLine("In the main thread.")
Console.WriteLine("Deleting and creating 'MyTestFile.txt'.")
If File.Exists("C:\Temp\MyTestFile.txt") Then
End If
Dim sr As StreamWriter = File.CreateText("C:\Temp\MyTestFile.txt")
sr.WriteLine("This is my file.")
' Show use of the HostProtectionResource.SharedState,
' HostProtectionResource.SelfProcessMgmt,
' HostProtectionResource.SelfAffectingThreading, and
' HostProtectionResource.UI enumeration values.
' Show the use of the
' HostProtectionResource.ExternalProcessManagement
' enumeration value.
Dim myControl As New MyControl()
Console.WriteLine("Enter 'q' to quit the sample.")
Return 100
Catch e As Exception
[Exit](e.ToString(), 0)
Return 0
End Try
End Function 'Main
' Define the event handlers.
Private Shared Sub OnChanged(ByVal [source] As Object, _
ByVal e As FileSystemEventArgs)
' Specify whether a file is changed, created, or deleted.
Console.WriteLine("In the OnChanged event handler.")
Console.WriteLine(("File: " & e.FullPath & " " & _
End Sub
End Class
' The following class is an example of code that exposes
' external process management.
' Add the LicenseProviderAttribute to the control.
<LicenseProvider(GetType(LicFileLicenseProvider))> _
Public Class MyControl
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Control
' Create a new, null license.
Private license As License = Nothing
<HostProtectionAttribute(ExternalProcessMgmt := True)> _
Public Sub New()
' Determine if a valid license can be granted.
Dim isValid As Boolean = LicenseManager.IsValid(GetType(MyControl))
Console.WriteLine(("The result of the IsValid method call is " & _
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (license Is Nothing) Then
license = Nothing
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
程式代碼存取安全性 (CAS) 在所有版本的 .NET Framework 和 .NET 中已被取代。 使用 CAS 相關 API 時,最新版本的 .NET 不會接受 CAS 批注,併產生錯誤。 開發人員應尋求替代方案來完成安全性工作。
此屬性只會影響裝載 Common Language Runtime 並實作主機保護的 Unmanaged 應用程式,例如 SQL Server。 如果在用戶端應用程式中或未受主機保護的伺服器上執行程式碼,則屬性會「消失」;它會偵測不到,因此不會進行套用。 套用時,安全性動作會根據類別或方法所公開的主機資源來建立連結要求。
此屬性的目的是強制執行主機特定程式設計模型方針,而不是安全性行為。 雖然使用連結要求來檢查是否與程式設計模型需求一致,但是 HostProtectionAttribute 不是安全性權限。
如果您所建立的類別庫是要由可在主機保護環境中執行的應用程式進行呼叫,則應該將此屬性套用至公開 HostProtectionResource 資源分類的成員。 具有此屬性的 .NET Framework Class Library 成員只會檢查立即呼叫者。 程式庫成員也必須以相同的方式檢查其立即呼叫端。
請勿使用 Ngen.exe (原生映射產生器) 建立受 HostProtectionAttribute保護之元件的原生映像。 在完全信任的環境中,映像一律會載入,而不考慮 HostProtectionAttribute,而且不會載入映像的部分信任環境中。
Host |
使用預設值,初始化 HostProtectionAttribute 類別的新執行個體。 |
Host |
使用指定的 SecurityAction 值,初始化 HostProtectionAttribute 類別的新執行個體。 |
Action |
取得或設定安全性動作。 (繼承來源 SecurityAttribute) |
External |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開外部處理序管理。 |
External |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開外部執行緒。 |
May |
取得或設定值,表示終止作業時,資源是否可能遺漏記憶體。 |
Resources |
取得或設定旗標,指定可能會對主機有害的功能分類。 |
Security |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開安全性基礎結構。 |
Self |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開影響自身的處理序管理。 |
Self |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開影響自身的執行緒。 |
Shared |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開共用狀態。 |
Synchronization |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開同步處理。 |
Type |
在衍生類別中實作時,取得這個 Attribute 的唯一識別碼。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
UI |
取得或設定值,表示是否公開使用者介面。 |
Unrestricted |
取得或設定數值,表示是否宣告由屬性所保護之資源的完整 (不受限制的) 使用權限。 (繼承來源 SecurityAttribute) |
Create |
建立和傳回新的主機保護權限。 |
Equals(Object) |
傳回值,這個值指出此執行個體是否與指定的物件相等。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
Get |
傳回這個執行個體的雜湊碼。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
Get |
取得目前執行個體的 Type。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Is |
在衍生類別中覆寫時,表示這個執行個體的值是衍生類別的預設值。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
Match(Object) |
在衍生類別中覆寫時,會傳回值,表示這個執行個體是否等於指定物件。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
Memberwise |
建立目前 Object 的淺層複製。 (繼承來源 Object) |
To |
傳回代表目前物件的字串。 (繼承來源 Object) |
_Attribute. |
將一組名稱對應至一組對應的分派識別項 (Dispatch Identifier)。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
_Attribute. |
擷取物件的類型資訊,可以用來取得介面的類型資訊。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
_Attribute. |
擷取物件提供的類型資訊介面數目 (0 或 1)。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
_Attribute. |
提供物件所公開的屬性和方法的存取權。 (繼承來源 Attribute) |
產品 | 版本 (已淘汰) |
.NET | (8 (package-provided), 9 (package-provided)) |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7 (package-provided), 4.7, 4.7.1 (package-provided), 4.7.1, 4.7.2 (package-provided), 4.7.2, 4.8 (package-provided), 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 2.0 (package-provided) |
Windows Desktop | 3.0, 3.1 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) |