
Timer.AutoReset 屬性


取得或設定布林值,表示 Timer 是否應該只引發 Elapsed 事件一次 (false) 或重複 (true)。

 property bool AutoReset { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool AutoReset { get; set; }
public bool AutoReset { get; set; }
member this.AutoReset : bool with get, set
member this.AutoReset : bool with get, set
Public Property AutoReset As Boolean


如果 Timer 應於每次間隔耗盡時引發 Elapsed 事件,則為 true;如果應該在第一次間隔耗盡後只引發 Elapsed 事件一次,則為 false。 預設為 true



下列範例會 Timer 建立 ,其 Elapsed 事件會在 1.5 秒後引發。 其事件處理常式接著會在主控台上顯示 「Hello World!」 。

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Timers;

public ref class Timer2
   static System::Timers::Timer^ aTimer;

   static void Main()
      // Create a new Timer with Interval set to 1.5 seconds.
      double interval = 1500.0;
      aTimer = gcnew System::Timers::Timer(interval);

      // Hook up the event handler for the Elapsed event.
      aTimer->Elapsed += gcnew ElapsedEventHandler( OnTimedEvent );
      // Only raise the event the first time Interval elapses.
      aTimer->AutoReset = false;
      aTimer->Enabled = true;

      // Ensure the event fires before the exit message appears.
      System::Threading::Thread::Sleep((int) interval * 2);
      Console::WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program.");

      // If the timer is declared in a long-running method, use
      // KeepAlive to prevent garbage collection from occurring
      // before the method ends.

   // Handle the Elapsed event.
   static void OnTimedEvent( Object^ /*source*/, ElapsedEventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      Console::WriteLine( "Hello World!" );


int main()
// The example displays the following output:
//       Hello World!
//       Press the Enter key to exit the program.
using System;
using System.Timers;

public class Example
    private static Timer aTimer;

    public static void Main()
        // Create a timer with a 1.5 second interval.
        double interval = 1500.0;
        aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(interval);

        // Hook up the event handler for the Elapsed event.
        aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);

        // Only raise the event the first time Interval elapses.
        aTimer.AutoReset = false;
        aTimer.Enabled = true;

        // Ensure the event fires before the exit message appears.
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int) interval * 2);
        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program.");

    // Handle the Elapsed event.
    private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
// This example displays the following output:
//       Hello World!
//       Press the Enter key to exit the program.
open System.Threading
open System.Timers

// Handle the Elapsed event.
let onTimedEvent source e =
    printfn "Hello World!"

// Create a timer with a 1.5 second interval.
let interval = 1500.
let aTimer = new Timer(interval)

// Hook up the event handler for the Elapsed event.
aTimer.Elapsed.AddHandler(ElapsedEventHandler onTimedEvent)

// Only raise the event the first time Interval elapses.
aTimer.AutoReset <- false
aTimer.Enabled <- true

// Ensure the event fires before the exit message appears.
Thread.Sleep(interval * 2. |> int)
printfn "Press the Enter key to exit the program."
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example displays the following output:
//       Hello World!
//       Press the Enter key to exit the program.
Imports System.Timers

Public Module Example
    Private aTimer As System.Timers.Timer

    Public Sub Main()
        ' Create a timer with a 1.5 second interval.
        Dim interval As Double = 1500.0
        aTimer = New System.Timers.Timer(interval)

        ' Hook up the event handler for the Elapsed event.
        AddHandler aTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf OnTimedEvent

        ' Only raise the event the first time Interval elapses.
        aTimer.AutoReset = False
        aTimer.Enabled = True
        ' Ensure the event fires before the exit message appears.
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(CInt(interval * 2))
        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to exit the program.")

        ' If the timer is declared in a long-running method, use
        ' KeepAlive to prevent garbage collection from occurring
        ' before the method ends.
    End Sub

    ' Specify what you want to happen when the Elapsed event is 
    ' raised.
    Private Sub OnTimedEvent(source As Object, e As ElapsedEventArgs)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")
    End Sub
End Module
' This example displays the following output:
'       Hello World!
'       Press the Enter key to exit the program.


如果 為 AutoResetfalseStart 則必須呼叫 方法,才能再次啟動計數。

重設間隔會影響引發事件的時間 Elapsed 。 例如,如果您將間隔設定為 5 秒,然後將 屬性 true 設定 Enabled 為 ,則會在設定時間 Enabled 開始計數。 如果您在計數為 3 秒時將間隔重設為 10 秒,則會 Elapsed 在 屬性設定 true 為 之後 Enabled 第一次 13 秒引發事件。

