View 列舉


指定如何在 ListView 控制項中顯示清單項目。

public enum class View
public enum View
type View = 
Public Enum View


Details 1

每個項目會出現在單獨的一行上,且包含每個項目排列於欄位中的詳細資訊。 最左方的欄包含小圖示和標籤 (Label),且後續的欄包含由應用程式所指定的子項目。 欄位會顯示可顯示欄位標題的標頭。 使用者可以在執行階段調整每個欄的大小。

LargeIcon 0


List 3

每一個項目顯示成右方附有標籤的小圖示。 項目以不具有欄位標頭的方式排列於欄中。

SmallIcon 2


Tile 4

每個項目都會顯示為大小完整的圖示,而且會在其右邊出現項目標籤和子項目資訊。 出現的子項目資訊是由應用程式來指定。 這個檢視只適用於 Windows XP 和 Windows Server 2003 系列。 在舊版作業系統上,會略過這個值,且 ListView 控制項會顯示在 LargeIcon 檢視中。


下列程式碼範例示範如何將 ListView.View 屬性設定為其中 View 一個列舉值。 若要執行此範例,請將下列程式碼貼到表單中,並在表單的建構函式或 Load 方法中呼叫 InitializeListView 方法。

   // Declare the Listview object.
   System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ myListView;


   // Initialize the ListView object with subitems of a different
   // style than the default styles for the ListView.
   void InitializeListView()
      // Set the Location, View and Width properties for the 
      // ListView object. 
      myListView = gcnew ListView;
      myListView->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 20, 20 );
      myListView->Width = 250;
      // The View property must be set to Details for the 
      // subitems to be visible.
      myListView->View = View::Details;
      // Each SubItem object requires a column, so add three columns.
      this->myListView->Columns->Add( "Key", 50, HorizontalAlignment::Left );
      this->myListView->Columns->Add( "A", 100, HorizontalAlignment::Left );
      this->myListView->Columns->Add( "B", 100, HorizontalAlignment::Left );
      // Add a ListItem object to the ListView.
      ListViewItem^ entryListItem = myListView->Items->Add( "Items" );
      // Set UseItemStyleForSubItems property to false to change 
      // look of subitems.
      entryListItem->UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
      // Add the expense subitem.
      ListViewItem::ListViewSubItem ^ expenseItem = entryListItem->SubItems->Add( "Expense" );
      // Change the expenseItem object's color and font.
      expenseItem->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
      expenseItem->Font = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10,System::Drawing::FontStyle::Italic );
      // Add a subitem called revenueItem 
      ListViewItem::ListViewSubItem ^ revenueItem = entryListItem->SubItems->Add( "Revenue" );
      // Change the revenueItem object's color and font.
      revenueItem->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Blue;
      revenueItem->Font = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Times New Roman",10,System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold );
      // Add the ListView to the form.
      this->Controls->Add( this->myListView );

// Declare the Listview object.
internal System.Windows.Forms.ListView myListView;

// Initialize the ListView object with subitems of a different
// style than the default styles for the ListView.
private void InitializeListView()

    // Set the Location, View and Width properties for the 
    // ListView object. 
    myListView = new ListView();
    myListView.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 20);
    myListView.Width = 250;

    // The View property must be set to Details for the 
    // subitems to be visible.
    myListView.View = View.Details;
    // Each SubItem object requires a column, so add three columns.
    this.myListView.Columns.Add("Key", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
    this.myListView.Columns.Add("A", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
    this.myListView.Columns.Add("B", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

    // Add a ListItem object to the ListView.
    ListViewItem entryListItem = myListView.Items.Add("Items");

    // Set UseItemStyleForSubItems property to false to change 
    // look of subitems.
    entryListItem.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;

    // Add the expense subitem.
    ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem expenseItem = 

    // Change the expenseItem object's color and font.
    expenseItem.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
    expenseItem.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(
        "Arial", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic);

    // Add a subitem called revenueItem 
    ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem revenueItem = 

    // Change the revenueItem object's color and font.
    revenueItem.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
    revenueItem.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(
        "Times New Roman", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);

    // Add the ListView to the form.

' Declare the Listview object.
Friend WithEvents myListView As System.Windows.Forms.ListView

' Initialize the ListView object with subitems of a different
' style than the default styles for the ListView.
Private Sub InitializeListView()

    ' Set the Location, View and Width properties for the 
    ' ListView object. 
    myListView = New ListView
    With (myListView)
        .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 20)

        ' The View property must be set to Details for the 
        ' subitems to be visible.
        .View = View.Details
        .Width = 250
    End With

    ' Each SubItem object requires a column, so add three columns.
    Me.myListView.Columns.Add("Key", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    Me.myListView.Columns.Add("A", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
    Me.myListView.Columns.Add("B", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

    ' Add a ListItem object to the ListView.
    Dim entryListItem As ListViewItem = myListView.Items.Add("Items")

    ' Set UseItemStyleForSubItems property to false to change 
    ' look of subitems.
    entryListItem.UseItemStyleForSubItems = False

    ' Add the expense subitem.
    Dim expenseItem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem = _

    ' Change the expenseItem object's color and font.
    expenseItem.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
    expenseItem.Font = New System.Drawing.Font _
        ("Arial", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic)

    ' Add a subitem called revenueItem 
    Dim revenueItem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem = _

    ' Change the revenueItem object's color and font.
    revenueItem.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
    revenueItem.Font = New System.Drawing.Font _
        ("Times New Roman", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold)

    ' Add the ListView to the form.
End Sub


使用這個列舉的成員來設定 View 控制項的 ListView 屬性值。

