

本教學課程示範如何使用 Dynamics 365 管道整合架構 API 在來電時搜尋並開啟 Dynamics 365 中的記錄。


  • 客戶的連絡號碼與 Dynamics 365 中的一筆記錄相符。 此記錄是使用 searchAndOpenRecords API 所擷取。

  • 客戶的連絡號碼與 Dynamics 365 中多個相同實體類型的記錄相符。 這些記錄是使用 searchAndOpenRecords API 所擷取。

  • 客戶的連絡號碼與 Dynamics 365 中多個實體類型的多個記錄相符。 在客戶實體和連絡人實體記錄中搜尋來電的連絡號碼,然後將搜尋結果顯示在主控台上。

  • 客戶的連絡號碼與 Dynamics 365 中的任何記錄都不相符,因此我們搜尋並開啟空白結果,然後使用 createRecord API,為客戶建立新記錄。


  • Visual Studio 2017.
  • 需要有效的 Microsoft Azure 訂閱,才能將範例應用程式發佈至 Azure。


本教學課程是開始建置簡單通訊 widget 的延續。 如果您尚未建立可在 Dynamics 365 管道整合架構中裝載的簡單 Hello World! widget,我們建議您先閱讀該內容。

建置 widget

  1. 在 Visual Studio 2017 中開啟您使用開始建置簡單通訊 widget 中所述步驟建立的基本 widget。

  2. 開啟 Index.cshtml 檔案,並將檔案中的程式碼取代為以下提供的程式碼。

    從方案總管開啟 Index.cshtml 檔案。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    .button {
        background-color: #4FAFCD;
        border: none;
        color: white;
        padding: 15px 32px;
        text-align: center;
        text-decoration: none;
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 16px;
        margin: 4px 2px;
        cursor: pointer;
        height: 55px;
        width: 200px;
        font-size: 12px;

    <br /><br />
    <!--Replace <ORG-URL> in the script tag below with the URL of your Dynamics 365 instance -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<ORG-URL>/webresources/Widget/msdyn_ciLibrary.js" data-crmurl="<ORG-URL>" data-cifid="CIFMainLibrary">

        function singlematch() {
            // The customer phone number matches one contact in Dynamics 365
            var contactno = "555-5555"; // The contact number to be searched
            var entityname = "account"; // Entity type whose records are to be searched

            Microsoft.CIFramework.searchAndOpenRecords(entityname, "?$select=name,telephone1&$filter=telephone1 eq '" + `${contactno}` + "'" + "&$search=" + `${contactno}`, false).then(
                function success(result) {
                    res = JSON.parse(result);
                    // Display the name and telephone number of the retrieved contact on the console
                    console.log(`Record values: Name: ${res[0].name}, Telephone number: ${res[0].telephone1}`);
                function (error) {

        function multiplematchsingletype() {
            // More than one contacts are matched with same phone number
            // Search and show search results on console
            var contactno = "555-5555"; // The contact number to be searched
            var entityname = "account"; // Entity type whose records are to be searched

            Microsoft.CIFramework.searchAndOpenRecords(entityname, "?$select=name,telephone1&$filter=telephone1 eq '" + `${contactno}` + "'" + "&$search=" + `${contactno}`, false).then(
                function success(result) {
                    res = JSON.parse(result);
                    count = Object.keys(res).length;
                    // Print all the retrieved records on the console
                    while (count >= 1) {
                        console.log(`Record values: Name: ${res[count - 1].name}, Telephone number: ${res[count - 1].telephone1}`);
                        count = count - 1;
                function (error) {

        function multiplematchmultipletype() {
            // More than one records are matched with the same phone number. These records belong to different entity types
            // Search and show search results on console
            var contactno = "555-5555"; // The contact number to be searched

            // Set the value of searchOnly parameter to True if you only want to get results of the search as a promise result and not open the record or search page. More information: https://learn.microsoft.com/dynamics365/customer-engagement/developer/channel-integration-framework/reference/microsoft-ciframework/searchandopenrecords#parameters.
            Microsoft.CIFramework.searchAndOpenRecords("contact", "?$select=fullname,telephone1&$filter=telephone1 eq '" + `${contactno}` + "'"  + "&$search=" + `${contactno}`, true).then(
                function success(result) {
                    res = JSON.parse(result);
                    count = Object.keys(res).length;
                    // Print all the retrieved records on the console
                    while (count >= 1)
                        console.log(`Contact entity record values: Name: ${res[count - 1].fullname}, Telephone number: ${res[count-1].telephone1}`);
                        count = count - 1;
                }, function (error) {

            Microsoft.CIFramework.searchAndOpenRecords("account", "?$select=name,telephone1&$filter=telephone1 eq '" + `${contactno}` + "'"  + "&$search=" + `${contactno}`, true).then(
                function success(result) {
                    res = JSON.parse(result);
                    count = Object.keys(res).length;
                    // Print all the retrieved records on the console
                    while (count >= 1)
                        console.log(`Contact entity record values: Name: ${res[count - 1].name}, Telephone number: ${res[count - 1].telephone1}`);
                        count = count - 1;
                }, function (error) {

        function nomatch() {
            // Search and show empty search results
            // Create new contact based on the details of the incoming call
            // Associate new contact to session
            var contactno = "000040000025"; // The contact number to be searched
            var callername = "Contoso Ltd."; 

            Microsoft.CIFramework.searchAndOpenRecords("account", "?$select=name,telephone1&$filter=telephone1 eq '" + `${contactno}` + "'"  + "&$search=" + `${contactno}`, false).then(
                function success(result) {
                    res = JSON.parse(result);
                    // Check if the JSON response returned by the request is empty
                    if (Object.keys(res).length == 0) {
                        console.log("No records with contact number as " + contactno);
                        console.log("Creating a new Account record");

                        // Creating new Account record
                        var entityLogicalName = "account";
                        var data = {
                            "name": callername,
                            "telephone1": contactno
                        var jsondata = JSON.stringify(data);

                        // use createRecord API to create a new entity record
                        Microsoft.CIFramework.createRecord(entityLogicalName, jsondata).then(
                            function success(result) {
                                res = JSON.parse(result);
                                // Print the AccountID of the created Account record on the console
                                console.log("Account record created with ID: " + res.id);
                    else {
                        console.log(`Record values: Name: ${res[0].name}, Telephone number: ${res[0].telephone1}`);
                function (error) {

    <button class="button" type="button" onclick="singlematch()">One matching record</button><br /><br />
    <!-- singlematch() method is invoked when you click on "One matching record" button. This returns the record which has the same phone number as the number of the incoming call -->
    <button class="button" type="button" onclick="multiplematchsingletype()">More than one matching records of same type</button><br /><br />
    <!-- multiplematchsingletype() method is invoked when you click on "More than one matching records of same type" button. This returns the all records of one particular entity type, which have the same phone number as the number of the incoming call -->
    <button class="button" type="button" onclick="multiplematchmultipletype()">More than one matching records of different types</button><br /><br />
    <!-- multiplematchmultipletype() method is invoked when you click on "More than one matching records of different types" button. This returns the all records of mutliple entity types, which have the same phone number as the number of the incoming call -->
    <button class="button" type="button" onclick="nomatch()">No match</button><br /><br />
    <!-- nomatch() method is invoked when you click on "No match" button. If there is no existing record with the same phone number as the number of the incoming call, it uses the details of the incoming call to create a new record -->


發佈並設定 widget

依照發佈並設定 widget 中所述的步驟發佈 widget。 發佈後的 widget 看起來應該像這樣:

整合介面應用程式中發佈的範例 widget。


建置簡單的通訊 widget