
PassportIdentity.GetIsAuthenticated 方法


表示使用者是否由 Passport 授權認證。 這個類別已被取代。


GetIsAuthenticated(Int32, Boolean, Boolean)

表示使用者是否由負責 Passport 驗證的中央網站來驗證。 這個類別已被取代。

GetIsAuthenticated(Int32, Int32, Int32)

表示使用者是否由 Passport 授權認證。 這個類別已被取代。


這個類別已被取代,不再受到支援。 Microsoft Passport 網路已由 Windows Live ID 取代。

GetIsAuthenticated(Int32, Boolean, Boolean)

表示使用者是否由負責 Passport 驗證的中央網站來驗證。 這個類別已被取代。

 bool GetIsAuthenticated(int iTimeWindow, bool bForceLogin, bool bCheckSecure);
public bool GetIsAuthenticated (int iTimeWindow, bool bForceLogin, bool bCheckSecure);
member this.GetIsAuthenticated : int * bool * bool -> bool
Public Function GetIsAuthenticated (iTimeWindow As Integer, bForceLogin As Boolean, bCheckSecure As Boolean) As Boolean



指定時間間隔,這個間隔是成員上一次必須登入到呼叫網域的間隔。 傳遞 –1,表示 Passport 應該使用預設值。


決定 iTimeWindow 參數如何使用。


啟用加密登入的檢查。 SSL 登入不是目前登入伺服器版本的可用選項,因此傳入的值會在伺服器端忽略。



如果使用者是由 Passport 授權驗證,則為 true,否則為 false


這個類別已被取代,不再受到支援。 Microsoft Passport 網路已由 Windows Live ID 取代。


GetIsAuthenticated(Int32, Int32, Int32)

表示使用者是否由 Passport 授權認證。 這個類別已被取代。

 bool GetIsAuthenticated(int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, int iCheckSecure);
public bool GetIsAuthenticated (int iTimeWindow, int iForceLogin, int iCheckSecure);
member this.GetIsAuthenticated : int * int * int -> bool
Public Function GetIsAuthenticated (iTimeWindow As Integer, iForceLogin As Integer, iCheckSecure As Integer) As Boolean



指定時間間隔,這個間隔是成員上一次必須登入到呼叫網域的間隔。 值 -1 表示 Passport 應該使用預設值,0 代表 false,1 代表 true


決定 iTimeWindow 參數如何使用。 值 -1 表示 Passport 應該使用預設值,0 代表 false,1 代表 true


啟用加密登入的檢查。 值 -1 表示 Passport 應該使用預設值,0 代表 false,1 代表 true

當 Passport 2.1 版登入伺服器的值為 10 或 100 時,會將 Passport Manager IsAuthenticated 方法的 SecureLevel 指定為 10 或 100。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Passport 2.1 版 SDK 文件。

SSL 登入不是 Passport 1.4 版登入伺服器的可用選項。 iCheckSecure 的值會在伺服器端忽略。



如果使用者是由負責 Passport 驗證的中央網站來驗證,則為 true,否則為 false


This example demonstrates implementing the soft sign-in authentication approach. 
In order for the example to work, the following requirements must be met. 
You can find details on these requirements in the Passport SDK documentation.

1. You must modify the Web.config file associated with this page so that 
authentication mode is set to "Passport".
2. You must have the Passport SDK installed.
3. You must have a Passport Site ID for the site where your page resides. 
If your Site ID is in the PREP environment, you will also need a PREP Passport.
4. You must have installed the encryption key you received after registering 
your site and receiving a site ID.
5. You must have the Passport Manager object settings correctly configured for 
your site.

This example demonstrates implementing the soft sign-in authentication approach. 
In order for the example to work, the following requirements must be met. 
You can find details on these requirements in the Passport SDK documentation.

1. You must modify the Web.config file associated with this page so that 
authentication mode is set to "Passport".
2. You must have the Passport SDK installed.
3. You must have a Passport Site ID for the site where your page resides. 
If your Site ID is in the PREP environment, you will also need a PREP Passport.
4. You must have installed the encryption key you received after registering your 
site and receiving a site ID.
5. You must have the Passport Manager object settings correctly configured for your site.

<!-- To view this code example in a fully-working sample, see the 
PassportIdentity Class topic. -->

<!-- To view this code example in a fully-working sample, see the 
PassportIdentity Class topic. -->

        PassportIdentity identity = (this.Context.User.Identity as PassportIdentity);    
        // Determine whether the user is already signed in with a valid
        // and current ticket. Passing -1 for the parameter values 
        // indicates the default values will be used.
        if (identity.GetIsAuthenticated(-1, -1, -1))
            this.Response.Write("Welcome to the site.<br /><br />");
            // Print the Passport sign in button on the screen.
            // Make sure the user has core profile information before
            // trying to access it.
            if (identity.HasProfile("core"))
                this.Response.Write("<b>You have been authenticated as " + 
                    "Passport identity:" + identity.Name + "</b></p>");

        // Determine whether the user has a ticket.
        else if (identity.HasTicket)
            // If the user has a ticket but wasn't authenticated, that 
            // means the ticket is stale, so the login needs to be refreshed.
            // Passing true as the fForceLogin parameter value indicates that 
            // silent refresh will be accepted.
            identity.LoginUser(null, -1, true, null, -1, null, -1, true, null);
        Dim identity As PassportIdentity = Me.Context.User.Identity
        ' Determine whether the user is already signed in with a valid
        ' and current ticket. Passing -1 for the parameter values 
        ' indicates the default values will be used.
        If (identity.GetIsAuthenticated(-1, -1, -1)) Then
            Me.Response.Write("Welcome to the site.<br /><br />")
            ' Print the Passport sign in button on the screen.
            ' Make sure the user has core profile information before
            ' trying to access it.
            If (identity.HasProfile("core")) Then
                Me.Response.Write("<b>You have been authenticated as " & _ 
                "Passport identity:" & identity.Name & "</b></p>")
            End If

        ' Determine whether the user has a ticket.
        ElseIf identity.HasTicket Then
            ' If the user has a ticket but wasn't authenticated, that 
            ' means the ticket is stale, so the login needs to be refreshed.
            ' Passing true as the fForceLogin parameter value indicates that 
            ' silent refresh will be accepted.
            identity.LoginUser(Nothing, -1, True, Nothing, -1, Nothing, _
                -1, True, Nothing)


這個類別已被取代,不再受到支援。 Microsoft Passport 網路已由 Windows Live ID 取代。
