TreeView.BeforeCollapse 事件



 event System::Windows::Forms::TreeViewCancelEventHandler ^ BeforeCollapse;
public event System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventHandler BeforeCollapse;
public event System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventHandler? BeforeCollapse;
member this.BeforeCollapse : System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventHandler 
Public Custom Event BeforeCollapse As TreeViewCancelEventHandler 



下列程式碼範例示範如何變更 的 TreeView 折迭狀態,讓所有核取的節點都可見。 首先,所有節點都會展開,並新增 BeforeCollapse 事件的處理常式。 接下來,所有節點都會折迭。 BeforeCollapse事件處理常式會判斷指定的節點是否有已檢查的子節點。 如果節點已核取子系,則會取消該節點的折迭。 若要在按一下節點旁的減號時允許標準節點折迭, BeforeCollapse 則會移除事件處理常式。

此行為也可以藉由處理 BeforeExpand 事件來實作,如該主題的範例所示。

如需完整範例,請參閱建 TreeView 構函式參考主題。

   void showCheckedNodesButton_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Disable redrawing of treeView1 to prevent flickering 
      // while changes are made.
      // Collapse all nodes of treeView1.
      // Add the checkForCheckedChildren event handler to the BeforeExpand event.
      treeView1->BeforeCollapse += checkForCheckedChildren;
      // Expand all nodes of treeView1. Nodes without checked children are 
      // prevented from expanding by the checkForCheckedChildren event handler.
      // Remove the checkForCheckedChildren event handler from the BeforeExpand 
      // event so manual node expansion will work correctly.
      treeView1->BeforeCollapse -= checkForCheckedChildren;
      // Enable redrawing of treeView1.

   // Prevent collapse of a node that has checked child nodes.
   void CheckForCheckedChildrenHandler( Object^ /*sender*/, TreeViewCancelEventArgs^ e )
      if ( HasCheckedChildNodes( e->Node ) )
            e->Cancel = true;

   // Returns a value indicating whether the specified 
   // TreeNode has checked child nodes.
   bool HasCheckedChildNodes( TreeNode^ node )
      if ( node->Nodes->Count == 0 )
            return false;

      System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = node->Nodes->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         TreeNode^ childNode = safe_cast<TreeNode^>(myEnum->Current);
         if ( childNode->Checked )
                  return true;

         // Recursively check the children of the current child node.
         if ( HasCheckedChildNodes( childNode ) )
                  return true;

      return false;
private void showCheckedNodesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Disable redrawing of treeView1 to prevent flickering 
    // while changes are made.

    // Collapse all nodes of treeView1.

    // Add the checkForCheckedChildren event handler to the BeforeExpand event.
    treeView1.BeforeCollapse += checkForCheckedChildren;

    // Expand all nodes of treeView1. Nodes without checked children are 
    // prevented from expanding by the checkForCheckedChildren event handler.

    // Remove the checkForCheckedChildren event handler from the BeforeExpand 
    // event so manual node expansion will work correctly.
    treeView1.BeforeCollapse -= checkForCheckedChildren;

    // Enable redrawing of treeView1.

// Prevent collapse of a node that has checked child nodes.
private void CheckForCheckedChildrenHandler(object sender, 
    TreeViewCancelEventArgs e)
    if (HasCheckedChildNodes(e.Node)) e.Cancel = true;

// Returns a value indicating whether the specified 
// TreeNode has checked child nodes.
private bool HasCheckedChildNodes(TreeNode node)
    if (node.Nodes.Count == 0) return false;
    foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes)
        if (childNode.Checked) return true;
        // Recursively check the children of the current child node.
        if (HasCheckedChildNodes(childNode)) return true;
    return false;
Private Sub showCheckedNodesButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    ' Disable redrawing of treeView1 to prevent flickering 
    ' while changes are made.

    ' Collapse all nodes of treeView1.

    ' Add the CheckForCheckedChildren event handler to the BeforeExpand event.
    AddHandler treeView1.BeforeCollapse, AddressOf CheckForCheckedChildren

    ' Expand all nodes of treeView1. Nodes without checked children are 
    ' prevented from expanding by the checkForCheckedChildren event handler.

    ' Remove the checkForCheckedChildren event handler from the BeforeExpand 
    ' event so manual node expansion will work correctly.
    RemoveHandler treeView1.BeforeCollapse, AddressOf CheckForCheckedChildren
    ' Enable redrawing of treeView1.
End Sub

' Prevent collapse of a node that has checked child nodes.
Private Sub CheckForCheckedChildren(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TreeViewCancelEventArgs)
    If HasCheckedChildNodes(e.Node) Then
        e.Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

' Returns a value indicating whether the specified 
' TreeNode has checked child nodes.
Private Function HasCheckedChildNodes(ByVal node As TreeNode) As Boolean
    If node.Nodes.Count = 0 Then
        Return False
    End If
    Dim childNode As TreeNode
    For Each childNode In node.Nodes
        If childNode.Checked Then
            Return True
        End If
        ' Recursively check the children of the current child node.
        If HasCheckedChildNodes(childNode) Then
            Return True
        End If
    Next childNode
    Return False
End Function 'HasCheckedChildNodes


如需如何處理事件的詳細資訊,請參閱 處理和引發事件

