
Improve process efficiency using sequence insights


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Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - - Jul 7, 2023

Business value

Sequences help sales managers enforce best practices by providing a series of steps sellers can follow for successful customer engagements. With Sequence analytics, a manager can monitor a sequence's overall progress and effectiveness. They can identify steps that are taking more time or sequence paths that are not working as expected and use these insights to optimize sequence.

Feature details

This capability will enable sales engagement managers to identify the inefficiencies within a sequence to refine for greater impact. This capability helps SEMs:

  • Monitor the inflow and outflow of every step to identify ways to improve the steps for better sales outcomes and sequence performance.
  • Drill down details to help identify changes to drive efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Identify deviations from the process to find areas to focus on.

Analytics for sequence steps

See also

Improve sequence efficiency with insights (docs)