
如何:將捷徑功能表附加至 TreeView 節點

Windows Forms TreeView 控制項會顯示節點階層,類似于 Windows 檔案總管左窗格中顯示的檔案和資料夾。 藉由設定 ContextMenuStrip 屬性,您可以在使用者以滑鼠右鍵按一下 TreeView 控制項時,提供內容相關作業給使用者。 藉由將元件與個別 TreeNode 專案產生關聯 ContextMenuStrip ,您可以將自訂的快捷方式功能表功能層級新增至控制項 TreeView

以程式設計方式建立快捷方式功能表與 TreeNode 的關聯

  1. 使用適當的屬性設定具現化 TreeView 控制項、建立根 TreeNode ,然後新增子節點。

  2. 具現化 ContextMenuStrip 元件,然後針對您想要在執行時間提供的每個作業新增 ToolStripMenuItem

  3. ContextMenuStrip將適當的 TreeNode 屬性設定為您建立的快捷方式功能表。

  4. 設定此屬性時,當您以滑鼠右鍵按一下節點時,就會顯示快捷方式功能表。

下列程式碼範例會建立基本 TreeViewContextMenuStrip 與 的根 TreeNodeTreeView 目錄相關聯。 您必須將功能表選項自訂為您正在開發的 TreeView 功能表選項。 此外,您會想要撰寫程式碼來處理 Click 這些功能表項目的事件。

    // Declare the TreeView and ContextMenuStrip
    TreeView^ menuTreeView;
    System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ docMenu;

    void InitializeMenuTreeView()
        // Create the TreeView.
        menuTreeView = gcnew TreeView();
        menuTreeView->Size = System::Drawing::Size(200, 200);

        // Create the root node.
        TreeNode^ docNode = gcnew TreeNode("Documents");

        // Add some additional nodes.

        // Add the root nodes to the TreeView.

        // Create the ContextMenuStrip.
        docMenu = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip();

        //Create some menu items.
        ToolStripMenuItem^ openLabel = gcnew ToolStripMenuItem();
        openLabel->Text = "Open";
        ToolStripMenuItem^ deleteLabel = gcnew ToolStripMenuItem();
        deleteLabel->Text = "Delete";
        ToolStripMenuItem^ renameLabel = gcnew ToolStripMenuItem();
        renameLabel->Text = "Rename";

        //Add the menu items to the menu.
        docMenu->Items->AddRange(gcnew array<ToolStripMenuItem^>{openLabel,
            deleteLabel, renameLabel});

        // Set the ContextMenuStrip property to the ContextMenuStrip.
        docNode->ContextMenuStrip = docMenu;

        // Add the TreeView to the form.
// Declare the TreeView and ContextMenuStrip
private TreeView menuTreeView;
private ContextMenuStrip docMenu;

public void InitializeMenuTreeView()
    // Create the TreeView.
    menuTreeView = new TreeView();
    menuTreeView.Size = new Size(200, 200);

    // Create the root node.
    TreeNode docNode = new TreeNode("Documents");

    // Add some additional nodes.

    // Add the root nodes to the TreeView.

    // Create the ContextMenuStrip.
    docMenu = new ContextMenuStrip();

    //Create some menu items.
    ToolStripMenuItem openLabel = new ToolStripMenuItem();
    openLabel.Text = "Open";
    ToolStripMenuItem deleteLabel = new ToolStripMenuItem();
    deleteLabel.Text = "Delete";
    ToolStripMenuItem renameLabel = new ToolStripMenuItem();
    renameLabel.Text = "Rename";

    //Add the menu items to the menu.
    docMenu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripMenuItem[]{openLabel,
        deleteLabel, renameLabel});

    // Set the ContextMenuStrip property to the ContextMenuStrip.
    docNode.ContextMenuStrip = docMenu;

    // Add the TreeView to the form.

' Declare the TreeView and ContextMenuStrip
Private menuTreeView As TreeView
Private docMenu As ContextMenuStrip

Public Sub InitializeMenuTreeView() 

    ' Create the TreeView.
    menuTreeView = New TreeView()
    menuTreeView.Size = New Size(200, 200)
    ' Create the root node.
    Dim docNode As New TreeNode("Documents")
    ' Add some additional nodes.
    ' Add the root nodes to the TreeView.
    ' Create the ContextMenuStrip.
    docMenu = New ContextMenuStrip()
    'Create some menu items.
    Dim openLabel As New ToolStripMenuItem()
    openLabel.Text = "Open"
    Dim deleteLabel As New ToolStripMenuItem()
    deleteLabel.Text = "Delete"
    Dim renameLabel As New ToolStripMenuItem()
    renameLabel.Text = "Rename"
    'Add the menu items to the menu.
    docMenu.Items.AddRange(New ToolStripMenuItem() _
        {openLabel, deleteLabel, renameLabel})
    ' Set the ContextMenuStrip property to the ContextMenuStrip.
    docNode.ContextMenuStrip = docMenu
    ' Add the TreeView to the form.

End Sub
