
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest>.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo 方法


使用指定的比較子將目前的 Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> 物件和指定的物件進行比較,並且傳回一個整數,表示目前的物件在排序順序中位於指定之物件的前面、後面還是相的位置。

 virtual int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(System::Object ^ other, System::Collections::IComparer ^ comparer) = System::Collections::IStructuralComparable::CompareTo;
int IStructuralComparable.CompareTo (object other, System.Collections.IComparer comparer);
abstract member System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo : obj * System.Collections.IComparer -> int
override this.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo : obj * System.Collections.IComparer -> int
Function CompareTo (other As Object, comparer As IComparer) As Integer Implements IStructuralComparable.CompareTo








帶正負號的整數,可指出此執行個體以及排序次序中 other 的相對位置,如下表所示。

負整數 這個執行個體位於 other 之前。
這個執行個體和 other 的排序位置相同。
正整數 這個執行個體位於 other 之後。




下列範例會建立 物件的陣列 Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> ,其中包含 1940 到 2000 年四個美國城市的人口資料。 八位的第一個元件是城市名稱。 其餘六個元件以 10 年間隔代表從 1940 到 2000 的母體擴展。

類別 PopulationComparer 提供 一個 IComparer 實作,可讓八位陣列由任何一個元件排序。 在建構函式中,類別會提供 PopulationComparer 兩個 Boolean 值:定義排序次序的元件位置,以及指出 Tuple 物件應該以遞增或遞減順序排序的值。

然後,此範例會以未排序的順序顯示陣列中的元素、依 1950) 母體 (母體的第三個元件加以排序,然後依 2000) 母體中的第八個 (元件加以排序,並加以顯示。

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class PopulationComparer<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> : IComparer
   private int itemPosition;
   private int multiplier = -1;

   public PopulationComparer(int component) : this(component, true)
   { }

   public PopulationComparer(int component, bool descending)
      if (! descending) multiplier = 1;

      if (component <= 0 || component > 8)
         throw new ArgumentException("The component argument is out of range.");

      itemPosition = component;

   public int Compare(object x, object y)
      Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple<T8>> tX = x as Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple<T8>>;
      if (tX == null)
         return 0;

      Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple<T8>> tY = y as Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple<T8>>;
      switch (itemPosition)
         case 1:
            return Comparer<T1>.Default.Compare(tX.Item1, tY.Item1) * multiplier;
         case 2:
            return Comparer<T2>.Default.Compare(tX.Item2, tY.Item2) * multiplier;
         case 3:
            return Comparer<T3>.Default.Compare(tX.Item3, tY.Item3) * multiplier;
         case 4:
            return Comparer<T4>.Default.Compare(tX.Item4, tY.Item4) * multiplier;
         case 5:
            return Comparer<T5>.Default.Compare(tX.Item5, tY.Item5) * multiplier;
         case 6:
            return Comparer<T6>.Default.Compare(tX.Item6, tY.Item6) * multiplier;
         case 7:
            return Comparer<T7>.Default.Compare(tX.Item7, tY.Item7) * multiplier;
         case 8:
            return Comparer<T8>.Default.Compare(tX.Rest.Item1, tY.Rest.Item1) * multiplier;
            return Comparer<T1>.Default.Compare(tX.Item1, tY.Item1) * multiplier;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      // Create array of octuples with population data for three U.S. 
      // cities, 1940-2000.
      Tuple<string, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple<int>>[] cities  = 
          { Tuple.Create("Los Angeles", 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820),
            Tuple.Create("New York", 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278),  
            Tuple.Create("Chicago", 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016),  
            Tuple.Create("Detroit", 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270) };
      // Display array in unsorted order.
      Console.WriteLine("In unsorted order:");
      foreach (var city in cities)
      Array.Sort(cities, new PopulationComparer<string, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>(2)); 
      // Display array in sorted order.
      Console.WriteLine("Sorted by population in 1950:");
      foreach (var city in cities)
      Array.Sort(cities, new PopulationComparer<string, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>(8));
      // Display array in sorted order.
      Console.WriteLine("Sorted by population in 2000:");
      foreach (var city in cities)
// The example displays the following output:
//    In unsorted order:
//    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
//    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
//    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
//    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
//    Sorted by population in 1950:
//    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
//    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
//    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
//    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
//    Sorted by population in 2000:
//    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
//    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
//    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
//    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic

type PopulationComparer<'T1, 'T2, 'T3, 'T4, 'T5, 'T6, 'T7, 'T8>(itemPosition, descending) =
    let multiplier = if descending then -1 else 1

        if itemPosition <= 0 || itemPosition > 8 then
            invalidArg "itemPosition" "The component argument is out of range."
    new(itemPosition) = PopulationComparer (itemPosition, true)

    interface IComparer with
        member _.Compare(x, y) =
            match x with
            | :? Tuple<'T1, 'T2, 'T3, 'T4, 'T5, 'T6, 'T7, Tuple<'T8>> as tX ->
                let tY = y :?> Tuple<'T1, 'T2, 'T3, 'T4, 'T5, 'T6, 'T7, Tuple<'T8>>
                match itemPosition with
                | 1 ->
                    Comparer<'T1>.Default.Compare(tX.Item1, tY.Item1) * multiplier
                | 2 ->
                    Comparer<'T2>.Default.Compare(tX.Item2, tY.Item2) * multiplier
                | 3 ->
                    Comparer<'T3>.Default.Compare(tX.Item3, tY.Item3) * multiplier
                | 4 ->
                    Comparer<'T4>.Default.Compare(tX.Item4, tY.Item4) * multiplier
                | 5 ->
                    Comparer<'T5>.Default.Compare(tX.Item5, tY.Item5) * multiplier
                | 6 ->
                    Comparer<'T6>.Default.Compare(tX.Item6, tY.Item6) * multiplier
                | 7 ->
                    Comparer<'T7>.Default.Compare(tX.Item7, tY.Item7) * multiplier
                | 8 ->
                    Comparer<'T8>.Default.Compare(tX.Rest.Item1, tY.Rest.Item1) * multiplier
                | _ ->
                    Comparer<'T1>.Default.Compare(tX.Item1, tY.Item1) * multiplier
            | _ -> 0

