

delegatedAdminRelationship resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a delegated admin relationship between a partner and customer.


Method Return type Description
Create delegatedAdminRelationship Create a new delegatedAdminRelationship object.
List delegatedAdminRelationship collection Get a list of the delegatedAdminRelationship objects and their properties.
Get delegatedAdminRelationship Read the properties and relationships of a delegatedAdminRelationship object.
Update delegatedAdminRelationship Update the properties of a delegatedAdminRelationship object.
Delete None Delete a delegatedAdminRelationship object.


Property Type Description
accessDetails delegatedAdminAccessDetails The access details that contain the identifiers of the administrative roles that the partner admin is requesting in the customer tenant.
activatedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time in ISO 8601 format and in UTC time when the relationship became active. Read-only.
autoExtendDuration Duration The duration by which the validity of the relationship is automatically extended, denoted in ISO 8601 format. Supported values are: P0D, PT0S, P180D. The default value is PT0S. PT0S indicates that the relationship expires when the endDateTime is reached and it isn't automatically extended.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time in ISO 8601 format and in UTC time when the relationship was created. Read-only.
customer delegatedAdminRelationshipCustomerParticipant The display name and unique identifier of the customer of the relationship. This is configured either by the partner at the time the relationship is created or by the system after the customer approves the relationship. Can't be changed by the customer.
displayName String The display name of the relationship used for ease of identification. Must be unique across all delegated admin relationships of the partner. This is set by the partner only when the relationship is in the created status and can't be changed by the customer. Maximum length is 50 characters.
duration Duration The duration of the relationship in ISO 8601 format. Must be a value between P1D and P2Y inclusive. This is set by the partner only when the relationship is in the created status and can't be changed by the customer.
endDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time in ISO 8601 format and in UTC time when the status of relationship changes to either terminated or expired. Calculated as endDateTime = activatedDateTime + duration. Read-only.
id String The unique identifier of the relationship. Read-only. Inherited from entity.
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time in ISO 8601 format and in UTC time when the relationship was last modified. Read-only.
status delegatedAdminRelationshipStatus The status of the relationship. Read Only. The possible values are: activating, active, approvalPending, approved, created, expired, expiring, terminated, terminating, terminationRequested, unknownFutureValue. Supports $orderby.

delegatedAdminRelationshipStatus values

Member Description
created The partner has created a new relationship. In this state, the relationship can be modified.
approvalPending The partner has finalized the relationship through the lockForApproval action of a delegatedAdminRelationshipRequest object.
approved The customer has approved the relationship through the approve action of a delegatedAdminRelationshipRequest object.
activating The system starts provisioning of the relationship.
active The system completes the provisioning of the relationship.
expiring The relationship has passed its expiration date.
expired The system completes the deprovisioning of the relationship.
terminationRequested The partner or customer has requested termination of the relationship through the terminate action of a delegatedAdminRelationshipRequest object.
terminating The system starts deprovisioning the relationship.
terminated The system has completed deprovisioning the relationship.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.


Relationship Type Description
accessAssignments delegatedAdminAccessAssignment collection The access assignments associated with the delegated admin relationship.
operations delegatedAdminRelationshipOperation collection The long running operations associated with the delegated admin relationship.
requests delegatedAdminRelationshipRequest collection The requests associated with the delegated admin relationship.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.delegatedAdminRelationship",
  "accessDetails": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.delegatedAdminAccessDetails"},
  "activatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "autoExtendDuration": "String (duration)",
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "customer": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.delegatedAdminRelationshipCustomerParticipant"},
  "displayName": "String",
  "duration": "String (duration)",
  "endDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "status": "String"