
ServiceBehaviorAttribute.ConcurrencyMode 屬性



 property System::ServiceModel::ConcurrencyMode ConcurrencyMode { System::ServiceModel::ConcurrencyMode get(); void set(System::ServiceModel::ConcurrencyMode value); };
public System.ServiceModel.ConcurrencyMode ConcurrencyMode { get; set; }
member this.ConcurrencyMode : System.ServiceModel.ConcurrencyMode with get, set
Public Property ConcurrencyMode As ConcurrencyMode


其中一個 ConcurrencyMode 值,預設值為 Single


該值不是其中一個 ConcurrencyMode 值。


下列程式碼範例將示範使用 SingleReentrantMultiple 之間的差異。 此範例不會在沒有實際實作後方進行編譯,但會示範 Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 所建立的執行緒類型,以及您的作業程式碼的意義。

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;

public interface IHttpFetcher
  string GetWebPage(string address);

// These classes have the invariant that:
//     this.slow.GetWebPage(this.cachedAddress) == this.cachedWebPage.
// When you read cached values you can assume they are valid. When
// you write the cached values, you must guarantee that they are valid.
// With ConcurrencyMode.Single, WCF does not call again into the object
// so long as the method is running. After the operation returns the object
// can be called again, so you must make sure state is consistent before
// returning.
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)]
class SingleCachingHttpFetcher : IHttpFetcher
    string cachedWebPage;
    string cachedAddress;
    readonly IHttpFetcher slow;

    public string GetWebPage(string address)
        // <-- Can assume cache is valid.
        if (this.cachedAddress == address)
            return this.cachedWebPage;

        // <-- Cache is no longer valid because we are changing
        // one of the values.
        this.cachedAddress = address;
        string webPage = slow.GetWebPage(address);
        this.cachedWebPage = webPage;
        // <-- Cache is valid again here.

        return this.cachedWebPage;
        // <-- Must guarantee that the cache is valid because we are returning.

// With ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant, WCF makes sure that only one
// thread runs in your code at a time. However, when you call out on a
// channel, the operation can get called again on another thread. Therefore
// you must confirm that state is consistent both before channel calls and
// before you return.
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant)]
class ReentrantCachingHttpFetcher : IHttpFetcher
  string cachedWebPage;
  string cachedAddress;
  readonly SlowHttpFetcher slow;

  public ReentrantCachingHttpFetcher()
    this.slow = new SlowHttpFetcher();

  public string GetWebPage(string address)
    // <-- Can assume that cache is valid.
    if (this.cachedAddress == address)
        return this.cachedWebPage;

    // <-- Must guarantee that the cache is valid, because
    // the operation can be called again before we return.
    string webPage = slow.GetWebPage(address);
    // <-- Can assume cache is valid.

    // <-- Cache is no longer valid because we are changing
    // one of the values.
    this.cachedAddress = address;
    this.cachedWebPage = webPage;
    // <-- Cache is valid again here.

    return this.cachedWebPage;
    // <-- Must guarantee that cache is valid because we are returning.

// With ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, threads can call an operation at any time.
// It is your responsibility to guard your state with locks. If
// you always guarantee you leave state consistent when you leave
// the lock, you can assume it is valid when you enter the lock.
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
class MultipleCachingHttpFetcher : IHttpFetcher
  string cachedWebPage;
  string cachedAddress;
  readonly SlowHttpFetcher slow;
  readonly object ThisLock = new object();

  public MultipleCachingHttpFetcher()
    this.slow = new SlowHttpFetcher();

  public string GetWebPage(string address)
    lock (this.ThisLock)
      // <-- Can assume cache is valid.
      if (this.cachedAddress == address)
          return this.cachedWebPage;
          // <-- Must guarantee that cache is valid because
          // the operation returns and releases the lock.
      // <-- Must guarantee that cache is valid here because
      // the operation releases the lock.

    string webPage = slow.GetWebPage(address);

    lock (this.ThisLock)
      // <-- Can assume cache is valid.

      // <-- Cache is no longer valid because the operation
      // changes one of the values.
      this.cachedAddress = address;
      this.cachedWebPage = webPage;
      // <-- Cache is valid again here.

      // <-- Must guarantee that cache is valid because
      // the operation releases the lock.

    return webPage;




ConcurrencyMode 屬性會與其他設定互動。 例如,如果 InstanceContextMode 值是設定為 Single,這時除非您也將 ConcurrencyMode 值設定為 Multiple,否則您的服務一次只能處理一個訊息。 這個屬性也會產生與 ServiceContractAttribute.SessionMode 屬性一起使用的行為。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 會話、實例和並行

ConcurrencyMode 設定為 Single,便會指示系統要將服務的執行個體限制為一次執行一個執行緒,這樣您就不需要處理執行緒問題。 值為 Multiple 時,表示服務物件可在任何時間由多個執行緒執行。 在這種情況下,您必須確保執行緒安全。

Reentrant 也會限制一次對單一線程的存取;當作業正在處理時,沒有其他訊息可以輸入作業。 如果有另一個服務呼叫在作業期間離開,這個目前訊息便會失去作業鎖定,並使得該作業可任意處理其他訊息。 當服務呼叫傳回時,鎖定便會重新建立,而原始訊息可以繼續處理其總結,或是繼續處理直到發生作業的另一個呼叫為止。


即使 Single 一次將服務的實例限制為一個執行緒執行,您也必須設定 MaxConcurrentCalls 為 1,以確保沒有順序錯亂的訊息。

此外,您必須在圖說文字之前讓物件狀態保持一致,而且您必須在圖說文字之後確認作業本機資料有效。 請注意,只有透過 WCF 通道呼叫另一個服務才能解除服務執行個體鎖定。 此時,被呼叫的服務可透過回呼重新進入第一個服務。 如果第一個服務無法重新進入,這時的呼叫順序會造成死結。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 ConcurrencyMode

在處理作業處理任何傳出呼叫期間,非作業的本機資料可以進行修改 (當原始訊息繼續處理時,本機狀態資料保證有效。) 因此,在輸出呼叫之前,您必須確定非本機資料對其他撥入電話有效,並在輸出呼叫傳回之後重新驗證非本機資料。


public void MyMethod()
  // Here you need to clean nonlocal state for other users
  OutboundProxy proxy = new OutboundProxy();
  int returnValue = proxy.CallOutOfOperation();
  // Ensure that this.SomeNonLocalDataState is valid for continued use.
  return returnValue;

ConcurrencyModeReentrant 時,對傳出呼叫使用 Begin/End 非同步呼叫模式會觸發例外狀況。 非同步傳出呼叫需要 ConcurrencyModeMultiple 的作業,而在該情況下,您必須處理同步處理問題。


此外,如果 ConcurrencyMode 設定為 Single,且可重新進入的呼叫在等待釋放執行個體時遭到封鎖,系統就會偵測到此死結並擲回例外狀況。


InvalidOperationException 屬性設定為 ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete 時,如果 trueConcurrencyMode,便會在執行階段擲回 Single

請注意,如果有作業的 ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete 設定為 true,且您將 false 設定為 OperationBehaviorAttribute.TransactionScopeRequired,則您必須將 ConcurrencyMode 明確設定為 Reentrant。 否則,便會擲回驗證例外狀況,因為 ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete 的預設值為 true

ConcurrencyMode 和其他屬性之間的互動可以改變執行階段行為。 如需這些互動的完整描述,請參閱 會話、實例和並行