// Create array of octuples with population data for three U.S. 
// cities, 1940-2000.
let cities  = 
    [| Tuple.Create("Los Angeles", 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
       Tuple.Create("Chicago", 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)  
       Tuple.Create("New York", 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)  
       Tuple.Create("Detroit", 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270) |]
// Display array in unsorted order.
printfn "In unsorted order:"
for city in cities do
    printfn $"{city}"
printfn ""

Array.Sort(cities, PopulationComparer<string, int, int, int, int, int, int, int> 2)

// Display array in sorted order.
printfn "Sorted by population in 1950:"
for city in cities do
    printfn $"{city}"
printfn ""

Array.Sort(cities, PopulationComparer<string, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>(8))
// Display array in sorted order.
printfn "Sorted by population in 2000:"
for city in cities do
    printfn $"{city}"
// The example displays the following output:
//    In unsorted order:
//    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
//    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
//    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
//    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
//    Sorted by population in 1950:
//    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
//    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
//    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
//    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
//    Sorted by population in 2000:
//    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
//    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
//    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
//    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class PopulationComparer(Of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) : Implements IComparer
   Private itemPosition As Integer
   Private multiplier As Integer = -1
   Public Sub New(component As Integer)
      Me.New(component, True)
   End Sub
   Public Sub New(component As Integer, descending As Boolean)
      If Not descending Then multiplier = 1
      If component <= 0 Or component > 8 Then 
         Throw New ArgumentException("The component argument is out of range.")
      End If
      itemPosition = component
   End Sub 
   Public Function Compare(x As Object, y As Object) As Integer _
                   Implements IComparer.Compare
      Dim tX As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple(Of T8)) = TryCast(x, Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple(Of T8)))
      If tX Is Nothing Then
         Return 0
         Dim tY As Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple(Of T8)) = DirectCast(y, Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, Tuple(Of T8)))
         Select Case itemPosition
            Case 1
               Return Comparer(Of T1).Default.Compare(tX.Item1, tY.Item1) * multiplier
            Case 2
               Return Comparer(Of T2).Default.Compare(tX.Item2, tY.Item2) * multiplier
            Case 3
               Return Comparer(Of T3).Default.Compare(tX.Item3, tY.Item3) * multiplier
            Case 4
               Return Comparer(Of T4).Default.Compare(tX.Item4, tY.Item4) * multiplier
            Case 5
               Return Comparer(Of T5).Default.Compare(tX.Item5, tY.Item5) * multiplier
            Case 6
               Return Comparer(Of T6).Default.Compare(tX.Item6, tY.Item6) * multiplier
            Case 7
               Return Comparer(Of T7).Default.Compare(tX.Item7, tY.Item7) * multiplier
            Case 8
               Return Comparer(Of T8).Default.Compare(tX.Rest.Item1, tY.Rest.Item1) * multiplier
         End Select      
      End If
   End Function
End Class

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Create array of octuples with population data for three U.S. 
      ' cities, 1940-2000.
      Dim cities()  = _
          { Tuple.Create("Los Angeles", 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820),
            Tuple.Create("New York", 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278),  
            Tuple.Create("Chicago", 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016),  
            Tuple.Create("Detroit", 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270) }
      ' Display array in unsorted order.
      Console.WriteLine("In unsorted order:")
      For Each city In cities
      Array.Sort(cities, New PopulationComparer(Of String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)(2)) 
      ' Display array in sorted order.
      Console.WriteLine("Sorted by population in 1950:")
      For Each city In cities
      Array.Sort(cities, New PopulationComparer(Of String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)(8))
      ' Display array in sorted order.
      Console.WriteLine("Sorted by population in 2000:")
      For Each city In cities
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    In unsorted order:
'    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
'    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
'    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
'    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
'    Sorted by population in 1950:
'    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
'    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
'    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)
'    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
'    Sorted by population in 2000:
'    (New York, 7454995, 7891957, 7781984, 7894862, 7071639, 7322564, 8008278)
'    (Los Angeles, 1504277, 1970358, 2479015, 2816061, 2966850, 3485398, 3694820)
'    (Chicago, 3396808, 3620962, 3550904, 3366957, 3005072, 2783726, 2896016)
'    (Detroit, 1623452, 1849568, 1670144, 1511462, 1203339, 1027974, 951270)


這個成員是明確介面實作。 只有在 Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> 執行個體轉換成 IStructuralComparable 介面時,才能使用這個成員。

這個方法可讓您定義物件的自訂比較 Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> 。 例如,您可以使用這個方法來根據特定元件的值來排序 Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> 物件。

雖然可以直接呼叫這個方法,但最常由包含 IComparer 參數的集合排序方法來呼叫,以排序集合的成員。 例如,它會由 Array.Sort(Array, IComparer) 方法呼叫,以及 Add 使用 SortedList.SortedList(IComparer) 建構函式具現化之 SortedList 物件的 方法。


方法 IStructuralComparable.CompareTo 適用于排序作業。 當比較的主要用途是判斷兩個物件是否相等時,不應該使用它。 若要判斷兩個物件是否相等,請呼叫 IStructuralEquatable.Equals 方法。
